Blackjack Simulation Code

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28 March 2017

C++ Code
Visual Studio 2017


// this file declares and defines what a "deck" is for the program to use in the future

#ifndef _DECK_H
#define _DECK_H

enum CardType { Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace
}; // declaring each card type, also assigning a preliminary value to each (note: value for each
card is 2 less than it should be)

struct Card
CardType type;
short value; // stating that each card will eventually be given a value

class Deck
Card* m_pCards; // Array to hold the cards
int m_iNumCards; // Number of cards left in the deck
int m_uiMaxCards; // Max Cards the deck array can hold

void CreateNewDeckArray(unsigned int newSize);

void AddFullSetOfCardsToDeck();


void AddCardsToDeck(unsigned int numberOfFullDecksToAdd);

void Shuffle();

bool DrawCard(Card& card);




// this file labels all the actions that take place in one round, in addition to all the variables we
want to keep track of, like the win count, how many decks we've used, etc

#ifndef _GAME_H
#define _GAME_H

#include "Deck.h"
#include <vector>

class Game
Deck m_dDeck; // The main deck of cards
std::vector<Card> m_aPlayerCards; // The player's hand
std::vector<Card> m_aDealerCards; // The dealer's hand

unsigned int m_uiNumGamesPlayed; // The total number of games played

unsigned int m_uiNumTimesFillingDeck; // The number of times the deck was refilled
unsigned int m_uiMaxDeckFills; // The max number of times to refill the deck
unsigned int m_uiDecksToFillWith; // The number of decks to use when refilling the main
unsigned int m_uiPlayerWins; // The number of wins the player had
unsigned int m_uiPlayerBlackjackWins; // The number of wins which were won with the
player having Blackjack
unsigned int m_uiNumTieGames; // The number of games which ended in a tie

void RefillDeck();
void DrawCard(std::vector<Card>& hand);
unsigned int EvaluateHand(const std::vector<Card>& hand) const;

// Standard round actions

void InitialDeal();
void PlayerTurn();
void DealerTurn();
void EvaluateRound();
void ResetRound();

Game(unsigned int numberOfFullDecksPerRefill = 2, unsigned int numberOfRefills = 12);

void Setup();
void Play();

// declaring the totals for each of the previously assigned variables - these are what will
get displayed in our final results
unsigned int TotalGamesPlayed() const;
unsigned int TotalPlayerWins() const;
unsigned int TotalPlayerBlackjackWins() const;
unsigned int TotalTieGames() const;
float PlayerWinPercentage() const;



// this file actually assigns values to a lot of the variables declared in deck.h

#include "Deck.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

m_iNumCards = 0;
m_pCards = nullptr;
CreateNewDeckArray(104); // a standard deck has 52 cards, but we're using two decks at
once, so we use an array length of 104
delete m_pCards;

void Deck::CreateNewDeckArray(unsigned int newSize) // generates a new deck array each time
the old one runs out of cards that doesn't exceed our specified size (104)
Card* temp = new Card[newSize];

if (m_pCards != nullptr)
int copyCount = newSize > m_iNumCards ? m_iNumCards : newSize;
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++)
temp[i] = m_pCards[i];

delete m_pCards;

m_pCards = temp;
m_uiMaxCards = newSize;

void Deck::AddFullSetOfCardsToDeck() // adds ONE full deck of cards each time we run out
while playing (this function gets called twice, so we actually use two decks each time we reset)
if (m_iNumCards + 52 > m_uiMaxCards)
CreateNewDeckArray(m_uiMaxCards + 52);

int index = 0;
for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) // telling the program that there are four of each card type per
for (int value = 0; value < 13; value++, index++)
Card newCard;
newCard.type = (CardType)value;
if (value < Ten)
newCard.value = value + 2; // this off-sets the values of the numbered cards being less
than they should have been
else if (value == Ace)
newCard.value = 11;
newCard.value = 10;

m_pCards[m_iNumCards + index] = newCard;


m_iNumCards += 52;

void Deck::AddCardsToDeck(unsigned int numberOfFullDecksToAdd) // runs a loop of adding

new decks whenever we run out, made so that we could add as many decks as we wanted - 2, 6,
8, etc
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfFullDecksToAdd; i++)
void Deck::Shuffle() // rudimentary shuffle function, takes two random cards and swaps their
location, does this 1000 times
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
int card1 = rand() % m_iNumCards;
int card2 = rand() % m_iNumCards;

if (card1 == card2) // double-checks that no card ends up in the spot where it started
if (card2 == m_iNumCards - 1)

// actually swapping the cards

Card tmp = m_pCards[card1];
m_pCards[card1] = m_pCards[card2];
m_pCards[card2] = tmp;

// defining what "drawing a card" means to the program - takes the top card off the deck and
reduces the number of cards in the deck by one
bool Deck::DrawCard(Card& card)
if (m_iNumCards == 0)
return false;

card = m_pCards[--m_iNumCards];
return true;

#include "Game.h"

