Adobe Captivate Thursday, May 09, 2019: Notes

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Adobe Captivate Thursday, May 09, 2019

Slide 3 - Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud

Slide notes
Hello, my name is Kim. Welcome to training for Oracle HCM Cloud Enhancements for the United States
In this session we talk about several enhancements that are being delivered in release 19A.


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Adobe Captivate Thursday, May 09, 2019

Slide 4 - Agenda

Slide notes
For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value
they bring.
Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

Slide notes
The enhancements covered in this training are support for:
403 (b) and 457 plans
Run US Tax Balance Adjustment process enhancement
Restricting tax reporting units (TRUs) by person type
CA Voluntary Plan for Disability Insurance (VPDI) plan
Overtime calculation support for common paymasters
Midday period overtime support for time cards and absences


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Slide 6 - 403 (b) and 457 Plans

Slide notes
To support 403 (b) and 457 plans, new secondary classifications have been predefined:
Predefined element secondary classifications and the corresponding taxability rules for pretax deductions are:
Deferred Compensation 403b
Deferred Compensation 403b Catch-Up
Deferred Compensation 457
Deferred Compensation 457 Catch-Up
Predefined element secondary classifications for voluntary deductions are (no taxability rules needed):
Deferred Compensation 403b Roth
Deferred Compensation 403b Roth Catch-Up
Pension Plan After-Tax 403b
Deferred Compensation 457 Roth
Deferred Compensation 457 Roth Catch-Up
Pension Plan After-Tax 457


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Slide 7 - 403 (b) and 457 Element Template

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Elements have to be created for each pretax deduction and voluntary deduction – Roth and After Tax.
The appropriate elements, element input values, calculation value definition, formulas and balances will be created based on the responses given to the
questions in the element template.


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Slide 8 - 403 (b) and 457: Benefits and Pensions Card

Slide notes
Once elements have been created, a Benefits and Pensions card for 403 (b) or 457 can be created for an employee.
Overrides are available for each plan using the enterable calculation values. For example you can choose flat amount or percentage. You can select
employer match contributions.
For 403 (b), an override “Adjusted Deferred Compensation Limit” is available if you want to use the 15 years of service rules.
For 457, an override for special catch up limit (3 years before retirement) is available.


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Slide 9 - 403 (b) and 457 Plans

Slide notes
The business value this feature brings for support of 403 (b) and 457 plans is:
Support of retirement plans for certain employees of public schools or employees of certain tax-exempt organizations.
Support of non-qualified, tax-advantaged deferred compensation retirement plans.


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Slide 10 - Run US Tax Balance Adjustment Process Enhancement

Slide notes
For the ‘Run US Tax Balance Adjustment’ process enhancement, additional parameters have been added:
Balance Adjustment Level. This parameter includes Federal, Local, PA Local and State options.
State. This parameter is for use when you select a state, local or PA local balance adjustment level.
Mode. This parameter has been added for selecting and executing user-defined tax balance adjustment formulas.
Multiple Batch By Date. This parameter allows you to create separate batches based on effective dates.


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Slide 11 - Run US Tax Balance Adjustment Process Enhancement

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The business value this feature brings is to provide the ability for users to create and execute user-defined formulas for tax balance adjustments.
The process will create a balance adjustment batch. You have the ability to review the information for accuracy before transferring and processing the
Example balance adjustment formulas have been provided in Customer Connect and My Oracle Support, Doc ID: 2470020.1 .


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Slide 12 - Restricting TRUs by Person Type

Slide notes
For the Restricting TRUs by Person Type feature:
At the TRU level, there is a new Person Type for Payroll Process field.
This field designates if the TRU is for employees or retirees.
- When performing the action “Hire an Employee”, TRUs designated with an “Employee” person type are available for selection.
- When performing the action “Add a Nonworker” (nonworker type = Retiree), TRUs designated with a “Retiree” person type are available for selection.


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Slide 13 - Restricting TRUs by Person Type

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The business value this feature brings is to facilitate the assignment of the correct people to the correct TRUs.


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Slide 14 - California VPDI Plan

Slide notes
The California VPDI feature allows you to provide a voluntary disability plan to your California employees if you are not already using the state disability
Plans can be configured at the payroll statutory unit (PSU) or tax reporting unit (TRU) levels.
An override is available for employees who opt out of the VPDI plan.


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Slide 15 - California VPDI Plan

Slide notes
The business value this feature brings is to provide you the ability to include California Voluntary Plan for Disability Insurance (VPDI) plans in your payroll


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Slide 16 - Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymasters

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With the new Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymaster feature, you have the ability to aggregate hours and earnings across all TRUs in the
same PSU.
By default the overtime premium rate is calculated separately for each TRU by considering the overtime hours and earnings reported for each TRU.
With this new feature, you can now create a new overtime premium element and configure the overtime rules at the PSU level.


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Slide 17 - Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymasters

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The business value this feature brings is to keep your company compliant across the organization for all overtime calculations.


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Slide 18 - Midday Period Overtime Support for Time Cards and Absences

Slide notes
The midday period overtime support for Time Cards and Absences feature gives you:
The ability to split a time entry based on the Overtime Day Definition / Spanning Days Rule defined in the “Work Day Definition” UI.
The ability to assign this Work Day Definition to your employees through their assignment details.


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Slide 19 - Midday Period Overtime Support for Time Cards and Absences

Slide notes
When you create an element with a Time Card or Absences category, it will create a supporting FLSA element.
You must create an eligibility link for the <Base Element Name> Flsa Only element .
The element entry will happen automatically based on the overtime date passed by Time & Labor and Absences. Hours will be used for calculating
overtime premium.


