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AMER. ZOOL., 14:773-781 (1974).

Regeneration in Medusa buds and Medusae of Hydrozoa


Zoological Institute of the University of Zurich, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland

SYNOPSIS. Isolated medusa buds of Podocoryne carnea (Anthomedusa) can either de-
velop autonomously to functional medusae or transform to stolons and polyps. Up to
stage 8 the percentage of transformaiion can be idised 10 100% by icpeated Uaumaii-

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zation of the isolated buds. From stage 9 onwards, even traumatized buds always re-
generate medusae and never transform to polyps. At stage 8 the bud is differentiated,
lacking only the swelling of the outer mesoglea to become a normal medusa. A corre-
lation between the swelling of this mesoglea and the decrease of the percentage of
transformation to zero can be observed between stages 8 and 9. The presence of a
swollen mesoglea is not the only factor in stabilizing medusa structures, since, despite
removal of the mesoglea by the dissociation method, aggregates of dissociated buds of
stages 7 and 8 always formed medusa structures and never transformed to stolons or
Regeneration of the manubrium in adult Hydromedusae shows a graded distribu-
tion, being highest in the center of the umbrella and decreasing rapidly towards the
circular canal. The extent of manubrium regeneration is not influenced by the amount
of wound material or the components of the gastrovascular s)stem.

Life cycles of most marine Hydrozoa sensory cells. Each generation represents
include a metagenic alternation of genera- a stable system as to structure and func-
tions in which the sessile polyps represent tion, and both are the expression of the
the asexually reproducing form, while the same common genome, which we must as-
sexual part of the cycle is limited to the sume contains a portion controlling the
free swimming medusae. Amongst the colo- development of the polyp and another
nial polyps of the anthomedusa Podo- governing that of the medusa. Hence, the
coryne carnea (Athecata), which prefer- medusa development offers an excellent
entially settle onto snail shells, we find opportunity for the study of differential
besides feeding polyps (autostyles) the so- gene expression and of the factors respon-
called blastostyles which produce medusae sible for the maintenance and stability of
by budding. This process is based mainly the differentiated state. One experimental
on local cell proliferation and immigra- approach to these problems is the study of
tion of somatic cells from the blastostyle the morphogenetic behavior in regenera-
into the developing medusa bud (Brandle, tion. The literature concerned with regen-
1971). The result of this developmental eration in Hydrozoa and with the prob-
process is a medusa which distinguishes lems related to it deals mainly with the
itself from the polyp from which it origi- polyps. Little is known about the recon-
nates, not only by a different shape and stitutional abilities of medusae or their
anatomical organization but also by a com- developmental stages and how they com-
pletely new set of somatic cells, not origi- pare with the reconstitutional abilities of
nally present in the polyp. They in- the polyps. This paper is therefore mainly
clude amongst others cross-striated muscles, concerned with the process of regeneration
medusae-typic nematocytes and particular in hydromedusae and their developmental
I thank Prof. Dr. R. Tardent for reading the
paper and his helpful criticism, and also the MATERIALS AND METHODS
"Schweiz. Nationalfonds zur Forderung der wis-
senschaftlichen Forschung" (Gesuch 3.205.69) for The experiments were carried out on 2
supporting this work. marine colonial species: Podocoryne carnea

(Anthomedusa, Athecata) and Campanu- the dehydrated specimens, embedded in

laria johnstoni* (Syn.: Phialidium haemi- Araldite (Fluka AG, Buchs), were sec-
sphaericum, Leptomedusa, Thecata). The tioned with a Porter-Blum ultramicrotome.
colonies and medusae of Podocoryne The sections were mounted on copper
carnea were cultured in artificial sea grids (75 mesh), stained with uranyl ace-
water (Aquarien-Grosshandel H. Wiegandt, tate (alcoholic solution for 5 min) and
D-4150 Krefeld), whereas all investigations lead-citrate (15 min) and examined with
on Campanularia were carried out at the a Hitachi (HU-11 E) electron microscope.

