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Review Article

A Review on Effects of Metformin on

Vitamin B12 Status
Sara Fatima*, Sobia Noor

Pharm D, department of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Deccan School of Pharmacy,
Hyderabad, A.P India.

Metformin mostly prescribed first line therapy in diabetes mellitus
type 2 patients because it decreases morbidity and mortality. Vitamin
Address for B12 is an essential micronutrient required for optimal hemopoetic,
Correspondence cardiovascular and neuro-cognitive function. Biochemical and
clinical vitamin B12 deficiency has been demonstrated to be highly
Pharm.D,10-2- prevalent among diabetes mellitus type 2 patients on metformin. It
346/9/B, KMWS presents with diverse clinical manifestations ranging from impaired
Apartments, IInd memory, dementia, delirium, peripheral neuropathy, sub acute
Floor, Flat No: 202, combined degeneration of the spinal cord, megaloblastic anemia and
Asif Nagar PS Road, pancytopenia.
Hyderabad-500028 This review article offers a current perspective on vitamin B12
India. deficiency due to metformin therapy vitamin B12 supplementation in
Tel: +91-9885924340. diabetes mellitus type 2 patients.
research.clinical Keywords: Metformin, vitamin B12 defeciency, diabetes mellitus type 2, neuro-cognitive function.

Metformin is considered a treatment has been reported to be associated
cornerstone in the treatment of diabetes and with decreased folate concentration,
is the most frequently prescribed first line although the mechanism of this effect has
therapy for individuals with type 2 diabetes. not been elucidated. Finally, decreases in
In addition, it is one of a few both folate and vitamin B-12 concentrations
antihyperglycaemic agents associated with might, in turn, result in an increase in
improvements in cardiovascular morbidity homocysteine concentration, an independent
and mortality, which is a major cause of risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
death in patients with type 2 diabetes. especially among individuals with type 2
Metformin does, however, induce diabetes.1
vitamin B-12 malabsorption, which may The United Kingdom Prospective
increase the risk of developing vitamin B-12 Diabetes Study demonstrated that the
deficiency-a clinically important and biguanide metformin is as effective as
treatable condition. In addition, metformin sulfonylurea for glycaemic control and has

American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

additional cardiovascular protective effects. bacterial overgrowth and consequential

The American Diabetes Association vitamin B12 deficiency, competitive
suggests using metformin as the first-line inhibition or inactivation of vitamin B12
medical therapy for type-2 diabetes. When absorption, alterations in intrinsic factor (IF)
used alone, metformin rarely causes levels and interaction with the cubulin
hypoglycaemia in older people. It increases endocytic receptor. Metformin has also been
insulin sensitivity and improves weight loss shown to inhibit the calcium dependent
and the lipid profile. Its side effects include absorption of the vitamin B12-IF complex at
lactic acidosis in patients who experience the terminal ileum.3
heart failure, renal failure, and among The hydrophobic tail of biguanides
alcoholic patients, as well as vitamin B12 such as metformin, extends into the
deficiency.2 hydrocarbon core of membranes. The
protonated biguanide group gives a positive
Long term effects of metformin on vitamin B charge to the surface of the membrane,
12 status which displaces divalent cations. Thus, the
Metformin is a first-line medication biguanides alter membrane potentials and
used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes but affect their calcium-dependent functions.
has also been shown in multiple studies to Metformin also has an effect on the cubilin,
reduce serum B12 levels in 10–30% of which may affect B12-instrinsic factor
patients20 complex absorption and result in the
All current evidence on vitamin B-12 deficiency.2
deficiency in metformin treatment comes Vitamin B12 deficiency may have
from short term studies. No long term, serious consequences such as megaloblastic
placebo controlled data on the effects of anaemia, myelopathy and neuropathy, and
metformin on concentrations of vitamin B- subnormal cobalamin concentrations have
12 in patients with type 2 diabetes have been been associated with dementia.
reported. In addition, placebo controlled Megaloblastic anaemia due to metformin-
data on the effects of metformin on associated vitamin B12 deficiency has been
homocysteine concentrations in type 2 reported,but it can be treated successfully
diabetes are sparse, and again no long term with cyanocobalamin. Symptoms of B12-
data are available.1 related neuropathy can be misinterpreted as
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is a water diabetes neuropathy.4
soluble vitamin that plays a very Metabolically significant vitamin
fundamental role in DNA synthesis, optimal B12 deficiency hence will result in
haemopoesis and neurological function. The disruption of the methylation process and
clinical picture of vitamin B12 deficiency accumulation of intracellular and serum
hence, is predominantly of features of homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinemia has
haematological and neurocognitive been shown to have potentially toxic effects
dysfunction.3 on neurones and the vascular endothelium.
Decrease in vitamin B12 absorption This reaction is also essential in the
and levels following metformin use typically conversion of dietary folate (methyl-
starts as early as the 4th month. The tetrahydrofolate) to its active metabolic
proposed mechanisms to explain metformin form, tetrahydrofolate. In another essential
induced vitamin B12 deficiency among enzymatic pathway, vitamin B12 as a co-
patients with T2DM include: alterations in factor mediates the conversion of
small bowel motility which stimulates methylmalonyl coenzyme A (CoA) to

