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Daily Journal

/he The 4 de mayo de 1987 ·

Roger. Boulton new Consecomercio

cio head
By Daily Journal Staf f "At the juncture in which New Consecome rcio direc-
we are living, the business tors include _Oscar Schnell,
Roger Boulton, repre - sector should maintain its Eloy Sardinas, Roger
senting the Caracas Chamber , umty now more than ever . In Giuliano, Jacinto Marin, Os-
of Commerce has been Consecomerc10 we should be car Alvares, Alvaro Acuna,
-elected president of the Na- the first to give this example. Alba de Beck, Luis A.
tional Council of Comrriere Our selection stage is over, Maturet, Carmen T. Hurtado,
an d S ervice c ( C Con- with the forrmation of. one Jesu Luciano Marin, Andres
secomercio). Ione team, _Boulton said m Pierantoni , Thomas Morill,
takmg over the post. Mauel Villacreces, Manuel
The vote took place during "Facing the difficult situa- Felipe Garcia, Oswaldo Jugo,
Consecomercio's 17th Annual tion in which we live, difficult Oduardo Maritnez , ·Jose
Assembly m Maracaibo. for the inevitable deteriora - Duardo, Enrique Cardenas,
Boulton, who replaces tion of the levels of life, I wish Enrique Boccardo, Jose Luis
Aristides Maza Tirado at the the entire nation to compel an Urbaneja , - Benigno Luis
post, will serve for the accounting of the public Marco, Miguel Servat , John
, 1987-1988 period. sector. Because, more than Stone, Victor Castellano,
Edgar Romero Nava of the just a few irresponsible ele- Humberto Paz, Vito Miraglia
and Jesus Salizar .
Petroleum Chamber was ments of the political life
elected first vice president. want to make the scape goat
Other officers included Paul · of current problems . .. the Manuel Los Gual of Avepa
de Vladar, second vice presi- private sector of.the economy was designated commissioner.
dent; Aurelio Chocheso , which is the generator of and .Alberto Hassan -of
treasurer; and Gilberto more than 70 percent of Acotex, alternate commis- · Roger Bo ulto n
·Gudino, secretary. productive employment .' ' s10ner.

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