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Sierra Hayes

Ms. Kenly

British Literature 4A

29 March 2019


They affect the hormone levels in a person's body, so many people experience side

effects shortly after taking them. When taking birth control all people do not have side effects.

Some side effects will go away within several months as the body adjusts to the hormones. Other

side effects may develop after taking hormones for some time.there is mixed evidence that

hormonal contraceptives may increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer but reduce the risk

of endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers.

22 women were asked why do they take birth control their answers was “Because nobody

should control my reproductive health BUT ME”, “IT KEEPS MY PCOS UNDER CONTROL

(also i don't want babies right now!)”, “I want to be a mom one day, but I have a lot to check off

my to do list first”, “Because I have ADULT ACNE and nothing else works”, “You try living

with these cramps without birth control.

By K Aleisha Fetters Jul 21, 2014


A range of devices and treatments are available for both men and women. It gives people the

choice to choose when they want to have a baby. The contraceptive pill, for example is over 99

percent effective. But because people make mistakes, 9 or more women each year will become

pregnant while using it. This article will look at a range of methods of preventing pregnancy.

Traditional birth control does not involve any type of device or medication.

Last updated Mon 26 February 2018

By Christian Nordqvist

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