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Reflecting on Units 1 and 2 -- ICT Background / Web Resources

Copy and paste this text into YOUR OWN GOOGLE DRIVE DOCUMENT. Then
complete the assignment, and upload it to your ePortfolio.

I want you to reflect on what we’ve done so far (Units 1 and 2) and answer the following

1.) What was the newest/most interesting thing you learned in Units 1/2?
[1-2 sentences]
One of the most important thing was the resoures and how to find authentic and good
resources for working with the student knowing the level and developing differetn

2.) What was something in Units 1/2 that was already familiar to you?
[1-2 sentences]

3.) What do you think will be most useful to you as an English teacher from Units 1/2?
Why? [3-4 sentences]

4.) What do you think will be least useful to you as an English teacher from Units 1/2?
Why? [3-4 sentences]
5.) Were you surprised by your grade on Solemne Nº1? What was the hardest part of
the test for you?
[1-2 sentences]
Yes, because I did not come to classes regularly, so I do not understand very well the
themes but even I studied just a little I got a good matk for me. The hardest part of the test
was to match the definition with the word.

6.) What was something that you got wrong on Solemne Nº1? Do you understand why it
was wrong? (If not, please ask the professor now!)
[2-3 sentences]

Yes, because I did not study correctly for this solemn.

7.) Insert an​ image or screenshot ​below that represents something you learned in the
first part of the class…
[1+ image(s)]

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