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

succinyl-CoA. In the presence of vitamin although the prevalence varies greatly

B12 deficiency, this conversion pathway is depending on population studied and B12
diminished and an increase in the serum cut-off used. Several studies have screened
methylmalonic acid (MMA) ensues. This is outpatients taking biguanides for B12
followed by defective fatty acid synthesis of deficiency. Thirty per cent of 46 patients
the neuronal membranes.5 Vitamin B12 is undergoing biguanide therapy developed
also essential in the synthesis of B12 malabsorption, which resolved in half
monoamines or neurotransmitters like on stopping the drug. In 71 metformin
serotonin and dopamine.6 Vitamin B12 patients, 21 had low B12 absorption, and
deficiency impairs this synthesis. four had low B12 levels. Fifty-four of 600
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin (Cbl)) patients on long term biguanides had B12-
deficiency may co-occur with related megaloblastic anaemia.11
diabetes.Although it is most classically A recent, randomized control trial
associated with sub-acute combined designed to examine the temporal
degeneration, an exclusive peripheral relationship between metformin and serum
neuropathy presentation can occur.7 B12 found a 19% reduction in serum B12
Increased risk of vitamin B 12 levels compared with placebo after 4 years.
deficiency associated with current dose and Several other randomized control trials and
duration of metformin use, despite cross-sectional surveys reported reductions
adjustment for many potential confounders. in B12 ranging from 9 to 52%.8
The risk factors identified have implications An observational, cross-sectional
for planning screening or prevention cohort study conducted in 2003 showed that
strategies in metformin-treated patients.17 patients with type 2 diabetes on long-term
metformin treatment exhibit lower levels of
Vitamin B12 deficiency among patients with serum cobalamin and holotranscobalamin
type 2 diabetes mellitus: A comparative and higher HCy than patients not exposed to
review metformin. This means that metformin
Several studies and case reports have therapy carries a potential risk for
documented an increased frequency of development of vitamin B12 deficiency. The
vitamin B12 deficiency among type 2 DM study highlights the necessity of checking
patients. B12 status during metformin treatment in
Metformin has been associated with order to avoid this potential adverse drug
a lowering of vitamin B12 levels for over 40 reaction and preserve the beneficial effects
years. An increasing number of studies of metformin.4
published worldwide highlighted this A National Health and Nutrition
correlation.[7] It is well known that the risks Examination survey (NHANES) conducted
of both type 2 diabetes and B12 deficiency during 1999-2006 showed that metformin
increase with age. National data estimate a therapy is associated with a higher
21.2% prevalence of diagnosed diabetes prevalence of biochemical B12 deficiency.
among adults ≥65 years of age and a 6 and The survey revealed biochemical Cbl
20% prevalence of biochemical B12 deficiency (defined as serum Cbl
deficiency (serum B12,148 pmol/L) and concentration ≤148 pmol/L ) presenting in
borderline deficiency (serum B12 $148–221 5.8% of those using metformin .The amount
pmol/L) among adults ≥60 years of age.8 of B12 recommended by the Institute of
Vitamin B12 deficiency affects Medicine (IOM) (2.4 mg/day) and the
approximately 20% of elderly people, amount available in general multivitamins (6

