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The autopsy is begun at 8:45 A.M. on August 6, 2017. The body is presented in a black body bag
the victim is wearing a white shirt and black slacks pants.

The body is that of a normally developed Asian female measuring 5'3" and weighing 130 pounds, and
appearing generally consistent with the stated age of thirty- five years. The body is cold and un-
embalmed. Lividity is fixed in the distal portions of the limbs. The eyes are open. The irises are brown
and corneas are cloudy. Petechial hemorrhaging is present in the conjuctival surfaces of the eyes. The
pupils measure 0.3 cm. the hair is black, straight, layered and approximately 2 inches in length at the
longest point.

The gunshot wound is located on the right chest, neck, and head measured each of them by %
Inch in diameter. The lower and upper extremities are equal and symmetrical and present cyanotic nail
beds without clubbing or edema there are no fractures, deformities or amputations present the external
genetalia present descended and an unremarkable vagina. The back reveals dependent lividity with
contact pallor.


Penetrating Gunshot Wound of the Chest:

The entrance wound is located on the left chest 17 inches below the top of the head, 1 inch to the left
soot, ring abrasion, and 2x2 inch are stippling. Another entrance wound in the head, located at upper
right side of the head, 2 inch in length beyond the right ear, % in diameter round, this wound is
consistent with a wound of entrance of intermediate range.

Further examination demonstrate that the wound track passes directly from front to back and enters
pleural cavity with perforations of the right anterior fifth intercostal space, pericardial sac, right ventricle
of the hearth, and the right lower lobe of the lung, With an exit wound that 2 inches in diameter. An
entrance wound at the head that breaches cranium and having perforating wound of 1 inch in diameter.

The fragment of projectile are recovered. The lead core is recovered in the pericardial sac behind the
right intercostal space, right ventricle and other fragment recovered in the right pleural cavity behind the
right lobe of the lung.

The injuries associated with the wound: the entrance wound; the entrance wound; perforations of the
anterior fifth intercostal space, pericardial sac, right ventricle of the heart, lower lobe of the lung with
approximately 1300 milliliters of blood in the right pleural cavity and 1000 in the pleural cavity the
collapse of both lungs.


Subsequent autopsy shows a broken cranium hemorrhaging from the entrance wound. The brain weighs
1303 grams and within normal limits.


The neck present an intact hyoid bone as well as the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. The larynx has
unremarkable vocal cords and folds that appear widely patent without foreign material. The epiglottis is
a characteristic plate-like structure without edema, trauma or pathological lesions. Both the musculature
and the vasculature of the anterior neck are unremarkable the trachea and spine are in the midline, and
present no traumatic injuries or pathological lesions. The tongue is unremarkable.


The heart weighs 200 grams and there is no chamber hypertrophy or dilatation. The left ventricular wall
is 1.1 centimeters and the right is 0.2 centimeters. The cardiac valves appear unremarkable. The
coronary ostia are the normal anatomical location leading into widely patent coronary arteries. Right
dominant circulation is present. The endocardial surface is smooth without thrombi of inflammation.
Sectioning of the myocardium present no gross evidence of ischemic changes either of recent or remote
origin. The aortic arch, along with the great vessel, appears grossly unremarkable.


The lung are collapsed and together weigh 410 grams. There are no gross pneumonic lesions or
abnormal masses identified. The tracheobronchial tree and pulmonary arterial system are intact and
grossly unremarkable. The pleural surfaces are pink and smooth with focal mild anthracosis.


The liver weighs 100 grams and present a brown, smooth, glistening surface. Focal patchy yellow
discoloration, due to mild fatty metamorphosis is present. On sectioning, the hepatic parenchyma is
yellow-brown, homogenous is congested. The unremarkable galibladder contains approximately 8
milliliters of greenish bile. There is no cholocystitis or lithiasis. The biliary tree is patent. The pancreas
present a lobulated yellow cut surface without acute or chronic pancreatitis.


The spleen weighs 100 grams and present a gray-pink intact capsule and dark red parenchyma.There is
no lymphadenopathy. The thymus gland is involuted.


The esophagus is intact with normal gastroesophageal junctions and without erosions or varices.
Thestomach is also normal without gastritis or ulcers, and contains 300 milliliters of gastric fluid with
food particles. Loops of small and large bowel appear grossly unremarkable. The appendix is


The kidneys weigh 100 grams and 110 grams right and left respectively. On sectioning,the cortex present
a normal thickness above medulla. The renal columns of bertin extend between the well- demarcated
pyramids and appear unremarkable. The medulla present normal renal pyramids with unremarkable
papillae. The pelvis is of normal size and is lined by gray glistening mucosa. There is no calculi. The renal
arteries and veins are normal. The ureters are of the normal caliber lying in theircourse within the
retroperitoneum and drain into unremarkable urinary bladder containing approximately 75 milliliters of

The external genitalia present an unremarkable vagina without hypospadias, epispadia or phimosis are
no infectious lesions or tumors noted.


The thyroid gland is of normal size and shape an present two well defined lobes with a connecting
isthmus and a beefy-brown cut surface. There are no goitrous changes or adenomas present. The
vadrenal glands are of normal size and shape. Sectioning present no gross pathological lesions.


The ribs have fracture in upper right part. The clavicles,pelvis and vertebral column have no recent
fractures. The muscles are normally formed.


The scalp is intact with entry wound of bullet damaging the cranium, the calvarium is likewise intact with
perforating hole and cracks. The brain collapsed and weighs together 1300 grams, the cerebral
hemispheres reveals lot of damage. The brain stem and cerebrum are consist also of brain traumas.
Upon coronal sectioning of the brain, the ventricular system is symmetrical and contains blood in
cerebrospinal fluid. There are lesions present. The spinal cord was not examined.

MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: One slide examined on March 29.2018

HEART: no diagnostic abnormality

LUNGS: The partial collapse of tissue

LIVER: no diagnostic abnormality


The sample of right pleural blood is submitted for the Toxicologic analysis,


Urine screen was negative

Ethanol: Ogm/di, blood

Ethanol: Ogm/dl, vitreous


1. One white Short sleeve tee shirt, size medium

2. One pair navy black slack pants, size medium

3. Sample of blood type B-, bile, and tissue of heart, lungs, brain, kidney, liver, sple

4. Gunshot wounds located at chest location in the body.

5. Autopsy photograph.

6. One post mortem CT scan

7. One post mortem MRI.

End of Report


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