Pastoral Kit 2

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Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 1

The Pastoral Kit Design Brief Outline

Did you know?

Kits are designed for many purposes. Sometimes machine (e.g., automobile, table saw, Dremel)
add on parts come in kits with instructions. Furniture and games are often purchased in kit form
and the consumer follows directions for assembly. Many parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents
enjoy utilizing kits with their relative children. A kit provides the opportunity for the participants
to interact and achieve a common goal in a special, sometimes spiritual way. The activity often
allows opportunities for the child to use tools and experience making something purposeful that
will last for some time.


Design and build a prototype kit made from wood. The kit is to have a purpose (e.g., game,
storage). Instructions for assembly are part of the kit. The kit is to include all parts needed for
assembly less tools, glue and surface finish (i.e., paint, stain, polyurethane).

1) The parts of the kit are to be cut with the CNC router or Laser Materials Processor.
2) The package size of the kit is limited to 11 ½” x 7 ½” or smaller.
3) Parts are to be designed for tolerance fit to assist with assembly and limit excessive
sanding or wide gaps to fill.
4) Plywood that is .190” +/- is available for use. If other stock is desired for use then the
designer is responsible for bringing the stock from home.

Utilize/document the Engineering Design Process to complete the challenge.
1) Ideate many possible choices with sketches and words on paper.
2) Research kits that are currently on the market.
3) Realize your criterion and constraints.
4) Ideate more.
5) Make a choice and design (technically draw) your parts.
6) Figure out some process(es).
7) Write the proposal and get it approved.
8) Make the prototype.
9) Test and evaluate the prototype.
10) Alter the design as needed.
11) Refine any part, process, or design as needed.
12) Write the final report.
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 2

The Pastoral Kit Design Brief Grading Rubric (Planning)

Ideation Steps are followed

1. The problem is clearly stated in writing 0 5
2. Ideas for the kit are sketched (minimum of 5) 0 5
3. Research is documented (APA references with documentation of 0 5
what was found at the site.)
4. Criterion and Constraints 0 5
5. More ideas are formulated 0 5

A choice is made and technical drawn 0 5 10 15

Design Proposal is written

The problem is defined 0 10
Research related to the problem is included (APA citations) 0 10
The approach is described (include technical drawings) 0 10
Tests and evaluations are described 0 10
Time line for the project 0 10
Reference page is included (APA format) 0 10

Proposal is Approved ______

Total __________


The Pastoral Kit Design Brief Grading Rubric (Making and Evaluation)

Prototype is made 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Alterations from proposal are reported in writing 0 5 10

Refinements of any part, process, or design are made/corrected and noted 0 5 10

Evaluate per proposal – Data are collected and analyzed 0 5 10 15 20

Final Report (This report is to show proof of pride in your work.

It is to include a narrative description of the project, information
for how your solution satisfies the criterion, data from the evaluation,
reflections for what you could/would do different, and how you hope
he kit will be used by consumers. This report is to be accompanied
by a packaged Pastoral kit and your assembled prototype
and the kit in a package.) 0 20

Total __________
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 3

The task is to build a kit that can be bought/distributed and assembled without the help of
the creator. It must be something that the builder will keep and use in the future. It is assumed
the kit will be assembled by a child and parent, grandparent, older sibling, etc.

Sketched Ideas:

Research: (n.d.). Best Sellers in Kids' Wood Craft Kits. Retrieved from
 The best-selling toys for girls are decorations, such as princess wands, or flowers
 Best-selling for boys are vehicles (trains, trucks, cars, planes)
 Boys toys focus on putting them together
 Girls toys focus on decorating the project (n.d.). 32 Awesome Woodworking Projects You Can Do with Your Kids.
Retrieved from
 Jewelry boxes
 Boxes for miscellaneous use
 Bird house
 Wall decorations
 Picture Frame
 Board game
 Lantern
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 4 (n.d.). 6 Strategies Teachers Use to help Kids with Learning and Attention
Issues. Retrieved from
 Learning using more than one sense can help a child learn faster
 Putting things together can help a child learn how to do it faster than just having a teacher
tell the, what to do
 Having a demonstration before having a child do something will help them to do it better.
When putting together the pastoral kit, if there is a step repeated more than once, the
adult could do it first to show the kid, and then have them do it their selves
 Working one on one with a child also improves their performance, and it is a good
opportunity to spend time together

Criterion and Constraints:

 Kit must be something enjoyable to make and use
 Must use a minimal amount of tools
 Must only have to be put together once purchased (no cutting)
 Must be able to be put together by a child with the help of an adult
 The pieces must be cut with the CNC router or laser materials processor
 All pieces must fit in a kit 11 ½” x 7 ½” or smaller
 Parts must fit together easily with few gaps and little sanding
 0.190” plywood can be used, or other materials can be brought in
 Must include all pieces except tools, glue, finishes or paints

More Ideas:
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 5

Choice for Pastoral Kit

The picture frame will be made into a pastoral kit.