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Slide 20 - Midday Period Overtime Support for Time Cards and Absences

Slide notes
The business value this feature brings is to provide you the ability to split a time entry based on the overtime date and time and pass it to payroll for
calculating a Premium/Blended rate.


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Slide 21 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

Slide notes
Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today:
403 (b) and 457 plans
Run US Tax Balance Adjustment process enhancement
Restricting TRUs by person type
California VPDI plan
Overtime calculation support for common paymasters
Midday period overtime support for time cards and absences


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Slide 22 - Implementation Advice

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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to
know to set them up.


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Slide 23 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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This table depicts key update information for the features covered in this training.


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Slide 24 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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All of the features covered in this training are delivered ready to use.
Three of the features require minor setup - specifics are covered in the Enablement Details slides later in this presentation.
All features can be accessed through existing shipped job roles.


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Slide 25 - Features Delivered Ready-to-Use Impact Analysis

Slide notes
This table details the impact to your current business flows of features in this training that are delivered ready to use by your end-users.
The 403 (b) and 457 plans are an Oracle-delivered ready to use feature comprised of new element secondary classifications and wage basis rules.
The enhancements to the Run US Tax Balance Adjustment process is a modification to the existing process that will require minimal set up to use.
The Restricting TRUs by person type feature is an Oracle-delivered ready to use feature comprised of a new field on the TRU for person type for payroll
The California VPDI plan new feature requires minimal set up to use, and is comprised of a new disability tax plan for California.


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Slide 26 - Features Delivered Ready to Use Impact Analysis

Slide notes

The overtime calculations support for common paymasters is an Oracle-delivered feature that requires some set up to use, and provides enhanced rules for
overtime at the legal entity calculation card.
The midday period overtime support feature is an Oracle-delivered ready to use feature that provides an enhancement for your overtime rules.


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Slide 27 - Summary of Actions Needed: Run US Tax Balance Adjustment Process Enhancement

Slide notes
For the Summary of Actions Needed for the Run US Tax Balance Adjustment process enhancement, this feature is automatically available.
It does not have an Opt-In option.
To make your user-defined formulas be available for this process, you must create a value definition using the existing US Tax Balance Adjustment value
definition group, and attach the desired formula as a Text. (See next slide for details).
Access to this feature is through shipped job roles
Payroll Administrator
Payroll Manager
Business Processes that are affected by this feature are:
Manage Payroll
Activity: Payroll Checklist
Task: Submit a process or report


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Slide 28 - Enablement Detail: Run US Tax Balance Adjustment Process Enhancement

Slide notes
Steps to make the formula available for the process:
Start the Manage Calculations Value Definitions task.
Click Create.
Enter a meaningful name, and select your US legislative data group.
Select Use existing value definition group.
Select the US Tax Balance Adjustment value definition group.
Select the Text calculation type.
In the Calculation Values section, click Add Row and attach the desired formula as Text.
From Value – enter 0
To Value – enter 99,999
Text Value – enter your formula name


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Slide 29 - Summary of Actions Needed: California VPDI Plan

Slide notes
For the Summary of Actions Needed for the California VPDI support, this feature is automatically available.
It does not have an Opt-In option.
To allow CA VPDI deductions, you must set the VPDI plan as the default plan (See next slide for details).
Access to this feature is through shipped job roles
Application Implementation Consultant
Business Processes that are affected by this feature are:
Setup and Maintenance
Activity: Define Legal Entities or Legal Reporting Units for Human Capital Management
Task: Manage Legal Entity or Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards


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Slide 30 - Enablement Detail: California VPDI Plan

Slide notes
To set up a VPDI plan:
Open either the PSU or TRU organization calculation card for editing. Any edits you make for the TRU override the PSU.
For the California regional node, select CA State Disability.
Select the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
Click Create, and select Default Disability Plan.
In the Value field, enter VP_PRM_SP_SEC.
Click Save.
Click Create, and select VPDI Employee Rate.
In the Rate field, enter your employee rate.
Click Save.
Repeat these steps if you have a VPDI Employer Rate component.


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Slide 31 -

Summary of Actions Needed: Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymasters

Slide notes
For the summary of actions needed for the Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymasters, this feature is automatically available.
It does not have an Opt-In option.
To allow overtime calculations across all TRUs in a PSU, you must set the Overtime Rules Calculation Component on the PSU organization calculation
card. (See next slide for details).
Access to this feature is through shipped job roles
Application Implementation Consultant
Business Processes that are affected by this feature are:
Setup and Maintenance
Activity: Define Legal Entities for Human Capital Management
Task: Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards


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Slide 32 - Enablement Detail: Overtime Calculation Support for Common Paymasters

Slide notes
To set up Overtime Calculation Rules:
Open the PSU organization calculation card for editing.
Select Federal.
Click Create, and select Overtime Rules Calculation Component.
In the Overtime Rules: Details, Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab, select ‘Yes’ for Aggregate Overtime Premium Rate for all TRUs
within the PSU? field if you want to aggregate hours and earning across TRUs under a PSU for overtime premium calculation.
Click Save.
Repeat these steps if you want to allow negative premium adjustment.


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Slide 33 - Job Roles

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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.


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Slide 34 - Business Process Information

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The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.
The high level business process is Manage Payroll with activities for Payroll Calculation, Maintain Personal Payroll Information and Payroll Checklist


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Slide 35 - Business Process Information

Slide notes
The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.
The high level business processes are:
Manage My Client Groups with activities for New Person
Setup and Maintenance with activities for Define Legal Entities or Legal Reporting Units for Human Capital Management

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the


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