Lesson Plan 9 I

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School year:
Grade: 9th
Textbook used: Going for gold, Ed. Pearson Longman
Level: Upper Intermediate
Students’ age: between 14 and 15 years old
Lesson: “ More, more, more”
Unit 10: More, more, more
Type of lesson: Acquiring knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
Target vocabulary: new words
Time: 50 minutes

AIMS: -to bring confidence to students

-to recycle and introduce vocabulary related to money and shopping
-to motivate students to speak up more often
-to activate background knowledge

Lesson objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. to practice reading for specific information

2. to answer multiple-choice questions about a text
3. to focus on words and expressions about shopping and spending and saving
4. to develop listening skills

Skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening

Teaching techniques: conversation, communication, explanation, brainstorming.
Teaching aids: the textbook, worksheets, the blackboard, audio cd
Class organization: individual, in pairs, in groups.
Interactions: teacher-students, teacher-pairs, teacher-groups, student-student.
Assumption: the Ss are supposed to be already familiar with some of the new
words from the lesson.
 Activity 1: Greeting, attendance and homework checking.(3 minutes)

Objective: To check previous knowledge.

The teacher greets the students, checks the homework. The students read their
homework and correct it if necessary; the students had as homework exercises 5
and 9 from page 95, textbook.
Technique: Conversation; Checking
Aids: Students’ notebooks

 Activity2: Warm-up (estimated time 5 minutes)

Objective: being able to discuss about shopping
Procedure: The teacher presents the new lesson, the lesson’s objectives and
writes the title on the blackboard. The teacher asks the students to open their
textbooks at page 96. The teacher writes the word shopping on the blackboard and
ask them to work in pairs to brainstorm as many words and expressions as they can
about it. Students read those words. The students read the words and their
definitions from exercise 1 and discuss the questions. The students think about 5
ways to feel good instantly.
Aids : textbook/blackboard
Language: related to the topic
Technique: Class work/ Conversation
Interaction: T-Ss,Ss-Ss.
Possible problems: students may not have many ideas about the topic. The teacher
will be prepared to give more details, ask other helping questions.

 Activity 3: (estimated time 10 minutes)

Objective: to practice reading for specific information
Procedure: Students should skim the text for the answer to the question. Exercise
3 prepares students to do the task in exercise 4. The teacher reminds them that key
words are usually nouns and verbs, but may also include adjectives, adverbs,
question words. They have to check their answers in small groups.
Language : words related to shopping
Technique: In groups/Guess-work/Conversation
Interaction : T- Ss, Ss-Ss
Possible problems: Ss may find new words in the exercise. The teacher will have
to provide an explanation.

 Activity 4 (estimated time 10 minutes)

Objective: to answer multiple-choice questions about a text
Procedure : the skimming and highlighted exercises above should have prepared
students sufficiently for exercise 4. They should do this individually. The students
check their answers.
Aids: textbook, notebook
Language : vocabulary: words related to shopping
Technique: Individual/ Conversation
Interaction : T- Ss
Possible problems: Ss may find new unknown words in the text. The teacher will
have to explain the new words.

 Activity 5 (estimated time 10 minutes)

Objective: To practice vocabulary (to focus on words and expressions about
shopping and spending and saving money)

Procedure: T asks the students to look at exercise number 4 from page 98 and to
choose the correct verb for each sentence. They should focus on the correct form
of the verb (i,e.whether it is an infinitive form, a present participle , a past
participle, etc.) The teacher checks their answers. For the next exercise students
should focus on the correct use of shopping and money expressions. Exercises 4
and 5 allow for controlled or semicontrolled review and practice of the target
vocabulary. The teacher monitors the students to see if they are using the
vocabulary correctly.
Aids: textbook, notebook
Interaction : T- Ss, Ss-Ss
Technique: Class work /pair work
Possible problems: the Ss may have problems in understanding all the words; the
teacher will provide help, if needed.

 Activity 6: Shopping for clothes (estimated time 6 minutes)

Objective: To practice listening
Procedure: teacher gives to the students some worksheets, offering information
about the next activity. The students will hear a conversation between a customer
and a shop assistant, paying attention to the details. In the end the students will
have to complete the missing information and to offer answers.
Aids: worksheets, cd
Technique: Class work/ pair work
Language : vocabulary: words related to shopping for clothes
Interaction : T- Ss, Ss-Ss

 Activity 7: Feed-back and homework (estimated time 2 minutes)

Objective: to consolidate the information ; to give feedback on students’ work.
Procedure: Ss will be able to answer to the T’s questions. They will tell their own
opinions about the new things learned in the class. The teacher announces the
homework (some exercises from worksheets) and gives directions for its
assignment. The students write down the homework.
Aids: worksheets
Technique: Explanation

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