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

mg) may not be enough to correct this treatment with metformin and low vitamin
deficiency among those with diabetes.8 B12 intake are probably more prone to this
An observational study conducted deficiency.10
during 2006-07, showed that metformin Two cases illustrate the problem of
therapy is associated with lower vitamin vitamin B 12 deficiency, these two patients
B12 status but there does not appear to be had B12 deficiency associated with
any significant effect on peripheral metformin therapy.11
neuropathy in those receiving metformin.7 A study on 280 patients on high dose
The HOME (the Outcome of its metformin for more than four years. Only
Metabolic Effects) trial was conducted in the 70(25%)had vitamin B12 levels checked.
outpatient clinics of three non-academic All of these 70 cases had peripheral
hospitals in the Netherlands showed that neuropathy. Vitamin B12 deficiency
long term treatment with metformin (<150pg/ml) was recorded in 23 cases,
increases the risk of vitamin B-12 where vitamin B12 level deficient were
deficiency, which results in raised replacement with vitamin B12 supplement
homocysteine concentrations. Vitamin B-12 in only 2 cases and improvement in
deficiency is preventable; therefore, findings neuropathic symptoms were documented.15
suggested that regular measurement of A multicenter trail of 390 patients
vitamin B-12 concentrations during long with DM receiving insulin therapy who were
term metformin treatment should be strongly randomized to receive metformin or placebo
considered.1 assessed for risk of decrease in vitamin B 12
An observational, cross-sectional levels over 4 years. Compared with placebo,
study conducted during from September patients taking, metformin had an increased
2005 to June 2006, compared the prevalence risk of vitamin B12 deficiency and low
of vitamin B12 deficiency in DM patients vitamin B 12. The effects increased with
aged 61 to 93 years who were treated with duration of therapy.16
and without metformin showed that In patients with type 2 DM 16 weeks
metformin use was significantly associated of treatment with metformin reduces levels
with vitamin B12 deficiency.12 of folate and vitamin B 12 which results in
A cross-sectional study conducted in modest increased in homocysteine.18
2006 found a 22% prevalence of A recent cohort study conducted at
metabolically confirmed B12 deficiency in the University Hospital of Strasbourg,
the primary care type 2 diabetic population. France, examined patients with a diagnosis
Although further research needs to be of metformin-associated cobalamin
performed to determine the clinical deficiency and concluded that metformin
implications of our findings, B12 deficiency causes at least 6 percent of the incidence of
should be considered in type 2 diabetic vitamin B12 deficiency and that resulting
patients, especially those taking metformin. hematologic abnormalities and peripheral
Furthermore, a daily multivitamin may neuropathy are quite common.19
protect against B12 deficiency.9 Proton pump inhibitors and
A Cross-sectional study conducted metformin alone were not associated with a
during July 3 to August 13, 2009, in significantdifference in vitamin B12
metformin-treated Brazilian diabetic patients deficiency, but the combination was
showed a high prevalence of vitamin B12 associated with a significant increase in
deficiency in metformin-treated diabetic vitamin B12 deficiency. More studies are
patients. Older patients, patients in long term needed to elucidate the exact mechanisms by

