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Original Research—Otology and Neurotology

Head and Neck Surgery

Ototoxicity of Polymyxin B, Neomycin, 2014, Vol. 150(2) 282–284

Ó American Academy of
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck
and Hydrocortisone Suspension in Surgery Foundation 2013
Reprints and permission:
Tympanoplasty Surgery sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
DOI: 10.1177/0194599813513007

James R. House III, MD1,2, and

Laura K. House, MS2

No sponsorships or competing interests have been disclosed for this article. he commonly used otic solution composed of poly-
myxin B, neomycin, and hydrocortisone (PNH) or
Cortisporin has been used for more than 40 years in
the treatment of external otitis and suppurative chronic otitis
Objectives. (1) To determine the safety of using a commer- media and in surgery of the middle ear. Aminoglycosides
cially available suspension of polymyxin B, neomycin, and have long been known to be ototoxic when given systemi-
hydrocortisone (PNH) in tympanoplasty surgery. (2) To cally and when applied to the round window in treatment of
apply evidence-based medicine to tympanoplasty surgery vestibular disorders.1-3 With the advent of broad-spectrum
when considering potential ototoxicity. topical otic preparations using quinolones, it has been pro-
Study Design. Case series with chart review. posed that PNH be reserved for refractory cases and the qui-
nolones be used preferentially.4 It has been the senior
Setting. Tertiary otology practice, single surgeon. author’s observation that sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL)
Methods. Approval for this study was obtained from the St. is not observed following the use of PNH in tympanoplasty.
Dominic–Jackson Memorial Hospital Institutional Review To evaluate this theory, a retrospective review of consecu-
Board. Data were gathered on 272 consecutive type 1, tive type I tympanoplasty operations was performed.
underlay tympanoplasties for which both pre- and post-
operative audiometric data were available over a 10-year Methods
period. In each surgery, gelatin sponge saturated in a com- Using a computer-generated review of CPT codes over a
mercially available PNH suspension was placed in the middle 10-year period in a single-otologist private practice setting,
ear to support the graft. Patients ranged in age from 3 years all patients billed for a 69631 CPT code (tympanoplasty
to 79 years. Preoperative and postoperative bone conduc- without mastoidectomy) were reviewed. A total of 757 ears
tion thresholds were measured at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, met these criteria. Patients who had an overlay technique
and 4000 Hz. were excluded because of the possibility that drilling the ear
Results. The average change in sensorineural hearing as mea- canal might affect high-frequency hearing. Patients who did
sured by bone conduction thresholds was negligible, with a not have pre- and postoperative bone audiometry were also
slight improvement in all frequencies tested except 4000 Hz. excluded. A total of 480 ears were excluded because of a
The changes by frequencies were as follows: 500 Hz (–1.624 lack of complete audiologic data. Ten ears were from bilat-
dB), 1000 Hz (–1.399 dB), 2000 Hz (–0.975 dB), 3000 Hz (– eral tympanoplasty patients. One ear from each patient was
0.596 dB), and 4000 Hz (10.560 dB). The 5-frequency aver- excluded by alternating between left and right ears for
age change was 20.545 dB. patients with bilateral tympanoplasty. This left a total of
272 ears meeting the stated criteria.
Conclusions. The commonly used otic solution containing The patient population included a wide age range for
polymyxin B, neomycin, and hydrocortisone demonstrates subjects, from 3 years to 79 years. The average age per ear
no ototoxicity in tympanoplasty surgery and is safe to use in was 24.4 years. The median age was 15 years, indicating a
this setting.
Jackson Ear Clinic, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
This article was presented at the 2013 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting and
ototoxicity, Cortisporin, tympanoplasty, evidence-based OTO EXPO; September 29–October 3, 2013; Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Corresponding Author:
James R. House III, MD, Jackson Ear Clinic, P.O. Box 16685, Jackson, MS
Received September 11, 2013; revised October 21, 2013; accepted 39236-6685, USA.
October 25, 2013. Email: jhouseiii@comcast.net

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House and House 283

Table 1. Average threshold shifts (95% confidence interval).

