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Combine the sentences by using adjective clause.

1. I don’t want to hear the song. We just heard it.

2. That’s the man! I had a big argument with him yesterday.

3. She is someone. I used to know her.

4. The keys were in my shoe. I was looking for them all day.

5. This desk is made of oak. It was built by my friend.

6. Do you see the cat? It is on the roof.

7. You are doing exercises. They are for practicing grammar.

8. People live in glass houses. They shouldn’t throw stones.

9. She invited a guy to the party. The guy dances really well.

10. He’s always talking about his car. He bought it last year in London.

11. That man lives next to me. He’s a dentist.

12. The keys were in my shoe. They don’t belong to me.

13. He has a list of customers in his address book. He calls them once a month.

14. I see an open table over there. It’s by the window.

15. Where is the doctor? His office is next to me

16. The printer is broken. We were using it yesterday.

17. Do you have my textbook? I lent it to you last week.

18. I invited the professor. You met him last year.

19. You can buy tickets at the subway station. They cost about three dollars.

20. What do you call this steps? Their tricks are so easy.

Or just Combine the following by using adjective clause.

Alice danced on the roof

Alice has an excellent talent

It was the roof of her trailer

Alice danced during the thunderstorm

The thunderstorm flooded the country

The thunderstorm was last night

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