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Rare cm ens ‘Complete these sentences with a phrase from the is. ‘quantifable data drain on resources nowiedge base tackrecord 1 We dont know what that companys Infor hi kind of werk, 2 Tmsorry, but need move your proposal doen include ay actual gures 3 Weve hardly started this project, but lead i's proving very expensive i are 4 mafia Tm not prepare to put up the money for this unless theres ging bes decent — 5 Wedon't need to outsource this. The \wehave within the company ie more than sulin ‘Complete the missing verb in these sentences, 6 The project fated because we m___ourresourots 7 Have youa. sufficient resources othe project? 8 Were so wasteful. We must stop ou 9 How can webest sour resources? ‘Complete these sentences with words rom the ist. ‘consensus perspective picture points poston strategy wi 10 Soe general le that we should go ahesd? 11 Wonced to lok at this from long-term —__ 12 Weal fine, but we need to look atthe bigger 15. Arethere any other we need to conser? 14 Yes,but we need to bear in mind the lng term —_ fal this, Wi 8 be working ten yeas frmn now? 15 Look, we cant give up now, Were ina realy trong {realy think we could win this tender. 16 Weneed a clear ‘to move the busines forward. ‘Complete these sentences with the correc form ofthe ‘words in brackets, 17 tt wei thought about this before we. (not / experience) so many problems now 8. Youtl be abet ralizethe pans bythe weekend you (Get up) a meeting for Turséay 19 twe ould use the sume contractors as ast time, ten it (be) cosy to get sarted 20 _(provide / we / o) the interviewing ‘n pais it shouldnt tle more than tw afternoons 21 Had known the system would be cut of date within year | (oot / invest 20 much in. 22 Unlesshe _____ (becom more fessional since {lst sw im, we wont et reply. 23 ifwe (no steady / spend) al the boudget wes have the funds to put an advert nthe pape. 24 Wall fwetargied school eaves we (be able o foeu far more on technical sls Put the words below in lier inthe correct oder to complete thse sentences. 8 No, not three thousand. Three hundred! hi / sory | lear 1117 that / me 26 Actual ines / of wos /17 more! the thiking along empleying staff cally ta do the eb 27 mwont/1/ wes / what that we should outsource I 28 No,t'm/ not! what / exactly thas / sein 29. Send hala doen staff members o Belgum? ean) what! that’ ely / nt / 30 actualy / wonted/20y/1/ wat / what / that we wealzeady got he green ight on this project. Photocoplable © Oxford Unversity Pes ius 10) Progress test (Choose the correct answer fom the words in tae. 1 She promised to be hemi involved inthe project, but be doesnt putin much elfort She's not empath / commited / people focused He can never make his mind up, and can ever provide a eine answer. He's not laure / adaptable dese. Se seems to prefer werkng independently - she's not ‘very good at working with the rest of te team, She's not daptabl / callaboratve / passionate 4 Oneminute hes shouting t someone andthe next es Jooked himetfin is oom! He ut hee noes of ow this afects other people. He's not eowure / passionate / coloboratie ‘Acompany directors talking about his work. Choose the Correct answer fom the words in alc, ‘Well first say it's crucial wo uid ctor 8 with of ‘rust, because without tis no-one wl be flly committed tothe project. Basia. is upto meto gently exert inflence 8 trough /overmy staff and in so doing, to ‘encourage them to achieve their on goals alo ave to avoid the temptation "10 / ofdo the jobs myself eifective

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