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marine station of Villefranche-sur-mer,
France, on freshly collected medusae. The RESULTS
latter were isolated from the zooplankton
and kept in large glass jars. They were The morphogenelic behavior of trauma-
fed twice with Artemia salina before being tized medusa buds of Podocoryne
submitted to regeneration experiments. carnea
Medusa buds of Podocoryne were iso-
lated from the blastostyle with ophthal- The budding process of this species, ex-
mological scissors and, when necessary, tensively studied by Kiihn (1914) and
traumatized by squeezing them once or Weiler-Stolt (1960), was subdivided by
three times at 2-hr intervals with forceps. Frey (1968) into 10 developmental stages,
The same instruments were used for mak- and these will be used in this paper.
ing fragments of adult medusae of both Miiller (1913), Hauenschild (1956), Frey
species. (1968), and Schmid (1972) have studied
Mechanical dissociation of medusa buds the developmental patterns of medusa buds
and adult medusae was obtained by suck- isolated from the blastostyle.
ing the animals repeatedly through a Such isolated buds either continue
pipette (for details, see Schmid, 1972). autonomously their meduso-typic differen-
For obtaining reaggregates the dissociated tiation or transform into stolons and
cell masses were filtered and centrifuged polyps. According to Frey (1968) and
(2150g for 3 min). The reaggregates were Schmid (1972), medusa buds having
transferred for 4 hr into a drop of sea reached stage 3 or beyond are potentially
water containing 0.01 mg/ml of strepto- capable, when isolated, of continuing their
mycin. During this treatment the reaggre- autonomous development, although most
gation process was completed and the small young buds (stages 3-4) transform into
reaggregates were transferred to glass dishes stolons or polyps. The rate of this regres-
containing 20 to 30 ml of artificial sea sive transformation decreases with the in-
water. creasing age of the bud and falls to zero
once the development has reached stage 8.
For autoradiographic studies the speci- From this critical stage onwards regres-
mens were incubated in 3H-thymidine (1 sive development is excluded.
/xCi/ml sea water) for 2 hr and after wash-
ing fixed in Carnoy's fixative (Schmid, When isolated buds between stages 1-8
1972). The sections (5 yu.m) were covered of Podocoryne are repeatedly traumatized
with Kodak NTB 3 emulsion, exposed at by squeezing gently with forceps, the rate
4 C for 6 days, developed and stained with of regressive transformation can be con-
Mayer's hemalum. siderably increased (Schmid, 1972). The
Specimens which were to be examined success of this measure is clone-specific and
with the electron microscope were fixed for can amount to 100% up to stage 7. It
2 hr in 3i/2% glutaraldehyde and post- declines slightly between stages 7 and 8
fixed in 1% OsO4 for 1 hr. Both solutions and falls to 0% between the stages 8 and
were made up with isotonic artificial sea 9. In some clones the rate of transforma-
water (pH 8.1). After washing in sea water tion remains 100% as far as stage 8. Stage
8, therefore, constitutes a clear-cut limit
[• Editors' note: Clytia johnstoni.] beyond which even in traumatized buds

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FIG. 1. a, Presumptive striated muscle cell region of stage 8; 10.400X. G = golgi apparatus; iM =
of a medusa bud o£ stage 3; 15,600x. b, Striated inner mesoglea; M = mitochondria; Mf = niyofila-
muscle cells of the subumbrella of a medusa bud ments; N = nucleus.

development will always proceed in a filaments can be observed (Fig. la).

meduso-typic way. Therefore, stage 3 and In stage 8, in which cell proliferation
stage 8 seem to be important thresholds within the bud has come to a standstill,
in the course of medusa development. differentiation of meduso-typic cells is
Structurally, these stages can be charac- ultrastructurally completed. The subum-
terized as follows. brella contains cross-striated muscles (Fig.
Stage 3 constitutes a primordial stage \b) and all other parts of the medusa are
in which the anlage of the manubrium visible (Fig. 2). The assumption that the
differentiation is completed is supported

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and the radial canals are visible, but in
which primordia of tentacles, circular by the fact that the bud development,
canals, velum or subumbrella are anatomi- when exposed to actinomycin D, can be
cally not yet defined. The bud primordium inhibited only up to stage 7. The older
of this stage, when examined with the stages, which are refractory to the action
electron microscope, is composed of cells of actinomycin D, are characterized by a
which have an embryonic aspect. In the rapid swelling of the mesoglea. Once this
presumptive subumbrellar area, no myo- has occurred the medusa is functional and


