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Thieves burglarize SHELTON-MASON COUNTY

North Mason
marijuana shop
twice in same week

Thursday, July 19, 2018 The Voice of Mason County Since 1886 - Vol. 132, No. 29 $1.50


More than 2 dozen
recent blazes draw
suspicion of authorities

By the time a small fire began

and was quickly doused about 3 p.m.
Tuesday by Central Mason Fire &
EMS personnel near in the intersec-
tion of South Fifth and Grove streets
in Shelton, the Mason County Sher-
iff’s Office, along with local and state
fire authorities, had grown wary of
the sheer multitude of recent fire ac-
On Tuesday afternoon, Ryan
Spurling, MCSO chief criminal
deputy, told the Shelton-Mason
County Journal that about 25 fires
in the county during the past few
weeks drew the suspicion of fire
marshals and investigators with
the state Department of Natural

see FIRES, page A-22


candidates in Journal photo by Gordon Weeks

their own words With temperatures soaring into the 80s, three Port Orchard youths — from left to right, Dajshon Keel,
Justin Poindexter and Payton Laseter — jump off the bridge July 12 where the Skokomish River
meets Lake Cushman on July 12.

With ballots mailed Tuesday to

Mason County residents for the Aug.
7 primary election, the Shelton-Ma-
son County Journal wanted to let
the four candidates running for the
Restoration work for iconic log monument
District 3 seat on the Board of Ma- By GORDON WEEKS At about 6 a.m.
son County Commissioners speak on Monday, Shelton
their own behalf. City employee Tallan
Earlier this month, the Journal The iconic Shelton log monument, Sytsma of the parks
sent an identical six-question email featuring a cross section of a 729-year- department erects
to the candidates — Sharon Trask old Douglas fir that greets motorists a tarp on the iconic
(prefers Republican party), Mary entering and leaving town on state Shelton log monument
Jo Cady (prefers Republican party), Route 3 is receiving some restoration in preparation for
Kathy Chaussee (prefers Indepen- work thanks to a donation from Mason renovation work made
dent party) and Kevin Schmelzlen County Master Builders. possible by a donation
(prefers Democratic party) — to al- Crews this week are scheduled to from the Mason County
low the Journal to print their an- sand off dirt and graffiti, apply protec- Master Builders.
swers. tive sealers and repaint the text in an
Journal photo by Gordon
see CANDIDATES, page A-8 see MONUMENT, page A-21

Authorities locate body of Women’s prison breaks Nonprofit hosts charity
missing Shelton man ground on new building golf tournament
Page A-2 Page A-25 Page B-1
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Body of missing
Shelton man located
Officials say 44-year-old Ford Escape and never returned.
On June 27, the City of Shelton is-

likely killed himself

sued a news release announcing Ack-
ley’s disappearance. That release solic-
ited multiple tips that led authorities
By MICHAEL HEINBACH to find Ackley’s abandoned vehicle in a wooded area beyond the Shelton city
limits near the intersection of state
The body of 44-year-old Dale Ack- Route 3 and U.S. Highway 101.
ley was recovered Sunday near the After an initial search of the area
area where investigators proved unsuccessful, a second
centered their search for the release stated that Ackley had
missing Shelton man late last last been seen at a downtown
month, the Mason County Shelton business at 4:40 p.m.
Sheriff’s Office confirmed to June 25. It added that Shel-
the Shelton-Mason County ton police investigators looking
Journal late Tuesday after- into Ackley’s disappearance re-
noon. ported no activity on Ackley’s
Suicide is suspected to be bank accounts or cellphones
the cause of death and Ryan following his disappearance.
Spurling, Mason County Sher- Ackley An exhaustive search with
iff’s Office chief criminal depu- the assistance of more than
ty, said there is no indication of crimi- 70 search and rescue volunteers and
nal activity or foul play involved. K-9 on July 1 again came up empty.
“There were some unique circum- According to Scott Yeager, public rela-
stances that made it near impossible tions director for Mason County Search
for searchers to find him,” MCSO Chief and Rescue, local searchers were joined
Criminal Deputy Ryan Spurling told July 1 by search and rescue personnel
the Journal. “We’d like to respect the from personnel from Clallam, Grays
family at this time and not get into Harbor, Kitsap and Pierce counties,
the details of how he was found or why Tacoma Mountain Rescue, German
search teams had the difficulty they Shepherd Search Dogs of Grays Harbor
did in finding him.” County, Kitsap County Search Dogs
According to the Shelton Police De- and West Coast Search Dogs.
partment, Ackley’s girlfriend reported On Tuesday, Spurling told the Jour-
the man missing June 26, a day after nal that Ackley’s body was discovered
the couple reportedly got into an argu- between a half mile and a mile from
Vehicle provided by

ment. Ackley reportedly left in a 2001 where the abandoned Ford was found.
Vehicle may vary from photo


Auditor’s office prepare for primary
Voters won’t have to pay postage for “Although there are eight ballot drop
boxes located throughout Mason Coun-
primary, general elections this year ty to also return ballots, not everyone
Our Family Welcomes Your Family By MICHAEL HEINBACH
has one located near them,” Herr wrote
in the release. “Ballot return postage provides just another free option of
returning ballots that ideally will im-
Though Mason County Auditor Kar- prove voter access and participation in
en Herr is less than six months the election process.”
from her final day on the job, Herr says that though the
her office is busy as ever pre- grant provides only for return
paring for the upcoming pri- ballot postage for this year’s
mary and general elections. primary and general elec-
Ballots for the Aug. 7 pri- tions, there’s already an “ac-
mary election were mailed tive push” to convince the state
Tuesday to Mason County vot- legislature to make the funding
ers. That ballot features fed- of return ballot postage perma-
eral and state offices, includ- nent during the 2019 legisla-
ing U.S. Senator and House of Herr tive calendar.
Representative positions from Earlier this month, the

Congressional Districts 6 and 10, and county auditor’s office announced it
state Senator and state Representa- purchased Clear Ballot, a new ballot-
tives (positions 1 and 2). Local offices processing system, which will debut in
on the primary ballot include Mason the primary.
County assessor, auditor, clerk, coro- “Clear Ballot is the leader in election
Years in Shelton ner, prosecutor, sheriff, treasurer, Dis- innovation that will improve the trans-
trict 3 county commissioner and Dis- parency and integrity of our elections,”
1978 — 2018 trict Court judge. Herr said in a July 6 release. “It’s a
Voters must return primary bal- paper-based voting system built with
lots by 8 p.m. Aug. 7 to one of eight commercial off-the-shelf components
Over the past 40 years much has changed in Mason County, but one drop boxes in the county in order to be paired with modern software, which
constant has been Hackney Family Dentistry. Our multi-generational counted. Ballots can also be mailed, but lowers the cost for jurisdictions, reduc-
dental practice has served Mason County since 1978. must be postmarked by Aug. 7. es labor and saves taxpayer dollars”
Throughout the years we have adopted new technologies and the most The deadline to register to vote in The purchase was completely funded
current procedures while maintaining our focus on patient comfort, the primary election is July 30. Those by a restricted county auditor’s office’s
who want to register for the primary account that helps pay to replace aging
superior customer service and small town friendliness.
must do so in person at the auditor’s elections equipment and systems.
Call today and let our family take care of your family. office, located in the county admin- “The Mason County Auditor’s Office
istration building at 411 N. Fifth St., has been setting aside funds and care-
360-426-1676 Shelton. fully monitoring the account for the past
New Patients are Always Welcome Voters will see a change on their bal- five years in order to purchase the equip-
Visit our website for a new patient discount. lot return envelopes — they won’t need ment, software, licensing and installa-
to attach a stamp. tion for this new system,” Herr said.
Through funding secured through Herr added that though voters will
Gov. Jay Inslee and Secretary of State see little change to their end of the elec-
Kim Wyman, voters in Washington tions process, the ballot tabulation pro-
state won’t have to pay postage to mail cess will be significantly more efficient
ballots this election season. All coun- and provide additional audit account-
ties are receiving grant money to pro- ability recently mandated by the state.
vide ballot return postage for the pri- “Clear Ballot’s efficiency to the coun-
mary and the Nov. 6 general elections. ty, transparency to the public and ac-

According to a news release Herr sent cessibility to all voters will certainly be
July 16, Mason County will get $17,895 a positive benefit for Mason County,”
Visit • 1051 SE State Route 3 • Shelton from the state to pay for postage. Herr said.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-3

Homeless woman wants to Your ONE STOP Complete Outdoor

help others on the street

Recreation Store Since 1948


Kelly Burdette didn’t always live in

her truck.
Burdette, who has resided in Mason
VERLE'S (360) 426-0933
County for 30 years, said she lived in • 741 W. Golden Pheasant Rd • Shelton
rentals for 25 years and once owned
Bear Creek Espresso in Belfair. Her
most recent job, at Little Skookum
Shellfish, ended because it was too
physically taxing on her body, she said.
Three years ago, Burdette was evict-
ed from her rental house.
“I just fell homeless,” she said.
Although she is homeless, Burdette
wants to help the other homeless peo-
ple in Mason County by organizing a
community gathering from 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. Saturday at Kneeland Park in
downtown Shelton. The event will in-
clude entertainment, refreshments,
games and prizes.
Donations of cash and items such
and sleeping bags, tents and bathroom Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
supplies will be accepted. Kelly Burdette, who has been home-
“I want to (collect) some money, less in Shelton for three years, is
plenty of supplies stored up,” she said. hosting a community event to help
“We have winter and cold months com- those on the street from 10 a.m. to
ing soon. There’s only so many shelter 6 p.m. Saturday at Kneeland Park in
beds. We have to be thinking about downtown Shelton.
these people right now.”
Anyone who wants to donate food, awareness to homeless people, and pro-
prizes, gift cards and other items for vide services that help them, Burdette
the event can call Burdette at 360- said.
463-0163 or email gatheringmasonco@ “I have to try to make a change,” she said.
Burdette, 52, said she hasn’t re- Shelton needs affordable housing
ceived much support so far in her ef- and more public shower facilities than
forts to organize the event. She has a the ones offered at Community Life-
permit from the city to stage it. line, Burdette said.
“We’ll show up and see who comes,” “We need some place to go to the
she said. bathroom that’s not Dairy Queen,” she
The event is designed to bring said.


Crab Perfect for
City changes at the July 10 meeting, additions have
been made to the public privacy as- Pots
time for council pects of it, Gregory said.
The policy states that employees
Fun & Easy
“will ensure the protection of civil
rights and reasonable expectations of
privacy are key components in any de-
The Shelton City Council voted cision to deploy” the drone. According
unanimously July 10 to roll back its to the policy, the public works depart- Reg. $16.99
meeting times by one hour. ment will not share any of the data
The council will meet at 6 p.m. the with other city departments, other 70th Anniversary
first and third Tuesday of each month local governments, or state or federal Special Price
instead of 7 p.m. The change will be- agencies.
come effective at the Aug. 7 meeting. Council member Eric Onisko asked
if the material collected on the drone
could be subpoenaed.
City establishes Attorney Jon Collins said there is a
“possibility,” but he believes such in-
Model # FWCCTS

policy on use stances are rare.

of its drone Council will

The Shelton City Council estab-
lished a policy at its meeting on Tues- interview four city
day evening governing the use of the
public work department’s new drone. manager finalists
The policy is meant to ensure that
the drone is “operated properly and The members of the Shelton City
safely in accordance with all state and Council are scheduled to interview
federal regulations,” according to the four finalists July 30 and 31 for the
report from the public works depart- position of city manager.
ment. Vicki Look, who is serving as inter-
Four employees from the public im city manager, announced the dates
works and engineering department at Tuesday’s council meeting.
are training to operate the drone,
said Craig Gregory, public works di-
City Manager Ryan Wheaton an-
nounced on Jan. 18 that he was re-
Let Your Adventure Check out our
According to the policy, the drone
signing his position of 1 1/2 years. In
compensation, the Shelton native re-
Begin at Verles! FB specials

will be used for aerial photography, ceived nine months of salary and three
photogrammetry, bridge inspections, months of medical benefits. He was Fishing & Hunting
geotechnical field investigation, public making about $120,000 a year. License Dealer
outreach, mapping construction sites The city hired a recruiting firm to Also selling Northwest Forest
and conditions, and disaster response/ lead the search.
training exercises.
Passes & Discover Passes
Since the first reading of the policy n Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks Sale prices good thru 7-21-2018, while supplies last

Artwork is for Illustration purposes only

Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Putting the ‘Y’ in healthy

or years, Mason County has ranked ria and demographics each year and releases
among the least healthy counties in its findings.
Washington. In this year’s report, Mason County
But now, thanks to community leaders ranked 28th of 39 counties in health out-
and a little bit of governmental assistance, comes and 37th in health factors. Health out-
we’re doing something about it. comes measure how long people live and how
The Shelton City Council last week put healthy people feel, according to the study.
what will likely be the finishing touches Health factors weigh measurements such as
on a grassroots proposal to construct a tobacco use, access to quality health care and
brand-new YMCA in Shelton by 2023. The air quality.
city will lease 10.5 acres of land near the But it’s not just adults who are struggling
intersection of Shelton Springs Road and with their health. According to the Washing-
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard for the new ton State Healthy Youth Survey, students
facility, which could break ground by July are reporting feeling depressive and suicidal
2020. feelings in growing numbers. Many feel like
Journal photo by Kirk Ericson
According to YMCA officials, the new they don’t have any support from an adult,
Media people wait for Shanoi Ohtani to show — or not show location will be at least 29,500 square feet and turn to drugs, alcohol or other unhealthy
— before the Mariners-Angels game July 3 at Safeco Field. and include a swimming pool, among other alternatives.
amenities. It will cost an estimated $14 mil- In addition to providing a place to exercise,

A day at the ballpark:

lion to $16 million, and could have an annual a YMCA can help reconnect our community.
payroll of $1.4 million for full-time and part- YMCAs throughout the United States of-
time staff. fer camps, programs and activities for every

Wandering in Safeco Economics aside, we’re thrilled that the

new YMCA seems an inevitability at this
point. Mason County has ranked among the
member of the family. The South Sound
YMCA in Olympia this summer offers every-
thing from ocean exploration to Pokémon-
Part two of two charms. bottom of Washington counties for years, ac- themed challenges. It has fitness and yoga
At the first couple of media cording to the County Health Rankings & classes for seniors. There are even ballet

hen you get press security checks at Safeco, I Roadmaps, a collaboration between the Uni- classes. A Shelton YMCA would likely have
credentials to a Mari- popped my badge like Wayne versity of Wisconsin Popular Health Institute similar offerings.
ners game, you get and Garth did, thinking a and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. We’re glad to see this major project moving
a 4-inch wide, 6-inch checker might get the The organization ranks individual counties forward. Kudos to the organizers who made
long piece of heavy cinematic reference, across the country based on a variety of crite- this a success.
stock paper with your but no one seemed to.
picture on it and the I had credentials
paper is connected to to cover the Mariners’
an elastic string that July 3 game against
you loop around your the Los Angeles An-
neck. It’s your press gels of Anaheim, and
badge and the man after spending an hour
at the media gate at By KIRK in the press box, I took
Safeco Field told me ERICSON the elevator at midaft-
never to take it off ernoon to the bottom
while I was inside the floor of Safeco, which
ballpark. is where the teams’ club-
“Even the bathroom,” he houses are. This area is called
warned. the service tunnel and you can
I had no reason to take think of it as being similar
that badge off because oh, the to the backstage of a theater
places you can go. It gets you where all the unglamorous
into either team’s clubhouse, and essential work gets done.
the field, the press box, the The service tunnel courses
media dining room, the suite around the park, level with
level, the service tunnel and and behind the playing field.
anywhere the public can be. It’s an ant hill down there be-
The badge turned into a fore the game – among their
ticket to some close-up sights many chores, hundreds of
and sounds that will remain workers unpack the food and
in my brain. Maybe it was drink that will be consumed
similar to how a Brit would by tens of thousands of fans.
feel wandering around the The concrete walls of the ser-
queen’s private chambers. vice tunnel are adorned with
Or maybe it’s more like huge photos of past Mariners.
the scene from the movie The service tunnel is where
“Wayne’s World” where you’ll find the umpires tunnel,
Wayne and Garth have back- and if you walk through that
stage passes to an Alice Coo- tunnel, you’re on the ballfield.
per concert in Milwaukee. As And so I was, standing 50
they’re being waved through feet to the left of home plate.
security, they’re grinning and It’s stunning how quiet it was.
flashing their backstage pass-
es like the badges are magic see TIMES, page A-7


The Shelton-Mason County Owned and published by Advertising: Composing room:

Journal is a member of the Wash- Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. John Lester, general manager William Adams, technology and
USPS 492-800 ington Newspaper Publishers Theresa Murray, ad representative design manager
Association. Publisher: Tom Mullen Linda Frizzell, graphics
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mason Front office:
County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Newsroom: Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper All editorial, advertising and legal
$52 per year ($43 for six months) Adam Rudnick, editor in chief Dave Pierik, circulation and deadlines are 5 p.m. the Monday
Published weekly by the Mason County Journal for Mason County addresses and Gordon Weeks, reporter classifieds manager prior to publication.
at 227 W. Cota St., Shelton, Washington. $75 per year ($55 for six months) Michael Heinbach, reporter
Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 outside of Mason County. Dana Kampa, reporter Delivery: To submit a letter to the editor,
Telephone: (360) 426-4412  Alexandra Smith, sports reporter Jon Garza email
Website: Penny Wilson
Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-5


Kudos on Journal Letter Policy

that put our county in the
financial status it currently

your blank The Journal encourages original letters to the editor of local interest. Diverse and varied opinions
faces. We also need a com-
missioner who has a sincere
passionate interest in our
opinion page are welcomed. We will not publish letters that are deemed libelous or scurrilous in nature. All
letters must be signed and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number, which community – who truly cares
about the importance of public
Editor, the Journal will be used for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar health and safety and the fu-
I commend you on your and clarity. To submit a letter, email, drop it off at 227 W. Cota St., or ture of Mason County. Kathy
choosing a blank editorial mail it to P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. is that person.
page in the July 6 paper to Kathy is not a Democrat
pay tribute to those reporters Editor’s note or Republican, she is an Inde-
killed at the Capital Gazette pendent, meaning her ideas
in Annapolis. What better way The deadline for all letters to the editor endorsing candidates for this year’s primary election and beliefs are her own and
to convey the helplessness will be 5 p.m. July 23 for the July 26 issue of the Journal. Per Journal policy, only rebuttals to not influenced by a politi-
that you and many of us feel published letters to the editor will be published in the Aug. 2 issue of the Journal. cal party. Now is the time to
about this seemingly endless bring in a commissioner with
slaughter except in the stark experience, knowledge and
listing of names? candidate in Susan Hutchi- Mason County is hungry the half-truth gets caught a new beliefs. This is the perfect
And I thank Gordon Weeks son. Susan was a news anchor for change and Kevin is that new half-truth won’t be told. I opportunity for the residents
for his column about his and for KIRO-TV; she understands change in the right direction venture to say that most of the of Mason County to finally
his peers’ chilling accounts the politics of Washington that we need. Mason County negative feedback is coming make a change in the Mason
of threats to their lives. I’m state and Washington, D.C. is filled with friendly, honest, from people that really don’t County Commission by voting
especially concerned for the Susan was the Washington proud, caring, hard-working, know the facts at all. in the right person for the job
security of your office space. It State Republican Party chair practical, independent, down- It is so mind blowing how – Kathy Chaussee.
seems this is something you these past years. Susan’s com- to-earth people that are many people are blindly fol-
should try to resolve. petence can replace Cantwell’s passionate about our commu- lowing a man they don’t know. Bill and Stacey Ells
There is far more to say, I incompetence. Susan will rep- nity. Kevin Schmelzlen is all I have read many comments Shelton
suppose, but Gordon said it resent all the state, not just of this and even more. Kevin on how Mr. Holland is block-
far better than I can. Seattle.
The other U.S. Senate can-
can help bring our community
to greater, positive changes
ing people on Facebook, how
he has not shown up to candi- Bowling is a
Bill Young didates are good, but Susan without sacrificing what date forums for one reason or
Shelton can beat Cantwell. Support makes Mason County great. another, and then there are true Democrat
Susan Hutchison for the U.S. Kevin has proven time and these people that stand tall
Hutchinson a Senate in both the primary
and general election.
time again that he really does
walk the walk and not just
and talk assuming that he has
some secret power. I would
Editor, the Journal
Once again, Tim Sheldon is

smarter choice Ardean A. Anvik

talk the talk. Mason County
will be truly blessed to have
like to ask Mr. Holland just a
few questions. Who are you,
running for Washington state
Senate as a “Democrat.” His
Shelton him as our county commis- Mr. Holland? What was your voting record says otherwise.
for senate sioner. rank in the military? How Examples of Sheldon’s

