Poems For English III

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An Angel Left Her Wings by Tina Marascia

I have this little angel. For me she left her wings.

She has no idea how much happiness she truly brings.
She brightens up my days with her smiles and her laughs.
She helps me to remember all the blessings that I have.

Her face, it is so perfect, she's sweet and soft and pure.

Sometimes she can be willful and sometimes she is demure.
She tries her very hardest to please and do what's right.
She gives the greatest hugs from morning until night.

Every person that has known her sees this light within her soul
I know that in this whole great world, she has a special role.
She's helpful and considerate to everyone she knows
This light in her shines brighter as my angel grows.

When she sees someone is sad, it opens up her heart.

She wants to do all that she can; she wants to do her part.
She'll squeeze away the sorrow and make me forget about my pain.
She shows me where the sun is when we're hiding from the rain.

I know that God must love me, He showed me with His Grace
I knew just how completely when I saw my angel's face.
And in that very moment when she came into my world,
I knew that she was so much more than just my baby girl.

She would be my sunshine, with a sweetness that won't end.

And when she grows up one day she would be my closest friend.
She would be the reason I would always try my best.
For my little angel baby girl would be my greatest test.

When God entrusts to you an angel, who has left her wings for you.
Encircle her with love with everything you do.
Let her know God made her, and that He trusts you with her care.
Be sure to make time for special moments with her to share.

And when at night she finally says her prayers and goes to sleep
I Thank Him for my angel, and ask for him to always keep
A watchful eye and hand to protect her from this world.
Protect my little angel; protect my baby girl.
Murder is Murder By Jared Ashby

A man seeks revenge,

A widow cries,
A death to avenge,
A lawyer that lies,

What shall we do?

We take a stand for what is right,

We look through proof with reason,
We seek to end a fight,
We send him to prison,

guilty, guility, guility.

Who is the guilty one?

The man in the chair?
Or is it the father of his son?
Os is it the ones that never did care?

execution, execution, execution.

Our job is done,

Two men are dead,
Justice has won,
All but one thing is said,

hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite.

Night of Day by Ted Bundy

This is no way to be
Man ought to be free
That man should be me
Talk to the walls
Echoes down the halls
Dream of dreams
An allusion freedom seems
Write thoughts on paper by reams

Toilet flushes
Water gushes
Makes such a noises
Lack of privacy annoys
Nightime sounds
Jailer makes rounds
No freedom abounds
Prisoners are clowns

So the night slowly passes

No wine or wine glasses
No girls to make passes
Just us caged asses
Cards are alright
I play them all night

Sleep comes on slowly

Read the words of the wholly
The scriptures bring peace
They talk of release
They bring you to God
I’m here that seems odd
But His gift is so clear
I find that He’s near
Mercy and redemption
Without an exception
He puts me at ease
Jailer, do what you please
No harm can befall me
When the Savior does call me

I look back on this day

And what can I say
More of my life wasted
No freedom I’ve tasted
7:30 is chow time
At the hour who feels fine
Milk, mush, and toast
Not much to boast

Sweep the floors

Talk of whores
Hear the thunder of the prison doors
Do your chores
Listen to bores
How guys made scores
Or escape to distant shores

I wrote a letter
That made me feel better
Words to the outside
That’s how I keep my pride
I write words of hope
It’s really no soap
I mean what I say
Where there’s hope there’s a way
I’ll be free some day

I sleep quite a lot

Escape though it’s not
In sleep I don’t care
I forget the night mare
The bars and the screams
Are not in my dreams
I don’t smoke cigarettes
Or have sad regrets
This sleep liberation
Is tranquil salvation

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