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FIG. 2. Arcdian section through a medusa bud of ring; Ra = radial canal; Ri = circular canal; S:-
stage 8" 150X. Ex = exumbrella; G = gonads; subumbrellar plate; T = tentacles; V - velum.
M = muscles; Ma = manubrium; N = nematocytc (After Schmid, 1972.)

even if the isolated bud is repeatedly trau-

matized. The following experiments have
been designed mainly to examine the pos-
sible role of the mesoglea as a stabilizing
The behavior of dissociated medusae
and medusa buds

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Medusae and their developmental stages
of Podocoryne were dissociated mechani-
cally. The morphogenetic behavior of the
reaggregated cell masses is shown in Fig-
ure 4. These reaggregates generally express
FIG. 3. The relation of the transformation rate of
themselves morphogenetically by develop-
isolated traumatized buds to the thickness of the ing either medusa-like or stolonial struc-
swelling mesoglea. Ordinate, percentage of trans- tures. The latter case, which represents a
formation; abscissa, thickness of the mesoglea in regressive transformation, is less frequent
microns. (Redrawn after Schmid, 1972.) than the reconstitution of medusae struc-
tures. The rate of regressive transformation
detaches from the blastostyle. There seems is not higher than in intact, non-trauma-
to be a causal relationship between the tized isolated medusa buds (see above).
swelling of the mesoglea on the one hand In 6 out of 4900 cases, however, aggregates
and the loss of the faculty for regressive obtained from dissociated adult medusae
transformation of the bud on the other produced stolons.
(Fig. 3). The mesoglea once formed ap- These results clearly show that regres-
pears to stabilize the differentiated medusa sive transformation from medusae struc-
cells in a meduso-typic manner. The sta- tures to stolonial formation cannot be
bility of the differentiated state can no enhanced by dissociation and reaggrega-
longer be disturbed from stage 8 onwards, tion, which completely remove the meso-

FIG. 4. Differentiations of aggregates prepared from Pa = periderm of the aggregate; P = periderm of

medusa buds (a) and adult medusae (b), 60X- the stolon; Pk = polyp bud; St = stolon; TA =
E = eggs; MA = manubrium; Ne = nematocytes; tentacles. (After Schmid, 1972)

glea. The mesoglea, therefore, cannot play In this comparative study we used the
a predominant role in stabilizing the Anthomedusa Podocoryne and the Lepto-
medusa cells in their state of differentia- medusa Campanularia. The anatomical
tion. We must, therefore, look for other and cellular architecture of both medusae
stabilizing factors. is in many respects quite different. These
differences mainly concern the subumbrel-
Regeneration in adult medusae lar tissues, the gonads and the sensory

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According to the literature, the recon- In a first series of experiments, per-
stitutional abilities of Hydromedusae (es- formed on both Podocoryne carnea and
pecially of Anthomedusae) are very much Campanularia johnstoni, the central part
restricted as compared to those of the of the umbrella including the manubrium
asexual polyps. and an adjacent portion of the umbrella
Recent investigations on the regeneration of varying size was extirpated by a circu-
potential of Antho- and Leptomedusae lar cut. These central isolates were dis-
(Schmid and Tardent, 1971) revealed an carded, while the morphogenetic behavior
astonishing ability of these animals to re- of the ringlike, marginal portion of the
generate missing parts and organs. The umbrella was examined. In the case of
experiments reported here intend to show Podocoryne these discarded isolates lacking
that the regenerative abilities are unevenly the peripheral part represented 14, i/>, and
distributed throughout the animal. % of the bell. In Campanularia the cor-
responding pieces amounted to 1/2 and 3/4
of the bell (see Fig. 5a).
In all cases the central hole is quickly
closed, reconstituting the bell- or disk-like
shape of the isolate. This wound-closure
is followed by the regeneration of the miss-
ing manubrium in the center of the bell.
In Campanularia this regenerated manu-
brium is ready to feed 2 to 3 days after
the operation, while in Podocoryne the
manubrium becomes functional, but not
before 5 to 7 days after the operation.
In addition Podocoryne, when fed, will
also regenerate the gonads on the manu-
Table 1 indicates that the rate of manu-
brial regeneration on marginal umbrellar
fragments is higher the larger the isolates
are. In order to examine whether the in-
crease in the rate of regeneration depends
upon the amount of gastrovascular com-
ponents (radial- and ring-canals) present
or upon some other factors, we isolated
FIG. 5. Schematical drawing of the fragmentation
in Campanularia interradial sectors of the
technique for hydromedusae. a, Removal of the umbrella. As shown in Figure 5b, these
manubrium with varying amounts of the umbrella fragments were cut out in a way to vary
tissues, b, Manufacture of interradial fragments of the length of the total cut surface, the
Campanularia johnstoni. x,, x2, x3 = lines of sec- amount of umbrellar organs like circular
tion; a, b, c, d = fragments of umbrella; cc =
circular canal; G = gonad; M = manubrium; re =
canals, or the regional quality of the sub-
radial canal. umbrellar tissues including the acellular