Editor, the Journal McLean’s We need smart and focused

leadership that is looking
many years did you spend
in the military police? What
votes on health-related issues,
including paid family and
Maria Cantwell has been
a senator for 18 years yet experience forward for years to come, for
the future of our youth; our
training, leadership and ex-
perience do you have in law
medical leave:
The Washington Family

will be key
has not authored one signifi- children and grandchildren, enforcement? And lastly, cer- and Medical Leave Insurance
cant law. She wants another so that they can have a sus- tainly not of lesser value, but Act originally passed in 2007
term which would complete a tainable community to flour- can you tell us readers when established a paid family
quarter-century of do-nothing Editor, the Journal ish in and raise their families, we will actually get to see you leave insurance program, but
incompetence. Our founding I am writing in support right here at home in Mason at a forum? was never implemented and
fathers envisioned part-time of Patti McLean for Mason County. Yes, Mr. Burke, I did take was indefinitely postponed by
citizen legislators, not full- County assessor. I strongly encourage you to my volunteer job very serious subsequent legislation.
time do-nothing legislators. Patti has 27 years of ap- look into Kevin Schmelzlen and as a civil service commission- In January 2013, SB 5159,
Cantwell voted against the praisal experience from Ma- what he stands for, represents er. Yes, Mr. Burke, I find that co-sponsored by Sheldon, at-
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; the son County and in addition and what he sees for the future OTJ in law enforcement only tempted to repeal the family
law which lowers your taxes she has a year as an appraiser of Mason County. Let’s take an worked back in the old Wild and medical leave insurance
and improves your 401(k) for Grays Harbor. I believe it active role and make Mason West when there weren’t more act. It ended up in the Senate
retirement. Job opportuni- is strong benefit to have expe- County a great place to live, a criminals than streets in each X Files.
ties abound. Black, Hispanic rience from other jurisdictions place that we are proud of.  community and/or a place to In June 2017, SB 5975 was
and women unemployment when it comes to tax assess- keep those criminals. Maybe introduced, establishing a paid
is the lowest in history. Busi- ments. Marilyn Aaron that should be the solution family leave insurance pro-
ness startups are increasing Integrity and trust are key Shelton you look into — solving the gram. Although this bill over-
in minority communities. A 4 components for our assessor’s jail population issue. whelmingly passed in both the
percent business growth, the
best in 50 years, equals job op-
office. People need to trust
and understand the appraisal Some As I stand back and watch
— from most often my chair
Senate and the House, Shel-
don voted against it.
portunities for all. and valuation process used for these days while I recover Sheldon also voted against
Cantwell voted against tax assessments. As we would questions from surgery and cancer treat- the following health related
HR2579 immigration reform, like to say, “if you can’t trust ments — it is almost laugh- bills that were passed in the
which included a citizen-
ship path for Dreamers and
government, who can you
for Holland able how naive some really
well-educated people can be.
March 2011, SB 5039 ­—
border security. She claims I am putting my trust with Editor, the Journal Tobacco cessation treatment
to support Veteran’s Admin- Patti McLean for assessor. Mr. Burke, you make some Danielle Skeeters-Lindsey April 2010, HB 2493 – Cig-
istration changes, but didn’t valid points; then there are Shelton arette tax increase
support President Trump as Phil Wolff some that made the hair on March 2008, Sub HB 2572
he increased VA funding and
fired incompetent VA em-
Allyn the back of my neck stand up.
I, being a civil service commis- Vote for Kathy — Health insurance for small
ployees who failed to provide
approved medical services or Schmelzlen sioner for six years, take great
offense to some of your state- Chaussee for
January 2008, SB 5261 —
Health insurance rate over-

is the right
caused excessive wait times. ments. First would be the hir- sight
In 2012, Cantwell received
over $3,700,000 (54 percent of
ing practice you refer to. Let commissioner This indicates a pattern of
voting that benefits business
me remind the readers and
her campaign donations) from you that there are set guide- Editor, the Journal and special interests, not peo-
out of state, with lobbyists lines for employment of which There are four candidates ple. In fact, if you look at Shel-
leading the pack, according Editor, the Journal the RCW 41.14.010 clearly running for Mason County don’s fundraising disclosures,
to the Federal Elections Com- Kevin Schmelzlen has been states. This is when I will Commissioner District 3. you will not only see business
mission. involved in our community thank you for being so totally Kathy Chaussee has provided and special interest donations,
In 2016, Cantwell was a as an activist and leader for unaware of how employment 18 years of dedicated service but in 2014, the Republican
Washington state super del- the past several years, work- is achieved. Readers, please to Mason County as an ac- Party donated over $100,000
egate who supported Hillary ing closely with United Way, go find your RCW and educate countant and preparing her to his campaign.
Clinton against Bernie Sand- Shelton to The Top, the Ma- yourselves on this topic. Then departmental budget. We Please be an informed voter
ers, even though Bernie had son County Sheriff’s Office, educate yourselves on how need a commissioner with this year. Review Tim Shel-
Democrat rank and file sup- our county commissioners, the you want your state-mandated “hands-on” budget and county don’s voting record and finan-
port. City of Shelton, the Mason services taken care of rather government experience – cial disclosures. If you are a
Cantwell is a lemming who County Conservation District than believing the half-truths someone who knows how Democrat, I believe you will
does whatever Chuck Schum- and more. Kevin wants to en- and short stories you hear county government works, want to vote for a true Demo-
er tells her to do. Cantwell sure that we protect the rural about over-spending. It might who knows the players, who crat, Irene Bowling.
does not represent us; she rep- lifestyle opportunities that we be time to ask a few questions has knowledge of all county
resents Seattle values. Let’s have available here and focus when you ask that question departments, and someone Linda Prato
deny her the Mason County on what we do have around us make sure it is with the right who knows the history of Ma- Belfair
vote. and what we can do to make it person, in the company of oth- son County and the choices
We have a very capable even better. ers, so when the one telling that were previously made see LETTERS, page A-6
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

LETTERS cont. from page A-5

Sharon has a myriad of
experience, from being a busi-
weeks now. So, Sharon Trask
is by far the best and only
Per his web page “… Don’t we
need a full-time judge? The Elect Bowling
Steele a fair, ness owner to our legislature
as legislative assistant for J.T.
person for Mason County com-
missioner. She is running for
answer is yes. I intend to try
to be salaried as a three-quar- to work for us
experienced Wilcox. When there is a need
in our community, she and
the betterment of our precious
ter time judge while actually
working full-time and ask- Editor, the Journal
her husband, Ted, are always ing the county to use my 25 After decades of false
choice there willing to help those Audrey and Richard percent reduction and funds choice for a Democratic state
senator, this year we have the
less fortunate. I had a friend Ferrari spent to hire pro tem judges
Editor, the Journal ask me why Sharon would be Shelton to create another three-quar- opportunity to vote for a real
My husband and I are vot- a good person to vote for in ter time judge position … ” Democrat, Irene Bowling!
ing for George Steele for dis-
trict court judge. He has the
the upcoming primary. My
answer is that while Sharon is Knowledge This is a lovely thought and
will appeal to county voters,
While the incumbent takes
contributions from big busi-
ness, out-of-state concerns
experience, fairness and integ-
rity it takes to be a judge. If
soft spoken, she is incredibly
smart and empathetic. I’ve lacking for but has no chance of hap-
pening until state laws are and Republicans (while
you are seeking a judge that personally seen her use agree- changed. claiming to be a Democrat),
dispenses justice as intended ments between folks with candidates RCW 3.34.010 enacts the Irene’s support comes from
actual Democrats in her dis-
under the law, then that divergent viewpoints as a way number of district judges for
would be George Steele. to bridge any disagreements. Editor, the Journal each county. Mason County trict.
These are the reasons I rec- I think her kind demeanor I am distressed to see the currently has one authorized While the incumbent takes
ommend we all vote for him. disarms people and helps to level of knowledge candidates district court judge. This weeks to respond to my con-
This election is truly about create an environment of col- running for office have about number may be increased cerns and requests for help in
electing someone who adheres laboration. It seems to me the position in which they only as provided in RCW a life and death matter, and
to the letter of the law and that this quality will serve wish to serve. 3.34.020, which states that then responds with disdain
George Steele is that person. Mason County well, espe- Mr. Holland, running “… Any change in the number and bullying, Irene makes
cially in situations of conflicts for sheriff, raised the ques- of full and part-time district time to listen to me and re-
Nancy Brown between department heads. tion as to the need for good judges after January 1, 1992, sponds with intelligence and
Belfair These qualities are absolutely watercraft in the sheriff’s shall be determined by the compassion.
what Mason County needs. office. Yet, when asked, he legislature after receiving a Irene supports real Demo-
Thank you for your consid- was unable to tell me how recommendation from the cratic values like afford-

Trask’s myriad eration and hopefully you’ll

consider casting your vote for
many miles of waterline ex-
ist within the current county
supreme court … ” About
the salary — RCW 3.58.010
able health care, free public
education, and economic and

of experience Sharon Trask. I know I will boundaries. It’s the county states the salaries of full-time social justice. Look at Tim
be. that steps up to the distress district court judges shall be Sheldon’s voting record and
you will see that his work is
will be key
calls of thousands of boat- established by the Washing-
Wes Martin ers in our public waters. The ton citizen’s commission on so Republican it is no wonder
Grapeview Hood Canal is the largest salaries for elected officials. the American conservatives
Editor, the Journal fjord in the United States, It’s also published in the organization gives him a
Sharon Trask is right for
Mason County. Out of all of Sharon Trask a great deal of it is within
Mason County, and the Coast
The work of changing the
78 percent approval rat-
ing, more than double other
the folks running for county
commissioner this year, one for county Guard has no personnel or
equipment assigned here.
laws we don’t like is too hard,
so nobody does it. But not to I urge my fellow Democrats
stands out for us and her Mason County bought one affect lawful change has a to vote for Irene Bowling for
name is Sharon Trask. We’ve commissioner used boat from the USCG in consequence: anarchy. I am State Senator for the 35th
Legislative District and get a
known Sharon for years and 2016, per iFiberOne News, not a deputy sheriff or lawyer,
when I heard that she was Editor, the Journal June 3, 2016, to patrol 200 just a citizen, but I do my real Democrat working for us.
dedicating herself to run for We will make this short miles of shoreline. homework. When we vote, we win!
county commissioner, I imme- and to the point. You have Mr. Bonin, running for
diately knew that she was a been hearing and reading district court judge, has pro- Mary Jean Hrbacek Sandra Giachino
perfect fit. about the candidates for posed a salary reduction plan. Shelton Belfair
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-7

Times: Media scrum over Japanese superstar’s comments

continued from page A-4 have to worry about is a little circle.”

Most fans can’t enter the park more

I watched the mound guy prepare
his little circle after I returned to the I was 5 feet away from Ohtani, at the back
than two hours before first pitch, so
I stood there on that 75-degree day
press box in the early evening. He spent
about 30 minutes getting the mound of the scrum, but I could barely hear a sound
amid the thousands of empty seats. It
was so peaceful I could hear the pop of
ready for prime time, time that includ-
ed several instances where he’d take 10 coming from his mouth. It was a whisper. And
a ball hitting a mitt in the outfield. It
felt like a park.
steps away from the mound and stare
at his work like a painter stepping back his translator was translating at the same
I took a moment to run the words of
the author Kurt Vonnegut through my
from his easel. He’d see something, ap-
proach the mound, bend over and pick volume.
head: “If this isn’t nice, I don’t know up a speck of dirt with his thumb and to the left of his left foot. It was an el- of proportion to what is really essen-
what nice is.” forefinger and toss the speck away. egant, graceful and athletic pose. tial in people’s lives.
I wandered along the first base line I watched batting practice for the Now I watched him sit in front of No one died. No one got divorced.
toward right field where the Mariners’ M’s – long, booming shots off the bats his locker, his shoulders slumped, oc- Nobody’s child got sick. But the way
pitchers were playing catch, getting of Nelson Cruz and Mitch Haniger and cupied by thoughts. He went hitless in Ohtani was talking and the way the
their million-dollar arms loose. There darts off the bats of Dee Gordon and his first game off the disabled list. Not sports media folks were talking it was
was ace closer Edwin Diaz. There Jean Segura. Ichiro Suzuki, who has a good day at work. as though all those sad events had
was set-up man Alex Colome. Erasmo some kind of murky role in the front An Angels clubhouse guy was shut- happened simultaneously just mo-
Ramirez was getting the dust out of office, stepped in and neither boomed tling between Ohtani’s translator and ments before.
his arm after spending a few months nor darted. He hit three balls off the the gathered media trying to accom- It felt like a funeral where no one
on the disabled list. top of the batting cage, a couple of ane- modate everyone’s needs. Finally, had died, but really, I’m no better than
I watched. Colome has an easy de- mic pop-ups on the infield, and then a word came that Ohtani would take anyone else in this world of sports nuts.
livery that makes the speed of the ball final shot that landed about 10 rows questions outside the clubhouse doors I’ve responded to Mariners losses with
coming out of his hand seem contrary back in right field. in the service tunnel. dispair and anger. When the Sonics
to the laws of physics. Ramirez was I didn’t remember to look whether He stood with his back against the lost to the Denver Nuggets in the 1994
throwing to a fellow with a catcher’s the cameras waiting for Ohtani swiv- concrete wall of the service tunnel, NBA playoffs, it felt as though the
mitt and the thud of that ball hitting eled around to capture Ichiro in the lights from the video cameras illumi- ground had fallen from underneath me.
that mitt produced an echo. The pitch- batting cage, but I don’t suppose they nating his face, which remained fixed That kind of response is out of
ers spoke quietly to each other. did. Ichiro is yesterday’s sensation. in neutral throughout the five minutes whack with what matters in life. I rec-
The most impressive of the pitch- Ohtani is today’s. of questioning. I was 5 feet away from ognize that, and I’ve gotten better at
ers was the youngster Diaz, whose After spending about three hours on Ohtani, at the back of the scrum, but I enduring sports losses, but the roots of
game pitches top out at 100 mph. the field, I roamed around the inside of could barely hear a sound coming from those emotions remain. I would like to
After warming up from about 60 feet, Safeco. I stopped by lost and found to his mouth. It was a whisper. And his quit caring about the Mariners, but ev-
Diaz walked back to about 120 feet ask about some binoculars I forgot at translator was translating at the same ery year I get sucked in. I would like to
and started throwing, but this time, the park some time ago. volume. And then the video people follow the M’s with purer motives than
instead of throwing from a set posi- “Do you remember when you lost starting asking their questions – just hoping they win, but I can’t.
tion, he was taking two steps into his them?” the guy at lost and found mostly how he “felt” about something I left the ballpark. I had thought
throw, building more momentum be- asked. or other – at the same volume. It was about asking Ohtani a question that
hind his pitch. “Yeah,” I said. “It was 2013. April, bizarre. didn’t require him to talk about how
Every time Diaz’ ball hit his part- I think.” That little scene said a lot about he felt, but I had nothing. I later
ner’s mitt it sounded like the business He snickered. sports in America these days. The An- thought of this one: “What did you
end of a wet towel being snapped – if “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve gels superstar went 0-for-4 with three have for breakfast?”
that towel was in the hands of a pro- ever had turned into lost and found?” strikeouts and his team was falling Maybe it would have lightened the
fessional towel-snapper. I asked. further behind Seattle and Houston mood.
I wandered back to the infield where “Probably a wedding dress,” he said. in the division race. This counts as
a dozen Japanese media people were I imagine alcohol and anger likely serious and grim stuff in the world of n Contact Kirk Ericson at kirk@
camped in front of the Angels dugout – were involved in that loss. sports, and it’s treated completely out
their cameras were all trained on the The game started, and I watched
clubhouse opening of the dugout, wait- the first two innings from the press
ing for Shohei Ohtani, this year’s Ma- box before leaving for the upper rows
jor League Baseball sensation. Ohtani of the 300 level in right field, where
hits and pitches – at least he did pitch the sun was shining and no one was
until June when he injured the elbow near. I sat there until the sun dropped
on his throwing arm – and he and below Safeco’s horizon, then headed
Babe Ruth are often proper nouns back to the press box for the remain-
in the same sentence. It was unclear der of the game.
whether Ohtani would come off the I don’t remember much of the game,
disabled list and play that day. except for the final out when Diaz
I moved on. I leaned against the struck out Ohtani. You had the future
padded wall along the third base side of baseball in those two young men,
and talked with some members of the two of the most electric players in the
Safeco grounds crew – they were tak- game, and for that moment it was just
ing a break in the first row of seats. I them – one from Japan, the other from
talked to Dylan, who looked to be in Puerto Rico, both relative youngsters
his late 20s, and he said he had pre- at the start of their careers trying to
viously worked on the grounds crew make their way in a new land.
for the New York Mets for a couple of After the game, I went down to the
years. service tunnel to enter the Mariners
“People in this job move around a clubhouse, but instead I went to the
lot,” Dylan said. Angels clubhouse because I wanted to
Dylan said many people on grounds get a closer look at Ohtani.
crews get their starts at golf courses, I had been mesmerized by Ohtani
but some get a bachelor’s degrees in while he waited his turn in the batting
turf and grass science. cage earlier in the afternoon. Ohtani
Dylan yanked his thumb toward the is long and lean, and he stood outside
fellow sitting five seats down: “That the cage at ease, his right hand cupped
guy’s got a turf and science degree and over the knob of his bat, leaning a bit Kitten Season has arrived. We have a steady supply of kittens
he’s got the prestige job – taking care of his weight into his grounded bat. available for adoption. For more information visit our website
of the mound.” His right leg was bent slightly over his
left, touching the ground in front and or call us at 426 2455 or 584 0594.
“Nah,” the fellow responded. “All I

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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Candidates: Locals weigh in on what sets themselves apart

