Present Simple Basic 9

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Now let's learn how to use affirmative sentences with the present simple, when
we work the simple present, always, always, we will divide it two groups.
 The first group are sentences that use: I, We, You and They
 And de second group are sentences that use: He, She and It
 If a sentence is affirmative and uses, he, she and I, add "s" to the verb
 Let's see some examples

add "s" to the verb
 I work in an office (In this case
the sentence is with I, so You  Angel work in an office (We can replace
don`t have to add anything to Angel with “He”, as this sentence is with
the verb). "he" then we will add the "s" to the verb.
 We live in Peru (As this prayer is  Anne live in the U.S (We can replace Anne
with "we" we only say). with “she”, as this sentence is with “She”
 The children eat in the house then we will add “s” to the verb.
(we can replace “the children”  The dog eat in the garden (we can replace
with “they”, we only say.) “the dog” with “it” because we are talking
 You read books (here this about an animal, as this sentence is with
sentence is with “You”, and we “it” then we will add “s” to the verb)
only say)
AFFIRMATIVES SENTENCES=Using the simple present
Remember that when we use the present simple we will divide it into two
 The first group are sentences that use: I, We, You and They we use
 And de second group are sentences that use: He, She and It we use



Here we have some examples  He doesn`t works in an office ( this is a

possitive sentence and to turn it negative
 I don`t work in an office (In this
sentence we use "doesn`t" mmmm,but,
case the sentence is with I, so
here we have a problem, the auxiliary
we use “don`t”).
already has the “s”, so we use an "s" which
 We don`t live in Peru (we use
is in the auxiliary, the “s” of verb isn`t
don`t and turn it negative
necessary, so the correct sentence is
sentence ).
 Anne doesn`t lives in the U.S (( this is a
 They eat in the house (As the
sentence afirmative, if the sentence is with
sentence is with "they" the only
“she” so we use “doesn`t”….mmmm,but,
thing we have to do is add don`t
here we have a problem, the auxiliary
we say.)
already has the “s”, so we use an "s" which
 You read books (As the
is in the auxiliary, the “s” of verb isn`t
sentence is with "you" the only
necessary, so the correct sentence is
thing we have to do is add don`t
 we say.)
 The dog doesn`t eats in the garden (in this
sentence the same thing happens as in the
previous ones, we use the auxiliary
"doesn`t" mmmm,but, here we have a
problem, the auxiliary already has the “s”,
so we use an "s" which is in the auxiliary,
the “s” of verb isn`t necessary, so the
correct sentence is)

 Now let's learn how to ask questions? using the present simple
 with short answers yes or no
 We will use the auxiliary “do” with 4 personal pronouns.
1. The kids take a shower at night ( How do we transform this positive
sentence into a question?) we have to use the structure
 Do The kids take a shower at night? and the Question mark
 Now let's see the short answers
 Yes, they do or no, they don`t
Remember if your question is with "THEY" the answer has to be with "THEY"
Let`s see the positive sentence
2. I go the school on Monday ( How do we transform this positive sentence
into a question?) we have to use the structure
 Do I go the school on Monday? and the question mark
 Now let's see the short answers
 Yes, you do or no, you don`t

Remember if your question is with "I" the answer has to be with "YOU"
Let`s see the positive sentence
3. You get up at 5:00 a.m ( How do we transform this positive sentence into
a question?) we have to use the structure
 Do You get up at 5:00 a.m? and the question mark
 Now let's see the short answers
 Yes, I do or no, I don`t

Remember if your question is with "YOU" the answer has to be with "I"
Let`s see the positive sentence
4. We clean our room every day ( How do we transform this positive
sentence into a question?) we have to use the structure
Do we clean our room every day? and the question mark
 Now let's see the short answers
 Yes, you do or no, you don`t

Remember if your question is with "WE" the answer has to be with "YOU"
 Now let's learn how to ask questions? using the present simple
 with short answers yes or no
 We will use the auxiliary “do” with 3 personal pronouns.

1. See first the affirmative sentence

 My neighbor walks the dog after school (You can replace "my
neighbor" with a personal pronoun that can be he, she or it. But,
How do we transform this positive sentence into a question?)

 we have to use the structure (Doesn`t My neighbor walks(mmm

here we have a problem, this verb isn`t in its simple form has the
“s”,we have to delete it because the auxiliary already has the “s”,
with an “S” is enough) the dog after school? and the question

 Now let's see the short answers

 Yes, He does or no, he doesn`t
2. See first the affirmative sentence
 Mom comes home after work (You can replace "Mom" with a
personal pronoun that can be he, she or it. But, How do we
transform this positive sentence into a question?)

 we have to use the structure (Does mom comes(mmm here we

have a problem, this verb isn`t in its simple form has the “s”,we
have to delete it because the auxiliary already has the “s”, with an
“S” is enough)home after work? and the question mark)

 Now let's see the short answers

 Yes, She does or no, She doesn`t
3. See first the affirmative sentence
 The cat takes a nap after lunch (You can replace "Mom" with a
personal pronoun that can be he, she or it. But, How do we
transform this positive sentence into a question?)

 we have to use the structure (The cat takes (mmm here we have a
problem, this verb isn`t in its simple form has the “s”,we have to
delete it because the auxiliary already has the “s”, with an “S” is
enough) a nap after lunch? and the question mark)

 Now let's see the short answers

 Yes, It does or no, It doesn`t

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