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Weekly Blog | Week 10


Activities we did this week:

This week Jordan and I began filming and also rescheduling some
shoot dates as well. We wrote out our new shooting schedule for the next 3 to 4
weeks. We had some issues with one of our actors, who is going to be on holiday for
longer than expected and so we have had to switch round some dates to fit
everything together. What this means is that Jordan and I will try and film all of the
scenes that only include us so that we can get those scenes out of the way so if
things go wrong with other shooting days we know that we have filmed a good
portion of the film already. The scenes that we did shoot was a scene near the
beginning of the film where Noah and Arthur see each other for the first time. This
scene took 2 – 3 hours to film, where the result that we got from that days shoot was
very good. I am very happy with the footage that we captured and Jordan stayed
round and edited a quick draft of the scene at my home. This was good as it means
that I have a saved copy of this draft and footage which I can use as back-ups just
in case anything were to happen to any of the footage Jordan will edit further on
down the line. I want to try and keep draft versions of these premier pro files so that
Jordan has a back up just in case anything were to happen to any edited footage
that he may work on. Another large break through that happened this week this
week. I have been speaking with a production office called resource productions.
Through their office and staff, they managed to get me in contact with a landlord
called tom who owns “The Herschel Arms” in Slough. After a quick direct phone call
with Tom he allowed me to film next week and the week after for 5 hours free of
charge. This was the best possible result and is a massive weight that has been lifted
off of Jordan and I’s shoulders now that we know we have a secured location for
our shoot.

Problems I had to deal with:

As for problems there weren’t many problems that came to fruition this
week apart from some minor setback such as some scheduling issues. The main set
back was with one our actor Liam who had not told us that he was on holiday for as
long as he as he said he would be and so we had to push shooting back. This is not
too much of a problem due to the fact that this does give me and Jordan more
time to prep for the next couple of back to back shoots that will go underway next

Next Week

Next week we are carrying on with filming, of which a large bulk of our
film is being filmed. The scene that we plan to film are both graveyard scenes which
are placed right at the beginning of the film and also the final scene of the film., The
bar scene and also another scene at Arthurs house. This will be some of the last
scenes that Jordan and I can film by ourselves.

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