continued from page A-1 litical affiliation will take a back county commission? share of the budget in two items, difficult of times. There have al-
seat to the needs of the county? I have held the position before one that covers employees and ways been opportunities to put
Below are each of the candi- Working with the Legislature for 6 ½ years. I know what it en- their benefits; and, another that my hat in the ring, but I chose
dates’ responses. The answers, has given me the opportunity to tails, who the stakeholders are is for operations. The second one to remain in my position with
printed in their entirety, are truly work across the aisle. The at the local, state, and federal is a bottom line budget and can the county
listed in the same order the can- constituents that contact the 2nd levels, and where Mason County be spent down to the final dol- as way of
didates appear on the Primary District office are from every po- is and needs to be to bring us for- lar without much accountability continuing
Election ballot. litical spectrum. Help is given to ward as a thriving community for where the funds went. In my to support
the constituent regardless of how economically surrounded by the proposal, every dollar would be the chal-
SHARON TRASK they voted. It is my duty and my most beautiful environment, and allocated and tracked to specific lenges our
1. What inspired you to run for pleasure to help when help is natural resources. While a com- expenses. After the first year, the department
office and did you know you requested. A representative or missioner I was appointed to commissioners and other elected faced and to
wanted to run immediately once commissioner works for the peo- leadership positions within the officials can look back and see if continue my
Commissioner (Terri) Drexler ple, not just those that put them county with transit, the Squaxin money was spent on more than education
announced into office. Community Contributions Com- mandated items and if they were toward one Chaussee
she would not mittee, the Association of Coun- necessary expenditures. day making
be seeking re- 5. What is your greatest criticism ties, and the Washington Coun- an even greater contribution.
election? Did of the current commission and ties Risk Pool. At the state level, 6. How will Mason County be im- When Commissioner Drexler
you need to how do you propose to remedy I was appointed by the governor proved after four years with you decided to not seek re-election,
be convinced that once in office? to represent all of the counties as a county commissioner? it felt like the right time for me
to run? I’m not running against the on the Emergency Management In the time I was in office, I to step up and offer my com-
C o m - commission, I’m running be- Council based at Joint Base worked with six other commis- mitment to the seat and to the
missioner cause I have the experience to Lewis-McChord. I was also ap- sioners. In my experience, it citizens – no convincing was
Drexler’s help solve the issues facing the pointed to represent all the coun- takes two years for a newly elect- needed.
announce- Trask county. I have heard from many ties on the Transportation Com- ed commissioner to learn his or
ment didn’t of the Mason County residents mission Stakeholders Advisory her job. The citizens can elect one 2. What sets you apart from the
determine the timing of my can- the biggest issue is the division Board. Aside from government of my opponents and have to pay other candidates running for the
didacy – my readiness and abil- between the commission and positions, as a 25-year member for two years of training or they county commission?
ity to serve did. I thought about the departments. I believe I can of Lions International, I have can elect me and have an expe- My extensive work history
running for commissioner, but be the collaborator to bridge the been a leader in the Shelton Li- rienced, knowledgeable, proven with the county has to be most
didn’t feel the time was right un- gap that exists between the com- ons and was a Trustee with the leader who is ready to step back redeeming aspect of what sets
til Commissioner Drexler made mission and the other electeds. I Northwest Lions Foundation in into the job. I have been a mem- me apart. For nearly 20 years
the decision not to run. My fam- work with some very strong type Seattle. I have the knowledge, ber of the Mason County EDC I have served each department
ily, friends and others in Mason A personalities and am able to experience, and the proven lead- and both of the chambers of com- director and elected official with-
County encouraged me to run help them work together to ac- ership to fill the position of Ma- merce for many years. My family out question or hesitation to-
because they know I have the complish what the citizens need. son County commissioner again. has been here since the 1800s. I ward our common goals. I have
experience and passion to be an We need to allow the department have a vested interest because built relationships and created
effective commissioner. heads and the other elected of- 3. What’s the most pressing issue of our ownership in forest lands, a strong network between and
ficials to ability to run their de- facing the county, and are you shorelines, and commercial prop- among each county department,
2. What sets you apart from the partments with the budgeted more qualified to face that issue erty in seeing Mason County be and with each elected official
other candidates running for the money. I will meet with the de- than your opponents? If so, how? economically viable while our that has held strong through two
county commission? partment heads and other elect- The most pressing issue cur- critical areas and natural re- economic recessions. I can attest
I have the most current expe- ed on a regular basis to make rently is the county budget. sources are protected. I have rep- the strength of character for each
rience working with all levels of sure I understand their needs There have been serious cut- resented the county and the EDC and every one of my colleagues
government and other agencies. and how I can best help them backs in recent years and the in testifying before the Legisla- throughout the years, and I am
I currently work for the Wash- achieve their goals and budget. current commissioners have ture and working with our Con- confident they can attest to mine.
ington State House of Represen- formed a committee to help gressional delegation on behalf When elected, I will continue in
tatives for the minority leader, 6. How will Mason County be im- them work through some of the of all of our citizens for the bet- tandem with my fellow commis-
Rep. J.T. Wilcox, as his legisla- proved after four years with you issues. I have been attending terment of our county, and I will sioners understanding what I
tive assistant. I truly enjoy the as a county commissioner? the meetings of this committee. continue to do so! Currently, I already know of our county, and
opportunities I have to help con- Mason County will have a I have also been involved for 6 serve on the TIP-CAP (Transpor- how much more I am inspired to
stituents navigate through the fresh and robust economy. More ½ years in preparing and liv- tation Improvement Program – learn. What sets me apart is an
bureaucracy. I’ve have helped Mason County residents will be ing with this budget. I am the Citizens Advisory Panel), which insight that can only be obtained
families get their children back, able to live where they work. By only candidate who has worked is advisory to the commissioners from working within the fabric
business owners with numerous bringing in new business and with this (or any other) budget on issues dealing with our county of our government and under-
issues with federal, state and lo- sustaining the current busi- that is well over $30 million. roads. I have experience with all standing the complexity of detail
cal governments and a variety of nesses, Mason County will have One of the other candidates has the issues that come before the in departmental relationships,
other issues. I know what a bil- a consistent and larger revenue worked with a portion of the commission and in the next four and how they can impact us, as
lion-dollar budget looks like and stream. Tourism will increase by budget for several years for one years, I expect to see projects citizens.
understand what difficult deci- showcasing our already magnifi- department under the commis- that have been on hold with our
sions must be made to make the cent forests, shorelines and other sioners but I’m the only one to public works department move 3. What’s the most pressing is-
government run efficiently. waterways. work with the entire budget, forward. I expect to see amaz- sue facing the county, and are
I am also a current business balancing the wants and needs ing growth in the north end be- you more qualified to face that
owner and have owned other MARY JO CADY of all the other departments and cause of the work of the EDC and issue than your opponents? If
successful businesses, giving me 1. What inspired you to run for elected officials. chambers. As a member of the so, how?
the knowledge of what our small office and did you know you commission, I can help expedite Without a doubt, having a
business owners face on a daily wanted to run immediately 4. County commissioner is a the progress in these areas. With sustainable budget is our coun-
basis. once Commissioner Drexler an- partisan position. Can you line-item budgeting, I feel we will ty’s most pressing issue. As a
Running a county budget nounced she would not be seek- promise voters that if elected be able to save money and pos- very seasoned accountant, and
needs someone who understands ing re-election? Did you need to your political affiliation will sibly be able to restore services serving the County as such for
all departments and the needs be convinced to run? take a back seat to the needs of to the Belfair UGA. We are on 18 years, I know how to read
the elected officials and depart- Over the past several years, the county? the brink of great things happen- the financials, dig down into the
ment heads face. people have been encouraging I have always felt that parti- ing here and with me being back short and long-term costs, and
me to run again. I am a for- san politics has no business at on the commission, I feel we can weigh the benefits of our spend-
3. What’s the most pressing issue mer Mason the local government level. My move into a bright future. The ing activity. Working alongside
facing the county, and are you County Com- partisanship is more a reflection citizens of Mason County are the Commissioners Shutty and
more qualified to face that issue missioner of my basic philosophies in life. boss and they need to elect the Neatherlin, two individuals no
than your opponents? If so, how? and served Those govern how I react to is- best! I’m knowledgeable, experi- longer strangers to our finan-
We have a revenue issue. To for 6 ½ years sues, not the party. I absolutely enced, a proven leader and the cials situation, I know we will be
make the county run efficiently, before my promise that my political affilia- best choice for their vote! tremendously successful and I
we need to create a robust econ- husband’s tion will take a back seat to the look forward to this opportunity.
omy and entice business to stay d e c l i n - needs of the county and its citi- KATHY CHAUSSEE
or move to Mason County. We ing health zens! 1. What inspired you to run for 4. County commissioner is a par-
already have what we need to changed my office and did you know you tisan position. Can you promise
make our county a place for busi- priorities. Cady 5. What is your greatest criticism wanted to run immediately voters that if elected your po-
ness. The restrictions, permit- Once Com- of the current commission and once Commissioner Drexler an- litical affiliation will take a back
ting process and zoning issues missioner Drexler announced how do you propose to remedy nounced she would not be seek- seat to the needs of the county?
are discouraging businesses from her retirement, I started consid- that once in office? ing re-election? Did you need to I am running for Mason
staying or relocating to Mason ering running for the position I don’t have any great criti- be convinced to run? County commissioner as an
County. I have the knowledge that was one of the most fulfill- cisms of the current commission. I have enjoyed a professional Independent to serve the citi-
and the ability to work with busi- ing jobs I’d had. I didn’t need to The county, as far as county gov- relationship with nearly all of zens with sound, careful and
nesses to show them what Ma- be convinced to run. It just took ernment is concerned, is running Mason County’s commission- well-thought-out decisions free
son County can offer them. We me longer to weigh the pros and as well as it can within the con- ers over the past 18 years, and from political affiliation. What
need to change the reputation of cons of getting back into a job straints of its budget. In order to because of that I have learned a I want for our county is mean-
Mason County from a bedroom that is intense and demanding. get a better handle on the bud- great deal about the kind of re- ingful public involvement and
community to a business-friend- Once I knew that I could commit get, I feel we need to go back to solve it takes to do their job. As an open and honest discussion
ly county. to serving the citizens of Mason line-item budgeting. It’s more an accountant, I have been es- around the budgeting of funds.
County again, I filed with the time consuming but it gives a pecially interested in the coun- A safe and healthy environment
4. County commissioner is a par- Public Disclosure Commission. much more precise look at where ty’s budget and the decision- is my priority, whether that be
tisan position. Can you promise 2. What sets you apart from the money is being spent. Currently, making process it takes to find
voters that if elected your po- other candidates running for the elected officials are given their balance and equity in the most see CANDIDATES, page A-10
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-9


Manning the Anderson Butte fire lookout

ollowing the three crow-fly miles from
“Great Fire of Camp Grisdale, human
1910,” which eyes scan rippling ridges
burned about three mil- of the South Olympic
lion acres across North- Mountains to the north-
east Washington, North- west, lower country bor-
ern Idaho, and Western dering the Pacific Ocean
Montana, early detection to the west and south,
and suppression and eastward
of forest fires to Puget Sound
became a prior- waters.”
ity for the fledg- In the sum-
ing U. S. Forest mer of 1955,
Service (created the lookout was
in 1905). Fire being manned
watch stations by Ralph “Red”
manned by Holmes, “whose
lookouts were hair is as red as
built in forests Jan Parker the fires he is
across the coun- hired to spot.”
try, and when William Holmes, a Bremerton
B. Osborne, Jr., forest native and a chemis-
assistant in the Oregon try major at the State
National Forest, cre- College of Washington
ated a “firefinder” (a (now Washington State
rotating steel disc with University) was serving
a sighting mechanism), his third season as a U.
lookouts who spotted S. Forest Service fire
smoke in the forest could watcher. His job was “to
accurately determine its detect dreaded smoke,
geographic location. and flash warnings to Courtesy photo
Fire detection was distant fire fighters.” Using the Osborne Firefinder at Anderson Butte lookout circa 1964.
obviously important to Manning the Ander-
the Simpson Logging Co. son Butte lookout was that while “young fel- was an open air Wal- straight below.” was demolished around
The Shelton-based com- a job for the brave and lows like Red Holmes lowa toilet, and he had In the late 1960s, 1968.
pany named its monthly agile. Steep logging don’t mind traipsing both radio and telephone aerial surveillance and
employee publication roads led to within three across the knife-edged contact with the outside satellites had largely n Jan Parker is a re-
The Simpson Lookout, quarters of a mile of the trails or looking down world. If these ever replaced the role of fire searcher with the Mason
and in September 1955, butte, but from there into dim space, most of failed, he could always lookouts in protecting County Historical Muse-
the magazine carried a a zigzag climbing trail the 25 or 30 other visi- “shine a mirror at the the nation’s forests. The um. She can be reached
story about an actual ran straight up. Atop tors who make it to An- Satsop Guard Station Anderson Butte lookout at
lookout, which began: the ridge, climbers had derson Butte each sum-
“Highest and craggiest of to cross carefully over mer hang to the safety
all the lookout stations a thin blade of granite. rope for dear life. It
guarding Shelton Coop- The trail was from one helps, we found, to look

erative Sustained Yield to three feet wide and at your feet and think of
Unit forest lands during included a rope “hand home.”
fire season is 3500-foot rail” for safety. Cliffs As to “home com-
Anderson Butte. From ran 300 feet down one forts,” Holmes had to
the little wooden shanty side and “only a couple carry his water in five-
cable-lashed to a stark hundred” feet down the gallon cans from the
dome of granite, about other. The article said foot of the trail. There
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The Anderson Butte lookout near Camp Grisdale.
Page A-10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Candidates: Would-be electeds discuss budget conerns

continued from page A-8 educated ourselves, as staff and with a last name on the back, with many of the organizations, san position — the commission
elected, to better help new resi- baby toys, diapers, medicine and groups, and people who have been is a body of three people, not
on our streets, in our stores, dents and businesses understand other signs of another struggling making great things happen here hundreds — but since it is, I
schools and neighborhoods, or in our heritage and the importance working-class family in Mason and I have a strategic plan for felt that I should be honest and
our clean air and water. I want of natural resource industries as County whose income could not working with those resources to transparent about the political
to make a difference by working amiable neighbors to future de- pay enough of the bills. We have build a greater future here. party with which I most closely
beside each of you toward a com- velopment. too many families who have al- identify. My track record shows
mon vision that maintains the ready lost the battle against 3. What’s the most pressing issue that I will always speak truth to
excellence we’ve already created KEVIN SCHMELZLEN homelessness, and many more facing the county, and are you power and do what is right by
in our community and continue 1. What inspired you to run who are only a lost paycheck or more qualified to face that issue my community, regardless of
working together with determi- for office and did you know you two away from the same fate. than your opponents? If so, how? how any political party or spe-
nation to improve our future. wanted to run immediately Mason County needs leaders We need to make Mason Coun- cial interest might feel about it.
once Commissioner Drexler an- who are focused on balancing ty a place where more people are
5. What is your greatest criti- nounced she would not be seek- our county’s continued growth proud and excited to live, visit, 5. What is your greatest criti-
cism of the current commission ing re-election? Did you need to with the needs of the people work, and raise a family. Until cism of the current commission
and how do you propose to rem- be convinced to run? who already live here, who un- we make inroads there, we will and how do you propose to rem-
edy that once in office? I was disappointed when it derstand why people visit and continue to bleed tax revenue and edy that once in office?
I believe criticism is subjec- was announced Commissioner move to Mason County to begin customer dollars to Thurston and My greatest criticism of the
tive, and varies depending on Drexler had decided to retire. with, and who understand what Kitsap counties and continue to current commission relates to
the view. It is expected that the Although I will bring a different it takes to build the foundation serve as a drive-through county its current priorities and lack
job of any elected official will be set of priorities and a new focus for a living-wage economy in Ma- to Kitsap and Jefferson instead of focus or strategic planning.
criticized at one point or another, to the com- son County. I am that leader and of being the destination Mason Mason County continues to see
and I would assume nothing less mission, I that is why I decided to run for County deserves to be. growth and development, but we
should I be elected. Any opinions have always Mason County commissioner. I have proven and look for- have too many families who are
that I hold of our current board seen Com- ward to continuing to prove my struggling to pay the bills and too
are in the sole spectrum of the missioner 2. What sets you apart from the ability to make a substantial many people who have not been
job’s intrinsic difficulties; I can Drexler as other candidates running for positive impact for the reputa- properly set up with opportuni-
appreciate their challenges and receptive to the county commission? tion and attractability of Mason ties to gain the skills, experience,
am eager to offer my experience community My track record of commit- County. One of the clean-ups I mentorship and the personal and
and drive to continue their hard concerns and ment to the Mason County am most proud of from my time professional networks needed for
work. Each prior administration as someone community and success in mo- leading Shelton To The Top was a high chance of success. As coun-
has left behind positive changes who treats Schmelzlen bilizing the community to take when I worked with United Way ty commissioner, I will work with
and a strong legacy to live up to, her constitu- significant, positive action for a of Mason County and Skookum Commissioner Neatherlin and
and Commissioner Drexler is no ents with kindness and respect, greater Mason County sets me Rotary to clean up a condemned Commissioner Shutty, as I have
exception to that rule. She has which I intend to emulate as apart from the other candidates property on E Street in Shelton. in the past, to strategically and
been dedicated and selfless, and I Mason County Commissioner. in this race. Through hard work According to a Shelton-Mason thoughtfully connect the avail-
am confident in my proven record I am running for Mason and sacrifice, I built a grassroots County Journal article written able resources we have in order
to be equal to that challenge. County commissioner because movement which worked with six months earlier, there are 53 to set our residents up for suc-
I am invested in the future of over 300 community members homes within 300 feet of this cess and build a Mason County
6. How will Mason County be Mason County and I believe we to remove over 250,000 pounds property, which made the entire in which people of all generations
improved after four years with need leaders who have shown a of trash from neighborhoods and neighborhood look bad. I was con- are proud and excited to live, vis-
you as a county commissioner? proven ability to move Mason natural areas, was featured on cerned about all the people who it, work and raise a family.
By the end of my first four- County forward in a positive di- KIRO news for our work in trans- would drive past this house to vis-
year term, we will have a sus- rection, as I have. forming a Shelton neighborhood, it their friends or family in Shel- 6. How will Mason County be
tainable budget and a five-year I led a grassroots movement and hopefully helped some of the ton for the first time, or to check improved after four years with
strategic plan with goals toward in 2016 and 2017 called Shelton hundreds of children I worked out a house they found for sale or you as a county commissioner
improved long-term public and To The Top, which worked with and spoke with realize that we rent online, and leave with that than it is now?
environmental health and safety. over 300 community members, can build a better future for them- unsightly property as their first, In four years, if I am elected
The county’s daily operations will over half of which were under the selves and their community. I did and possibly last, impression of county commissioner, Mason
be more efficient, and retaining age of 25, to remove over 250,000 this while working full-time as Mason County. I don’t know how County residents will feel like
qualified staff will be paramount. pounds of trash from condemned the community engagement co- many people have driven by that Mason County has never been
Continuity and minimal turn- properties, illegal dump sites ordinator at Mason Conservation house for the first time since we better and will continue on this
over creates an established work- and abandoned homeless camps District and serving as an active cleaned it up, but I do remember positive trajectory. We are going
face that’s builds trust with our throughout the greater Shelton board member at United Way of the little girl who lived across the to give our community, especially
citizens. We will have realized area. During this time, I had Mason County, both of which also street who came up to us when the youth, opportunities to gain
success with a new jail and men- the opportunity to work with the gave me opportunities to work we were done to say how happy skills, experience, mentorship
tal health facility, and created an county commissioners, Mason and speak with residents across she was, because seeing all that and a personal and professional
interjurisdictional city and coun- County Sheriff’s Office, City of Mason County. I was honored to trash from her bedroom window network, and we are going to do
ty housing plan that encourages Shelton, service and community be recognized by local business every night made her scared. this in a way that simultaneously
affordable housing through inno- groups, and many other partners owners in the greater Shelton Sometimes it doesn’t take much protects and emphasizes the as-
vation including infill incentives, invested in the success of Ma- area as one of three nominees for to make a big difference. By em- pects of Mason County which are
varied lot sizes, mixed use, multi- son County. Our common values the Citizen of the Year award at powering our community to take unique and attractive. After four
family units and density bonuses. were and are to give our commu- the 2017 Shelton-Mason County large-scale action for the better- years, high-schoolers who would
Mason County will become more nity hope that we can make Ma- Chamber of Commerce Awards ment of Mason County, we can not have otherwise made it into
economically viable by providing son County a place where more Gala. Every politician will talk transform our county to have the the college of their choice, or have
flexibility in the interpretation people are proud to live, visit, a big talk, but I have walked the future we deserve here. been hired in their desired field,
and application of zoning require- work, and raise a family. walk and lived a life dedicated to or have been able to successfully
ments to encourage adaptive re- While leading Shelton To The the betterment of Mason County. 4. County commissioner is a par- open their own business here in
use and compatible commercial/ Top, we cleaned up at least a Because I have been involved tisan position. Can you promise Mason County, will have been ac-
industrial development. We will couple dozen abandoned home- in so many aspects of Mason voters that if elected your po- cepted into that college, earned
have ensured that the permitting less camps. We saw signs of County, I have an unparalleled litical affiliation will take a back that job, or will have opened
process is predictable, efficient drug abuse at many of these, but (among the candidates) under- seat to the needs of the county? that successful business. In four
and timely, and where possible there were also too many camps standing of the resources we have Yes, I can and will make that years, Mason County is not going
provide relevant materials on- with no signs of drug use, but available in Mason County. I have promise. I do not believe county to be a drive-through county; we
line for easy access. We will have Shelton High School sweatshirts established working relationships commissioner should be a parti- are going to be the destination.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-11

Couple arraigned on child abuse charges


A Belfair couple ac-

cused of physically abus-
Keeping our community connected
ing a 10-year-old boy last
month unsuccessfully Broadband • Video • Voice • IT Services
argued for permission to
have supervised visits
with the child during indi-
vidual arraignment hear- Call 360.898.2481 today,
ings Monday in Mason
County Superior Court.
to see if fiber is available
Enoc Juan Garcia, 30,
and his 27-year-old wife,
Journal photo by Michael Heinbach
Enoc Juan Garcia and Claudia Estrada Pastor
in your neighborhood!
Claudia Estrada Pastor, were arraigned Monday in Mason County Superior
each entered not guilty Court, each on a count of second-degree assault
pleas to the charges and of a child, a Class B felony.
had the remainder of
their court schedule set torneys for the right to beaten him with a com-
by Judge Monty Cobb. have supervised visits puter cable.
The pair is slated for with the alleged victim. The report states that
separate omnibus hear- Karin Phomma, Mason Child Protective Services
ings Aug. 13 and pre-tri- County deputy prosecut- photographed the boy’s
al management hearings ing attorney, argued suc- injuries and forwarded
Sept. 1. Jury trials for cessfully that because the them to Dr. Joyce Gil-
Garcia and Estrada Pas- alleged victim’s age made bert, a pediatrician at
tor are scheduled to be- him vulnerable, the case Providence St. Peter Hos-
gin the week of Oct. 15. against his parents could pital in Olympia. Gilbert
Garcia and Estrada be compromised should concluded the injuries
Pastor were arrested they be allowed contact “were of concern for child
July 5 and were freed with the child. Before abuse and were consis-
the following day from Cobb ruled in favor of tent with injuries caused
Mason County Jail after continuing the conditions by a chord or switch.” She
posting $2,500 bond fol- of the no-contact order, added that the injuries
lowing initial court ap-
Phomma presented the
court with photos that she
were in various stages of
healing, indicating a pat- 1000 Mbps Internet • TV • Phone
At their July 6 initial
appearances in Mason
said depicted abrasions,
bruises and swelling on
tern of abusive incidents.
In an interview with a No Contracts • Free Install
County Superior Court, a the alleged victim’s back child forensic investiga-
temporary protective no- due to a beating at the tor, the alleged victim re-
contact order was issued
for the alleged victim
hands of his father and
portedly said the injuries
to his legs were cause by
— Garcia’s son and Es-
trada Pastor’s stepson —
According to a Mason
County Sheriff’s Office
his stepmother and the
injuries to his torso by
against the pair. During probable cause decla- Garcia. Promotional discount price for 12 months. See for current pricing. Some restrictions
Monday’s arraignment ration, on June 1, the Garcia and Estrada may apply. Offer expires 9/30/18. Hood
hearings, Garcia and Es- child reported to a school Pastor face maximum pen- Canal Telephone Co., Inc. (dba Hood
trada Pastor each argued counselor that Garcia alties of 10 years in prison Canal Communications) is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
through their defense at- and Estrada Pastor had and/or a $20,000 fine.
Page A-12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


DNR restricts exceed 5 mph

For more information, call

airspace in the county burn ban line at

Department of Natural
Agate area Resources land may have dif-
ferent burn restrictions than
On Tuesday, the Wash- the county. For information
ington state Department of on DNR lands, visit www.dnr.
Natural Resources issued a or call 360-825-1631.
temporary flight restriction in
the Agate area to protect fire-
fighting air operations.
That means that drones
County road
and similar devices are pro-
hibited from using the air-
chip seal and
space within a 3-mile radius
centered at East Bertelsen restriping
Road. The flight restriction is
scheduled to run through Sept underway
The restriction was issued The Mason County public
less than 24 hours after air/ works department’s annual
water operations combatting chip sealing and restriping
the Kings Landing fire in the effort on county roads is
Agate area were suspended by scheduled to continue through
DNR due to drones flying near the end of July, weather per-
the blaze. mitting.
For more information, con- The 2018 program intends
tact DNR at 1-360-902-100 or to cover 52 miles of roadway
visit within the county. According
Map courtesy of Mason County Sheriff’s Office to a news release issued by
The Mason County Sheriff’s Office released this image Tuesday of the Agate area north of public works, the first round
County, Shelton, in which a temporary flight restriction has been placed for done pilots and other
hobbyists through mid-September.
of striping began July 9, with
a second round in August
partners urge the West Coast, banned the 360-427-9670, ext. 199. campgrounds, remain permit-
to stripe newly chip sealed
roads. Chip seal prepara-

cooperation import of recyclables on Jan.

