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Personality is what makes one individual different from the rest of the world. If you want to succeed in
today’s competitive world, you need a strong personality. We understand that each person has a distinct
personality. We will help you in improving your existing personality through our PERSONALITY
DEVELOPMENT TRAINING rather than changing you into some other person. We as your mentors will
help you in enhancing your self-esteem along with Personality development.

Public Speaking is an essential life skill. It is never too early to learn how to speak effectively and with
confidence. Imagine speaking to a classroom full of other kids and knowing that everyone is
understanding you and impressed by how comfortable, confident and relaxed you seem.

Why do we fear Public Speaking?

We identify a fear of public speaking as we harbour visions of doing something embarrassing, forgetting
what we are talking about, being unable to continue talking, not making sense, or showing physical signs
of anxiety to others. While fear and anxiety are normal and help keep us on our toes, and help us
perform. It tends to become a problem when we start fearing too much it hampers our daily functioning
in terms of our friendships, social interaction, and participation in class, which is all linked to public


1) Breathing Exercise ( for 2-3 minutes, to reduce anxiety)

2) Inner One, Outer One: Students will face each other and everyone should have a partner to
speak to. Teacher will write a question on the board and students will discuss it like: What do like
to eat?, Which game you like to play?, Which is your favourite subject?, etc. After few minutes,
students in the outer row will move one seat forward and the question will be changed. Students
will be discussing the next question with a new partner.
3) My Friend’s Fictional Life: Allocate each student with another student of a different class and
ask them to introduce them and make up a fictional life for them, i.e., and imaginary and creative
description of that unknown student.

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