500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 3000 Hz 4000 Hz 5-Frequency Average

–1.624 dB –1.399 dB –0.975 dB –0.596 dB 10.560 dB –0.545 dB

(22.724 to 20.524) (21.989 to 20.809) (22.085 to 0.145) (21.696 to 0.494) (20.270 to 1.400) (20.995 to 20.105)

Table 2. Maximum measured threshold shifts.

500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 3000 Hz 4000 Hz 5-Frequency Average

–20 dB –20 dB –25 dB –20 dB –20 dB –18 dB

115 dB 115 dB 120 dB 130 dB 135 dB 115 dB

preponderance of pediatric patients. There was 1 more right tympanic membranes (NITM) through a consensus panel
ear than left ear. Fifty-three percent of the ears were female. commissioned by the AAO-HNS in 2004.5 Several studies
One surgeon using a temporalis fascia or tragal perichon- were reported by the panel, including an investigation of
drial graft in an underlay fashion performed all the surgeries. animal studies,5 a review of clinical reports of SNHL with
Gelfoam, a commercially available gelatin sponge, was satu- topical solutions in NITM patients,8 and an analysis and rec-
rated with a PNH solution and placed in the middle ear and ommendation report.4
the external canal to support the graft. An audiologic evalua- In the review of animal studies, more than 30 investiga-
tion was performed no sooner than 4 months postoperatively tions looking at numerous topical medications including
by licensed audiologists. Paired data for pre- and postopera- neomycin and polymyxin B were analyzed. These studies
tive audiometric bone conduction thresholds were measured were conducted on a variety of animals, including primates.
at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in 5-dB increments. The studies demonstrated loss of inner and outer hair cells
in the cochlea and loss of hearing through electrophysiolo-
Results gic measurements.5
There was no overall significant change in the audiometric In an exhaustive review of the literature from 1966 to
thresholds. A slight improvement was noted in the lower 2003, Matz et al8 found evidence for 11 cases of cochlear
frequencies, trending to a slight decline in the highest fre- and 2 cases of vestibular toxicity attributed to long-term use
quency. The changes in bone conduction thresholds were as of neomycin in mastoid cavities.
follows: 500 Hz (–1.624 dB), 1000 Hz (–1.399 dB), 2000 Based on these investigations, the AAO-HNS consensus
Hz (–0.975 dB), 3000 Hz (–0.596 dB), and 4000 Hz panel report discussed the poor correlation of animal studies
(10.560 dB; Table 1). There were no incidences of a dra- and clinical experience, offering several possible explana-
matic change in sensorineural hearing. The greatest change tions. These included differences between humans and ani-
was observed in 1 ear with an 18-dB average improvement mals in the round window and the organ of Corti. The panel
in hearing. Two ears were observed to experience a 15-dB referenced studies that demonstrated no hearing loss associ-
average decline in hearing. The greatest change at any one ated with use of PNH in NITM patients. The panel admitted
frequency was a 35-dB decline at 4000 Hz (Table 2). that it was charged with using an evidence-based medicine
approach in the analysis. The panel could use only a grade
Discussion C for evidence. The panel concluded that potentially oto-
It is well known that aminoglycosides can cross the round toxic preparations should not be used routinely despite lack
window membrane of mammals and cause vestibular and of clinical evidence that ototoxicity is likely but rather
cochlear toxicity. Numerous animal studies have shown hair because other preparations are available.4
cell loss and hearing loss with topical application of neomy- In response to these recommendations, otologists at the
cin and polymyxin B to the round window membrane.5 Also, Lippy group in Warren, Ohio, published 2 studies based on
hearing loss can occur in patients undergoing gentamicin per- their observation of safety in using PNH for years in NITM
fusion of the inner ear via the round window to achieve a patients.9,10 One study examined 500 patients receiving
chemical labyrinthectomy in treatment of Meniere’s disease PNH at a dose of 3 drops, 3 times a day, for 5 days. There
and other vestibular disorders.6,7 This knowledge, along with were no cases of hearing loss.9 The second study evaluated
the advent of commercially available quinolone topical otic distortion product otoacoustic emissions in 30 patients
preparations, led to an investigation of the safety of amino- treated in a similar fashion compared with a control group
glycosides in the treatment of otologic disease with nonintact of 30 patients. Again, no ototoxicity was demonstrated.10
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284 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 150(2)