1 and lowered the contamina-
ted. Also allowed is the use of
charcoal briquettes and gas-
tory work is expected to be
completed at the end of the

in recycling
tion rate for materials not cov-
ered by the ban to 0.5 percent. County burn powered barbecues.
Recreational fires must
Motorists should expect de-

That’s resulted in a drop in adhere to the following addi- lays and to use caution while
The Board of Mason Coun- commodity prices to a nega- tional standards: driving through work zones.
ty Commissioners, in conjunc- tive value. n Grow no larger than 3 Added traffic safety patrols
tion with the City of Shelton The release further re- continue feet in diameter will be provided by the Mason
County Sheriff’s Office.
and Mason County Garbage, quests residents visit https:// n Be 10 feet clear of veg-
urges citizens to better clean for informa- Restrictions to outdoor etation, 25 feet from any For a list of county roads
their recyclables for collection tion on how to properly pre- burning on lands regulated structure and allow a 20-foot being worked on this summer,
via curbside services, commer- pare materials for recycling. by the county remain in effect vertical clearance from over- visit and click
cial recycling and the Mason Blue box information is avail- until further notice. hanging branches the “what’s new” tab. For fur-
County blue boxes located at able at Burn restrictions apply n Be attended at all times ther information, call public
transfer stations. To be accepted, recyclables to land-clearing fires and with extinguishing materials works at 360-527-9670, ext.
According to the release, must be empty, clean and dry. residential debris fires. Recre- available 450.
China, which had previously For questions, contact Bart ational fires in designed con- n Be completely extin-
purchased the majority of Stepp of the Mason County crete, stone or metal pits, such guished and cool to the touch n Compiled by reporter
recyclable materials from public works department at as ones commonly found at n Not occur when winds Michael Heinbach.



Li e
Page A-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Omnibus hearings held amended charges of second-degree

malicious mischief and DUI dur-
A probable cause declaration, written by Detec-
tive Ken Potts of the Mason County Sheriff’s Office,

over for animal abuse ing a change of plea hearing Mon-

day in Mason County Superior
states Brown missed four weekly check-ins between
August and September 2017.
Court. The probable cause statement adds that in 2002,
suspects The 35-year-old Shelton man Brown was convicted of statutory rape in Squaxin
was initially charged with two Island Tribal Court.
Separate omnibus hearings for Paul Andrew counts of first-degree malicious Brown has two previous convictions for failing to
Winger and Thelma Gail Winger mischief. register as a sex offender — in 2006 in Mason Coun-
scheduled for Monday in Mason Daniel Crawford, deputy Mason Bowcutt ty and in 2012 in Thurston County.
County Superior Court were County prosecutor, said he’ll rec-
postponed and court dates were ommend Bowcutt serve the man-

Omnibus delayed for

rescheduled. datory minimum one day in jail on the DUI charge
The Grapeview couple, each and spend two years on probation.
facing two counts of first-degree Bowcutt is scheduled for sentencing Aug. 6.
animal cruelty, had omnibus hear-
ings rescheduled for Aug. 13 and
According to a Washington State Patrol report, suspect in Timberlakes
on Dec. 14 Bowcutt was pulled over while driving
pre-trial hearings set for Sept. 10.
Both are scheduled to for jury tri- Paul Winger
on Adams Street in Shelton and attempted to flee
inside a residence.
HOA thefts
als beginning the week of Oct. 15. Following his arrest and during a blood draw at The trial schedule for the woman accused of bilk-
According to a Mason County Mason General Hospital, the report states Bowcutt ing the Timberlakes Community
Sheriff’s Office probable cause dec- became physically and verbally abusive toward hos- Homeowners Association out of
laration, during an April 29 search pital staff and law enforcement. between $83,000 and $89,000 was
of the Winger’s East Krabbenhoft The report also states that Bowcutt was driving delayed after the accused waived
Road residence, a horse, three dogs, with a suspended license. her right to speedy trial Monday
a cat, three turtles and four doves in Mason County Superior Court.
$25,000 warrant
were discovered, many appearing Russchell Lynn Stewart, 42,
malnourished and allegedly living appeared for a scheduled omnibus
in areas contaminated with large
amounts of animal feces.
The maximum penalty for each
Thelma Winger issued for registered hearing. That hearing was post-
poned until Aug. 13. Stewart’s
pre-trial management hearing was
count of first-degree animal cru-
elty is five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.
sex offender rescheduled for Sept. 10. Stewart’s
trial is set to begin the week of Oct. 2.
A 41-year-old Grapeview man accused of failing Stewart’s charge of first-degree theft of more than
Shelton man pleads guilty to register as a sex offender did not attended his pre-
trial management hearing Monday in Mason County
$5,000 carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in
prison/and or a $20,000 fine, plus court costs and

to DUI, malicious mischief Superior Court.

At the request of Daniel Crawford, deputy Mason

County prosecutor, a $25,000 warrant was issued for n Compiled by reporter Michael Heinbach
Ian Shane Bowcutt entered a guilty plea to Gary Shawn Brown for failure to appear.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-15


Looking back one year later

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Journal readers might remem- hormones and, in fact, one of the side Your New Roof for as low as
ber I’m a cancer survivor. It’s effects is early menopause. With that
been more than a year since I found in mind, being in the rare and rela-
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tectomy on the left side that summer. medication. Need a roof?
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That said, recurrence is a real
Instead, I agreed to an annual
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experienced myself, there is a kind of
continual paranoia about it, you start
that much sooner to go get coffee! The
whole thing seemed like it took about
to see it everywhere and you just can’t five minutes.

help it. You look at your body more People ask me how it went, and my Licensed
closely, and anything unusual in the answer is “squishy.” Waiting for re- and Bonded
slightest is an appointment and a trip sults is something I’ve gotten used to
to the doctor. Earlier this year, I had
a testicle cancer scare that turned out
— it’s just part of the process — but
not knowing can be tough. Monday (360) ROOFDI*168N8

to just be hydrocele, negative for can- evening I got home from golfing and
cer, thankfully. Also, I recently had a
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She used a liquid nitrogen spray with

an accurate straw similar to the kind
that we are both negative for breast
cancer. Just off Highway 101
on WD-40 cans. It was kind of cool. I’m happy to be alive and well. I’m
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In an earlier piece, I mentioned workers for all of your support.
that an anti-recurrence medication is
available and is routinely prescribed n Dave Pierik is the classifieds / circu-
to mastectomy patients post-surgery. lations manager for the Shelton-Mason
Unfortunately for me, as a man County Journal. He can be reached at
there are a lot of unknowns. You see,


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Mason Columbia Bank Harmony Hill MC Garbage & Recycling Sound Learning Wild Side of Washington Helping you on your healing journey through
(360) 426-8729 County the art of bodywork and massage
Clean and Community Lifeline Hood Canal Communications Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics South Sound Solar WorkSource Mason County
81 E. Wilbur Way, Cooper Studios iFiber Communications Our Community Credit Union Steph’s Espresso

Shelton, WA 98584 Lic.#MA60114035
Craft Pie & Art Bar KD Psychic Readings Olympic College Tempting Eats & Treats

Celebrate Hood Canal Days Shelton Health

With Us & Rehabilitation There’s…
Growing with Our
Check out our booth
for information on the
recreational activities you
We are proud supporters of the Chamber. NO BETTER PLACE is playing at the
Cantina at 7pm
can do on Hood Canal.
153 John’s Ct., Shelton to enjoy our craft distillery creations! Friday July 20th, Since 1941
Enter our drawing for
Gift Baskets...
(360) 427-2575 Please come find us at the Just a little way down
after the Expo

... and you‘ve GOT to try Bite of Mason County / Business Expo Hood Canal in Hoodsport. EL SARAPE
our Signature Cookies!
100% Employee Owned CANTINA 800.426.5657
(360) 426-5581 Come visit our booth at the BITE! 318 W. RAILROAD
1700 N 13th Loop Rd, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.9701
2307 Olympic Highway N • PO Box 1128 — SHELTON —
(206) 300-0877
Federally insured by the NCUA
(360) 427-0300 Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.4294
Page A-16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - hursday, July 19, 2018 Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-17

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96.9 KAYO
Alderbrook Golf Course
Edward Jones - Karen Schade
Keller Williams Realty - Jerry Obendorf
Little Creek Casino Resort
Peninsula Credit Union
Radio Fryer Foods
The Hardware Distillery
Keyhole Valley Brewing
Cedars Bodyork & Massage, LLC
Arnold Smith Insurance El Sarape Cantina LuLaRoe - Meghan Lucas RE/MAX Top Executives The Shopper
Stop by my booth
Bakala State Farm Exceptional Foresters Inc. Lynda’s $5 Habit Senior Services for South Sound The Tranquil Healing Center
Bradley Air Company Fike’s Roofing & Construction Maple Glen Senior Living Shelton Dental Excellence Tozier Bro’s Ace Hardware and find out about summer specials!
Builders First Source Forest Funeral Homes Mason Community Concert Association Shelton Farmers’ Market Tupper’s Floor Coverings & Interiors DRAWING FOR GIFT CERTIFICATES
Carenet Pregnancy Center of Mason County Garage Sale Maniacs Mason County Republican Women’s Club Shelton Timberland Library Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center
TIME FOR SUMMER CLEAN UP! Catholic Community Services Gateway Christan Fellowship Mason County Fire District #4 Shelton-Mason County Journal Tygart Media Brenda J. Windom
Come see us today for GREAT IDEAS on how we can help! Cedars Bodyworks and Massage Gateway Property Management Mason County PUD#3 Sierra Pacific Industries United Way of Mason County LMT, CLT-LANA
City of Shelton Gillis Auto Center Mason County Senior Activities Center Smoking Mo’s Urraco Coffee Co. ABMP Certified Massage Therapist
Keeping Cogent Construction Habitat For Humanity of Mason County Mason Transit Authority So Clean and Green Walmart 509-846-6367
Mason Columbia Bank Harmony Hill MC Garbage & Recycling Sound Learning Wild Side of Washington Helping you on your healing journey through
(360) 426-8729 County the art of bodywork and massage
Clean and Community Lifeline Hood Canal Communications Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics South Sound Solar WorkSource Mason County
81 E. Wilbur Way, Cooper Studios iFiber Communications Our Community Credit Union Steph’s Espresso

Shelton, WA 98584 Lic.#MA60114035
Craft Pie & Art Bar KD Psychic Readings Olympic College Tempting Eats & Treats

Celebrate Hood Canal Days Shelton Health

With Us & Rehabilitation There’s…
Growing with Our
Check out our booth
for information on the
recreational activities you
We are proud supporters of the Chamber. NO BETTER PLACE is playing at the
Cantina at 7pm
can do on Hood Canal.
153 John’s Ct., Shelton to enjoy our craft distillery creations! Friday July 20th, Since 1941
Enter our drawing for
Gift Baskets...
(360) 427-2575 Please come find us at the Just a little way down
after the Expo

... and you‘ve GOT to try Bite of Mason County / Business Expo Hood Canal in Hoodsport. EL SARAPE
our Signature Cookies!
100% Employee Owned CANTINA 800.426.5657
(360) 426-5581 Come visit our booth at the BITE! 318 W. RAILROAD
1700 N 13th Loop Rd, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.9701
2307 Olympic Highway N • PO Box 1128 — SHELTON —
(206) 300-0877
Federally insured by the NCUA
(360) 427-0300 Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.4294
Page A-18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Journal photo by Gordon Weeks

Squaxin Island Tribe members, from left, Mud Bay Shaker Church minister
Rose Davis, Lydia Trinidad and Madeena Rivera, offer a blessing on July 11
at the construction site of a new three-story building and an auxiliary gym
at Shelton High School. The Skokomish Tribe also presented a speech and
a song by Kimberly Miller. Two hours later, both tribes helped dedicate the
site where a new Mountain View Elementary School will be built.

PEO offers ages 18 and younger.

Evergreen Elementary will serve

scholarship to free breakfast from 8 to 8:30 a.m.,

and lunch from noon to 12:30 p.m.
weekdays through July 30 at 900 W.
women continuing Franklin St.
Oakland Bay Junior High will serve
education free snacks from 9:45 to 10:15 a.m.,
and lunch from noon to 12:30 p.m.
Shelton’s Chapter B, Philanthropic weekdays through Aug. 2 at 3301 W.
Educational Organization (PEO), Shelton Springs Road.
is offering a $1,500 scholarship to a CHOICE High School will serve
woman who is returning to college to free snacks from 9:15 to 9:30 a.m.
continue or finish her education dur- weekdays through Aug. 2 at 807 W.
ing the 2018-19 academic year. Pine St. The scholarship, the Mary M.
Paid for by Kathy Chaussee for County Commissioner
Knight Achievement Award, honors
Mary M. Knight, who was superinten- Pioneer School
PO Box 2034 Shelton, WA 98584 dent of the school district named in
her honor and a member of Chapter B feeds kids
PEO. The scholarship has been sup-
5he 6 th Annual Family porting education for women in Mason all summer
PANCAKES County since 1936.

PANCAKES IN THE PARK To qualify, a student must have The Pioneer School District is offer-
graduated from high school or earned ing free meals to children and youths
Sunday, July a GED; be a Mason County resident; ages 18 and younger between 11 a.m.
29th 7am-1pm plan to complete at least a two-year and noon weekdays through Aug. 3 at

I N T H E PA R K Kneeland Park
Presented by Shelton
Kiwanis Club, this is the
program; and enroll in the 2018-19
academic year at an accredited aca-
demic or technical college.
the middle school, 50 E. Spencer Lake
Road, Shelton.
For more information, call Liz
69th annual family all- The scholarship must be used on tu- Winchell at 360-426-9115, ext. 3007.
you-can-eat celebration
ition, fees, books or other educational
with live music, free
books, and face painting expenses. Applications are available
CA as well as fresh pancakes, at Mason County WorkSource, Olym-
Highclimber class
scrambled eggs, sausage, pic College Shelton, Sound Learning,
ham, juice, milk,
Urraco coffee, &/or hot
Shelton Timberland Library or by call-
ing Nancy Bolender at 360-426-7871. of 1978 gathers
Aug. 1 is the deadline to apply by
Only $9 for sending it to PEO Education Commit- in October
1 adult or 2 tee, 433 E. Bald Eagle Drive.
kids, $25 for a PEO is a women’s philanthropic The Shelton High School class of
education organization dedicated 1978 will host a reunion from 4 to 8
Only family of 4 to helping women achieve their p.m. Oct. 20 at the Salish Cliffs Golf
$ 0
. All proceeds
support local youth
educational goals. For more
information, call Bolender or visit
Club, 91 W. state Route 108, Shelton.
The cost is $20 in advance, or $35
Serving Fresh Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, 1 ADULT OR 2 KIDS programs. the day of the event. For more infor-
Ham, Juice, Milk, Coffee and Hot Chocolate $2 FOR FAMILY OF 4
mation, contact Kathy (Monroe) Geist
at 360-790-2843 or
Irene S. Reed
class of 1948 Grapeview
reunites Aug. 5 kindergartners
11 Yard
Truck The Irene S. Reed High School class can be registered
of 1948 will host its 70th reunion from
240+ tax * 1 to 5 p.m. Aug. 5 at the Alderbrook
Golf Course in Union. The cost is $40
Grapeview Elementary School is
registering students who will be enter-
per person. To attend, RSVP to Carol ing kindergarten in the fall.
Bergeson at 360-426-2828. Students must be 5 years old by
Sept. 1 to register. Regular office
hours are 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

11 Yard Shelton schools As part of the registration, parents

must bring a copy of the child’s birth
209+ tax offer free food certificate or other document noting

$ the birth date and proof of immuniza-

tions. In addition, documentation of
to kids residence is required, such as a power
The Shelton School District is offer-
ing free meals to children and youths n Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-19

Man suspected in
weekend domestic Congratulations!!
violence incident
Superior court finds probable cause
for assault, kidnapping charges

A 54-year-old Shelton man was arrested late Sun-

day evening and made an initial appearance Monday
in Mason County Superior Court on domestic vio-
lence allegations.
Probable cause was found for Bradley D. Kenyon
to face charges of first-degree domestic violence kid-
napping and second-degree domestic violence assault
during the man’s initial court appearance. Judge
Monty Cobb set Kenyon’s bail at $75,000 and an ar-
raignment hearing for July 30. Kenyon remained in
Mason County Jail as of Wednesday morning, accord-
ing to the Shelton detention facility’s daily in-custody
Kenyon is suspected of assaulting a 35-year-old
woman Sunday evening at a residence in the 700
block of West Cota Street in Shelton.
According to a Shelton Police Department affida-
vit of probable cause, Kenyon entered the residence
and removed a knife from his pocket. He then report- Celebrating 50 years, Pete and Jan Janda!
edly placed the knife blade against the woman’s left
cheek, telling her, “you better go hide. You’re a snitch.
I’m going to do 24 years because of you.”
The probable cause affidavit states that Kenyon
then tried to force the woman to go with him in his
vehicle. A struggle ensued that the alleged victim re-
ported lasted about two minutes before she ran sev-
eral blocks away and contacted police. The affidavit
adds that several calls 911 calls reported the incident
to law enforcement.
During an interview with a Shelton Police ser-
geant, the alleged victim said she had been in an
on-and-off romantic relationship with Kenyon since
November, that he had previously been abusive to-
ward her and that she though Kenyon assaulted her
in retaliation for “snitching” on him.
According to his Mason County Jail booking/in-
take report, Kenyon was arrested at about 11:20 p.m.
at a residence in the 1500 block of Olympic Highway
North in Shelton, though no details of the man’s ar-
rest is mentioned in police reports.
Kenyon’s criminal history in Mason County in-
cludes convictions for controlled substance violations
in 2010 and 2004, third-degree assault in 2009 and
2007 and unlawful possession of a firearm in 2004.

