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What was your reason behind it?

- Angelo: I’ve always loved women and it was a thrill.

- Kenneth: My role model was Angelo and what he did I would do until I
started taking interest in it all.

What would y’all do to them

- Angelo: Once they were in our condo we would tie them up, rape them,
beat them, and strangle them to death. After that we’d wash their naked
bodies rid of any evidence so nothing would get traced back to us, we were
very careful of that. So we would go out and leave the bodies on the hills of
L.A. in irregular
- Kenneth: We’d do unspeakable things to these women and leave them like
they were nothing because they weren’t anything.

Do you regret it?

● Kenneth: All truth be told I don’t, I don’t regret the murders. I was tempted
to kill when I moved away and it’s something I crave now.
● Angelo: At the time no, no it’s not that I regret killing. it’s just getting
caught that I regret.
How did it all start?
● Kenneth: well i had a terrible childhood which I think is why I was so okay
with it. I don’t know much about happiness
● Angelo: I love women so much and I loved abusing them and It just was
getting more and more aggressive till they were dead I guess.
Do you remember the first time you killed?
● Angelo: like it was yesterday. I was so angry that one of the prostitutes and
her friend gave me fake numbers of girls. Kenneth and I went looking for
them but only found her friend. So we took her and did things to her and
killed her. I was a little worried how Kenneth would feel but also thrilled.
● Kenneth: it was crazy so much was happening all at once and once she
took her last breath I wanted out but something inside me was liking it. So I
Why did y’all stop the strangles?
● Angelo: Kenneth was being a baby and we ended up getting into an
argument. We agreed not to speak of the murders because we knew the
● Kenneth: Angelo and I just weren’t getting along anymore, we decided to
keep the murders a secret, so I moved to Washington.
How did you get caught?
● Kenneth: After I moved to Washington I became a security guard, ha, ironic
isn’t it. I was couldn’t handle my craving of wanting to murder. I took two
college women and I had killed them, the only difference this time was
there was a witness that saw me with them. I should’ve planned it out
better, but I ratted out Angelo hoping it would lessen my sentence but it
● Angelo: I didn’t know what was happening at the time till I found out
Kenneth told them EVERYTHING that dumb kid, we would've gotten away
with it if he didn’t have to kill or had a better plan.
Do you think you deserve your sentence?
● Angelo: If Kenneth wasn’t a dummy we would’ve never got caught. They’re
for no I don’t believe so those girls weren’t going to be missed by their
family anyway.
● Kenneth: yes and no I believe that I should be in here for being so stupid
and getting caught but not for the murders. It was almost kind of like my
Had you not been caught would you still kill?
● Angelo: no I think I had grown out of killing people. It’s one of those one in
a lifetime things technically 10. But it was done I did that now I move on.
● Kenneth: heck yeah I would it’s not something that leaves your mind it’s
like being addicted to candy you can’t just stop you need more every time.

If given a chance to be released and never kill again

would you take it or kill again?
● Angelo: Yes of course i would take it, I didn’t murder after our argument we
had and I didn’t plan on it. But it would never happen.
● Kenneth: I don’t believe I could handle it, it’s apart of me now it’s who I am.
I’m a murder and will always be one till I die.

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