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Ciuciu Andreea

Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane

Teacher: Andreea Ciuciu

Date: 11th of May 2019
Grade: 9th (students aged 15-16)
Level: Upper Intermediate
Time: 50 minutes
Topic: grammar
Title: Past Perfect Continuous
Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening
Materials: board, notebooks, worksheets
Type of lesson: Acquiring knowledge and of developing skills and abilities

Competențe specifice:
1.4 Identificarea, în mesaje orale şi texte scrise diverse, a unor puncte de vedere şi
opinii exprimate, pentru a le compara cu punctul de vedere personal
2.1 Oferirea şi solicitarea, oral / în scris, de informaţii şi instrucţiuni clare şi precise pentru
îndeplinirea unei sarcini de lucru
3.1 Solicitarea adecvată, oral / în scris, a ideilor, opiniilor, părerilor interlocutorului şi
răspunsuri / comentarii adecvate la acestea
3.3 Susţinerea unui punct de vedere în cadrul unei discuţii orale/ al unui schimb de
mesaje scrise, pe teme de interes
 use Ss speaking abilities
 identify the speech situations related to past perfect continuous
 answer the questions on an information sheet
 use the verbs in brackets to the right form to fill in the blanks

Lesson objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. to practice reading for specific information

2. identify and use the correct forms of past tense for a specific context
3. to develop writing skills
Ciuciu Andreea
Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane

The T announces that before announcing the title of the

lesson will spread the Infosheets. The T asks Ss to not
turn the page until they are told to, then asks Ss to pay
attention as the T reads the following joke:
”A farmer said to his wife: <<Darling, we have been
married for 25 years. Why don’t we kill the chicken
His wife replied: <<Why kill the chicken? It’s not its
fault.>>” Ss
Warm up

Based on the joke, T asks Ss to identify the tense of the T
verb in bold and have them write it in their notebooks and
on the dots at the top of the worksheet as the title of the

Ask students of any theoretical characteristics they may

remeber from previous years about the tense, such as
when is it used. The T corrects the errors and completes
the answers if needed.
The T asks students to turn the page and reads or asks a S
to read the uses of the Past Perfect Continuous as they are
to be found on the handed worksheet:
-expresses actions started in the past that were still in
progress at the moment another thing happened: My dog
Grammar had been sleeping for 2 hours when my mom came home. T
presentation -explains a reason for something in the past: He was 
15’ exhausted because he had been training hard all day. Ss
-to emphasize the duration of something, perhaps to make
apoint of the time, work, stress, commitment,
inconvenience etc. involved: She’d been waiting at the
airport for five hours.
Ciuciu Andreea
Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane
The T writes on the board the forms of Past Perfect
Continous as it follows:
Affirmative: S + had + been + V-ing (ex: She had been
eating for an hour.)
Negative: S + had not/hadn’t + been + V-ing (ex: She
hadn’t been eating for an hour.)
Interrogtive: Had + S + been + V-ing? (ex: Had she been
eating fro an hour?)
Interrogative-Negative: Had + S + not + been + V-ing?
Hadn’t + S +been + V-ing? (ex: Hadn’t she been eating
for an hour?)
The T spreads the Worksheet and asks Ss to individually
solve exercises 1. Afterwards T checks the answers with
the Ss.
practice The T asks Ss to individually solve exercises 2 present on

18’ the second page of the worksheet. Afterwards T checks
the answers with the Ss.

Repeat the same procedure with exercise 3 if time allows;

if not, it remains as homework.
The T gives Ss the following sentence the asks the Ss to
Grammar Ss
continue the story using Past Perfect Tense: Momo the
production 
mokey had been sleeping all morning. He’d been
10’ T
dreaming of a box full of bananas.
Homework Write a story with another character you prefer, using

2’ Past Perfect Continuous and other past tenses.
Ciuciu Andreea
Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane

Ciuciu Andreea
Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane


-expresses actions started in the past that were still in progress at the
moment another thing happened: My dog had been sleeping for 2 hours
when my mom came home.
-explains a reason for something in the past: He was exhausted because
he had been training hard all day.
-to emphasize the duration of something, perhaps to make apoint of the
time, work, stress, commitment, inconvenience etc. involved: She’d
been waiting at the airport for five hours.

Affirmative: S + had + been + V-ing
(ex: She had been eating for an hour.)
Negative: S + had not/hadn’t + been + V-ing
(ex: She hadn’t been eating for an hour.)
Interrogtive: Had + S + been + V-ing?
(ex: Had she been eating fro an hour?)
Interrogative-Negative: Had + S + not + been + V-ing?
Hadn’t + S +been + V-ing?
(ex: Hadn’t she been eating for an hour?)
Ciuciu Andreea
Facutatea de Litere
Master Studii americane



1: Underline and identify the past tense forms of the verbs in the following text:

Donald and Elizabeth had been driving to the cinema to see a movie before they
stopped. They had been driving down a dirt road when they heard a strange noise.
Donald stopped the car. He got out of it. Then, he helped Elizabeth out of the car.
She sat and waited for Donald.
Donald looked at the car. It had been going for an hour or so. He knew how to fix
cars. He had been working as a mechanic for 5 years before he moved to the country.
Donald got his tools. He looked under the hood. It seemed that the engine had been
heating up. He crawled under the car.
Donald had been working on the car for a while when Jake parked beside him. Jake
had been driving home when he saw Donald and Elizabeth on the side of the road.
Jake helped Donald fix the car. Donald thanked Jake for his help. Elizabeth waved
to Jake as they drove away. Thanks to his help, they arrived at the cinema in time.

2: Answer the following questions using Past Perfect Continuous:

1. Where had Donald and Elizabeth been driving before the car stopped?
2. How long had the car been going before it stopped? How long had Donald
been working as a mechanic before he moved to the country?
3. Where had Jake been driving when he saw Donald and Elizabeth?

3: Rewrite the following sentences as negative, interrogative and negative

interrogative sentences:

1. Donald and Elizabeth have been driving to the cinema before they stopped.
2. He had been working as a mechanic for 5 years.
3. The engine had been heating up.

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