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ETABS 17.0.

1 License #

ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ordinary Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
GF C137 367 COLUMN .7x.7 1.5(dl+ll) 3900 4500 0.523

Section Properties

b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)

700 700 59 30

Material Properties

E c (MPa) f ck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)

24855.58 27.58 1 500 413.69

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For P u , M u2 , M u3

Design P u Design M u2 Design M u3 Minimum M 2 Minimum M 3 Rebar Area Rebar %

kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
2708.5692 -300.3186 -262.0451 84.3268 84.3268 3920 0.8

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment

Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 2.457511 3900 1.8446 177.7183 84.3268
Minor Bend(M2) 2.932007 3900 -22.2768 252.9712 84.3268

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ETABS 17.0.1 License #

Shear Design for V u2 , V u3

Shear V u Shear V c Shear V s Shear V p Rebar Asv /s

kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, V u2 1.8142 311.1526 179.4794 0 778.37
Minor, V u3 16.0709 311.1526 179.4794 0 778.37

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear

Force V Top V u,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, V u2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, V u3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio


Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag A sc P uz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
4900 39.2 7551.1765 2883.0086 2708.5692 1

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma

Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M 3 ) Yes 0.867 700 13.692 12 Yes 177.7183
Minor Bending (M 2 ) Yes 0.867 700 16.335 12 Yes 252.9712


N/A: Not Applicable

N/C: Not Calculated

N/N: Not Needed

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