TABLE 1. The rate of manubrium regeneration in Hydromedusae m relation to the amount of

removed umbrella.

Umbrella parts Podocoryne Campanularia

removed with carnea jonnstoni
the manubrium n % formed manubria n /o formed manubria

V4 45 75.5
14 75 46.5 10 100
59 15.3 10 0

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mesoglea. In order to exclude individual in the fragment can be made responsible
or colonial variability the four fragments for the decrease of the regenerative poten-
a-d were always isolated from the same tial from the center of the umbrella to-
animal. The four different types of frag- wards its margin.
ments quickly restored the circular shape
of a medusa (Schmid and Tardent, 1971). DISCUSSION
This process was accomplished 6 to 8 hr
after isolation. Most fragments (a-c) re-
generated a functional manubrium 3 to 4 The regenerative behavior of the dif-
days after isolation. The results of these ferent stages (larvae, stolons, polyps, me-
experiments, given in Table 2, permit dusae) in the metagenic cycle is not at
the following conclusions. all the same, although the genome is the
An increase of the cut surface or the same throughout. The expression of the
reduction of the circular canal or the total genome in each stage appears, therefore,
absence of radial canals does not signifi- to be very stable in the reconstitutional
cantly influence the rate of manubrial processes, especially when polyps and me-
regeneration. dusae are closely considered. There have
never been reports of a polyp regenerating
The fragments c and d (Fig. 5b) were a medusa instead of a missing hypostome
made as equal as possible with the excep- or vice-versa. A system of stabilizing ele-
tion of the amount of mesoglea present. ments seems to ensure the differentiation
Fragment c contains the thick central por- of embryonic cells (interstitial or undiffer-
tion of the mesoglea, while fragment d entiated cells) in the appropriate direc-
includes the thinner peripheral part of tion. These stabilizing elements could be
the mesoglea. It is in these fragments con- mainly cell-inherent, or based on cell-cell
taining the smaller amount of mesoglea or tissue-tissue interactions. This paper
where the rate of manubrial regeneration first has given an indication of when in
is at its lowest. the development of the medusa bud a
These results clearly demonstrate that change in stability is expressed in the re-
neither the length of cut surface nor the generative behavior, and second, presents
amount of circular or radial canals present some results concerning regeneration in
TABLE 2. The rate of manubrium regeneration in
interradial fragments of different shape in In the budding process an organism de-
Campanularia johnstoni. velops with a completely different struc-
tural organization from the polyp which
% of regenerated
Fragment manubria forms the bud. The process of budding is
strongly proliferative (Weiler-Stolt, 1960) ;
31 73 however, an immigration of cells was also
31 65 reported (Brandle, 1971). According to
31 74
31 29 the isolation experiments of Frey (1968)
and Schmid (1972), very young buds of
a, b, c, d = different fragments; for detail, see stage 3 with only rudimentary anlagen of
Figure 5b.

some medusa organs are able to develop it seems that the derivatives of the glocken-
autonomously. It seems possible, therefore, kern are also engaged in a similar function
that the bud is completely self organizing (Schmid, 1972).
almost from the very beginning of its As soon as the bud has passed the line
development but remains dependent on the between stages 8 and 9, it will always
polyp for nutrition. This power of self regenerate medusa structures after trau-
organization is excellently demonstrated matization. The regenerative power of the
in aggregates of stages 3 and 4-5 which completed medusa is enormous. Fragments
started without striated muscles or ten-

