Emcee Script

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1. Good morning everyone.

Let us welcome each other to the May 3 rd commemorative meeting in the

Year of Soka Victory with a big round of applause.

2. May I request our guests to please introduce themselves

3. We are fortunate to have received Ikeda Sensei’s message for May 3 rd. I request Devi Aunty to please
share the same with us.

4. Now the future division members will present a song.

5. Some of our members will now share the significance.

6. Ikeda Sensei says “ Prayers are invisible, but if we pray steadfastly they will definitely effect clear
results in our lives and surrounding over time”. Let us hear from some of friends the actual proof they
have experience in their life based on steadfast prayer. I would now like to invite Ramdas Uncle to share
his experience.

7. I request Aditya to share his experience.

8. Let us see a skit based on the concept ‘The mutual possession of 10 worlds”.

9. Let us enjoy the cultural performance performed by some of our friends

10. I would request Bala Aunty to please share Sensei’s guidance with us.

11. The floor is now open for Q and A session

9. Thank you very much for coming and making the May 3 rd commemorative meeting a grand success.
Let us close the meeting with 3 daimokus. Please do not forget to take the gifts made by our members.

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