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Quiz 10

Quiz 10

Should high schoo students uniforms in the public school system

LaTasha C. Tucker

Sowk 300-02

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The purpose of this paper is to show the results of my question that was post to the website . Question being “Should high school students in the public school system be forced

to wear uniforms.” Throughout the paper I will give graphs and data to show the repsonses of people

from around the world on how they feel about this particular issue. Doing this survey shows me that this

is an issue that is not a main target in the United States but in many other countries as well.
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The data provided will show that age does play apart in the outlook of the fact students should wear

uniforms to school or not. According to the data that was provided by the survey shows that the highest

age that agreed that uniforms should be worn in school were the age bracket of 56-65 compared to the

other ages. Shows that in that particular age group they feel that its necessary to have such order in

today school system. I think older people are more prone to have things such as uniforms put into the

school systems to cut down on the bullying and other things many student go through.


Age and gender plays a role in rather or not students shoul be forced to wear uniforms in the public

school sytems. According to the data that was provided there was a higher percentage in males that

voted on this issue . 64% of the yes votes came from the 56-65 age group. Which were for the uniforms

being inside the public school systems rather it was for high school students or not.


Age did have a major part on whether or not the respondents thought that uniforms should be worn by

the students in the public school system. One lady actually commented saying that she would rather for

her kids, no matter what school the child or gradelevel that their in to be in some form of uniform. Many

parents believe it would be less expsensive when it comes to buying close and two to cut down on the
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bullying many school are facing today. With what close kids are wearing and if they are name brand or

not. The main argument that I have heard so many times is, everyone don’t have the money to buy and

purchase the new designer wear as some children may be able to. And wearing uniforms would give

everybody the same equal opportuntiy.


Should high school students in the public

school system be forced to wear uniforms

46 Yes

54 No

According to the graph it shows that 54% of the people that voted said no that they don’t believe that

students in high school shouldn’t be forced to wear uniforms. The other 46% that said yes they do

believe uniforms should be worn by high school students in the public school systems.
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Age, 65>, 0

Age, <18, 1
Age, 56-65, 3 Age, 18-25, 1 26-35
Age, 26-35, 1
Age, 36-45,
Age, 46-55, 2 1 65>

According to the graph above it shows that 9% of the votes were yes and many of them where from the

age group of 56-65. Many of the age groups were pretty much in the same range of answers giving the

same percentages of yes uniforms should be worn. 36% of the people said no that uniforms shouldn’t be

worn in and forced upon the high school students.


Doing this survey shows me that different people have a very different outlook on wearing uniforms. I

most definitely seen that it was a big difference on the yes and no responses do to the different in the

ages to. Many people over the age of 50 said yes to forcing high school students or any students for

that matter to wear uniforms. Some think that this is a good idea, and some think that it takes away
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from high school student’s years of expressing themselves. I feel that uniforms shouldn’t be forced

upon high school students to but to each its own.

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