Professional Activities

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Professional Activities

Commitment to the Profession

 Evaluate the importance of a range of professional activities across the school (assembly, bus
duty, extra-curriculum clubs)
 Actively participate in professional activities across the school

Date Professional Description MST/HOF

Activity Signature
25/3/2019 Bus duty At the end of the day the
teacher specifically when
the last period finish at Sareh
1:15 pm when the bell is
ring the teacher tell the
students to take their bags
and to line up outside the
class. Then she leads them
to the bus area it’s take
5-8 minutes.
28/3/2019 Sport day The school prepared sport
activities in the school area
such as, football, racing,
tension rope, and walking
around the school. The
school arranges the
activities depending to the
grade level so, for grade
one it was in the second
period my teacher took
them to the school area to
do the activities .First, they
start by walking around
the school, then they starts
to do the activities and at
the end they chosen the
winner class from grade
1.My teacher was exciting
and she joined the
competition with the
students like racing.
18/3/2019 Children’s day The school arranged
different events in the gym
and the teachers must take
the students during the
lesson to the gym to let the
students take a gifts and do
the activities about health
,education, talk with the
students about the national
day in UAE and the said
for the students that they
love them and they
encouraged students to
study to have a job in their
future like: Doctor,
teacher, etc..

21/3/2019 Mother’s day In this day the school

disuses about the mother’s
day in the morning and tell
the students they should Sareh
listen to their mothers and
they gave each students a
flower to give to their
mothers .Thus, my teacher
let the students to do a
card to say something to
their mother’s.
21/3/2019 Happiest day In the morning the school
did activities about
happiest day such as,
listening to a song,
students gives gifts for the
21/3/2019 Reading day In this day English
teachers did reading
activities in Arabic and in Sareh
English for grade 1
student’s .During the
activities my MST read a
story for the students and
the story was about “The
Very Hungry Caterpillar”.

18/3/2019 Hak Alela One of our traditional is to

do Hak Alela which is
before Ramadan .In this
day we give the children’s Sareh
sweets and the school
design the school
department and they let the
students to bring sweets to
give for each other .My
MST let the students to
give each other the sweets
in the class because, she
said it’s better than to go
outside the class.

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