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1. Being manufactured domestically . . . . .

A. A foreign brand should not be given to the product
B. The product should not be given a foreign brand
C. The company should not give the product a foreign brand
D. The product’s brand should not be a foreign brand
E. We should not give the product a foreign brand

2. Encouraged by the good result of the math test . . . .

A. There will be two class sessions for math each week
B. Today’s math lesson has been cancelled
C. The result of the other subjects are also considered
D. The math subject is getting easier and easier
E. My brother is now studying even harder than before

3. Invited to present a paper in a seminar . . . .

A. Mr. Suryadi’s soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee by email this morning
B. The committee was sent a soft copy of the paper by email this morning
C. The soft copy of the paper was sent by Mr. Suryadi to committee by email this morning
D. An email with the soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee this morning
E. Mr. Suryadi sent the soft copy of the paper to the committee by email this morning

4. “Having seen the movie before, I did not find it as exciting as it had been”
The above sentence means . . . .
A. The movie is very interesting
B. She has watched the film at least twice
C. Because the movie was not exciting, she did not watch again
D. She watched the movie and she did not like it
E. She likes watching movies

5. Trying hard to win the beauty contest, Ita neglected all her school assignments.
The underline words means: “ . . . . . . very hard to win the beauty contest.”
A. If she tried
B. Although she tried
C. Before she tried
D. Since she tried
E. After she tried

6. This institution for the handicapped _______ by the Minister od Social Affairs in 1950.
A. Was founded
B. Was to found
C. Be founded
D. Has been founding
E. Was being founded

7. ‘A well-known architect is designing our new office’. The passive form of the above sentence is.
“Our new office ______ by a well-known architect”
A. Designs
B. Designed
C. Be designing
D. Is designed
E. Is being designed
8. None of the school boys . . . . to meet the teacher.
A. Run
B. Are running
C. Is running
D. Have to run
E. Have run

9. One of the problems faced by foreign businessmen . . . . the frequent changing of regulations.
A. Are
B. Is being
C. Be
D. Is
E. To be

10. Michael Jackson, along with his brothers and members of his band . . . .to their cities to give
Concert and to make public appearance.
A. Travel
B. Travels
C. To travel
D. Have travelled
E. Are going to travel

11. The workers are demanding not only a raise in salary, but also. . . .
A. They want a longer annual leave
B. To have a longer annual leave
C. A longer annual leave they asked
D. In getting a longer annual leave
E. A longer annual leave

12. Half of his money . . . . . to him

A. Belong
B. Belongs
C. Belonging
D. Belongings
E. To belong

13. Each of the participants . . . . received an inviation

A. Having
B. Have
C. Has
D. Be having
E. To have

14. “Look at all those broken street lamps.”

They . . . . . a long time ago.”
A. Should repair
B. Ahould have been repaired
C. Ought to repair
D. Must have been repaired
E. Must be repaired

15. “It was a long and tiring flight from london.”

“Well, let me show you to your room then: you . . . . by now.”
A. Can be exhausted
B. Must be exhausted
C. Would be exhausted
D. Must have been exhausted
E. Should have been exhausted

16. “I ran through the red light and I got fined by the traffic policement.”
“Oh, you. . . . . . more carefull.”
A. Must have been
B. Could be
C. Might have been
D. May be
E. Should have been

17. It’s pity you didn’t roll the carpet up before painting the celling.
I wish you . . . . .
A. Don’t roll the carpet up before painting the celling
B. Roll the carpet up before painting the celling
C. Rolled the carpet up before painting the celling
D. Had rolled the carpet up before painting the celling
E. Didn’t roll carpet up before painting the celling

18. If only I had been invited, I would have come. The fact : . . . .
A. He wanted to invite me
B. We are all invited
C. I was not invited
D. I came although I was not invited
E. I came without being invited

19. “If only his son had studied hareder.” This means . . . .
A. His son did not study harder
B. His son had studied harder
C. His son has studied harder
D. His son will not study harder
E. His son never studies harder

20. Ali : hi, Toni. How is our friend, Romi?

Toni: I really feel sorry for it. He wishes that he were able to go to college, but he has to work
To support his mother,
Ali : how about visiting him now?
Toni: OK. Let’s go there
The underline part of the dialogue means that. . . .
A. Romi is a university student
B. Romi’s mother likes to support him very much
C. Romi works instead of going to college
D. Romi could go to college and suport his mother
E. Romi goes to college to support his mother

21. “Many part of Jakarta were flooded.”

“That’s . . . . . people are used to dumping their domestic wastes into the rivers.”
A. Because
B. While
C. Although
D. Before
E. Whenever
22. . . . . Their village is located in the dangerous zone of Mt.Merapi, the people do not want to
Leave their home.
A. Because
B. While
C. Although
D. Since
E. Before

23. While you can now buy jeans in any color, blue remains the universal color of chice . . . . .
Its traditional qualities are always in fashion.
A. Until
B. As though
C. So that
D. Because
E. While

24. “Did he say anything to the police?”

