18-Problem Session-04-Feb-2019Reference Material I MAT3005 WorkSheet #3

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MAT3005 - Applied Numerical Methods

Self-Assessment Questions
Faculty: Dr. BSRV Prasad

Problem 1 The concentration of pollutant bacteria c in a lake decreases according to

c = 70e−1.5t + 25e−0.075t .
Determine the time required for the bacteria concentration to be reduced to 9 using the Newton-Raphson
method with an initial guess of t = 10.

Problem 2 The equation for the resulting elastic curve of a uniform beam subject to a linearly increasing
distributed load is
y= (−x5 + 2L2 x3 − L4 x).
Use the appropriate numerical scheme to determine the point of maximum deflection and that determine
the value of the maximum deflection. Use the following parameter values in your computation: L = 450
cm, E = 50, 000 kN/cm2 , I = 30, 000 cm4 , and ω0 = 1/75 kN/cm.

2 N
Problem 3 If f (x) = x3 −N then by Newton-Raphson method establish the formula xi+1 = 3
xi + 2x2i

and hence compute the value of 3 2 correct to five decimal places.
cha01102_ch12_284-302.qxd 12/17/10 8:11 AM Page 301
Problem 4 Solve the system of equations x2 + y 2 = 5, x2 − y 2 = 1 by taking x0 = y0 = 1. Perform

Problem 5 The below figure depicts a chemical exchange process consisting of a series of reactors in
which a gas flowing from PROBLEMS
left to right is passed over a liquid flowing from right to left. 301

cG0 cG1 cG2 cG3 cG4 cG5

cL1 cL2 cL3 cL4 cL5 cL6

The transfer of a chemical from the gas into the liquid occurs at a rate that is proportional to the difference
between the gas and liquid concentrations in each reactors. At steady state, a mass balance for the first
reactor can be written for the gas as:
Solve this problem with the Gauss-Seidel method to (a) Graphically.
εs = 5%. QG cG0 − QG cG1 + D (c − cG1 ) =
(b)L1Successive 0
substitution using initial guesses of x =
12.6 Use the Gauss-Seidel method (a) without relaxation y = 1.5.
and for and
liquid as
with relaxation (λ = 1.2) to solve the following sys- (c) Newton-Raphson using initial guesses of x = y = 1.5.
tem to a tolerance of εs = 5%. IfQnecessary,
L cL2 − Q rearrange
L cL1 + 12.10
theD (c G1 − Figure
cL1 )P12.10
= 0 depicts a chemical exchange process
equations to achieve convergence. consisting of a series of reactors in which a gas flowing
where QG and QL are the gas and liquid flow rates, respectively, D is=the
from left to right passedgas-liquid
over a liquidexchange
flowing fromrate.
right By
2x1 − 6x2 − x3 = −38 to left. The transfer of a chemical from the gas into the in
taking QG −3x= 2,−QxL + =7x1, D = 0.8, cG0 = 100, cL3 = 10, solve for the concentrations of gas and liquid
1 2 3 = −34 liquid occurs at a rate that is proportional to the difference
first two reactors
−8x1 + by x2 −using
2x3 = (i)
−20Gauss-Seidel iteration (ii)between Thomas algorithm.
the gas and liquid concentrations in each reactor.
At steady state, a mass balance for the first reactor can be
12.7 Of the following three sets of linear equations, identify written for the gas as
SJT Annexthe set(s)
G01 that- you
A10could not solve using an iterative method
Page 1 srvprasad.bh@vit.ac.in
such as Gauss-Seidel. Show using any number of iterations Q G cG0 − Q G cG1 + D(c L1 − cG1 ) = 0
that is necessary that your solution does not converge.
Clearly state your convergence criteria (how you know it is and for the liquid as
not converging).
Q L c L2 − Q L c L1 + D(cG1 − c L1 ) = 0
MAT3005 - Applied Numerical Methods
Self-Assessment Questions
Faculty: Dr. BSRV Prasad

Problem 6 Consider the vectors:

~ = 2~i − 3~j + a~k
~ = b~i + ~j − 4~k
~ = 3~i + c~j + 2~k

Vector A~ is perpendicular to B
~ as well as to C.
~ It is also known that B
~ ·C
~ = 2. Solve for three unknowns
a, b and c.

Problem 7 Monthly faculty salary in three departments of an institute is given below. Assuming that the
salary for a particular category is same in all the departments, calculate the salary of each category of
faculty by using LU Decomposition.

Department Number of Faculty Total Salary

Prof. Asso. Prof. Asst. Prof. (in ‘000)
A 2 2 4 60
B 3 1 2 50
C 1 4 3 60

Problem 8 Solve the following system of equations using appropriate numerical method:

0.8x1 − 0.4x2 = 41
−0.4x1 + 0.8x2 − 0.4x3 = 25
−0.4x2 + 0.8x3 = 105
 
−3 −1 0
Problem 9 Find all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A = −1 2 −1
0 −1 3

Problem 10 The following table lists the number of persons earning wages between a given range:
Wages (Rs.): Below 40K 40K - 60K 60K-80K 80K-100K 100K-120K
No.of Persons: 250 120 100 70 50

1. Find the number of persons earning wages between 40K-50K

2. Find the number of persons earning wages between 60K-70K

3. Find the number of persons earning wages between 90K-100K

SJT Annex G01 - A10 Page 2 srvprasad.bh@vit.ac.in

MAT3005 - Applied Numerical Methods
Self-Assessment Questions
Faculty: Dr. BSRV Prasad

Problem 11 Find the distance moved by a particle and its acceleration at the end of 4 seconds, if the
time verses velocity data is as follows:

time (t): 0 1 3 4
velocity (v): 21 15 12 10

Problem 12 Find the missing term in the following table using interpolation:

x: 0 2 − 5
y: 2 10 16 20

SJT Annex G01 - A10 Page 3 srvprasad.bh@vit.ac.in

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