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PRK Post-Procedure Care

HEALING SYMPTOMS: The surface cells of the eye heal during the first 3-5 days after your
procedure. During this time your vision will be blurry and your eye may appear a little red and swollen.
The eye may feel itchy (like you have an eyelash in your eye), which may cause it to water, and your nose
may run. You will be sensitive to bright light. These are all normal symptoms and will disappear within
a few days.

BANDAGE CONTACT LENS: A bandage contact lens will be inserted into your eye. It will protect
the eye and significantly reduce the pain experienced. The doctor will remove the contact lens when the
protective outer corneal layer (epithelium) has healed (usually 3-5 days). If the contact lens falls out at
any point, keep your eye closed until you see a doctor. Do not reinsert the contact lens. A new bandage
contact lens will be inserted during the next follow-up appointment with your eye doctor or Clarity
Refractive (call 973-325-3475).

DISCOMFORT: Patients may experience some discomfort for the first 24-72 hours after the procedure.
The level of discomfort varies significantly from patient to patient. If you experience any serious
problems or have any concerns, please call your eye doctor or Clarity Refractive at 973-325-3475.

SLEEP: It is best to sleep as much as possible during the first few days, as this will promote more rapid

SUNGLASSES: Wear sunglasses whenever outdoors for UV protection.

MEDICATION: You may be given prescription medication to take in order to ease any discomfort.

EYE DROPS: To avoid washing out the previously applied drop, it is best to separate the drops by
approximately 3-5 minutes.

Zymaxid/Pred Forte: Antibiotic/steroid drops – use 1 drop 4 times a day (three meals and
bedtime) for the first 3-5 days, or until the bandage contact lens is removed.

Acular LS: Anti-inflammatory drops – use 1 drop 4 times a day for FIRST 2 DAYS ONLY.

Lubrication: Lubricating drops will be provided for your comfort. They are essential to the
healing process. Use them every hour for the first month, then 4 times a day for 3-5 months.

AFTER THE BANDAGE CONTACT LENS IS REMOVED, you will use FML (steroid) on the
following schedule:

1 drop 4 times per day for 4 weeks

1 drop 3 times per day for 4 weeks
1 drop 1 time per day for 4 weeks

Your doctor may change this schedule depending on your healing pattern.
ACTIVITIES: Please wait ideally one full week before swimming, exercising, gardening or related


• Your vision will slowly improve over a period of 7-10 days. You can wear makeup and return to
all your normal activities 48 hours after the bandage contact lens has been removed.

• Your focus will vary throughout the day, and it will take several seconds for objects to become
clear. Your depth perception will be off for 7-10 days, so take special care.

• Finally, it is important to remember that everyone heals at his or her own pace, so please have
patience. Your progress will be monitored at regularly scheduled visits, and management will be
decided accordingly.


• Daily until surface heals, usually 2-3 days

• Week 1, Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, and Month 4, to check visual recovery and to monitor eye
• Month 6, Month 12, then annually to check for visual stability, to assess for enhancement and
evaluate general eye health.

Patient Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________

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