Other studies have also demonstrated no hearing loss in Funding source: None.
NITM patients treated with PNH.11,12 All of these studies
reported on short-term use of PNH. References
A recent study by Antonelli and colleagues13 from the 1. Banerjee A, Parnes LS. The biology of intratympanic drug
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states, over a 7-year period, involving 134,598 children. The 2. Pullens B, van Benthem PP. Intratympanic gentamicin for
study determined ototoxicity based on the record of tympa- Meniere’s disease or syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
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ototopicals, and an ICD code for SNHL. No audiometric 3. Gabra N, Saliba I. The effect of intratympanic methylpredniso-
studies were examined. Patients who received quinolones lone and gentamicin injection on Meniere’s disease.
showed no increase in the SNHL diagnosis. Patients receiv- Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;148:642-647.
ing 1 prescription of PNH showed a slightly less incidence of 4. Roland PS, Stewart MG, Hannley M, et al. Consensus panel
SNHL, whereas those with 2 prescriptions for PNH demon- on role of potentially ototoxic antibiotics for topical middle
strated a statistically higher rate of SNHL diagnosis. ear use: introduction, methodology, and recommendations.
Interestingly, the group that had 3 or more prescriptions for Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004;130:S51-S56.
PNH had a slightly lower correlation with the SNHL diagno- 5. Roland PS, Rybak L, Hannley M, et al. Animal ototoxicity of topi-
sis than the group that received 2 prescriptions. The authors cal antibiotics and the relevance to clinical treatment of human
concluded that repeated applications of PNH in patients with subjects. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004;130:S57-S78.
an NITM might result in SNHL. The obvious difficulty in 6. Carey J. Intratympanic gentamicin for the treatment of
this study is the absence of any audiometric studies. Another Meniere’s disease and other forms of peripheral vertigo.
weakness is the inexact use of diagnoses in clinical practice. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2004;37:1075-1090.
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PNH in tympanoplasty has several limitations. A retrospec- 8. Matz G, Rybak L, Roland PS, et al. Ototoxicity of ototopical
tive analysis inherently lacks the weight of a prospective, antibiotic drops in humans. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
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operative audiograms to review, introducing the possibility 9. Berenholz LP, Burkey JM, Farmer TL, et al. Topical otic anti-
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Conclusions 10. Berenholz LP, Rossi DL, Lippy WH, et al. Is there an ototoxi-
city risk from Cortisporin and comparable otic suspensions?
This study demonstrates grade B evidence that the use of a
Distortion-product otoacoustic emission findings. Ear Nose
commercially available solution of polymyxcin B, neomy-
Throat J. 2012;91:106-112.
cin, and hydrocortisone (Cortisporin) shows no evidence of
11. Pickett BP, Shinn JB, Smith MFW. Ear ototoxicity: reality or
cochlear ototoxicity when used in tympanoplasty surgery.
myth? Am J Otol. 1997;18:782-791.
12. Welling DB, Forrest LA, Goll FIII. Safety of ototopical anti-
Author Contributions
biotics. Laryngoscope. 1995;105:474-474.
James R. House III, data analysis, drafting, final approval; Laura K. 13. Winterstein AG, Liu W, Xu D, Antonelli PJ. Sensorineural
House, data analysis, drafting, final approval. hearing loss associated with neomycin eardrops and nonintact
Disclosures tympanic membranes. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;148:
Competing interests: None.
Sponsorships: None.

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