Eviana Marie Krise Madrigal
Eviana Marie Krise Madrigal, a girl, was born
July 10, 2018, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia
to Kristy Marie Krise and Bernie Madrigal of Shel-
ton. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces.

n To submit a birth announcement, email news@

June 21 - July 21

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Street Dance The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being
overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often,
Friday, at the Bite and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for
the privilege of owning yourself.

of Shelton Expo! — Friedrich Nietzsche

Page A-20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Tomatoes can be used for a cool summer salad

omato season is officially here. looked at with suspicion due to be- n Fresh basil leaves, cut into
The most prized fruit of the ing related to the deadly nightshade ribbons
summer is starting to show up plant and therefore was not widely n 1 Tbsp Balsalmic vinegar
in gardens and markets. First used until the 1800s. The n 1 Tbsp olive oil
you will see the little red and tomato found its way back n salt and pepper
gold cherry tomatoes and a to the New World in the late Prepare the vegetables and toss in
few small slicers, and next 18th century with European a bowl with vinegar and olive oil. Sea-
will be the gorgeous, tender migration. By the mid-1830s son to taste with salt and pepper. Chill
heirloom varieties that are so ketchup was being produced in the fridge for an hour. Toss in feta
delicious just sliced and eaten on an industrial scale in cheese and basil and serve.
with a sprinkle of sea salt. America. You can find dozens of varieties of
The taste of a perfectly vine- Botanically, the tomato heirloom tomatoes at markets this
ripened, in-season tomato is actually a fleshy berry time of year. It is the perfect time
will change how you think By ANDREA member of the Solanceous, to taste a new variety at the peak of
about tomatoes. MILLER or nightshade, family. It is freshness.
The tomato originated related to eggplant, peppers, Come see us at the Shelton Farm-
from wild cherry tomatoes potatoes, tomatillos and Courtesy photo ers Market on Saturdays from 9 a.m.
that grow in Peru and Ecuador. The ground cherries. All of these vegeta- You can find dozens of varieties of to 2 p.m. to find the best of fresh, lo-
Incas and the Aztecs domesticated the bles can be found in abundance at the heirloom tomatoes at markets this cal, seasonal good food. The next Chef
first cultivated tomatoes in Peru and height of the summer heat. time of year. Demo at the market on July 28.
Mexico as early as 700 AD. The word I love a cooling salad during the
“tomato” comes from the Aztec word, heat of the summer. This recipe for Tomato Cucumber Salad n Andrea Miller is on the Board of
tomatl. The tomato came to Europe a tomato and cucumber salad is so n 1 lb cucumbers, peeled and diced the Shelton Farmers Market. She is
and Asia in the 1600s through the Por- refreshing on a hot day. Both of these in large chunks farmer at Skokomish Valley Farms,
tuguese traders. The tomato quickly fruiting vegetables are at the peak of n 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved where she is also a wife, homeschooling
became popular in Italian food and their season so now is the time to en- n 1 bunch scallions, trimmed and mother of four and part-time blogger.
adapted well to the Mediterranean joy them. sliced She can be contacted at farmer@
climate. In England, the tomato was n 4 oz feta cheese


Golf tournament helps er from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 29 at Kneeland Park in

downtown Shelton.
more information, call 360-482-3055 or visit www.

cystic fibrosis families Patrons will receive fresh pancakes, scrambled

eggs, sausage, ham, juice, milk, hot chocolate and

Cystic Fibrosis Northwest will host its inaugural

coffee from Urraco. The cost is $9 for one adult, or
two kids, $25 for a family of four. All proceeds sup-
golf tournament fundraiser July 28 at the Alder-
brook Golf & Yacht Club.
port local youth programs.
The event also features live music, free books and
internment topic of
The shotgun start is at noon. The cost is $90 per
golfer, with VIP packages $115.
face painting.
museum talk
Non-golfers can enjoy the barbecue for $50. The
money raised will help Western Washington families
affected by cystic fibrosis.
Cars, 5K run and family Writer/curator Mayumi Tsutakawa will talk
about how the state’s Japanese-Americans faced the
To register, call 360-753-7442 or email info@cf- fun in Elma Aug. 3-4 injustice of internment, and how families who lost
everything rebuilt their lives at 2 p.m. Aug. 26 at
the Mason County Historical Society Museum, 427
The 10th annual Heat on the Street Custom Car W. Railroad Ave., downtown Shelton.
Kiwanis host Pancakes in & Motorcycle Show is hosted Aug. 3 and 4 in down-
town Elma.

the Park fundraiser The Cruise-In Party includes a preview of the

cars, music, ice cream and other events from 4 to 7
Car club collecting Teddy
The Shelton Kiwanis Club will host its 69th an-
p.m. Aug. 3 at the corner of Third and Main streets.
The Show & Shine begins at 9 a.m. Aug. 4. The
bears for kid
nual all-you-can-eat Pancakes in the Park fundrais- event includes wine tasting and a 5K Fun Run. For
The Yesteryear Car Club is collecting Teddy
bears and other stuffed animals for its 16th annual
Teddy Bear Drive.
The stuffed animals will be given to children en-
CONTRACTS! tering Mason General Hospital’s emergency room.
New stuffed animals can be donated at Les Schwab
at 2505 Olympic Highway N., and at the car club’s
Lucky Dog Car Show Aug. 18 at the Lucky Dog Ca-
The stuffed animals will be delivered in classic
cars to the hospital on Aug. 22.

Benefits of studying North Senior association needs

American Butokukan:
discipline, self control, volunteers
respect and fitness The Mason County Senior Activities Association
Education: students are needs receptionists, hosts, gardeners and kitchen
required to learn Japanese help for special events. For more information, con-
tact Patti or Val at 360-426-7374.
terminology, history and forms. The group’s Nifty Thrifty store needs cashiers,
cleaners and donation sorters. For more informa-
Classes: tion, contact Michelle at 360-427-0858.
Tuesday and Thursday
n Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
Wednesday 6:00-7:00p.m.

& portable restroom rentals
AAA 360.275.6460

220 W. Railroad Ave. in Shelton 360-490-1005 visit us at

Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-21

Monument: City discusses 320 NE State Route 300 in Belfair, across from QFC. 360-552-2561

moving a second log sign May Mobile Marine

continued from page A-1 that bears the words “Welcome to BFT250 BFT200 BFT150 BFT115
Shelton” that greeted visitors at 12th
effort to preserve the monument. Street and Railroad Avenue was re-
This isn’t the first time the Mason moved in May 2015 to be refinished
County Master Builders have stepped and restored. That work is completed,
forward to help preserve the monu- and now the city must decide where
ment, which was erected in 1953 to to place it, Ziegler told the council
celebrate 100 years of the logging in- members.
dustry in the county. In 2004, the orga- Six locations were proposed, and
nization paid to build the existing roof the options have been narrowed to two
that protects the log from direct expo- sites: along the western right-of-way on
sure to weather. Brockdale Road south of Wallace Knee-
In a news release, Mark Ziegler, the land Boulevard, and in the triangular- $
17,300 $
14,800 $
11,575 $
city’s director of community develop- shaped median at the intersection of
ment and parks and recreation, said Olympic Highway South, Harvard
the city is grateful for the continued Street and Pioneer Way. MD115 MD90 MD75 MD50
support from the Mason County Mas- The city has been discussing realign-
ter Builders. ing the second site, so placing the sign
“The preservation of significant com- there might lead it to be moved again,
munity resources is vital to our heri- Ziegler said.
tage and one more example of the great Council member Kathy McDowell
community we call home,” he said. “As said she likes the triangle site because
a popular meetings space and photo she questions how much traffic goes by
opportunity, the preservation of the the Brockdale location. But she sug-
log monument is important for Shelton gested a third option — at the pear
residents and visitors alike.” orchard site at the northern entrance
The cross section of the log —
­ which to town on state Route 3. She asked STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT
measures 10 feet in diameter and is city employees to create images of the $
9,520 $
8,757 $
8,300 $
2 1/2 feet thick — is from a 224-foot sign at all three locations so the council
Douglas fir harvested from Simpson members can examine them. BFT60 MFS50 MFS40 MFS30
Logging Co.’s Camp Grisdale in 1953. Council member Eric Onisko said he
The Mason County Forest Festival As- also likes the triangle location down-
sociation erected the monument. town. Council member Joe Schmidt
The rings were counted on the log to said he likes the Brockdale site because
determine the tree sprouted in the year there isn’t much city signage there.
1289. The rings are marked with dates Mayor Bob Rogers pointed out that
in white letters that showcase histori- the large log monument already greets
cal events from those years, including visitors coming into the city only a few
the Great Plague of 1348 and the land- blocks from the triangle site. Council
ing of the Mayflower on Plymouth Rock member Deidre Peterson said visitors
in 1620. are already in downtown by the time STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT
The Shelton City Council dis- they would see the signage at the tri- $
7,968 $
6,250 $
5,897 $
cussed the future of a second iconic angle site.
log greeting sign Tuesday night at its The council agreed to discuss the lo- All Tohatsu TLDI Engines include control box, control cables, main wire harness,

regular meeting. The log entry sign cation at a future meeting. fuel water separator, propellor, tachometer and trim meter gauge.


Special RED HOT deadline: Tuesday by 3pm (Classified section: Monday by 5p.m.)

COMMUNITY YARD Sale!! The annual Island Lake Manor yard sale. It’s that time again to have our com-
munity sale! Friday, July 20th, Saturday, July 21st, Sunday, July 22nd, 9am-5pm. Come one, come all,
and join us! (I 7/19)

OFF ROAD buggy, two seater, full cage, $2,250. Ed 3600-877-2520 or 559-356-2277 (R 7/19-8/9)

CARS $995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to
sell. From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call
360-426-2907. (S TFN)

ESTATE SALE QVC & HSN Clothes, Car, Furniture Much More! 110 E. Pinedirosa Road Union, WA 98582 Sat
& Sun July 21, & 22 9am-4pm. (J 7/19)

JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS (360) 426-4412 or email


AUGUST 4th, 2018 Potluck Picnic:

Logger’s Memorial Camp Govey • Camp Grisdale
12:00~6pm Saturday, August 4th, 2018
280 SE Binns Swiger Loop Road, Shelton WA. Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will
Please bring a potluck dish, BYOB. Please bring pictures and/ be strong to live as well as think.
or memorabilia to share. RSVP: Jim Mell at 360-507-8739 — Ralph Waldo Emerson

or Lee LeGarde 360-545-7523.

Page A-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fires: Joint meeting planned to discuss heavy fire activity

continued from page A-1 lands, posted concerns raised by the
amount of fires in the Mason County
Resources. Spurling said the Sheriff’s on Twitter.
Office was planning to bring together a “In the last 36 hours, @WaDNR fire-
task force, comprised of local fire chiefs fighters have responded to 8 fires on
and DNR officials, to meet Thursday to DNR-protected areas in and around
compare notes and discuss the reality Mason County,” read her initial tweet.
that recent heavy fire activity might She added “This number of fires in the
not be entirely due to accidental or nat- same area is unusual and concerning.
ural causes. DNR police are involved and assisting
“We’ve had approximately 24 fires Mason County Sheriff (Casey) Salis-
in the area in the last few weeks and bury’s investigation into the cause of
that’s quite a lot for this time of year. these fires.”
It’s too much,” Spurling said. “Some of Central Mason Fire & EMS chief
them have some similar characteristics Tim McKern told the Journal on Tues-
and others do not. So, we’re going to day that every fire start in the county
bring all the fire chiefs together with will receive a comprehensive investiga-
DNR investigators to create a taskforce tion throughout the summer to search
with our detectives to help determine if for potential similarities in their
some of this due to criminal activity.” causes.
Mike Patti, Central Mason Fire & The most active of current blazes
EMS deputy chief and fire marshal, in the county as of the Journal’s print
after investigating the brush fire near deadline was the Kings Landing fire, Journal photos by Michael Heinbach
Grove and South Fifth that burned no located off East Bertelsen Road near Mike Patti, Central Mason Fire & EMS deputy chief and fire marshal,
structures and caused no damage or in- the Timberlakes area, northeast of inspects the remnants of a small fire Tuesday afternoon off West Grove
juries, told the Journal that fire activi- Shelton. That fire was reported about Street in downtown Shelton.
ty has area fire personnel on their toes. 3:15 p.m. Monday.
“There’s just too much commonality “It’s holding at 62 acres. That’s the Tuesday afternoon. “It’s still sitting at cause remained under investigation.
between them,” Patti said. number we still have it sitting at,” said about 30 percent containment and the On Tuesday morning, Tammi
Just after 4 p.m. Tuesday, Hillary Norma Brock, Central Mason Fire & cause is still under investigation.” Wright, senior emergency manage-
Franz, DNR commissioner of public EMS public information officer, on Brock added that southwest winds ment coordinator for the county, told
with gusts of up to 20 mph and heavy the Journal that DNR had assembled a
brush aided the Kings Landing fire and Type 3 Incident Management Team for
that two “choppers” and a bulldozer the area that will lead further firefight-

Visit Wonderful Union!

were initially assigned to combat the ing efforts for the foreseeable future.
blaze. “The sheriff is very concerned and
A brush fire reported to authorities is taking this very seriously,” Spurling
about 10 p.m. Monday near the inter- said. “We’re going to do everything we
section of East Brockdale Road and can to assist in the investigation into
U.S. Highway 101 — the second in the these fires.”
general vicinity in four days — had Anyone with information regarding
burned 2.78 acres as of Tuesday after- any of the recent fires in the area is
noon, Brock said. She added that fire asked to call Crime Stoppers of South
was about 40 percent contained and its Sound at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or 911.


1031 E McReavy Rd Union 360-898-7400 A helicopter battles a blaze July 13 near the intersection of U.S. Highway

101 and East Brockdale Road just north of Shelton.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-23

Concert honors departing music director/teacher

By GORDON WEEKS ing honored — a little uncomfortable,” she said.
During her years in
Shelton, Montgomery
Suzanne Montgomery also was the substitute
has directed, accompa- accompanist for the
nied and taught hun- Harstine Island Commu-
dreds of singers and mu- nity Choir, and co-found-
sicians in Shelton. ed the Women of Note
For 14 years, she was group with Elizabeth
the music specialist at Berndt.
Mountain View Elemen- “Shelton is fertile
tary before retiring this ground for making great
spring. She served simul- music,” she said.
taneously as the choir Case, who will be
director and organist singing and playing the
at both Faith Lutheran flute at Sunday’s concert,
Church and St. David of met Montgomery as a
Wales Episcopal Church member of the choir at
in Shelton, and also was St. David’s.
the artistic director of “She has been instru-
Anna’s Bay Chorale. mental in bringing peo-
So when Montgomery ple together, all religions
announced she is moving and all stripes, in the
to Spokane to live near name of music,” she said.
her daughter, her friends “She has really strength-
decided to stage a con- ened the music commu-
cert in her honor. Mont- nity. … She’s left behind
gomery will also perform a legacy that we’re all
at the concert at 3 p.m. empowered to gather in
Sunday at Shelton Unit- Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
the name of music.” During her 14 years in Shelton, Suzanne Montgomery was the music specialist at Mountain View
ed Methodist Church, Montgomery encour-
1900 King St. Elementary before retiring this spring. She served simultaneously as the choir director and organist
aged her to become a bet- at both Faith Lutheran Church and St. David of Wales Episcopal Church in Shelton, and also was the
In an interview with ter musician, Case said.
the Shelton-Mason artistic director of Anna’s Bay Chorale. A farewell concert will be staged Sunday at Shelton United
“She’s always been Methodist Church as she prepares to move to Spokane.
County Journal, Mont- about loving the music —
gomery thanked Beth no ego in that,” she said.
Johnston, April Kuhr she remembers listen- her bachelor’s degree in at a Hispanic elemen- Montgomery also
Montgomery was born ing to her mother and music education from tary school and a middle found the time to write
and Patti Case for orga- and raised in the Los An-
nizing the concert. her friends sing around Pacific Lutheran Uni- school. the music for two hymns
geles area. Her mother the piano at home. She versity in 1995, and then Montgomery moved to that have been pub-
“I’m honored to be be- was an opera singer, and started playing the piano earned a masters of edu- Shelton 14 years ago af- lished: “God Sends the
at age 3, while her sister cation degree, creative ter being told of an open- Word” and “Life as a
was taking lessons. arts in learning degree, ing for a music teacher at Mother, God Comforts
Montgomery started from Lesley University Mountain View Elemen- All Her Children.” She
IF YOU GO: college as a music major, in 2000. While at PLU, tary School. will perform the later
but said she was “flakey” she served as the organ- Montgomery said see- hymn at Sunday’s con-
WHAT: Concert honoring Suzanne Montgomery and dropped out at 18. ist for the PLU Chorale ing “pure joy” from her cert.
WHEN: 3 p.m. Sunday She got married and Union on two European students was amazing. Montgomery said she
WHERE: Shelton United Methodist Church, 1900 King St. started raising her two tours. “Some eyes light up will miss “the big-heart-
ADMISSION: Free children. Montgomery spent when they get it,” she ed people who make this
She returned to school three years in Las Vegas, said. “They want to share community — I never
at age 40, and earned where she taught music it, which is special.” found it anywhere else.”


Yoga classes held at Harstine Island Community Club

t happened again. any reason, like maybe having She writes: reminiscing about his history yourself by pouring something
I thought I had my the deer eat your garden, then “Harstine Island Com- and about the years he played tall and strong, make it a
garden all safe I would like to sug- munity Choir recently hosted with their group. The boys se- Hurricane before we go in-
and secure and then, gest yoga. There are one of the very best Humani- lected a number of songs they sane. And after drinking that
deer attacked. In one yoga classes at the ties of WA Speakers Bureau felt represented John, and if Hurricane you can, put them
night’s time, they community hall twice groups we have ever had. In you look at them in a certain hounds back in the pen and
nibbled, chewed, raked a week meeting at 10 fact, we were asked by at- way, they tell part his story. do some silly grinnin’, when
and baked every little a.m. every Tuesday tendees to see if we could get Will the circle be unbroken the moon is bright and you’re
green-topped plant I and at 8:30 a.m. ev- Trillium-239 back for a perfor- bye and bye lord, bye and bye? half tight because life is just
had. So, I’ve been forti- ery Thursday. I think mance, and we have done just Well, no, because Jambalaya beginnin’.
fying it again in hopes I’m going to have to that. On Friday, Trillium-239 and a crawfish pie and filé Thanks, Backwoods Irish,
that I can save a few of start going – ah, I brings lots of fun, lively folk gumbo. Son of a gun, we’ll for a great evening and bring-
them. There were plen- By MIKE can feel the tension music with stories and sing- have big fun at the bayou’s ing John’s memory alive.
ty of weeds for those CALLAGHAN fading away. ing. This event will be held at community club. After too Sandy Murphy is looking
darn deer to eat, but You might want to Harstine Island’s Bridge Com- much fun you’ve got to know for a couple of people to install
no, they went for the put Aug. 11 on your munity Church. There will be when to hold ‘em, know when a window in the community
leafy lettuce and my doing- calendar. That is the date for a cost of $10 for general ad- to walk away, and know when hall stage area. She asked for
wonderfully beets. If I had the the annual Kids Carnival. mission and $8 for seniors and to run. Then you have to ask volunteers at last Friday’s
will, I’d stay up all night and It is always a lot of fun for students at the door.” the question, good morning meeting but didn’t get a taker.
use a beet to beat on them. kids and adults. The carnival On July 13, the Backwoods America, how are you? And She will keep asking until she
For all of you who can plant usually runs from 11 a.m. to Irish put on a great concert if your answer is “I fell into does. So, if you have the time
an oyster, I see that Taylor 2 p.m., so the first hour will in honor of John Strasbuger. a burning ring of fire,” you and talent, please give Sandy
Shellfish is going to have two take place during the farmers The musicians — Mike Ben- do have problems. But those a call. Also, don’t forget open
more sales this summer at its market. son, Monty Cobb and Steve problems can be solved by mic will be Aug. 18 at the
Shelton location – one on Aug. Elizabeth Berndt, our Meacham — performed on singing country roads, take community hall.
21 and again on Aug. 25. I island musical director and the community hall stage at me home to that place I be-
don’t think deer eat oysters. guru, is reminding us that the general meeting. They long, Harstine Island. Once n Mike Callaghan can be
If you get stressed out for tomorrow night is the night. told a few “John” stories by you’re home you can settle reached at
Page A-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

THURSDAY proceeds help fund services W. Alpine Way. Learn about this 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kneeland and join in the fun. Water will be
A financial aid representative and programs at the library. For one-quarter program designed Park, 100 Turner Ave., Shelton. provided. For more information
will be available to assist cur- more information, call 360-426- to prepare students for the Tickets are $9 for one adult or call 360-426-1362.
rent and future Olympic College 1318. licensure exam. For more infor- two kids or $25 for a family of
Shelton students with financial mation, call 360-432-5400. four. All proceeds support local AUG. 2
aid questions from noon to 4 MONDAY youth programs. For more infor- A financial aid representative
p.m. at Olympic College Shel- South Sound Quilters meet JULY 26 mation, call 360-426-0512. will be at Olympic College Shel-
ton, 937 W. Alpine Way. To set from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ma- A Smiles Forever Dance will ton, 937 W. Alpine Way, from 9
up an appointment, call 360- son County PUD 3, 2621 E. take place from 4:30 to 6:30 JULY 30 a.m. to noon. For more informa-
432-5400. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. p.m. at the HUB Center for South Sound Quilters meet tion, or to schedule an appoint-
The group meets every Monday Seniors, 111 NE Old Belfair from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mason ment, call 360-432-5400.
FRIDAY except federal holidays. For Highway, Belfair. This dance for County PUD 3, 2621 E. Johns
Family bingo will be held from more information, call 360-432- people with disabilities is open Prairie Road, Shelton. The A student orientation to ad-
2 to 4 p.m. at the HUB, 111 NE 8308. to all ages. Prizes, refreshments group meets every Monday ex- vising and registration event
Old Belfair Highway, Belfair. and a live band will be on hand. cept federal holidays. For more will take place at noon for new
Cost is $3 for eight games. For The Friends of the William G. Free. The event happens on the information, call 360-432-8308. students at Olympic College
more information, call 360-275- Reed/Shelton Timberland Li- fourth Thursday of every month. Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way. For
0535. brary will have a bargain book For more information or to vol- A Loss of a Loved One grief more information, call 360-432-
sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at unteer, call 360-830-5737. support group will meet from 5400.
SATURDAY the library, 710 W. Alder St. All 2 to 4 p.m. at New Community
St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church proceeds help fund services JULY 27 Church of Union, 951 E. Dalby Shelton Timberland Library
will have its annual patio sale and programs at the library. For Family bingo will be held from Road. The group meets that presents Kaleidoscope Play
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 280 more information, call 360-426- 2 to 4 p.m. at the HUB, 111 NE last Monday of each month. and Learn from 10 to 11:30
E. Wheelwright St., Allyn. 1318. Old Belfair Highway, Belfair. a.m. for children up to age 6
For more information, email Cost is $3 for eight games. For JULY 31 at the library, 710 W. Alder St. or call TUESDAY more information, call 360-275- A representative from the Join this facilitated play group
360-275-8450. A representative from the 0535. Washington Department of and enjoy stories, rhymes, and
Washington Department of Social and Health Services will play activities. For more infor-
A financial aid representative Social and Health Services will JULY 29 available to help review ap- mation, call 360-426-1362.
will be available for future or be available to help review ap- Mason County Search and plications for food and cash
current students from noon to 4 plications for food and cash Rescue will have an open assistance and more from 8:30 AUG. 3
p.m. at Olympic College Shel- assistance and more from 8:30 house at 10 a.m. at 305 S. First a.m. to 4 p.m. at Olympic Col- Family bingo will be held from
ton, 937 W. Alpine Way. To set a.m. to 4 p.m. at Olympic Col- St., Shelton. Come learn about lege Shelton, 937 W. Alpine 2 to 4 p.m. at the HUB, 111 NE
up an individual appointment, lege Shelton, 937 W. Alpine search and rescue and discuss Way. Drop-ins welcome. Old Belfair Highway, Belfair.
call 360-432-5400. Way. Drop-ins welcome. volunteer opportunities. Cof- Cost is $3 for eight games. For
fee, tea and pastries will be AUG. 1 more information, call 360-275-
The Friends of the William G. WEDNESDAY provided. For more information, Shelton Timberland Library 0535.
Reed / Shelton Timberland Li- Olympic College Shelton will call 360-474-5125. presents Zumba from 6 to 7
brary will have a bargain book have a nursing assistant pro- p.m. for adults and teens at the n To submit a calendar item,
sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at gram information session from The Shelton Kiwanis Club will library, 710 W. Alder St. Wear email news@masoncounty.
the library, 710 W. Alder St. All 2 to 3 p.m. at the college, 937 host Pancakes in the Park from workout or comfortable clothing com.


Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Sunday Service 10 a.m. at
Olympic Middle School (800 E. K Street) Contemporary Service 8:30am
Sunday morning worship @ 10:00 a.m.
(July 1-Labor Day)
All other services held at: Christian Education 10:00am
1212 Connection Street, Shelton Harvest Foursquare Church Traditional Worship 11:00am
360.426.8611 / 910 E. Dearborn Avenue in Shelton 206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Rev. Doug Peterson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Pastor David Wilson 360-426-3305 Office 360-426-6353 Daycare 360-427-3165

New Community
Church of Union
St. David of Wales
951 E. Dalby Rd. Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome!) SUNDAY SERVICES
Worship Services 8:30 and 10:30 7:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 10:30

360-898-7855 426-8472 • 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton


210 W. Shelton Valley Rd.

Gethsemane Spring Road Chapel
First Church of God
Seventh-Day Ministries (Anderson, Indiana)

Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Adventist Church (nondenominational)
(360) 898-2752
Pastor Sidney E. Thorne
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road
Wednesdays 7:00 PM Live Contemporary Worship in Shelton
Children, Youth, Adults — Saturday —
• Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Meets 7pm Saturdays 360-427-6998
405 S. 7th Street, by the RR tracks
• Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 2320 Washington St.• Shelton Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
360-426-2758 426-2776 • Wednesday Bible Study at 2:00 p.m.

Then He said to them,

“Follow Me, and I will
make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19


Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-25


Thursday, July 19, 2018 Serving the communities of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and Victor

Thieves break into marijuana shop twice

Root Cellar Cannabis
products on the shelves, not cash.
“It was almost identical,” Esposito said
of the August 2017 and July 13 thefts.
owner offers cash reward The people involved broke the win-
dow right next to the boarded window
BY DANA KAMPA Wednesday morning to again gain ac- cess to the store.
The August break-in was one in a
The sight of shattered glass on series of similar thefts that occurred
the showroom floor was an all-too- in Kitsap County, and authorities ap-
familiar one for Root Cellar Cannabis prehended suspects a week after. The
staff members when they arrived at two most recent incidents appeared
the store early July 13, then again to be isolated, though Esposito said
Wednesday morning. from what he could tell in the footage,
General Manager Johnathan Es- the same people carried out both July
posito said the two break-ins happened break-ins.
within a week, the first at 3:15 a.m. In light of the thefts, Esposito said
July 13, as seen in the store’s surveil- the owner is offering a cash reward to
lance footage. A second break-in took anyone who provides information lead-
place 1:10 a.m. Wednesday. He said no ing to the arrest of the culprits. The
employees were at the store during the staff is making plans to reinforce the
Herald photo by Dana Kampa thefts. front windows, but still hopes to main-
With an “open” sign in one window and another temporarily boarded up, Similarly to another theft that oc- tain the store’s welcoming atmosphere.
Root Cellar Cannabis deals with a recent break-in. Between when this photo curred there last August, the intrud-
was taken July 17 and Wednesday afternoon, a second break-in occurred. ers broke a front window and targeted see BREAK-IN, page A-32

Mission Creek center breaks ground on TRAC training facility

TRAC program aims to train skilled laborers tween five and 15 months until
their release date and meet all

to meet increasing market demands

other requirements can par-
ticipate in TRAC.
But before project leaders
BY DANA KAMPA being released from prison, and guests broke out gold- and this goes a long way to- covered shovels and bright
ward getting us to that goal.” green TRAC construction
TRAC program instructors helmets, Mission Creek
What comes after prison? John Brown and Steven Peter- hosted a ceremony lauding the
Employees and visiting mann showed where the new benefits of the program.
representatives broke ground buildings will be located on the During the ceremony, Pe-
last week on a new project to facility’s grounds, providing a termann’s voice faltered when
address that very question for place for inmates to get hands- presenting the estimated
inmates at Mission Creek Cor- on experience in fields such as wages and benefits earned by
rections Center for Women in carpentry, construction and TRAC graduates since the pro-
Belfair. The prison is adding iron working. Building A will gram’s inception — $1.6 mil-
two buildings for its Trades Re- have space for tools, covered lion.
lated Apprenticeship Coaching material storage and a dry “That’s moving to me, abso-
(TRAC) program, which pro- shack, and Building B will be lutely,” Petermann said, pledg-
vides training to inmates for a covered, open-air work area. ing to double that amount in
skilled labor jobs after release. The construction will cost the coming years.
TRAC, sponsored by the approximately $65,000, Brown TRAC has operated for
state Department of Correc- said, adding that it likely more than 20 years, and in
tions and Correctional Indus- would have been more than the last five years has trained
tries, teaches not only neces- $250,000 had the entire proj- more than 100 people for the
sary job skills, math and safe- ect gone out for bid. TRAC stu- workforce, with 31 current
ty lessons, but also confidence dents will be able to help with registered apprentices and an-
and self-reliance. some parts of the construction. other seven in the application
Mission Creek Superinten- For parts that still may be too process.
dent Devon Schrum said the complex, Brown said the plan “I think those numbers are
program is a good fit for the is to bring in experts. what really takes it over the
corrections center considering “I guarantee you it’s the top,” Petermann said.
its focus on life after incarcera- biggest project that TRAC stu- Brown said he appreciates
tion. dents have ever done,” Brown providing opportunities and
“It really employs women said. “But I am so excited hope to women at Mission
with living wages, and that is about that.” Creek through TRAC, and see-
critical to anybody’s success,” Herald photo by Dana Kampa
Mission Creek houses 350 ing the culmination of talks
Schrum said. “I’m grateful Nicole Shaw, a recent graduate of Trades Related
incarcerated women, and only back in September about how
for this opportunity. Mission Apprenticeship Coaching (TRAC), shares how the program
those who remain infraction- to bring the program to Belfair
Creek really is striving to be changed her life during a groundbreaking ceremony July
free for at least 90 days, are
the reentry center for women 12 for a new TRAC training workshop at Mission Creek
able to get a GED, have be- see JOBS, page A-31 Corrections Center for Women in Belfair.
Page A-26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Mary dances with old friends at the Blue Ox

Thursday, July 18, 1940 Mary came in and we ate din- Andersons, the Addlemens, and in the afternoon I went the big rug from out on the
This day I went on the hike ner together and had a good Vernie and Wanda, Erma and to see my dad and found back porch so there will be
with the Girl Scouts and had visit. Then home to the beach Dahl, Husons and Mrs. Rend- Mrs. Fletcher and Helen nothing dirty next Friday
the best time. There were and who should come down sland from Tahuya; the old there picking cherries. Mrs. when the Officers Club meets
thirteen of us including Lou- but Rudy for his wife was get- mail girl, and her husband, Deutsch, who was once my here. Yesterday there was a
ise and I. We left the store ting a wave in her hair and he and then from here were: teacher as Miss Mackstoth, fight in the store. A man from
about nine ten and did not know what Doug and Aggie, Gene Girrior came in with her two children town tried to repossess a car
came home at three. to do with himself. his wife, Pink and Lavina, and I certainly was glad to and the owner took the key
Mrs. Culbertson and Now I’m going to the Combs, the Earhenfields, see her. She looked just the away from him and knocked
Mrs. Kitock came do all the mending the Joe and Carol Hertz and same but was getting a little him down right in front of
down for us. None of and then that will Chet Matthews and Al Ettlin, gray. Her two children were the coffee grinder and there
the girls got too tired be done for another Pearsalls and Oscar Mickel- real nice. We had quite a was a lot of excitement for
and all enjoyed the week. Louise is busy sons, the Dudley Thomases, visit. Home early and took a a while. When the man ran
swim. In the evening weaving on the red Dorothy Eddy and Mrs. Kruse good swim and then did the in back to the post office and
the Sundstroms came rug and is doing a and Fern, and Joe Hackett. mending and some writing. wanted to call the cops and
down and we had a fine job. Henry and The floor was fine and so was To bed early for I’m quite I told him to get out of the
fine visit. Gave Alma By SEYTA Laurice were down the crowd but the music was tired and tomorrow I shall be store and that if he wanted
some flowers and had SELTER last Tuesday but terrible and we wished for out late. Dorothy Casebeerr to use the phone the public
some ice cream. They I did not see them that lovely music at Perl’s. was in and we decided to phone booth was up in the
went home late and for they came when have Mrs. Linstead make the front of the store. He stood
went to bed. The moon was I was in Bremerton to the Sunday, July 21, 1940 salad and help us for about there like he was frightened
out and it was so nice out. Al- Social Club picnic. Sam, Em- A warm day and we had a four hours and that will to death and finally ran out
most a shame to go to bed on mett and Al, Bill Cady and late breakfast and then Sam make us have more time. I of the store. Lee had to run
such a fine evening. Pink all went to the Al Hostak and John went to Dewatto saw Mrs. Linstead and Mrs. after him and get our broom
fight tonight and will have with the big truck to deliver a Skene both today and they that he had taken along for
Friday, July 19, 1940 a fun time. They all had on roll of cable to the Maine Log are both well. protection. Called up Flossie
A terrible hot day and in wine colored shirts but Bill Co. Then we sat on the lawn and she will make the cake
the morning I changed the Cady and they wanted him to and sewed and in the after- Tuesday, July 23, 1940 for the luncheon and I’m very
beds and did the ironing and change but he said he wanted noon went in the water and it A nice day but cool and happy over it as she does
then in the afternoon went to to be different. They all had was fine. The folks went home we got all the ironing done such a good job and we want
Skenes’ and there I met Mrs. bought the shirts at the store. early for Marie did not want and several other things that all to be perfect.
McGrath and her husband to drive in the dark. Mr. and needed attention. In the eve-
and then in later came Mrs. Saturday, July 20, 1940 Mrs. Peterson were in and ning I went to Union chapter n Seyta Selter is a lifelong
Berry and Mrs. Peterson. We This was a busy day and brought the big reed in so we with Alma Nelson, her sister lover of Hood Canal, currently
all made a lavender stick and I worked at the store all day can use it in the next warp and two others from our chap- residing in Olympia. She
they looked very nice. Then and in the evening in came up. In the evening went to the ter. We had a fine time and practices ancestral healing,
went out and played croquet Annie, John, Jack and Marie show with Flossie Cady and enjoyed the talk by the grand sometimes teaches at The
and had tea and some of the and someone had struck her saw “Untamed” and it was worthy matron of the state of Evergreen State College,
lovely sandwiches that Mrs. new car in Tacoma and she fine. To bed late. Washington. Home late and and is a passionate amateur
Linstead made that looked felt very badly about it. In the to bed. genealogist, archivist
like flowers. I had to go early evening Sam and I went to the Monday, July 22, 1940 and family historian.
so the men could go to the Blue Ox and it was like old A very hot day and we got Wednesday, July 24, 1940 She can be emailed at
fight and at the store we home at night for all the folks all the washing done and Another cool morning and marythelersmemoirs@gmail.
surely had a busy time. Aunt we knew were there: the Lud dried. Sam went to town I washed all the doilies and com.


Meet the Creature St. Hugh plans sale DNR sets hearing n Needlers’ Club, open to those
ages 12 and up, meets at 2 p.m.

Teachers today St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal

Church will hold its annual patio sale
for Dewatto NRCA Wednesdays.
n Rock painting takes place at 2
p.m. the second and fourth Mondays
The Creature Teachers will bring this month, featuring household items, The state Department of Natural every month. Staff provides paints and
examples of the animal kingdom’s art, books, CDs, DVDs, linens, collect- Resources will hold a public hearing brushes, but participants must bring
colorful beings at 11 a.m. today to ables, cards, tools, yard items, baked about the proposed Natural Resources their own rocks.
North Mason Timberland Library. goods, homemade ice cream and more. Conservation Area in Dewatto at 6:30 n Koloring Klatch meets at 2:30
The Creature Teachers aim to dispel Free parking will be available with a p.m. Aug. 6 at the HUB Center for p.m. Thursdays, when visitors can
misconceptions about reptiles, insects shuttle to Allyn Waterfront Park for pa- Seniors, located at 111 NE Old Belfair color and chat.
and other wildlife by letting people trons. The sale takes place from 9 a.m. Highway. n Ping pong matches begin at 2
see the animals up close. For more to 2 p.m. Saturday at 280 E. Wheel- The NRCA would aim to preserve p.m. Wednesdays.
information about the group, visit wright St., Grapeview. For more infor- key plants and animals, namely salm- n Visitors can win prizes playing mation, visit or on, and make it easier for homeowners bingo at 2 p.m. on Fridays. Cards are
call Lois Sweany at 253-884-2121. to sell private property to the DNR for $3 per pack.
conservation. Visit n Neighbor Nights are held at
Learn about septics Grapeview festival Dewatto for more. 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of the
month, featuring a meal, an activity/
Mason County and Washington game and opportunities to socialize.
State University Extension are host- to celebrate 25 years HUB offers variety Members can bring a guest for free —
ing free septic system maintenance otherwise admittance is $5. The July
workshops throughout the county,
and the Belfair session takes place
The 2018 Grapeview Water & Art
Festival will mark 25 years of bring-
of summer activities theme is beach party, and August is
this month. The workshops cover ing artwork, kids crafts and popular The HUB Center for Seniors has All events are free for members
common types of septic systems, how local foods to the area. The festival several ongoing summer programs: and $2 for nonmembers unless oth-
they work, how to keep them running, runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 28 n Bust out the dancing shoes. Free erwise specified. Adult supervision is
county maintenance requirements and at Fair Harbor Marina and features live music events are scheduled from required.
how to inspect a system. paintings, pottery, sculptures, jew- 10 a.m. to noon Mondays, Thursdays The center is located at 111 NE Old
The Belfair session takes place elry, glasswork, woodwork, fabric arts and Fridays. Belfair Highway in Belfair. Call 360-
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at North and photography. Golfers can also try n Line dancing classes for begin- 275-0535 to learn more.
Mason Timberland Library, 23081 NE their hand at sinking a hole-in-one for ners take place from 12:30 to 1 p.m.
state Route 3. To register, email eli. a prize. See Thursdays. n Compiled by reporter Dana Kampa GCA-Events/Water-Art-Festival.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-27

Allyn Days promise fun for all ages

BY DANA KAMPA of fish, the ACA will be selling hot dogs and ice cream, joined
by a variety of local food ven-
Allyn’s three-day annual dors. Bent Bine Brewery, a
festival extravaganza known Belfair-based business, will be
as Allyn Days returns this facilitating the beer garden.
weekend to Case Inlet.
Ina Culberson from the Al- GET OUT OF YOUR SHELL
lyn Community Association AT OPEN MIC NIGHT
said the event will feature On Friday, the stage will be
more vendors than ever. open to anyone brave enough
Friday is focused on mu- to step up to the mic from 5:30
sic, with an opportunity for to 8 p.m. Then at 8:30 p.m.,
visitors to share their talents The Wednesdays will perform.
at the mic. The alder-smoked The Saturday lineup is as
salmon dinner takes place Sat- follows:
urday, and shellfish are the n Noon to 1 p.m. Steve James
stars on Sunday, including the n 1 to 2 p.m. Country Cloggers
iconic geoduck. n 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Richard
Admission and parking are Atkins
free. Visitors can purchase n 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. TJ Ferguson
food tickets at the entrance. n 6 to 7 p.m. Roger Ferguson
For more information about n Runaway Train Bluegrass
Allyn Days, visit the ACA’s The Yard Game Challenge
Facebook page. takes place at 3, 5:30 and 7
p.m. on Saturday at South
TRY FESTIVE FOODS Park. Herald file photo by Dana Kampa
Salmon will be served up On Sunday, the musical en- Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association volunteer Tamara Piñero shows a visitor a live
beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday tertainment includes: geoduck last year at Allyn Days. This weekend’s festival includes open-mic Friday, Salmon
and continuing until it is sold n 11 a.m. to noon Captain Saturday and Shellfish Sunday.
out. Culberson said people can Matt & Tugboat
either purchase a full meal or a n 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. OMA court. The first three heats are fish touch tank, artwork by lo- of all ages. The two-mile fun
la carte salmon and fry bread. n 2 to 3 p.m. Sweet T & Justice scheduled for noon, 1:30 and 3 cal crafters and more will be run circles Anderson Lake in
Sunday is all about shell- n 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Swing Fever p.m., and the final round takes part of the festivities. Lakeland Village. Prizes will
fish. Taylor Shellfish will be n 6:30 to 8 p.m. Folsom Prism place at 5:30. Top prize goes to be given to the fastest and best-
selling oysters on the half the fastest shucker. CLAM YA RUN THE LAKE? costumed runners. Registration
shell. Visitors will have the TRY YOUR HAND, BUT Looking to burn some calories is $5 for children and $10 for
opportunity to try geoduck WATCH YOUR FINGERS LET US ENTERTAIN YOU from trying all those tasty treats? adults. Tickets can be purchased
in many forms, including in Visitors can try their hand The entertainment doesn’t The Clam Ya Run the Lake? online at www.eventbrite.
chowder. For those looking to at the oyster shucking con- end there. Culberson said face race begins at 9 a.m. Sunday com/e/2018-allyn-days-fun-run-
join in but who aren’t as fond test on Sunday at the food painting, cornhole, a live shell- and is open to participants tickets-47324628237.


