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Scene No.

Shot Angle Movement Description Subject Int- Time of

No. Ext Day

1 1 Above Down/inw Freddy lays asleep Freddy Int morning

ards as the camera
approaches from
1 2 Above Down/inw Freddy lays in the Freddy Int morning
ards bath as the
approaches from
1 3 Close up still Freddy wipes his Freddy Int morning
face down /towel

1 4 Close up still Continues rubbing Freddy Int morning

his face and
reveals he’s in the
1 5 Above still Camera watches breakf Int morning
the plate as a cup ast
of OJ is placed in
the corner of the
1 6 midshot Sliding left As freddy eats his phone Int morning
breakfast the
camera slides to
the left to show
his phone as it
begins to ring
1 7 Diagonal still The phone rings phone Int morning
on the table

1 8 low still Freddy looks Freddy Int morning

down at the
1 9 diagonal still Freddy reaches Phone/ Int morning
down to grab his Freddy
1 10 Close up still Close up of the Phone/ Int morning
phone and Freddy
Freddy’s lips as he
1 11 low still Freddy looks at Freddy Int morning
his phone in
1 12 midshot Sliding As freddy looks at Pills/ Int morning
right then his phone it slides Freddy
left right to show the /Fredri
pills then back to ck
the mid to reveal
1 13 Low wide still Camera still as Freddy Int morning
Fredrick talks /Fredri
1 14 Low still Camera on the Freddy int morning
floor and watches
as Freddy falls
onto it
1 15 wide still Fredrick looks Fredric Int morning
down at Freddy k/Fred
talking to him dy
1 16 Close up still Close up to Freddy Int morning
Freddy’s face
1 17 Close up still Fredrick smiling Fredric Int morning
down at him k

1 18 Wide Slow zoom Freddy looking up Freddy Int morning

at Fredrick asking /Fredri
who he is ck
1 19 Close up slide Fredrick walks Fredric Int morning
around freddy ks feet

1 20 Close up still Freddy hitting Freddy Int morning

Fredrick away

1 21 Close up still Fredrick smiling Fredric Int morning

as Freddy shouts k
at him
1 22 Close up still Fredrick’s palm Fredric Int morning
opens to reveal a k
1 23 Close up still Fredricks lips as Fredric Int morning
he tells Freddy to k
calm down
2 1 midshot still Clock shows 7 clock Int Afternoon

2 2 Long take Steady cam Starts behind Freddy Ext Afternoon

tracking Freddy as he /
shot opens the door Fredric
and then follows k
him the park and
follows the
2 3 Close-up still Freddy’s face as Freddy Ext Afternoon
he looks up to tell
Fredrick to get out
of his head
3 1 Midshot still Clock shows 11 clock Int night

3 2 low Slide Camera slides Freddy Int night

forward forward towards /pills
Freddy to show
his pile of pills
4 1 midshot still Clock show 3 clock int night

4 2 wide still Freddy tossing Freddy Int night

and turning in bed
as a red light
begins to shine
onto him
5 1 midshot still Clock shows 8 clock Int morning

5 2 Close up still Freddy’s eyes Freddy Int morning


5 3 Wide still Fredrick looking Freddy Int morning

over Freddy as he /Fredri
talks to him ck
5 4 Close up still Freddy putting his Freddy Int morning
legs on the floor

5 5 midshot still Freddy stands up Freddy Int morning

and him and /
Fredrick look Fredric
towards the door k
5 6 Low still The door opening Door Int morning
as the green light
shines through
5 7 Midshot still The light shines Freddy Int morning
on there faces as /Fredri
they talk ck
5 8 Low still Freddy’s legs as Freddy Int Morning
he walks to the
5 9 Wide still Door slams shut Door Int morning
6 1 wide Slow zoom Freddy shaking on Freddy Int Night
the floor

6 2 Close up Pan across Pills of the floor, Pills Int Night

spread out

6 3 Midshot Still Front of Freddy as Freddy Int Night

he rocks back and
6 4 Close up still Bath running Bath Int night

6 5 Close up still Freddys hand Freddy Int night

shaking by his
6 6 Close up still Freddy’s lips as he Freddy Int night
says the final line

6 7 Wide still Freddy climbs Freddy Int night

into the bath as /Fredri
Fredrick walks ck
into frame
6 8 Midshot still Freddy sinks Freddy Int Night
under the water /Fredri
and Fredrick’s ck
hand reach round
Freddy’s neck
6 9 Close up still Freddy’s eyes Freddy Int night
shoot open

6 10 Wide Still Fredrick reaches Fredric Int Night

over the bath to k
drown Freddy
6 11 Midshot Still Freddy’s arms Freddy Int Night
struggling over
the bathtub
6 12 Midshot still Fredrick telling Fredric Int Night
Freddy to shush k
as he backs away
6 13 Wide still Freddy’s arm Freddy Int night
hanging over the
bath in an empty

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