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Lauren Caya

23 April 2019

1. The first paragraphs purpose was to illustrate the need for writers to put naysayers into
their writing. The second paragraph was to give a brief overview of how to put naysayers
into your writing.
2. By adding counter-arguments you are enhancing your credibility, because it makes it
engaging to read. It is also a form of entering the conversation on what you are righting
about. By adding objections you can easily “disarm” them so that people will not be
thinking up the same criticisms once they have read whatever it is that you’re righting. It
also shows that you respect your readers by not assuming they will just go along and
agree with everything you right.
3. Without addressing counter-arguments you are coming across as close-minded and that
you do not accept other’s views. You may also leave questions unanswered. Without
addressing these counter-arguments you may realize you don’t have a lot to say because
you are not taking time to disarm arguments and addressing questions in your writing that
you did not originally see.
4. Templates
a. “Of course, many will probably disagree with this assertion that ……”
b. “At this point, one might raise the objections that have been inspired by possible
skeptics that…..”
c. Some readers my challenge the views that …… After all, many believe that
…….. Indeed, the argument that…… seems to ignore ….. and ……”
5. Although labels are disliked because it stereotypes your readers and glosses over what
makes critics unique, but most of our ideas are conducted within groups, so addressing
them as a group gives definition and serve a short way to address more people than you
would if it wasn’t for grouping.
6. The formal way to introduce objections is to admit that not all those within the group will
agree with you, but some will. Using a broader “naming” for the group is another way of
addressing them formally. The informally way is to ask rhetorical questions that come off
as defensive of your arguments. Formally addresses them in a direct, conversational
manner while informal is wider.
7. Stay with the opposing views for several sentences or paragraphs to show that you’re
taking them seriously. Step into the shoes of your critics so you can see their views, and
in doing so, you see the best way to address them in your writing.
8. Templates
a. Granted, ……, it is still maintained that…..
b. While it is true that ….., it does not necessarily follow that ……
c. Proponents of X are right to argue that ….. But it is exaggerated when they claim
that ….

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