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SIOP Planning Outline

Subject: 7th Grade ELA Date/Period: 4/19/19

Content Objectives: Language Objectives:

I can analyze text for characterization I can ​read ​The Lightning Thief and ​discuss
and ​write ​character traits with my group.
I can use textual evidence to help support
my opinion

Key Vocab: characterization, traits, STEAL Materials: ​The Lightning Thief​, STEAL
(Say, Think, Effect, Actions, Looks) sheet, video of Hercules

Outline of lesson:

Lesson Prep. Groups are organized by MAP score heterogeneously. The students are also
grouped based on language level heterogeneously. For all students with WIDA
1-2, they are near someone who is a 3-4.

Building In order to build background, we are reviewing a video we have already seen
Background which is Hercules. The students will be analyzed Hades for character traits.
Each group will analyze Hades using the STEAL mnemonic device.

Comprehensi Using visual tool (video of Hercules) in order to show examples of STEAL.
ble Input Whole group completion of STEAL mnemonic device sheet for students to keep.
Whole group recitation of the mnemonic device.

Strategies Teacher Read Aloud (already done for Chapters 1-2), Small Group Turns,
Partner/Group work, Scaffolding

Interaction Whole group at the beginning of the lesson. Small group for the main delivery of
the lesson. The students will be instructed to discuss which means speak and
listen to each other regarding examples of STEAL for characterization.

Practice/Appl Students have an opportunity to practice before group work when we do a whole
ication class activity. They will practice finding an aspect of characterization on a video
of Hercules. The students will then apply what they have practiced regarding a
character from our text, ​The Lightning Thief.

Delivery Part of the lesson will be whole group (building background and practice) then
the students will work in groups.
Review and In order to review, we will share out our different aspects of characterization we
Assessment created in our groups. Each group will share for the character they have been

Accommodations: Students in this class have text-to speech

accommodations and small group testing, however no accommodations
that affect this lesson.
Cultural Considerations: This class will have just MAP tested for four days
in a row. They are exhausted and a little bit hyper to put it nicely. We also
have not read this book for the past week as we have been testing.

SIOP Features Used:

X Content Adaptation (Spanish novel available) X Variation of Grouping Options
X Links to background/past knowledge ☐ Independent practice
X Modeling X Hands-on activities
X Guided Practice ☐ Various learning styles
X Comprehensible Input ☐ Motivation strategies
XReading XWriting X Speaking XListening

Written Reflection (see syllabus for instructions):

Areas of improvement:

Content/Language Objectives Stated

Content/Language Objectives Revisited

Assessment of learning at end of class

In order to improve on the first lesson, I will be sure to RECORD and state my objectives at the
beginning of class, as well as at the end of the lesson. An area of growth for me has always been
re-stating objectives throughout the lesson as well as at the end of class. In addition, I will be sure
to assess knowledge of our new concept at the end of class.

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