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Isaac McDowell

Mrs. Bowyer

English 4

August 23 2018

FAQs About Becoming a Firefighter

1. What is the first step to becoming a firefighter?

Get the basic requirements. All incoming firefighters must have a highschool diploma

and a valid driver's license. Also the minimum age requirement to join the fire service is

18 however not many or ever do people get hired that early. The fire service will make all

its applicants take a written and physical tests before moving farther. The hiring process

is quite lengthy. (“Learn How to Become One”)

2. What major is needed in order to become a firefighter?

Most fire jurisdictions require all firefighters to take an EMT level 1 class. This class

can be taken at a community college and isn’t too expensive. As far as major goes, attending a

fire academy and even attending a four year college. Getting a Bachelors is fire science would

really give you a lead on other fire candidates, and could help you rise up in the fire service

ranks. (“Learn How to Become”)

3. I smoke weed and have a background can I become a firefighter?

According to the (NFPA) a firefighter or anyone apart of law enforcement cannot have

weed in their system for more than three years, absolutely never used a needle, no meth, cocaine

ever, and no tobacco products for more than 6 months. During an interview to become a

firefighter they hook all candidates up to a polygraph (lie Detector) and ask if you have ever

partaken in any of these.


4. Should I start with volunteer firefighting or seasonal work?

Yes. Cal Fire offers seasonal job normally 6 months out of the year, this seasonal position is

known as Firefighter 1. Being a firefighter 1 is nice because you learn a lot about the service and

aren't really tied to being a firefighter yet. So if you don’t like it you can leave. Aslo, Firefighter

1 gets paid. This is a really great option to get your foot in the door and work to becoming a


5. With so many people applying to join the fire service, how do I set myself apart?

That is very true. Becoming a firefighter has been a common job that most people think of when

looking for a good job. However, I think becoming a firefighter is a calling. This job is not for

everyone, and for people to see how you are different,

6. What qualities are present in a firefighter?

Being a firefighter isn’t for everyone. A couple qualities needed to be a firefighter are,

Integrity, communication, dedication, teamplayer, tolerance, and self sacrifice. These are

just a few qualities needed. Also being physically fit is so important. The number cause

of death of firefighters is stroke, and heart attack. This could be related to many things,

however; being physically fit can really bring the chances of this happening way down.

7. What are the duties of a firefighter?

The main duty of a firefighter are too serve and protect the public. This is a very noble

line of work. People look up to firefighters for safety and protection. Firefighters have to be

disciplined in there work and not be doing things that portray a bad image for firefighters.

8. Working for the fire service, is it a hard job.


Being a firefighter is very demanding. Both physically and mentally. It takes a toll on

your body, and mind. Though, it is the most rewarding job you'll ever have. Talking to many

retired and currently employed firefighters, I hear the same thing over and over. “This is the best

job in the world, and if it's not the best I don't know how another job could get much better.”

9. Now I understand being a firefighter is a great job, but how's the pay, and benefits?

The benefits and pay for this job are great. It’s not a job for everyone. The pay is above

average, but the benefits make it worth its while.

10. All in all, should I be a firefighter?

I say yes. Being a firefighter teaches a person so much. I believe you get a different view

of the world when you see it how public services do. This job build character. It is the

most rewarding job in the world!

Works Cited

California, State of. “Fire Protection Careers.” CAL FIRE - Adaptation to Climate Change,

California, State of. “Fire Protection Careers.” CAL FIRE - Adaptation to Climate Change,

“Firefighter Job Interview: How to Stand Out.” FireRescue1, 2 Nov. 2015,

“The 10 Traits All Great Firefighters Have.” FireRescue1, 28 Mar. 2014,


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