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of the umbrella of Campanularia lacking
tacles but were able to build up these any components of the gastrovascular sys-
structures after some days (Schmid, 1972). tem (and therefore free of interstitial cells)
The majority of isolated buds of young can essentially reconstitute a whole medusa
stages regenerate stolons which can form (Schmid and Tardent, 1971). From stud-
polyps after a process called transforma- ies of polyps, especially Hydra, consider-
tion. This ability of isolated buds to trans- able knowledge has been gained about the
form into polyps decreases, the older and factors which influence the regenerative
more differentiated the isolated buds are, events. In the case of medusae little is
and ceases between stages 8 and 9. Al- known. Gradients and polarity may play
though the portion of buds undergoing a role, but when or to what extent is un-
transformation can be significantly in- certain. The results in the second part of
creased in early stages by repeated trau- the paper, although only preliminary,
matization, it has never been possible to clearly demonstrate that in medusae a
pass the line between stages 8 and 9. This gradient in manubrium regeneration exists.
method, therefore, perhaps indicates that This gradient decreases from the center
the system responsible for the stabilization towards the periphery of the animal.
of medusa structures is activated between Neither the amount of wound surface nor
these two stages. A detailed study of stage the portion of circular canal (and with it
8 revealed that the bud is fully differen- the quantity of interstitial cells) seems to
tiated, awaiting only the swelling of the influence the event of manubrium regen-
outer mesoglea to be a functional medusa. eration. Therefore, it appears that the
Indeed a strong correlation exists between number of interstitial cells is of minor
the swelling process of the mesoglea and importance in this regenerative process
the pronounced decrease in the percentage and a strongly favored possibility, sup-
o£ transformation. A possible role for the ported by evidence from studies of polyps
mesoglea in the stabilizing system of the (Burnett et al., 1966), is that the regenera-
medusae has to be considered since, in tion of the manubrium proceeds by a
every case in which medusae have been process of metaplasia. In speculating about
transformed into stolons and polyps the nature of the factors which are respon-
(whether induced by traumatization or sible for the pronounced difference in the
other methods), the mesoglea has always ability to regenerate manubria (fragments
been removed (Schmid, 1972). It is pos- c and d), a gradient of substances or a
sible that collagens, of which the mesoglea difference in electric properties (Rose,
is composed, are involved in morphogenetic 1970) of the subumbrellar tissues must
processes as is sufficiently documented from be considered. Indeed, it is felt that the
vertebrates (Wessells and Cohen, 1968). structure and composition of the mesoglea,
The dissociation experiments, however, which are the only visible differences be-
prove that although the mesoglea was no tween fragments c and d, also deserve more
longer present a transformation to polyps penetrating investigations.
practically never occurred except in the
case of aggregates from very young buds.
Thus, there must be other factors beside
the mesoglea in the stabilizing system and Brandle, E. 1971. Bedcutung der kolonialen Kom-
ponentcn fur die Bildung und Differenzierung

der Medusen von Podocoryne carnea M. Sars. logische Beobachtungen. Wilhelm Roux' Arch.
Wilhelm Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Orga- Entwicklungsmech. Organismen 37:319-419.
nismen 166:254-286. Rose, S. M. 1970. Restoration of regenerative abil-
Burnett, A. L., L. Davis, and F. Ruffing. 1966. A ity in ligated stems of Tubularia in an electric
histological and ultrastructural study of germi- field. Biol. Bull. 138:344-353.
nal differentiation of interstitial cells arising Schmid, V. 1972. Untersuchungen iiber Dedifferen-
from gland cells in Hydra viridis. J. Morphol. zierungs-vorgange bei Medusenknospen und Me-
120:1-8. dusen von Podocoryne carnea M. Sars. Wilhelm
Frey, J. 1968. Entwicklungsleistungen der Medusen- Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organismen 169:
knospen und Medusen von Podocoryne carnea 281-307.
M. Sars nach Isolation und Dissoziation. Wilhelm Schmid, V., and P. Tardent. 1971. The reconstitu-
Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organismen 160:

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tional performances of the Leptomedusa Cam-
428-464. panularia johnstoni. Mar. Biol. 8:99-104.
Hauenschild, C. 1956. Experimented Untersuch- Weiler-Stolt, B. 1960. Ueber die Bedeutung der in-
ungen iiber die Entstehung asexueller Klone bei terstitiellen Zellen fiir die Entwicklung und
der Hydromeduse Eleutheria dichotomata. Z. Fortpflanzung manner Hydroiden. Wilhelm
Naturforsch. llb:394-402. Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organismen 152:
Kiihn, A. 1914. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ver- 389-154.
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