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UCSI International School

Inequality Graphs and Similarity

IGCSE Extended Revision


1. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

A taxi company has “SUPER” taxis and “MINI” taxis.
One morning a group of 45 people needs taxis.

For this group the taxi company uses x “SUPER” taxis and y “MINI” taxis.
A “SUPER” taxi can carry 5 passengers and a “MINI” taxi can carry 3 passengers.
So 5x + 3y ≥ 45.

(a) The taxi company has 12 taxis.

Write down another inequality in x and y to show this information.

(b) The taxi company always uses at least 4 “MINI” taxis.

Write down an inequality in y to show this information.

(c) Draw x and y axes from 0 to 15 using 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each axis.

(d) Draw three lines on your graph to show the inequality 5x + 3y ≥ 45 and the inequalities
from parts (a) and (b).
Shade the unwanted regions.

(e) The cost to the taxi company of using a “SUPER” taxi is $20 and the cost of using a
“MINI” taxi is $10.
The taxi company wants to find the cheapest way of providing “SUPER” and “MINI”
taxis for this group of people.
Find the two ways in which this can be done.

(f) The taxi company decides to use 11 taxis for this group.
(i) The taxi company charges $30 for the use of each “SUPER” taxi and $16 for the
use of each “MINI” taxi.
Find the two possible total charges.

(ii) Find the largest possible profit the company can make, using 11 taxis.

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2. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

Tiago does some work during the school holidays.

In one week he spends x hours cleaning cars and y hours repairing cycles.
The time he spends repairing cycles is at least equal to the time he spends cleaning cars.
This can be written as y ≥ x.

He spends no more than 12 hours working.

He spends at least 4 hours cleaning cars.

(a) Write down two more inequalities in x and/or y to show this information.

(b) Draw x and y axes from 0 to 12, using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each axis.

(c) Draw three lines to show the three inequalities. Shade the unwanted regions.

(d) Tiago receives $3 each hour for cleaning cars and $1.50 each hour for repairing cycles.

(i) What is the least amount he could receive?


(ii) What is the largest amount he could receive?


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0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6






(a) Draw the three lines y = 4, 2x – y = 4 and x + y = 6 on the grid above.


(b) Write the letter R in the region defined by the three inequalities below.

y≤4 2x – y ≥ 4 x+y≥6

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4. A new school has x day students and y boarding students.

The fees for a day student are $600 a term.

The fees for a boarding student are $1200 a term.
The school needs at least $720 000 a term.

(a) Show that this information can be written as x + 2y ≥ 1200.

Answer (a) ……….….…………


(b) The school has a maximum of 900 students.

Write down an inequality in x and y to show this information.

Answer (b) ……….….…………


(c) Draw two lines on the grid below and write the letter R in the region which represents
these two inequalities

Number of

Number of day students 1200

(d) What is the least number of boarding students at the school?

Answer (d) ……….….…………


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5. Two similar vases have heights which are in the ratio 3 : 2.

(a) The volume of the larger vase is 1080 cm3.

Calculate the volume of the smaller vase.

Answer (a) ……………………… cm3


(b) The surface area of the smaller vase is 252 cm2.

Calculate the surface area of the larger vase.

Answer (b) ……………………… cm2


6. A spherical balloon of radius 3 metres has a volume of 36π cubic metres.

It is further inflated until its radius is 12 m.
Calculate its new volume, leaving your answer in terms of π.

Answer …………………………… m3

7. A cylindrical glass has a radius of 4 centimetres and a height of 6 centimetres.

A large cylindrical jar full of water is a similar shape to the glass.
The glass can be filled with water from the jar exactly 216 times.
Work out the radius and height of the jar.

Answer radius ……………… cm

height ……………… cm

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8. A statue two metres high has a volume of five cubic metres.
A similar model of the statue has a height of four centimetres.

(a) Calculate the volume of the model statue in cubic centimetres.

Answer (a) …….……………………. cm3


(b) Write your answer to part (a) in cubic metres.

Answer (b) …….……..………………. m3


9. A company makes two models of television.

Model A has a rectangular screen that measures 44 cm by 32 cm.
Model B has a larger screen with these measurements increased in the ratio 5 : 4.

(a) Work out the measurements of the larger screen.

Answer (a) ………… cm by ………… cm


model A screen area

(b) Find the fraction in its simplest form.
model B screen area

Answer (b) ………………………………


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40.3 cm
26.8 cm

X 20.1 cm


A, B, C and D lie on a circle. AC and BD intersect at X. Angle ABX = 55° and angle AXB = 92°.
BX = 26.8 cm, AX = 40.3 cm and XC = 20.1 cm.

(i) Calculate the area of triangle AXB

You must show your working.


(ii) Calculate the length of AB.

You must show your working.


(iii) Write down the size of angle ACD. Give a reason for your answer.


(iv) Find the size of angle BDC.


(v) Write down the geometrical word which completes the statement

“Triangle AXB is to triangle DXC.”


(vi) Calculate the length of XD.

You must show your working.


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