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

which proton pump inhibitors andmetformin histamine receptor antagonists, or

affect vitamin B12 levels and relate these biguanides for prolonged periods.22
changes to clinical findings.20
Intrinsic factor (IF), also produced Screening approach for vitamin B12
by gastric parietal cells, is required for B12 deficiency
absorption from the GI tract. Metformin Vitamin B12 depletion has been
treatment can result in B12 deficiency described in four stages ranging from mild
mediated by depression of IF secretion. GI depletion to clinical deficiency. Stage 1 is
symptoms can be a limiting factor in early vitamin B12 depletion characterized
optimizing metformin therapy, and the by a decrease in holoTC concentration.
underlying cause remains unclear. Many a Stage 2 is cellular depletion characterized by
time, these patients are prescribed a further decrease in holoTC.
H2RAs/PPIs to help the GI side effects and Serum total B12 takes longer to
gradually optimise the dose of metformin. respond to changes in status and can remain
H2RAs/PPIsmay therefore impair the within the normal range in stages 1 and 2.
absorption of protein-bound dietary B12 and Stage 3 is characterized by metabolic
could contribute to the development of B12 evidence of deficiency, with elevated
deficiency with prolonged use. Patients concentrations of both plasma homocysteine
taking these medications for extended and serum MMA, low holoTC and normal
periods of time should be monitored for B12 or below normal serum total B12
status. The role of H2RA/PPI affecting the concentrations. Stage 4 is clinical deficiency
absorption of B12, especially in diabetic where both serum total B12 and holoTC are
patients on metformin therapy with GI side- low, the metabolic indicators are elevated
effects is less commonly perceived in and there are clinical signs of deficiency
routine daily clinical practice and also needs including haematological and neurological
to be appreciated and recognised even manifestations.
further.24 Haematological features, which
occur as a result of impaired DNA synthesis,
When to suspect vitamin B 12 deficiency include megaloblastic anaemia characterized
Vitamin B12 deficiency should be by megaloblastic (large immature blood
suspected in all patients with unexplained cells with low concentrations of
anemia, unexplained neuropsychiatric haemoglobin) blood cells,
symptoms, and/or gastrointestinal hypersegmentation of neutrophils,
manifestations, including sore tongue, leukopaenia and thrombocytopaenia.
anorexia, and diarrhea. Special attention Neurological symptoms are diverse and
should be paid to patients at risk of irreversible if left untreated.
developing vitamin B12 deficiency. This The most severe form manifests as a
includes mainly elderly people because of sub-acute combined degeneration of the
their high prevalence of atrophic gastritis, spinal cord and is characterized by
vegetarians and vegans, and patients with degeneration of the posterior and lateral
intestinal diseases. Other groups may be columns of the spinal cord.25
considered at risk, including patients with Accumulating evidence suggests that
autoimmune disorders such as Graves’ Cbl associated metabolites methylmalonic
disease, thyroiditis, and vitiligo as well as acid and homocysteine are more sensitive
patients receiving proton pump inhibitors, and specific indicators of early symptomatic
Cbl deficiency than serum Cbl itself.13