“well . . . . . he admitted breaking into the car, he denied stealing the tape.”
A. Eventhough
B. Because
C. Meanwhile
D. When
E. As soon as

25. There was nothing for dinner;. . . . . we had to go a grocery store.

A. Otherwise
B. Moreover
C. Besides
D. However
E. Therefore

26. The student are collecting money, food and clothes for the people. . . .houses were destroyed
In the fire last week.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. That
E. Which

27. “Whom did you invite to the meeting?”

“The managers. . . . reports you read this morning”.
A. Whom
B. Of whom
C. Which
D. Whose
E. Of which

28. The singing contest participants, only five of. . . .will be selected to enter the grand final are now
Waiting for the juty’s decision.
A. Whom
B. Whose
C. Them
D. Which
E. These
29. Helen introduced me to her former lecturer. . . she married after she had graduated.
A. Whom
B. Whose
C. Which
D. With whom
E. Of which

30. The student’s books were left in the classroom. He came here this morning to take them.
We can say: The student. . . . books were left in the classroom came here this morning to take
Them .
A. Which
B. Whose
C. Whom
D. That
E. Who

31. As I found out that not all the workshop participants knew about today’s schedule, I got my
Secretary . . . . .it right away.
A. Distributing
B. Distributed
C. She distributes
D. To distribute
E. In distributing

32. Prof. Bahren was not satisfied with the data that I collected;therefore,. . . to support my arguments.
A. He had me collect more data
B. I had him collect more data
C. He had more data collect
D. I had collected more data
E. He had to collect more data

33. “What are the workmen doing in your garden?”

“Oh, I . . ..”
A. Am having a gazebo built
B. Am building a gazebo
C. Have built a gazebo
D. Have to build a gazebo
E. Have been building a gazebo

34. When the little boy saw the dog, he runaway and was bitten. We can conclude that . . . .
A. If he hadn’t runaway, he wouldn’t have been bitten
B. If he doesn’t runaway, he won’t be bitten
C. If he runaway, he would be bitten
D. If he hasn’t runaway, he wouldn’t be bitten
E. Unless he runaway, he wouldn’t be bitten

35. If it . . . more humid in the dessert of the southwest, the hot temperature would be unbearable.
A. Be
B. Is
C. Was
D. Were
E. Will be
36. “If the company had appreciated Tony’s success in increasing its market share, he would not
Think of leaving the company.” From the above sentence we may conclude that . . . .
A. Tony has left the company
B. Tony is hunting for another job now
C. Tony has been promoted
D. Tony is successful in bhis career
E. Tony will always stay in the same company

37. “Had I known you were expecting a call, I wouldn’t have used the phone so long”
The underline words mean. . . .
A. I would like a talk on the phone
B. I was about to use the phone
C. I kept talking on the phone
D. I was waiting to use the phone
E. I stopped talking on the phone

38. Stephen said to me,’Do you close the windows at night?”

The inderect form is: Stephen asked me . . . .at night.
A. That closed the windows
B. If I closed the windows
C. Whether you closed the windows
D. When i closed the windows
E. That you closed the windows

39. Eti asked Andi,’will you come to my party next Saturday?’

Eti asked Andi. . . .
A. If he would come to my party the following Saturday
B. Whether he would comoe to her party next Saturday
C. Whether she would come to his party the following Saturday
D. If he would come to her party the following Saturday
E. Whether would he come to her party the following Saturday

40. John said to me:’Why do they go abroad so often?’

John asked me. . . .
A. If they went abroad so often
B. Why they went abroad so often
C. Why did they go abroad so often
D. Why do they go abroad so often
E. Did they go abroad so often

41. Faris was at home last night. His mom was at home
Faris was at home , and. . . .
A. Neither was his mom
B. His mom wasn’t too
C. His mom wasn’t either
D. His mom was too
E. So his mom was

42. Krakatau steel is located in Cilegon, Krakatau Posco is located in Cilegon krakatau steel is
Located in Cilegon, and . . .
A. So is Krakatau Posco
B. Krakatau posco isn’t either
C. Neither is Krakatau Posco
D. Neither isn’t Krakatau Posco
E. Krakatau Posco was too
43. Nada didn’t study last night, I didn’t study last night. Nada didn’t study last night, and . . .
A. Neither did I
B. I did either
C. So did I
D. So did I
E. Neither did I

44. My uncle . . . advised me to take English lessons.

A. Strenght
B. Strong
C. Strenghtening
D. Strongly
E. Strenghtened

45. if you want to . . . in running your business, you must have the full support of your employess
A. Succeed
B. Successful
C. Succeess
D. Successfully
E. Succeeded

46. She missed the train. She . . . .earlier.

A. Should leave
B. Must leave
C. Must have left
D. Should have left
E. Should be leaving

47. The thief broke into house. He stole all of the money last night. You. . . the money in the bank.
A. Must have saved
B. Should have saved
C. Would have saved
D. May save
E. Must save

48. ”Where’s your car?”

“I ____”
A. Have serviced it
B. Let service it
C. Have been serviced it
D. Have it serviced
E. Let it service

49. “Is the new edition of this book already available?”

“Not yet, . . .”
A. It is printing
B. It has printed
C. It is being printed
D. It has been printed
E. It was printed

50. _____there people have died of cholera, the old people of village refused to get an injection
Against it.
A. Although
B. However
C. In spite of
D. Since
E. Despite

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