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Monitoring is a periodic assessment of the progress of a project towards
achievement of its planned activities and results. It starts with the
implementation of the first activity, and continues as long as all activities are
Monitoring is useful for the management to know the status of the project. This
is why it is considered as a basic and universal management tool. Project
management always remains interested to know if the activities are carried out
as per plans, and the activities produce expected effect on the target beneficiaries
of the project.
Monitoring needs a systematic planning. It is conducted through some methods
and techniques. During planning of monitoring, the project management sets
some standards for the performance of inputs, processes, and results. During
monitoring data are collected and analyzed, for comparing the actual
performance of inputs, processes, and results with the set standards. Thus the
monitoring results show the project management the deviations from the
Evaluation is the assessment at one point in time of the impact of a
program/project or of a work and the extent to which stated objectives have been
Evaluation is defined as the retrospective analysis of experience to assess the
stated objective of a project\program was achieved and to determine how and
why the objectives were and were not achieved.

An evaluation is usually more formal and systematic, since it concentrates
specifically on whether the objectives of the program/project or a piece of work
have been achieved, and what impact has made.
It is difficult to formulate an overall definition that takes into account all the
different organizational contexts and types of work for which supervision is
required. In the development profession terms such as assessment, monitoring,
and appraisal add to the confusion, since supervision can encompass much of
these. Literally, to supervise means to "oversee the actions or work of (a person).
"Vision" is derived from the Latin "videre," meaning "to see. One helpful
definition might be that supervision encompasses several functions concerned
with monitoring, developing, and supporting individuals.
 Supervision is a managerial activity to influence supervisees so that they
become more positively motivated and contribute fully towards the
achievement of the objectives of the organization.
 Supervision is a process or course of activities through which the
supervisor administers and controls the subordinates so that they manage
their tasks efficiently in order to achieve desired program goal.
Relationship between Monitoring and Evaluation:
Monitoring and Evaluation are the two management tools that help in keeping a
control on the business activities as well as raising the level of
performance. Monitoring refers to an organized process of overseeing and
checking the activities undertaken in a project, to ascertain whether it is capable
of achieving the planned results or not. Conversely, evaluation is a scientific
process that gauges the success of the project or program in meeting the

The Relationship between Evaluation and Supervision
Evaluation and supervision are the core processes in determining standards and
maintaining quality in education. The assumption is they enhance teacher’s
performance and boost the learners’ achievements. Evaluation is a function of
policy while supervision administrative tools. This paper is focussing on the
definitions, types, purposes, roles, differences and similarities of these two key
processes. It will also look at why the two are necessary in any education system
and what problems are associated with each of them.
Supervision is meant to monitor, direct, guide and evaluate. It is a continuous
process that enhances the quality of teaching and learning activities. Supervision
of any school ordinarily refers to the improvement of the total teaching-learning
situation and the conditions that affect them. It is a socialized functions designs
to improve instruction by working with the people who are working with the
students/pupils. Supervision can also be defined in terms of function and
purposes for which it shall be used as a) skills in leadership, b) skills in human
relation, c) skill in group process, d) skill in personnel administration and e) skill
in evaluation.



Monitoring is the systematic and continuous assessment of the progress of a

project or program over period of time. It is a basic and universal management
tool, though covering a wide variety of techniques and methods.
Supervision is required to accomplish the task. It coordinates proper and
effective linkage among the program, management and its staff members.
This is a managerial activity to influence supervisees so they become more positively
motivated and contribute fully towards the achievement of the objectives.

Monitoring Supervision

a. To emphasize work a. To emphasize worker

b. to find deviation b. To find causes of deviation and

give solution
c. Do not pass comments c. pass comments and suggestions

d. Administratively out side d. administratively in side

personnel personnel

e. Scientific and systematic e. Not systematic

f. A monitor is not a supervisor f. A supervisor is also a monitor

g. only highlighted program g. Help subordinate to develop

deviation herself or himself

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring is the periodic collection and analysis of selected indicators to
enable managers to determine whether key activities are being carried out as
planned and are having the expected effect on the target population.

Evaluation is the assessment at one point in time of the impact of a

program/project or of a work and the extent to which stated objectives have been

Evaluation is defined as the retrospective analysis of experience to assess the

stated objectives of a project\program was achieved and to determine how and
why the objectives were and were not achieved.
An evaluation is usually more formal and systematic, since it concentrates
specifically on whether the objectives of the program/project or a piece of work
have been achieved, and what impact has made.

Monitoring Evaluation
a) It is conducted during the a) It is done at the end or middle
period of project of the project.
b) Monitoring staff performs it. b) Evaluation staff performs it.
c) It compares with standard. c) It compares with objective.
d) It identifies problems, d) It provides suggestions based
deviations. on the identified problems and
e) It takes comparatively less e) It takes comparatively more
time. time.
f) In most cases, concentrates on f) It concentrates on inputs,
the inputs, and processes of the processes and outputs, as well
project. In few cases, it as the impact of the project.
concentrates on outputs.

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