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Lin Manuel Miranda:

● Full name: Lin Manuel Miranda

● Born January 16, 1980
● His parents are Puerto Rican
● His parents are Puerto Rican and live in Manhattan, He’s married to Vanessa Nadal,
who was born in New York also, and has a son named Sebastian.
● He’s an award winning actor, performer, and writer. He has written and starred in several
Broadway Musicals. Such as “Hamilton” and “In the Heights”. He’s also written songs for
the Disney movie; “Moana”.
● One of Lin’s most popular plays was “Hamilton; An American Musical”. A whole
Broadway about the life of the founding father Alexander Hamilton. Lin read the
Biography of Alexander Hamilton, written by Ron Chenrow, and the book inspired him to
create the musical. It took 6 years for the play to be written.
● Lin sang his first song of the Musical at the White House Poetry Jam in front of President
Obama while he was writing his play.

Albert Pujols:
● His full name is J​ose Alberto Pujols Alcantara
● He has the same birthday as Lin-Manuel Miranda; January 16, 1980
● He’s a Dominican-American and was raised by his Aunt.
● He lives in St. Louis, New York with his wife and daughter.
● He’s currently the first baseman for the Los Angeles Angels
● His first team was ​St. Louis Cardinals and he was apart of the team from the beginning
of his career to 2011 before joining ​the Los Angeles Angels in 2012. He started the
Pujols Family Foundation, which focuses on helping kids with Down Syndrome as well
as the poor in the Dominican Republic.

Ellen Ochoa:
● Full name: Ellen Ochoa

● She was born on ​May 10, 1958, in Los Angeles, California.
● Although she was born in Los Angeles, but grew up in the San Diego area. Her parents
had divorced by the time she was in her teens. Her hispanic heritage is from her father’s
● She currently serves as Director of Flight Crew Operations at Johnson Space Center in
Houston, Texas.
● She has master of science and doctorate degrees from Stanford University. he was
selected by NASA in 1990 and in 1991 became the world's first Hispanic female
astronaut. She also has several awards; Women in Aerospace Outstanding
Achievement Award; National Hispanic Quincentennial Commission, pride award;
Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award; and San Diego State University Alumna of the
● When Ellen Ochoa was in high school, the other students belittled her because she liked
science. However, she her love of science payed off because now she is Dr. Ellen
Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman to ever go into space, an inventor, and currently serves
as Director of Flight Crew Operations at Johnson Space Center, as well as a mother.
Rey Felipe VI:
● Full Name: ​Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Grecia

● He was ​born in Madrid on January 30, 1968
● He’s the youngest child, having two older sisters Elena and Cristina. He’s married to
Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano and has two daughters, Leonor and Sofía.
● He lives in Spain as the King
● Felipe was crowned king at a time when many Spaniards were struggling after years of
austerity and economic hardship. And according to the BBC's Chris Morris, ​Felipe ​was
facing both the challenge of returning the monarchy that was damaged by recent
scandals and unifying a country with a majority favouring republicanism.
● Even before he was king, Felipe took on many of his father's duties because his father’s
health was fragile in the final years of his reign.

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