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McDowell 1

Isaac McDowell

Mrs. Bowyer

English 4

May 9 2019

Highschool Reflection

My highschool experience was quite interesting. I had a lot of experiences during these four

years, and I am so glad to be getting out, and to be stepping into the next stage of life. I will miss

certain aspects of highschool, but I will not miss others. I will miss things like coming to school

and hanging out with friends. I will miss playing sports and competing in games. Life is going to

hit soon and it's going to hit hard. My highschool experience was tiring, difficult, and yet fun at

the same time.

First of all, High School was very tiring. The monotony of it all was dreadful. Waking up

early to go to school, sitting in a class and listening to monotone teachers. I will not miss this.

Although waking up early is just a part of life. I want to be a firefighter and i could get calls in

the middle of the night. As much as I hate it, high school has taught me responsibility.

Second, high school was very difficult. Freshman-Junior year I went to Del Oro high

school. Freshman year was tough, classes were difficult and on top of sports it almost felt

impossible. Learning to be organized and time management was probably the biggest thing. I

finally began to get the hang of it until my mom passed away. This rocked my world for quite
McDowell 2

awhile. I then attended independent study where i had to relearn to new type of schooling. And

so it goes on.

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