Essay On Kant's Racial Philosophy

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Olufifehanmi Osikoya

English 102

Dr. Jaggers

26 August 2018

Chapter 8 Summary

In my digression of qualitative research, few topic points stood out. Qualitative research

follows certain principles in order to remain unbiased, although research itself is skewed due to

human error and the researcher’s personal biases. The principles elicited in the chapter relays

common notions such as differentiating the stems of primary research, the process of producing

original, raw data and information through surveys, observations and interviews. Each of the said

stems of primary research can often be skewed in similar methods in relation to biasness by the

validity of the participation, ensuring the anonymity of the participants and limiting the biases of

the researcher while also necessitating the ability to narrow the possibilities of the data being


While actively fighting the bias of research, good qualitative research derives itself from

the basis of the research topic at hand. The researcher cannot answer questions with known

answers, known as ‘closed questions,’ but should also strain from inquiring on questions too

broad to be concised into a defined researchable topic in order to prevent gaps in the researcher’s


In writing research papers, the researcher must annotate a bibliography of his or her

sources in order to define the validity of the basis for the gap the researcher is finding, and must

also elictly display the researcher’s methods in order to ensure that the methodology is definitive.

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