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Currently protection exists for only a few forest areas but some 100 years ago, the Government of

Grenada formally recognized the vital importance of the forested lands in the Central Mountains and
established, by the Grand Etang Forest Reserve Act, some 1600 hectares as the Grand Etang Forest
Reserve. This Reserve is fully protected by legislation from any change in land use. There is also
legislation which prevents any form of hunting within.

The main threats to the forest’s biodiversity are:

 The impact of natural disaster including hurricanes and forest fires and
 An alien pest infestation

But for now, let’s have a look at the current endemic and invasive species found at the reserve. This

forest provides habitats for wildlife including:

 4 Amphibian species:
-The invasive Giant Toad ( Bufo marinus ),
-The invasive Piping Frog( E.Johnsonei )

-the endemic Highland Piping Frog (Eleutherodactylus urichi euphronides) and

-the Garman’s Woodland frog ( Leptodactylus validus ).

 Reptiles:
-Tree Lizard - Anolis aeneus
-The introduced Anolis sagrei
-The native slippery back lizard - Mabuya sloanei
-And common anole or wall lizard - Anolis richardii
-The wood slave - Thecadactylus rapicaunda
-The introduced common house gecko - Hemidactylus mabouya*
-The native Iguana Iguana
-The endemic Garman's ground lizard - Ameiva ameiva*
-Alien's Ground Lizard - Bachia heteropus allen

 Snake species:
-The native tree boa - Corallus grenadensis
-Boddaerts's tree snake - Mastigodryas bruesi
-The native Cribo Clelia
 Birds
-broad winged hawk,
-Rufous-breasted hummingbird
-Blue-ground dove
-Gray kingbird
- and the Grenada Dove

There were so many different forms of plant life at the Reserve. Endemic and Invasive alike.

Out of these there are four invasive plant species. These include the Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Kudzu
(Pueraria phaseoloides) and Wild Hops (Fleminga strobilifera), all introductions from Asia, and the Blue
Mahoe (Talipariti elatus), originally from Jamaica. As well as 27 others introduced.

Pteridophytes (ferns and fern allies) make up the largest single group of plants in the herbs,
representing: 66 (or 34% of the 196 herbaceous plant species).

Approximately 441 plant species were reported in 116 families, of which:

130 are TREES (or about ~29%)
62 are shrubs (or about ~14%)
53 are vines (or about ~12%)
196 are herbs (or about ~44%).

Our trip to the reserve was during the day, so sadly we did not get to see first-hand much of the fauna
there. Day or night, it has both endemic and invasive creatures.

As for the invasive mammals:In addition to the introduced Black and Brown Rats (Rattus sp.) and the
House Mouse (Mus musculus), the two most significant introduced species are the small Indian
Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and the Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus mona).

In Grand Etang, the mammals include at least 14 species of bats, two marsupials, one armadillo, the
Small Indian Mongoose, rats, the Mona monkey, and the occasional feral domestic cat.

For amphib There are three species of frogs and one toad. These include the Grenada Bank endemic, the
Grenada Ditch Frog (P. euphronides), the introduced Lesser Antillean Frog (E. johnstonei), and the
range-restricted Windward Islands Ditch Frog (L. validus). The one toad is the introduced Bufo Toad (B.

-For avians, At least 75 species of birds are known to occur in and around the Reserve such as the
Grenada Dove and Rufous-breasted hummingbird.

Six species of birds of special conservation concern have been identified for the Reserves. These species
are primarily regional endemics and local endemic subspecies and include:

1. The Grenada Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus)

2. The Scaly-naped Pigeon (Patagioenas squamosa
3. The Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis)
4. The Brown Trembler (Cinclocerthia ruficauda):
5. The Grenada Euler’s Flycatcher (Lathrotriccuseuleri johnstonei): This species has been reported
as extinct since it was last reported in the Grand Etang area in the 1950.
6. The Grenadian/Saint Lucian Barn Owl (Tyto alba insularis)

 Grand Etang Lake supports five species of fish:

1. guppy,
2. swordtail
3. Mozambique mouthbreeder.
4. Tilapia and
5. Koi fish
Invertebrate Species of Grand Etang. A few endemic species of bugs have been discovered

Damselfly Argia telesfordi

Chalcidoid wasp Miotropis histrionica
Dragonfly Brechmorhoga (praecox) grenadensis
Centipede Gonethina grenadensis
Caddisfly Farrodes grenada
Several Land snail species
Tumblebug Canthon perseverans
Ground beetle Pseudaptinus thaxteri
Ox beetle Strategus tarquinius

In 1957, the Government passed a further Ordinance for the Grand Etang Forest Reserve that made
provision specifically for the protection of agouti, armadillo and five species of snakes and prohibited
hunting, trapping and carrying of firearms. The agouti is extirpated in Grenada; however interest
remains in a reintroduction program in the Forest Reserve.

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