Technical Drawings



Middle Layer of Frame, front and bottom of front, and decorations

Back of frame and left and right of front of frame

Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 6

Back of frame to hold picture in

A-Top of front of frame
B- Bottom of front of frame
C- Right side of front of frame
D- Left side of front of frame
E- Middle of frame
F- Back of frame
G- Part to hold picture in
H- Heart decoration (x2)
I- Basketball decoration (x2)
J-Smiley face decoration (x2)
K- Peace sign decoration (x2)
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 7

Design Proposal
The task is to design a kit that can be purchased and put together with an adult and a
child. It must be something that the child will enjoy, cherish and keep for a long time. The kit
must have everything needed to assemble it, except the tools, glue, paint and finishes. It also
must require very few tools to assemble.

According to, the pastoral kits that appeal to boys the most are vehicles, or
kits that must be put together. Girl’s kits on the other hand place emphasis on decorating the final
product and less on the assembly of he item (n.d.). This could be used in the pastoral kit to draw
attention for both genders. If the kit has and aspect of assembly and personalization it will appeal
to a wider audience. Some other ideas for pastoral kits include jewelry boxes or boxes for
miscellaneous use, bird houses, wall decorations, picture frames, board games, or a wood lantern
(, n.d.). A picture frame could incorporate the process of putting it together and
personalizing it to the pair who assembles it together. When an adult guides a child through a
process, it will help them to learn the action faster (, n.d.). With the conjoined
effort of the child and adult, the child can learn how to use the tools needed for the pastoral kit,
as well as other team work skills.

Description of Approach

The pastoral kit will include four pieces to make up the face of the picture frame, one
piece that composes the middle of the frame, a back piece, and one last piece to hold the picture
into the frame. The kit will also include several wood decorations that can be attached to the
frame as desired by the builder. There will also be instructions that label each of the pieces and
provide step by step instructions for assembly. To assemble the frame, the child and adult must
glue together the face of the frame and the layers of the frame. Then a picture can be selected and
inserted and then enclosed with the last piece of the kit.

Tests and Evaluations

 To test the pieces
o One set of the pieces of the pastoral kit will be cut using the laser or the CNC
router cutter.
o Then the pieces will be assembled into the final product of the pastoral kit
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 8

o The picture frame will be analyzed for excessive gaps or pieces that don’t fit
o Any changes will be made to the drawings on inventor to improve the quality and
design of the final product of the pastoral kit.
 To test the instructions
o The second set of pieces for the pastoral kit will be cut according to the revised
plans from the first test.
o Step by step instructions will have been written and illustrated.
o The pieces and instructions will be given to a fellow classmate to see if they
would be able to assemble the kit with only the instructions provided.
o If the answer is yes, the instructions are good to go, but if not, they must be
revised and retested until a classmate with no knowledge of the project could put
it together with only the information in the instructions.
 To test the product
o To test the marketability of the product, classmates will be surveyed to see if they
would have wanted to create this picture frame with an adult when they were a
o If anyone answers no, feedback will be asked for to help improve the pastoral kit
to be more appealing to children and adults alike.

Timeline for the Project

Because the technical drawings are made for the kit, the first set of pieces can be cut.
While that is going on, the instructions can be written up. Once both of those are finished, the
first kit can be assembled. All of this will take about a week to complete. Changes will then be
made to the instructions and picture frame itself to improve the overall quality and clarity of the
kit and its construction. Once that step is completed, the next set of pieces can be cut and
collected into one kit. Overall, the revision of the kit and the assembly of a revised pastoral kit
will most likely take about two weeks.
Name: Shannon Sefton_______________ 9

References (n.d.). Best Sellers in Kids' Wood Craft Kits. Retrieved from

and-games/166078011. (n.d.). 32 Awesome Woodworking Projects You Can Do with Your Kids.

Retrieved from (n.d.). 6 Strategies Teachers Use to help Kids with Learning and Attention

Issues. Retrieved from



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