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An Interview with Ted Bundy 

By: Madison Summit 

Set The Stage:​ Give a brief description of where and why you are interviewing 
your subject…. 

I am interviewing Ted Bundy in an investigation room with three jail guards 

present. The reason I called an interview with Bundy is because I would like to 
get into his mind and understand why he did what he did to those girls.  

Transcript of Interview 
Questions  Answers 
1  Do you feel betrayed by your family  I am an individual in the world. You 
for lying to you for so long?  are born into a group of people, 
they raise you, until you are of the 
age to care for yourself. Those 
people are given the name family. 
Family has nothing to do with 
relationships. Therefore, to answer 
your question I do not feel betrayed 
because I do not have relationships 
with my family. 

2  Why were your victims only women?  In earlier years women were seen as 
servants to men, inferior. Women 
are supposed to please men 
whether that is doing chores or 
providing pleasure. At a young age 
I was exposed to pornagrapghy. My 
exposure drew to a greater desire 
women. As a man I have superiority 
over women and they have to do 
what I tell them. If they resisted, I 
would of had to force myself upon 
them to show dominance.  
3  Did you always know you were a  I would not consider myself a rapist 
rapist and killer?  or a killer. I am a male who has 
authority. I was simply giving the 
women what they deserved. Women 
should be conservative and 
modest. All of the women I had 
encounters with were asking for it. 
They were tempting me with their 
short skirts and faces dressed with 
makeup. I am not a killer I am a man 
serving justice.  

4  What about your wife, do you have  I cared for my wife, but They were 
remorse for what you put them  just people and had no impact on 
through?  my choices. They had plenty of 
options to rid me. Carol Ann came 
to visit me everyday day for two 
years, until I was found guilty. I did 
not force her to come see me, her 
involvement was her decision.  

5  How were you able to avoid police  It was rather easy, I have a degree 
efforts?  in Pathology and have found out 
the human brain is simple. The 
police were looking for one man 
responsible for the killings of the 
women, I was multiple. I changed my 
identity and my looks. I would steal 
an ID and credit card to fund my 
way to different states. All I had to 
do was change the way of my hair 
and my facial hair, I was a whole 
new person. The police were to 
basic minded to look from different 
point of views. It was humorous.  

6  Why did you do it?  There was not a single reason for 
actions other than I just wanted to. I 
wanted women I went out and got 
them. Once I was through with their 
services I would dispose of them, so 
they could not file a charge 
against me. They were women they 
were my servants and I could do 
with them as I pleased. 
7  Do you feel remorse at all for your  I don’t feel remorse because they 
actions?  were just people nothing more. We 
are all here for a period then gone. 
I did to those women just as y'all are 
wanting to do to me. I killed them 
and now y’all will kill me.  

8  Why 12 year old, Kimberly Leach?  She was no different than any of 
the other girl’s. She just happened 
to be my last victim and was the 
youngest that y’all know about. 
Kimberly was a girl with no meaning 
to be.  

9  What pleasure did you get out of  I was in control, everything that 
your crimes?  happened to them was decided by 
me. For once in my life I determined 
the outcome, just as I should of my 
entire life. It was exactly pleasure it 
was restoring the power to men. 
Power men are entitled to.  

10  What if someone did that to your  I was not involved in my child’s life. 
kid, would you change your  Just as I said earlier in our interview 
actions?  family is a title, it does not 
determine feelings for people. It’s 
my daughters life what happens to 
her happens. If women gave men 
the respect they deserve men would 
not have to force it upon them. I 
hope my daughter gives men that 
respect. Everything I did was for a 
reason and I would not change 

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