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

Measurement of serum MMA or So an alternative and a more practical and

homocysteine concentrations and holo- cost-effective method to avoid Cbl
transcobalamin II is a more sensitive and deficiency, not evaluated yet would be
specific approach for screening especially annual 1000µg Cbl injection that would
among type 2 diabetic patients with provide more than annual Cbl need for every
borderline serum vitamin B12 patient on long term metformin therapy.14
concentrations of 200- 400 pg/ml. Normal A recently published follow up study
serum tHcy concentration ranges between 5 from the United States of America showed
and 15 µmol/L. Normal serum MMA that administration of oral vitamin B12
concentration is considered the value less among type 2 DM patients on long term use
than 0.28µmol/L. of metformin was ineffective in correcting
In the case of direct measures of biochemical vitamin B12 deficiency.8
vitamin B-12 [plasma or serum vitamin B- Oral administration of high dose
12 or holotranscobalamin (holoTC)], low vitamin B 12(1-2 mg daily) in as effective as
vitamin B-12 status is indicated by being intramuscular administration in correcting
below the lower limit of the reference range the deficiency, regardless of etiology.
(for vitamin B-12, 200 pg/mL or ,148 Because crystalline formulation are better
pmol/L; for holoTC, 35 pmol/L), whereas absorbed than naturally occurring vitamin B
for indirect measures of metabolites 12 . Although it is not known if prophylactic
(methylmalonic acid or homocysteine),low vitamin B 12 supplement prevents
vitamin B-12 status would be indicated by a deficiency. It seems prudent to monitor
level above the upper limit of the reference vitamin B 12 levels periodically in patients
range (for methylmalonic acid, .260 nmol/L; on metformin therapy.16
for homocysteine, .12 lmol/L). The
distinction between low vitamin B-12 status CONCLUSION
and outright vitamin B-12 deficiency is not
directly attributable to the actual measured Vitamin B12 deficiency is more
concentrations of circulating vitamin B-12 common among patients with type 2 DM.
or associated metabolites but is made on the There is a need for more accurate differential
basis of on the presence or absence of diagnosis to distinguish between diabetic
morbidity that is attributable to the vitamin neuropathy and metformin induced
B-12 deficiency state.23 neuropathy. Patients receiving long term
metformin therapy should considerably
Vitamin B 12 supplementation among DM require appropriate screening strategies to
patients on metformin prevent Cbl deficiency. Patients on metformin
Currently, there are no guidelines for therapy should routinely check for
the supplementation and appropriate dose of holotranscobalamin,methlymalonic acid and
vitamin B12 for DM patients on metformin. homocysteine levels. Long term metformin
It must be remembered that Cbl deficiency therapy leads to increase homocysteine levels.
induced neuropathy precedes the appearance High homocysteine levels have been
of megaloblastic anaemia and while anaemia associated with increased risk of coronary
of Cbl deficiency is reversible, the artery disease, high blood pressure, hip and
progression of neuropathy is only arrested other bone fractures, rheumatoid arthritis,
not reversed with initiation of Cbl therapy of diabetes, and other serious chronic diseases.
diabetic neuropathy resembles metformin Although these are all very dangerous
induced neuropathy will add to confusion. diseases, to the degree that they are caused or
aggravated by elevated homocysteine levels,

Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

they can be remarkably easy to treat by elderly: observational, cross-sectional study,

consuming adequate amounts of foods and Asian J Gerontol Geriatr 2011; 6: 82–7.
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supplementation justified?, Journal of
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minimize homocysteine levels. Elderly 12:17.
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Authors’ contributions metformin,elevated homocystein and
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manuscript, critically read and approved the Diabetic care Volume 33, Number 1, January
final manuscript. 2010.
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Fatima et al_________________________________________________ ISSN 2321 – 2748

Table 1. Major clinical manifestations of cobalamin Deficiency21

System Manifestation
Macrocytosis; hypersegmentation of the neutrophils; are generative macrocytary
anemia; medullary megaloblastosis (“blue spinal cord”)
Hematology Isolated thrombocytopenia and neutropenia; pancytopenia
Hemolytic anemia; thrombotic microangiopathy (presence of
Neuropsychiatric Combined sclerosis of the spinal cord
Polyneurites (especially sensitive ones); ataxia; Babinski’s
Cerebellar syndromes affecting the cranial nerves, including optic neuritis, optic
atrophy, urinary or fecal incontinence
Changes in the higher functions, even dementia, stroke and
Atherosclerosis (hyperhomocysteinemia); Parkinsonian syndromes; Depression
Hunter’s glossitis; jaundice; lactate dehydrogenase and bilirubin elevation
(“intramedullary destruction”)
Digestive Resistant and recurring mucocutaneous ulcers
Abdominal pain; dyspepsia; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea;
disturbances in intestinal functioning
Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and chronic vaginal and urinary
Gynecological infections (especially mycosis); hypofertility and repeated
Other Venous thromboembolic disease; angina (hyperhomocysteinemia)


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