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The Five Paragraph Essay

I. Introduction
 Includes general statements about your main topic and a thesis statement,
usually the last sentence of the introduction.

II. Subtopic One

 Discussion of the first subtopic (the first “because”) which
demonstrates/supports your thesis statement.

III. Subtopic Two

 Discussion of the second subtopic (the second “because”) which
demonstrates/supports your thesis statement.

IV. Subtopic Three

 Discussion of third subtopic (the third “because”) which
demonstrates/supports your thesis statement.

V. Conclusion
 Make predictions about the future
 Suggest solutions to the problem
 Sum up your essay with general statements

Paragraph Lengths

Introduction and Conclusion:

 At least six (6) sentences

Body paragraphs
 At least eight (8) sentences

Thesis Statements
 The thesis statement should announce your main topic, the point you will
make about that topic and may include an essay map (the subtopics that
will be discussed in the body paragraphs)

Note: You should not label your paragraphs Introduction, Subtopic One, Subtopic Two,
Subtopic Three, Conclusion.

Sample Five Paragraph Essay

Dogs or Cats: Which are Better?

There seems to be a universal need among people worldwide to own pets. These

pets include snakes, bearded lizards, ferrets, guinea pigs, hamsters, and many other

strange and exotic animals. By far the largest number of pets, however, are cats and dogs.

It is believed that cats were first domesticated about eight thousand years ago, and that

dogs became man’s best friend as long as fifteen thousand years ago. Many pet owners

love both dogs and cats. However, just as many pet owners are passionate about their

preference for either dogs or cats. Dog lovers give three main reasons for their

preference: dogs provide security while cats do not, dogs are more affectionate than cats,

and dogs are more easily trained than cats.

Many dog lovers believe that their pets provide security while cats do not. They

give the examples…. (Give examples of dogs providing security while cats cannot.)

Dog are more affectionate than cats, according to many dog lovers . They describe

their dogs’ behavior…. (Give examples of dog affection and cat lack of affection.)

In the eyes of many dog lovers, their pets are more easily trained than cats….

(Give examples of the ease of training dogs and the difficulty of training cats.)

Whichever pets people choose, dogs or cats, these animals capture the hearts of

their owners. They offer comfort, enjoyment, and many other rewards, both physical and

emotional. These pets become members of their families and are mourned when they pass


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