Game::Game(unsigned int numberOfFullDecksPerRefill, unsigned int numberOfRefills) //

calling .h functions for use
// initializing variables that will be used
m_uiDecksToFillWith = numberOfFullDecksPerRefill;
m_uiMaxDeckFills = numberOfRefills;
m_uiNumGamesPlayed = 0;
m_uiNumTimesFillingDeck = 0;
m_uiPlayerBlackjackWins = 0;
m_uiPlayerWins = 0;
m_uiNumTieGames = 0;

void Game::RefillDeck() // telling the program what needs to be done when we want to refill the
void Game::DrawCard(std::vector<Card>& hand) // if we are unable to draw a card, it means the
deck is empty and we need to refill it
Card drawnCard;

if (m_dDeck.DrawCard(drawnCard) == false)

unsigned int Game::EvaluateHand(const std::vector<Card>& hand) const // determining whether
to count an ace as an 11 or a 1
int val = 0;
int numAces = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.size(); i++)
if (hand[i].type == Ace)

val += hand[i].value;

while (val > 21 && numAces > 0)

val -= 10;

return val;
void Game::InitialDeal() // starting a new round


unsigned int dealerScore = EvaluateHand(m_aDealerCards);

unsigned int playerScore = EvaluateHand(m_aPlayerCards);

if (dealerScore == 21 || playerScore == 21) // if either player gets blackjack

if (dealerScore < playerScore) // the player wins if they got it but the dealer didn't
else if (dealerScore == playerScore) // the dealer and player tie if they both got it

// we don't need to compute dealer blackjacks, because they don't matter in terms
of our total winnings - we lose the same amount whether they get blackjack or not

void Game::PlayerTurn() // player logic - we choose to hit unless we have 16 or lower
while (EvaluateHand(m_aPlayerCards) < 17)

if (EvaluateHand(m_aPlayerCards) > 21) // checks if the player busted before switching

to the dealer's turn
void Game::DealerTurn() // dealer logic - they choose to hit unless they have 16 or lower
if (EvaluateHand(m_aPlayerCards) <= 21)
while (EvaluateHand(m_aDealerCards) < 17)
// the dealer's bust check takes place in the "evaluateround" function below
void Game::EvaluateRound() // this function determines who has the winning hand
unsigned int dealerScore = EvaluateHand(m_aDealerCards);
unsigned int playerScore = EvaluateHand(m_aPlayerCards);

if (dealerScore == playerScore || (dealerScore > 21 && playerScore > 21)) // if the player
and dealer are tied, or if both bust
else if ((playerScore > dealerScore || dealerScore > 21) && playerScore <= 21) // if the
player has more than the dealer, or if the dealer busts - the player cannot bust here
void Game::ResetRound() // this empties the players' hands

void Game::Setup() // refills the decks if they run out

void Game::Play() // makes one big function to call all the smaller functions we just described
while (m_uiNumTimesFillingDeck <= m_uiMaxDeckFills)

// sending the game counts to the main source function

unsigned int Game::TotalGamesPlayed() const { return m_uiNumGamesPlayed; }
unsigned int Game::TotalPlayerWins() const { return m_uiPlayerWins; }
unsigned int Game::TotalPlayerBlackjackWins() const { return m_uiPlayerBlackjackWins; }
unsigned int Game::TotalTieGames() const { return m_uiNumTieGames; }
float Game::PlayerWinPercentage() const { return (float)(m_uiPlayerWins) /
m_uiNumGamesPlayed; }


// this is the parent function that references everything declared in the other functions. It calls the
results from game.cpp and displays the output.

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "Game.h"
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void main()
// declaring output variables and giving them an initial value
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
int totalOutcome = 0;
int TotalGamesPlayed = 0;
int TotalPlayerWins = 0;
int TotalPlayerBlackjackWins = 0;
int TotalTieGames = 0;

// looping the calculations and output for each round, making only 12 rounds
for (unsigned int games = 0; games < 1000000; games++)
Game game(2, 1);

int outcome = (game.TotalGamesPlayed() * -2) + ((game.TotalPlayerWins() -

game.TotalPlayerBlackjackWins()) * 4) +
(game.TotalPlayerBlackjackWins() * 5) + (game.TotalTieGames() * 2); //
this is the return rate for playing - 2 to 1 for a regular win, 3 to 2 for a blackjack win, even for

// calculating outcome and game counts based on stored data

totalOutcome += outcome;
TotalGamesPlayed += game.TotalGamesPlayed();
TotalPlayerWins += game.TotalPlayerWins();
TotalPlayerBlackjackWins += game.TotalPlayerBlackjackWins();
TotalTieGames += game.TotalTieGames();

// output
if (outcome < 0)
cout << "Deck " << games + 1 << " Outcome: -$" << abs(outcome) <<
cout << "Deck " << games + 1 << " Outcome: $" << outcome << '\n';

cout << " " << '\n';

// displaying the total outcome for all 12 rounds

if (totalOutcome < 0)
cout << "Total Outcome: -$" << abs(totalOutcome) << '\n';
cout << "Average Outcome per Deck: -$";
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << float(abs(totalOutcome)) / 1000000 << '\n';
cout << setprecision(0);
cout << "Total Outcome: $" << totalOutcome << '\n';
cout << "Average Outcome per Deck: $";
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << float(totalOutcome) / 1000000 << '\n';
cout << setprecision(0);

// displaying number of games played / won

cout << "Total Games Played: " << TotalGamesPlayed << '\n'
<< "Total Player Wins: " << TotalPlayerWins << '\n'
<< "Total Player BlackJacks: " << TotalPlayerBlackjackWins << '\n'
<< "Total Dealer Wins: " << TotalGamesPlayed - TotalPlayerWins -
TotalTieGames << '\n'
<< "Total Ties: " << TotalTieGames << "\n\n";


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