Local festivals rule the day with old-fashioned fun

With technology seemingly tak- from Treasure Island. From a fishing to Union to toss pumpkins – of course! swimming, clam digging, nope!
ing over so much of our free time, it’s derby to a first-class art show, there’s There’s no place like Hunter Farms Festival first. The date was inked
refreshing to see that one definitely something there to celebrate fall. Local schools will in an actual calendar, no computers
form of old-fashioned enter- for everyone. Then, on Aug. compete in the PumpkinFest Catapult involved. One bite of their salmon,
tainment is hanging on in 11, the North Mason Rotary Competition brought to you by our and all was right with the world.
a big way – local festivals. Club brings us the Taste of Chamber. You definitely want to see Those are some of the best memories
And that’s good news for Hood Canal, now being held these pumpkins flying through the air, I have with my family, and we
our local community asso- at Belfair State Park. Enjoy hopefully in the right direction. One went every year. Thank you, Allyn
ciations who work so hard a cold glass of beer, check needs to pay attention at this event. Community Association! I hope you
to bring us fun and lively out live local bands, take in had a chance to attend the The Allyn
events year-in and year-out. the beautiful view of Hood MAKING FAMILY MEMORIES Days & Geoduck Festival held July
Who does all this work? Canal, and, of course, visit Festivals provide endless 20-22 at the Allyn Gazebo Park. If
Volunteers, hundreds of our Chamber booth for some opportunities to make memories you didn’t, tell Dad to put it on the
them. And you know how it of “Harry Martin’s World with the family. I remember fondly calendar for next year – in ink! For
is, usually there are a few Famous Grilled Oysters”! the annual trek to the Allyn Days all the events in our area, visit www.
people who take on the lion’s share of During Labor Day weekend, come fabulous salmon dinner. As soon as
the tasks. You know who you are! We back to the park for some jousting at we arrived at my folks’ house for the
thank you all for keeping these local the Hood Canal Highland Celtic Fes- weekend, after packing and traveling, n Stephanie Rowland is the president
treasured gatherings alive. tival, and you probably already have etc., for hours to get there, my Dad and CEO of the North Mason Cham-
After Allyn Days we have the Oct. 6-7 on your calendar for Oyster- would welcome us, then in the same ber of Commerce, which also manages
Grapeview Community Association’s Fest, brought to us by the Skookum breath tell us when we would be Belfair Licensing and the North Mason
Grapeview Art & Water Festival (July Rotary Foundation. leaving for the festival. No question Visitor Information Center. Visit www.
28) at Fair Harbor Marina across Later in October, head up the canal about it. We were going. No skiing,

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Page A-28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

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Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-29


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Page A-30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

North Shore mining business explores expansion potential

BY DANA KAMPA the site would look like when the mining is done. The state
Department of Ecology must
A North Shore Road mining also approve a sand and gravel
company is seeking to poten- general permit for keeping the
tially ramp up its production, environment around the pit
though on a 100-year timeline. safe.
Grump Ventures LLC is a “The county’s piece in it is
gravel mining business based that they’ve applied for a log-
approximately 5 miles south- ging permit,” Mason County
west of downtown Belfair, the planner Michael MacSems
only active mine in the area, said recently in an interview
that recently applied to be able with the Belfair Herald. “Be-
to expand its operations. cause a local permit is re-
The family has owned the quired, and that permit is
66.5 acres of land for more subject to review under SEPA
than 70 years, and owner Rus- (State Environmental Policy
sell Scott said the application Act), ... the agencies involved
was a proactive measure that are trying to determine what
would allow him to mine gla- this is, and what are the ef-
cial sand and gravel deposits fects going to be, and how are
based on demand. they going to be mitigated?”
“Getting all the paperwork This places the county as
in order is really what it boils the lead agency, and the in-
down to,” Scott said, explain- volved state agencies will
ing that he didn’t have a spe- use information gathered by
cific expansion timeline for the the county in approving their
next few years. “We’re a small own permits. As MacSems
community, and I just don’t explained, the county permit
know how much the local mar- would allow Grump Ventures
ket can absorb.” to mine parcel by parcel, not
Grump Ventures applied to all 50 minable acres at once. Image via Mason County GIS
allow “intensification of ongo- He said this and the sur- Neighbors to the Grump Ventures mine on North Shore Road in Belfair recently filed a
ing gravel mining activity” on rounding trees would help to petition with Mason County about the operation’s potential expansion, citing potential
its property. Though mining muffle noise pollution. noise and environmental concerns.
is no longer an allowed land According to the SEPA
use in the rural residential Mitigated Determination of are equipment fuels and lubri- petition sent to the county re- “As community members,
zone, the property owner has NonSignificance application cants. As for traffic, the appli- questing the Mason County we feel strongly that it is es-
the right to expand operations submitted April 16, “the heavy cation said about 100 vehicles Department of Community sential to have an open, pub-
within the property it already machinery used will be fairly could travel nearby roads per Services hold a public hear- lic discussion on a project
owns, according to the Dimin- typical for a gravel pit opera- day, “with minimal impact on ing, submitted by North Shore affecting the Public Interest
ishing Asset Doctrine. tion. ... There could be times peak-hour volumes.” Road resident Patrick Byrne. in ways that will affect the
The company recently ap- when the pit is inactive, due to However, neighbors have “Having distributed the future of our children and
plied for a surface mining and the economic demand for ma- shared concerns, chiefly about petition, I can say that peo- grandchildren.”
reclamation permit from the terials.” possible noise and environ- ple were mostly shocked and Comments can be submit-
state Department of Natural The two listed potential en- mental impacts. These issues dismayed by the extent of ted to MacSems at mms@
Resources, concerning what vironmental health hazards culminated in a 124-signature the proposal,” Byrne wrote.


Belfair man acts as intelligence

specialist in large navy exercise
AUGUST 3RD ──── STAFF REPORT responsibilities include “I’ve learned how to ensuring maintenance adapt to different people
DotDotSmile is completed on intel- in a leadership posi-
Belfair’s Brian ligence equipment and tion,” Kovnat said in the
Kovnat, U.S. Navy petty supervising intelligence release. “Everyone has
Rodan + Fields officer first class, is set personnel. their own motivators,
to this month join the In a news release, and I’ve learned how
──── world’s largest maritime Kovnat said he looks for- to find them in order to
warfare exercise. ward to seeing the bigger bring everyone together
Kovnat serves as an picture and working with to complete the mis-
intelligence specialist different countries. sion.”
on the USS William P.
Lawrence. According to
COMMUNITY KITCHEN the U.S. Navy’s Office of
50 SE Squaxin Ln Community Outreach,
Enjoying your summer? Wanting to support your local retailers?
Shelton WA 98584 he is currently stationed
Make sure you join us for Back to School shopping deals?
at Pearl Harbor and will
Come join us for our Hot August Night shopping experience. August 3rd
participate until Aug. 2
15 different vendors all in one space. Can’t wait to see you all there!!!

6pm-9pm in the Rim of the Pacific,

an international affair.
The Rim of the Pa-
cific training exercise
provides opportunities
for participants to make
sure they work together
well in potentially unsta-
ble situations. The prac-
tice began in 1971.
The collaborative ef-
fort allows 25 nations to
test what maritime forc-
es can do, including di-
saster relief, security op-
erations, sea control and
complex warfighting.
The “relevant, realis-
tic training” covers oper-
ations to counter piracy,
clear mines, dispose of

Put a subscription to the Journal explosives, and conduct

diving and salvage mis-

in his suitcase! sions.

This will be Kovnat’s Courtesy photo
first time participating U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Brian Kovnat
Jour nal
Mason County

in the Rim of the Pacific from Belfair is preparing to join the Rim of the
at a tactical level. His Pacific international maritime warfare exercise.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-31

Herald photos by Dana Kampa

Trades Related Apprenticeship Coaching (TRAC) students will be able to help with construction of a new workshop at Mission Creek Corrections Center
for Women in Belfair, where they will practice trade skills and prepare for living-wage jobs after being released.

Jobs: TRAC grad encourages women to achieve goals

his journey to sobriety and
continued from page A-25 the importance of programs
focused on helping inmates
was meaningful. transition back into society.
“This is what it takes, this The council, created two years
sort of representation,” Brown ago by the state Legislature,
said to the assembly of union offers insight into what is and
representatives, corrections isn’t working for formerly in-
administrative staff and pro- carcerated people as they seek
gram graduates. “I am very jobs, housing and other oppor-
proud to be standing here to- tunities.
day.” As someone in long-term re-
One of the guest speak- covery from addiction, Palouse
ers was Nicole Shaw, a TRAC said having the type of sup-
graduate from a different fa- port TRAC offers can be the
cility. Shaw recently bought a difference between being a
home, a life-changing moment “tornado,” harming loved ones
she said likely wouldn’t have and community members, and
been possible without the pro- being a “rock,” a solid figure at
gram. home and beyond.
“I’m never out of work lon- “Instead of just leaving a
ger than a week,” Shaw said. “I trail of wreckage, now I’m
can say that I’m secure in my committed to helping build
life. I can say that I don’t have our communities and build
to worry about anything.” our families and build rela-
Having complete medical tionships and make positive
TRAC program instructor John Brown shows where the workshop will be built, allowing
and dental coverage adds an- changes,” he said.
inmates to get hands-on experience in carpentry, construction and iron working.
other layer of stability, Shaw Palouse said it is impor-
said. To Mission Creek’s fu- tant that when inmates are
ture students, she offered a ready to work toward positive participants up with living- Creek a decade ago, and she is proving effective. Herzog
few words of advice: change, the opportunities are wage jobs. Correctional Indus- said she was excited to see the said two of his strongest be-
“The fact that it’s coming there. tries Interim Director Jeannie project finally break ground. liefs when it comes to prisons
here, to you guys right before “When I got sober, the in- Miller said TRAC has been “It’s a perfect model of … are that they should provide
you leave, take full advantage ternal change was matched instrumental in the state De- the success of post-release em- opportunities for future suc-
of that. … Put your mind to it. with external opportunity, and partment of Corrections’ goal ployment because of the com- cess, and offer hope to those
Just focus, and you’ll hit the that’s what TRAC can pro- to raise post-release employ- mitment of the people that are living there.
ground running. I know I did. vide,” he said. “If we’re able to ment numbers. in the program,” Miller said. “If you can’t manage hu-
I would not have done it had it deal with underlying issues of Miller said the DOC aimed “It’s a beautiful example of mane facilities, and places
not been for TRAC, and had it substance use, of poverty, of to bring employment within what partnerships can accom- where the incarcerated feel
not been for Steve and Cindy, generational trauma, of abuse the first 180 days of release plish when we work together.” hope for a difference when
pushing me and having my — if we can work through that from 30 percent up to 40 per- Robert Herzog and Julie they get out, then all we’re do-
back.” stuff, and then it’s matched cent within two years, which it Martin, the DOC outgoing and ing is incarcerating and ware-
Chris Palouse, executive di- with a living wage, a safe place accomplished last year. She re- incoming assistant secretar- housing people, and that’s not
rector of the Statewide Reen- to live, then we have a chance.” called the earliest discussions ies, concluded the ceremony by what anybody in this room is
try Council, joined in to share A focus of TRAC is setting of bringing TRAC to Mission reflecting on why the program about,” Herzog said.

“If you can’t manage humane facilities, and places where the incarcerated feel hope for a
difference when they get out, then all we’re doing is incarcerating and warehousing people,
and that’s not what anybody in this room is about.”
Robert Herzog, state Department of Corrections
Page A-32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Break-In: Staff focuses on

community love, support
as normal. ... We definitely have a big
continued from page A-25 bond and love for our community.”
In a word, he said the break-ins were
The shop, which opened May 2015 “frustrating,” especially for a small
in the downtown area, drew some business. The theft wasn’t made easier
positives in the wake of the loss. Es- by the fact that a summer illness was
posito said community members have making the rounds among the store’s
been overwhelmingly supportive. And staff. But he said they remain optimis-
it was that relationship with the com- tic not only about catching the culprits,
munity that drove employees to be but also about Belfair businesses work-
open and ready for business July 13, ing to support each other.
less than five hours after the reported “Our mission is to not give them (in-
break-in. truders) the idea that they can come
“The day of the incident, we cleaned back and do it again, to us or any of the
up our glass that was broken and shat- other shops here locally in town,” Es- Herald file photo by Dana Kampa
tered from the windows, and opened posito said. “It’s not something I think Root Cellar Cannabis saw a similar break-in last year to the ones that were
our doors up at our normal time,” Es- any store should have to repeat, or go reported this week in Belfair. General manager Jonathan Esposito says
posito said. “We continued business through period.” staff members are optimistic about finding the culprits.

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517 Franklin St.• 360-426-1000
Showtimes for
July 20 - 26
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Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1


The King’s
move to the
City of Angels
ast weekend, I flew to Los Angeles
to visit my sister. When I landed in
Los Angeles, I jumped on the bus
and rode to Union Station to meet her
for lunch. While on the bus, we passed
the Staples Center, the home of the Los
Angeles Lakers. I pressed my face up to
the glass and took in what is a staple in
sports arenas — no pun intended.
What struck me about the facility was
a lack of promotional material or ban-
ners hanging outside to advertise what
some people are calling the biggest move
this year in the NBA
— LeBron James sign-
ing with the Lakers
via free agency. I had
recently seen a post on
Instagram of a street Journal photo by Alexandra Smith
artist painting a mu- One of the Love INC golf tournament highlights was “Golf Balls from Heaven.” Golf balls were dropped from
ral depicting LeBron a helicopter to see whose ball could get closest to hole No. 18.
in a Lakers uniform

Love INC hosts golf fundraiser

said, “The King.” A
By ALEXANDRA few days later, the
SMITH mural was painted
over and there was no
indication the mural
had ever existed besides the online posts. By ALEXANDRA SMITH
I was intrigued as to how Lakers fans
felt about the move and was confused
about how they could be upset about
gaining what many have argued to be the The eighth annual Love
best basketball player in history. INC golf tournament was
LeBron has established himself as the held Monday at Alderbrook
kingpin of the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golf & Yacht Club.
the franchise’s most important player. Over 160 golfers par-
He helped end Cleveland’s 52-year pro- ticipated in the scramble
fessional sports championship drought event.
when the Cavaliers won the NBA Love INC was founded
championship in 2016, rallying from a in 2008 and the golf tour-
3-1 NBA Finals deficit to overcome the nament began in 2011 as a
onslaught of the Golden State Warriors. fundraiser and “friendrais-
LeBron has already been ingrained in er” for the nonprofit group,
NBA history as one of the greatest play- said Virginia McCarty, who
ers in basketball with his solid play and has been involved with the
consistency, as well as a Cavaliers legend tournament since its incep-
for bringing them a championship and tion.
making them perennial title contenders Love INC is a Shelton-
with his presence. based nonprofit that mo-
I found out that one of my sister’s bilizes churches in Mason
neighbors, Omar Williams, is a LeBron County to assist people in
fan, so I figured what better way to bet- need. There are 27 local
ter understand feelings about the move churches that partner with
to LA than to talk to a local. Love INC to link ministries
“There were mixed reviews here in and volunteers to people in
LA,” Omar told me. “Some true LA fans need.
were happy and excited just to win more The tournament, which
games, but some were still on the whole, raises money for the non-
‘I hate LeBum and he is not our king’ profit group, helped 1,366
thing.” families last year through
There were a lot of factors that went in funds raised at the tourna-
to LeBron’s decision to move to Los Ange- ment.
les. His son, LeBron James Jr. (known by Love INC executive di-
many as Bronny), has “committed” to the rector Linda Myers said
Sierra Canyon School — where Kenyon the group is starting a Jobs
Martin and Scottie Pippen’s sons cur- for Life program in Sep-
rently play — in the LA suburbs. tember. The move is part of
“Personally, I think it was a good Love INC’s vision to extend
move for him,” Omar said. “I know his its scope beyond goods to
son wanted to play at one of the LA tranfoming lives.
schools, and I can only imagine that he Love INC clearinghouse
will get to play with and against more hours are 10 a.m. to 3
competition that in Cleveland. More p.m. Tuesdays through
scouts will be able to see him and better Thursdays. For more
assess him. I know LeBron has a home information, call 360-462- Courtesy photo
out here, so it makes sense. Also, I think LOVE (5683), email loveinc. Alderbrook Golf & Yacht club employee Kyle Preston, left, and golf pro Sam Smith
it would be awesome for him to learn or visit www. hold up the winning golf ball from the Golf Balls from Heaven drop on Monday at Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club in Union.
see PEACHY, page B-4
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


Hot weather relief and a spectacular view

world-class view shrunk down to a nar-
is your reward for row, cobbled track cling-
taking on some ing to the mountainside.
bumps and dust on For- Again, this was at the
est Service Road No. very end of U.S. Forest
2401, which parallels Service Road No. 2401,
Jefferson Creek all the 19 miles from where
way to its source, a stun- I first turned off U.S.
ning mountain valley Highway 101 at the
at the base of Hamma Hamma
6,259-foot Mount Recreation Area
Washington. entrance, U.S.
There are a Forest Service
dozen different Road No. 25.
sites worth ex- Prior to that,
ploring and at the road is in
least as many great shape. It’s
things you can been resurfaced,
do on U.S. For- By MARK widened, and
est Service WOYTOWICH barring a little
Road No. 2401, dust and loose
including three stone, you can
lakes with trails, two drive all the way to Up-
waterfalls, and a final, per Jefferson Falls (17.3
heart-stopping turn- miles from Highway
around view as the road 101) in a normal, two-
tops off just short of Goo- wheel-drive car.
ber Pond. From there, The road is in the
you’ll look out across best shape I’ve seen it in
the rounded ridge lines a long time, and so are
of the Hamma Hamma all the dispersed camp-
Balds as they slope sites framing the local
down towards Hood Ca- creeks and swimming
nal, 3,000 feet below. holes along the way. Journal photo by Mark Woytowich
The road may actu- Campsites are tidy Mount Washington, left, and Mount Pershing frame the valley leading to the headwaters of Jefferson
ally reach Goober Pond (with one exception) and, Creek.
— it did before being de- with burn restrictions
commissioned more than in effect, fully stocked BERRY GOOD YEAR cus on the fun spots. wild blueberries in such famous snow curve that
a decade ago — but I with piles of abandoned Let’s get oriented, After you turn onto numbers that I had to blocks the rest of your
held up at the last turn- firewood. real quick, so we can fo- U.S. Forest Service Road go to the car and empty tour should you arrive
around before the road No. 25 at the entrance some plastic snack bags too early in the season
to the Hamma Hamma for containers to bring — usually late June.
Recreation Area, set my blueberries home. Around Independence
your odometer. The same mist keep- Day the snow finally

Your Local Tides

In 6.5 miles, you’ll ing me cool was obvi- melts in this deep shad-
come to the “T” just after ously responsible for ow below Mount Wash-
the Hamma Hamma the large, juicy berries. ington’s flank.
For the week of July 19 through July 26, 2018 Campground. Go left on Imagine that same mist Afterwards, the curve
U.S. Forest Service Road and rushing water sound is marked by a dramatic
ALLYN | Case Inlet No. 2480, crossing the as you spend the night increase in erosion, as if
DATE HIGH (FEET) LOW (FEET) SUN MOON bridge. In another mile here, looking up at the the road were suddenly
AM PM AM PM and a half, you’ll cross stars. receiving no mainte-
19 Thu 11:45 10.3 6:15 3.1 5:38 3.1 5:33 9:01 another bridge spanning A zig-zag animal trail nance at all. It’s almost
20 Fri 12:11 14.8 1:21 10.1 7:18 2.2 6:44 4.9 5:34 9:00 Jefferson Creek. A mile winds up beside the falls like driving up a dry
21 Sat 12:58 14.3 3:06 10.7 8:17 1.3 8:03 6.3 5:35 8:59
after that, bear right at on the left; plenty more stream bed. Indeed, road
22 Sun 1:45 13.8 4:30 11.7 9:11 0.5 9:28 7.0 5:36 8:58
23 Mon 2:33 13.3 5:31 12.7 9:58 -0.1 10:40 7.3 5:38 8:57
the turnoff going uphill. wild blueberries and conditions worsen past
24 Tue 3:19 12.9 6:17 13.5 10:39 -0.6 11:37 7.4 5:39 8:56
You’re now on U.S. For- red huckleberries await Upper Jefferson Falls.
25 Wed 4:03 12.6 6:53 13.9 11:16 -0.9 5:40 8:55 est Service Road No. the hearty explorer who However, the view in
12:21 7.3 2401, your gateway to continues up until they this week’s photograph
26 Thu 4:44 12.4 7:23 14.1 5:41 8:53
11:52 -1.1 Upper and Lower Elk find the “sacred shelf” is only obtained by get-
Lake, Upper and Lower where it’s obvious you’ll ting past the snow curve.
SHELTON | Oakland Bay Jefferson Falls, Wash- either make a loving Pick a sunny day for the
ington Creek Canyon, gesture toward any per- full WOW factor.
19 Thu 12:05 15.2 12:23 10.3 7:21 2.7 6:44 2.7 5:35 9:02 Jefferson Lake, and, if son you’re with, or sim-
20 Fri 12:49 14.8 1:59 10.1 8:24 1.9 7:50 4.2 5:36 9:01 you drive with nerves of ply stand there in jaw- WARM WATER,
21 Sat 1:36 14.3 3:44 10.7 9:23 1.1 9:09 5.4 5:37 9:00 steel, eventually Goober dropping awe, thanking REALLY?
22 Sun 2:23 13.8 5:08 11.7 10:17 0.4 10:34 6.1 5:38 8:59 Pond. God for making such a Another cool spot
23 Mon 3:11 13.3 6:09 12.7 11:04 -0.1 11:46 6.3 5:39 8:57 The campsite at the beautiful world. is calling for atten-
24 Tue 3:57 12.9 6:55 13.5 11:45 -0.5 5:40 8:56
base of Upper Jefferson For behold, the falls tion. When you cross
25 Wed 4:41 12.6 7:31 13.9 12:43 6.3 12:22 -0.8 5:42 8:55
Falls (17.3 miles) has continue falling in lush, the bridge spanning
26 Thu 5:22 12.4 8:01 14.1 1:27 6.3 12:58 -0.9 5:43 8:54
always snared my atten- dramatic splays, a tur- Washington Creek (12.2
tion for a stop. Bordered gid, white chute against miles), you’re passing
UNION | Hood Canal by a bridge and the a monolith of moss, one of the premier for-
DATE HIGH (FEET) LOW (FEET) SUN MOON tumbling falls above, almost feeling tropical est campsites in all of
the site snugs up close with so many hues of Mason County. Setting
19 Thu 10:57 7.9 11:14 12.0 5:06 3.0 4:27 3.3 5:34 9:02
to the splashing water, green. on a flat bluff above the
12:30 8.0
20 Fri
11:56 11.6
6:04 2.1 5:27 4.9 5:35 9:01 and in the 15 minutes creek, the campsite looks
21 Sat 1:56 8.6 7:00 1.2 6:34 6.2 5:36 9:00 I was there, it had a SNOW CURVE over a deep, blue swim-
22 Sun 12:40 11.2 3:09 9.4 7:51 0.5 7:42 7.0 5:38 8:59 “swamp cooler” effect on Hit the road again, ming hole, as well as
23 Mon 1:24 11.0 4:07 10.2 8:38 -0.2 8:46 7.4 5:39 8:58 me as I poked around and in the next half long stretches of rocky
24 Tue 2:08 10.7 4:53 10.9 9:23 -0.7 9:44 7.5 5:40 8:57 the boulders, gathering mile, you start into the shoreline where kids can
25 Wed 2:50 10.6 5:32 11.5 10:04 -1.1 10:36 7.3 5:41 8:56
spend hours building
26 Thu 3:31 10.4 6:08 11.9 10:44 -1.3 11:23 7.1 5:42 8:54

Tide tables have been transcribed and may contain errors. Not intended for navigational use. Golf Special pools, dams and trying
to catch crayfish, frogs
Weekly Tide Tables Sponsored by (lunch before golf) and minnows darting by.
Known to a few oth-
18 Holes with 1/2 Cart, Limerick ers, if you hike barely
Your ONE STOP Complete Outdoor Recreation Store SINCE 1948 Burger or Deli Sandwich & Drink 200 feet upstream of the
(Fountain Drink, Coffee or Tea) bridge and campsite,
you’ll come to a high
35$ bank of river rock where

Reservations Required the creek has carved out

(360) 426-0933 Lake Limerick Country Club Must bring in this ad to
790 E. St. Andrews Dr. - Shelton, WA receive special.
see TRAIL, page B-4
Tidal Information Courtesy US 360-426-6290 • Expires 7/31/18
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-3

Learning the basics of volleyball at North Mason

Journal photos by Alexandra Smith

TOP LEFT: Fifth-grader Olivia Nygard bump passes July 10 at youth volley-
ball camp at North Mason High School.

LEFT: Sixth-grader Grace Smelcer pushes the ball over the net in a game
July 10 at the North Mason High School youth volleyball camp.

ABOVE: Fifth-grader Avery Harrison passes during a drill at North Mason

youth volleyball camp July 10 at North Mason High School.

Now Open


Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

Peachy: Can the king make Los Angeles his kingdom?

continued from page B-1

it would be awesome for him to learn

under Magic Johnson. LeBron is al-
ways compared to being more like
Magic than Michael Jordan. It’s cool
that he can pick Magic’s brain not just
as a player, but later on down the line
when LeBron is done playing, he can
be a coach or manager like Magic.”
Besides family and personal gains,
Omar said LeBron would be able to
prove himself to those who have said
the Eastern Conference is weaker
than the Western Conference if he
earns MVP next season.
LeBron’s agent disputes this rumor
that the decision was about his son
committing to Sierra Canyon, and said
the move was “just a basketball deci-
sion” that was ultimately about “what
made him happy.”
Rich Paul joined the NBA TV
broadcast of the Summer League on
July 12 and discussed his superstar
client’s decision to leave the Cava-
liers. Paul said that when he talked to Courtesy photo
teams, he “gave them as much infor- Muralist Jonas Never and graffiti artist Fernando Valdez spent 12 hours during two days creating a mural of
mation as I could, but for him (James), LeBron James on the wall of a Venice, California, barbecue restaurant after the NBA megastar signed with the
it was just a basketball decision.” Lakers in free agency.
No matter how he made his deci-
sion, like many LeBron fans and NBA “I think he will be who he has al- “I hope he gets to go back home, how he has been so consistent in show-
experts, Williams said just adding ways been, a good leader on and off even if it is for a small contract to re- ing his moral code and his pursuit of
LeBron to the roster doesn’t mean the the court,” Omar said. “He is someone tire as a Cav,” he said. “That is what excellence is why I become a fan.”
Lakers can win a championship. that his teammates can look up to. He I’m assuming Dwayne Wade is doing Big(ger) picture, we can even start
Even Shaquille O’Neal said LeB- is a good teammate; he doesn’t turn with Miami.” wondering where James will ulti-
ron’s move to Los Angeles is not his back on his guys and doesn’t leave Being a LeBron fan can come with mately fit in Lakers lore. Do we need
enough for the Lakers to match the them out to dry. He will be who he backlash, but Williams is happy to see to reserve space for a statue outside
Golden State Warriors “superteam.” is, caring, fun, positive and all those his favorite player come to the City of Staples Center? What of the intracta-
Appearing on CNBC’s “Fast Money traits that we have seen over the Angels. ble “Kobe’s better” crowd? When they
Halftime Report,” the former Lakers years from LeBron. The only thing “I became a LeBron fan because he have to process James joining their
star reflected on LeBron’s move. that I worry about is him relating to holds himself to such a high standard team, will all of their heads explode?
“He’s a very marketable guy ... but this team; he is in a different season of excellence,” Omar said. “He did this Or just most of them?
you must win at some point,” O’Neal of life than most of his teammates. the right way, hasn’t cheated on his We will all have to wait until the
said about LeBron. He’s older, has a wife, kids, charities, wife, is a committed father and sup- season starts to see if the king can
O’Neal, who played eight seasons a business off the court, so that can be porting his kids, doesn’t have a DUI or rule Hollywood, or if his move will be a
for the Lakers from 1996-2004, won a challenge but it’s LeBron. He will be any of that, helps out his community royal outtake.
three championships alongside Kobe welcomed and make sure everyone is and has raised money for kids in Ak-
Bryant in LA. on the same page to win games.” ron. And he doesn’t blame others. He n Alexandra Smith is a sports reporter
LeBron is joining a group of pretty What may be a more pressing ques- puts the pressure on himself and is at the Shelton-Mason County Journal.
young players on the Lakers, and tion on the minds of LeBron fans is if just a man amongst men. Yes, I loved She can be reached at 360-426-4412 or
some think he could be a good all- he is going to retire in Los Angeles, him as an athlete but I think just at
around leader for his teammates. and Omar said he hopes not. what he overcame growing up, and

Trail: Mason canyons and creeks change year after year

“warm,” I don’t know how else eddy, as well as in the mov- and a hundred more as part of senting are the good, exciting,
continued from page B-2 to describe it. ing, colder creek below. my free “Wild and Crazy Can- and beautiful aspects of can-
I’ve stripped and dipped in It looked like clear jelly- yons of Mason County” pre- yoneering in Mason County.
a watery cul-de-sac below a
this spot for years, the warm- fish gone through a kitchen sentation from 1 until 3 p.m.
sheer, rocky bluff.
est creek by far, but last week blender. I’ve never seen this Saturday at the Hoodsport n Mark Woytowich is a
Like a slow gyre, the water
I was shocked and saddened in Washington Creek before, Library. writer, photographer and
lingers in this eddy, over 6
to see a prolific algae bloom and can’t imagine it getting Canyons and creeks change video producer who lives in
feet deep, before cycling back
taking over the entire sec- better in hot, dry weather. constantly, year after year. Potlatch. His “On the Trail”
and retaking the riffles head-
tion of stream. Long, milky I’ve got a photo of the very Recognizing I’ve left this column appears every other
ing downstream. The spot gets
strands and knots of white spot taken a few years ago week’s column with a sad and week in the Journal. Reach
plenty of sun from 11 a.m. to 3
mucus covered nearly every when the water was pristine. sudden ending, I assure you him at olympicvideoblog@
p.m., and by gosh if the water
rock — both in the warm I’ll be showing that photo that most of what I’ll be pre-
doesn’t approach the word


GOLF Nokes, Kay Moore 30

second — Mary Lou Wicken,
July 11 Debbie Nokes, Betty Kintz,
Lake Limerick Ladies, Sharon Corrigan 33
Pars — Gayle Wilcox hole No. 7,
Flag Tournament — 9 holes
!st — Mary Lou Wicken, second
Robbi Alberts hole No. 7
Low Gross — Robbi Alberts 48
Kay Moore 35, third Susie Low Net — Mary Lou Wicken 33

The Journal wants game scores from youth sports leagues,

Morris Low Putts — Sharon Corrigan
Pars — Susie Morris hole No. 7 14
Low Gross — Mary Lou Wicken Team Dice — 18 holes
Low Net — Kay Moore 35
first — Brenda Asselstine, Renie
Dyson, Joyce Reynolds, Kerry
recreational leagues or other sporting events in Mason County.
Full results, including scores, statistics or other information
Flag Tournament 18 holes
1st Toni Stevens, second Gayle Chip ins — Toni Stevens hole
Wilcox, third Bonnie Morrow, No. 2 and hole No. 11, Brenda

can be sent to Photos with the

fourth Debbie Nokes, fifth Asselstine hole No. 12
Leanne Milligan Low Gross — Brenda Asselstine
Chip ins — Mary Lou 94
Trautmann hole No. 1, Gayle
Wilcox hole No. 9
Low Net — Renie Dyson 66

July 6
full names of pictured individuals are welcome. The deadline
Low Gross — Toni Stevens 94
Low Net — Gayle Wilcox 67
Low Putts — Gayle Wilcox 24
Lake Limerick Golf Club,
Shelton for submitted results and photos is 5 p.m. the Monday before
Men vs. women tournament
July 9
Lake Limerick Ladies,
18 holes
Score — Women 29.5, Men 27.5
publication. For more information, call 360-426-4412.
Team Dice — 9 holes n Compiled by reporter
first — Sharon Hadsall, Sheila Alexandra Smith
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-5


A day on the course to golf tournament takes place at the Lake Limerick
Golf Course, 790 E. Saint Andrews Drive in Shelton.
for ages 5 and 6 and 5:15 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays for
ages 4 and 5. Contemporary dance class is held 5:45

celebrate philanthropy The entry fee is $90 and includes 18 holes of golf, a
cart, lunch and awards.
to 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays for ages 8 to 10 and 6:45 to
8 p.m. Wednesdays for ages 10 and up.
Proceeds benefit Adopt-A-Pet, an all-volunteer, Ballet level 1 and 2 class is held 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.
The Community Foundation’s 2018 Golf Event nonprofit dog shelter in Mason County. Mondays and is for ages 8 to 10.
will take place at noon today at Salish Cliffs Golf For more information, visit www.adoptapet-wa. Ballet level 3 for ages 10 and older will be held
Club. The Community Foundation of South Puget org, call 360-432-3091 or email thedoghouse3091@ from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Mondays.
Sound’s mission is to inspire philanthropic efforts Attendees must provide their own ballet shoes,
that enrich the community. For more information tights and leotards.
or to register, call 360-705-3340 or email info@ For questions, call 360-432-5194 or email Work day scheduled

Women’s yoga and Saturday at Shelton

Gentle Yoga offered on
kayak event to be held Springs Disc Golf Course
Tuesday in Shelton
A work day is scheduled for 9 a.m. Saturday
tomorrow in Union at the Shelton Springs Disc Golf Course, 3676 N. Melode Brewer offers gentle yoga from 10 to 11:15
Shelton Springs Road, Shelton. The work day is a.m. on Tuesday at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 W.
Joonbug Yoga and Blue Horizons Paddlesports is in preparation for the Shelton Springs Pro/Am Cota St. These sessions are for all levels and use a
hosting a women’s yoga and kayak event at 6 p.m. tournament scheduled for July 28 and 29. For more gentle, therapeutic approach, offering adaptations of
tomorrow at the Union City Marina, 5101 E. state information, email Josh Heideman at admin@ movement to a variety of levels. Chairs and mats are
Route 106. available. Dress in layers; bring a water bottle and
The event will begin on land with an hour of all- a pillow for comfort. The cost is $15 to drop-in. For
levels yoga led by Michelle Pugh, owner of Joonbug more information, visit www.breatherelaxbreathe.
Next, participants will go next door to the Union Soccer camp to be held com.

boat launch, do the gear shuffle and go over a few

basics before hitting the water. Event goers will by Evergreen State head Join Mommy/Daddy and
paddle past Hood Canal Marina, where harbor seals,
kingfishers, bald eagles, blue herons, loons and more coach Me soccer clinics
can often be found. Sarah, owner of Blue Horizons
Paddlesports, will be the guide, with a decade of The Evergreen State College head men’s soc- Introduce a toddler to soccer with Mommy/Daddy
guiding experience under her belt and a passion for cer coach John Purtteman will hold a soccer camp and Me clinics. This clinic is for kids ages 2 to 3 1/2,
working with beginners. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Wednesday at the held from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. on Wednesdays at Knee-
Cost is $59 per person with kayaks and all gear South Mason Soccer Park in Shelton. land Park, 215 Turner Ave. in Shelton. The second
included. The mid-morning session from 10 a.m. to noon session is from Aug. 1 through 22. The cost is $38
To register or for questions, call Blue Horizons will be for athletes ages 8 to 10. The afternoon ses- per four-week session.
Paddlesports at 253-256-1887. sion from 1 to 3 p.m. will be for campers ages 11 to For questions, call 360-432-5194 or email
14. The cost is $30. To register, go to www.smysc.
Aqua Yoga hosted
Tot/Pre-soccer offered at
tomorrow at Alderbrook South Mason Youth
Kneeland Park
Resort & Spa Soccer Club to host camp
Children will have fun and learn the basic tech-
A session of Aqua Yoga is scheduled for 10 to 11 The South Mason Youth Soccer Club will host a niques of soccer at Tot/Pre-soccer clinics.
a.m. tomorrow at Alderbrook Resort & Spa, 10 E. youth soccer camp from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 13 This clinic is for kids ages 3 1/2 to 5 years old.
Alderbrook Drive, Union. through 15 at Oakland Bay Junior High School. The It is held from 5:30 to 6:05 p.m. on Wednesdays at
The class is complimentary to hotel guests and mid-morning session from 10 a.m. to noon will be for Kneeland Park, 215 Turner Ave., Shelton. The sec-
costs $10 for others. athletes ages 8 to 10. The afternoon session from 1 ond session is from Aug. 1 through 22. The cost is
For more information, call Michelle Pugh at 360- to 3 p.m. will be for campers ages 11 to 14. $38 per four-week session.
556-6205 or email The camp is for boys and girls and will be coached Shin guards are required after the first meeting.
by the Shelton High School girls soccer team. The For questions, call 360-432-5194 or email mziegler@
cost is $35 and includes a Shelton Highclimber scarf.
Blue Horizons To register, go to

Paddlesports to host Soccer clinic to be held on

Summer Horse Camp to
Night Sky Paddle Wednesdays
be held in Shelton
From 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. tomorrow, Blue Horizons Athletes will learn dribbling, passing, receiving,
Paddlesports is scheduled to host a Night Sky Ex- Summer Horse Camp will be from 9 a.m. to noon shooting and defense at the Soccer 1 clinic. Fun skill
perience at the Union City Marina, 5101 E. State Monday through 26 at The Red Barn (Southside games are played at every session, and every partici-
Route 106. Stables) at 1410 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton. Campers pant will have a ball at his or her feet.
Each tour will be different depending on condi- will enjoy daily horse rides and barn activities. Barn This clinic is for kids ages 5 to 6 years old. It is
tions; participants will learn about astronomy, bio- time will be split between arena lessons, games, held from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at Knee-
luminescence, lunar folklore and night-time marine educational ground classes, horse crafts and an end land Park, 215 Turner Ave. in Shelton. The second
life behavior. The kayaks will be outfitted with col- of the week trail/beach ride. For more information or session is from Aug. 1 through 22. The cost is $38
ored lights, and everyone will have a light attached to register, call Marika Greeley at 503-437-4555 or per four-week session.
to their life jacket. email Small-sided soccer matches will be introduced
To register or for questions about the event, call gradually. The clinic is for first-time players while
Blue Horizons Paddlesports at 253-256-1887. being fun and engaging for kids with some experi-
Pickleball held at Transit- ence.
Shin guards are required after the first meeting.
Fishin’ for a mission Community Center For questions, call 360-432-5194 or email mziegler@
It’s the last call for entries for the fourth annual Adult drop-in pickleball is held from 9 a.m. to
Salmon for Soldiers Charity Golf Tournament on noon Tuesday and Thursday at the Mason Transit-
Saturday at Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club, 330 E.
Country Club Drive, Union.
Community Center, 601 W. Franklin St., Shelton.
New players can try the sport with experienced
Zumba class offered on
The handicapped scramble begins at 9 a.m. Reg-
istration is $80 per person and includes greens fees,
players to help learn the ropes.
There is a $3 fee to play. For questions, call 360-
snack bag and dinner. All proceeds support sending 432-5194 or email Zumba Gold is a dance and fitness exercise pro-
veterans and active-duty military members fishing.
gram that incorporates a cardiovascular workout
Sign up in the golf shop at 360-898-2560, ext. 1,
or online at Dance classes for kids with balance, flexibility and muscle toning in a low-
to-medium impact level.
Classes are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays
Golf tournament to throughout week at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 W. Cota St., and
cost $5 per class.

benefit Adopt-A-Pet Kaleidoscope Dance and Movement hosts mul-

tiple classes at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 W.
For questions, call 360-432-5194 or email
Cota St.
On Saturday, the 10th annual Tee It Up for Dogs Exploring dance class is 5 to 5:45 p.m. Mondays n Compiled by reporter Alexandra Smith
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Journal of Record is produced using 911
call information Mason County Emergency
Mason Lake Road in Shelton.
Someone was reported missing on Northeast
Route 3 in Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on East
Skokomish River.
A motor vehicle accident was reported on
Communications, the Mason County Sheriff’s Office, Timberline Drive in Belfair. Great Bend Drive in Union. East Johns Prairie Road in Shelton.
the Shelton Police Department and tribal police A welfare check was requested on East Agate A health law violation was reported on West Trespassing was reported on East Oak Park
provide. MACECOM does not provide the Journal Road in Shelton. Franklin Street in Shelton. Way in Shelton.
with specific details about each call. For more A follow-up investigation was conducted on A disturbance was reported on East Great A court order was executed on Mountain View
information about MACECOM, call 360-426-4441. East Peyton Place in Shelton. Bend Drive in Union. Drive in Shelton.
Someone was reported lost on East Wallace A theft was reported on Northeast state Route A firearms violation was reported on West
JULY 10 Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. 300 in Shelton. Cloquallum Road in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on Turner Speeding was reported on Park Street in Someone was reported missing on North A citizen assist was requested on West Cota
Avenue in Shelton. Shelton. Staircase Road in Hoodsport. Street in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on Someone was reported missing on Fairmount A disturbance was reported on East Johns Trespassing was reported on Northeast
Washington Street in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. Prairie Road in Shelton. Riverside Place in Belfair.
An assault was reported on East Mason Lake A recovery was reported on Northeast state Something was found on Northeast Davey
Drive East in Grapeview. Route 300 in Belfair. Jones Place in Belfair. JULY 15
A vehicle theft was reported on Ellinor Avenue A firearms violation was reported on West An assist was requested on East Phillips Lake A disturbance was reported on Northeast
in Shelton. Cloquallum Road in Shelton. Loop Road in Shelton. Riverhill Drive in Belfair.
Breathing difficulties were reported on A burglary was reported on East Trails End Alarm activity was reported on Olympic A citizen assist was requested on Northeast
Southeast Cole Road in Shelton. Drive in Belfair. Highway North in Shelton. Tahuya Blacksmith Road in Tahuya.
A property dispute was reported on North Alarm activity was reported on West Matlock A burglary was reported on Northeast A disturbance was reported on South First
U.S. Highway 101 in Lilliwaup. Brady Road in Elma. Mahonia Drive in Belfair. Street in Shelton.
A property dispute was reported on West A citizen assist was requested on East Dana An assault was reported on South First Street
Cloquallum Road in Shelton. JULY 12 Drive in Shelton. in Shelton.
A parking violation was reported on South A disturbance was reported on West Franklin A civil dispute was reported on Northeast Alarm activity was reported on Northeast state
Ninth Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton. state Route 3 in Belfair. Route 3 in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on East Jensen Noise was reported on Southeast Fir Lane in A stray animal was reported on East Phillips A civil dispute was reported on Mountain View
Road in Shelton. Shelton. Lake Loop Road in Shelton. Drive in Shelton.
Something was found on East Roosevelt A drug law violation was reported on Cascade A follow-up investigation was conducted on A disturbance was reported on East Colvos
Street in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. Northeast Timberline Drive in Belfair. Place East in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on Olympic Barking was reported on Southeast Fir Lane A follow-up investigation was conducted on A motor vehicle accident was reported on
Highway North in Shelton. in Shelton. East Campus Drive in Shelton. Northeast state Route 300 in Belfair.
A theft was reported on East Roosevelt Street An abandoned vehicle was reported on A custodial dispute was reported on Olympic An assault was reported on North 13th Street
in Shelton. Southeast Lynch Road in Shelton. Highway North in Shelton. in Shelton.
A court order was executed on Northeast A welfare check was requested on East Hazardous road conditions were reported on Malicious mischief was reported on Northeast
Tahuya Blacksmith Road in Tahuya. University Avenue in Shelton. East Mikklesen Road in Shelton. White Owl Drive in Tahuya.
Malicious mischief was reported on Southeast A childbirth was reported on Pioneer Way in Smoke was reported on North U.S. Highway A sudden death was reported on North
Klabsch Lane in Shelton. Shelton. 101 in Shelton. Fairway Drive West in Hoodsport.
An injury was reported on East Mason Benson A disturbance was reported on Southeast A welfare check was requested on Turner Someone was reported lost on Mount Ellinor.
Road in Shelton. Cole Road in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. An abandoned vehicle was reported on USFS
Reckless driving was reported on East Mason Warrants were executed on Pioneer Way in Speeding was reported on Northeast Mission 23 in Shelton.
Benson Road in Grapeview. Shelton. Creek Road in Belfair. An unconscious person was reported on
A brushfire was reported on Southeast Steh A burglary was reported on East state Route Suspicious activity was reported on Thyme North 13th Street in Shelton.
Chass Place in Grapeview. 302 in Belfair. Avenue in Shelton. Something was found on East Oak Park Way
Harassment was reported on North Suspicious activity was reported on West in Shelton.
Schoolhouse Hill Road in Hoodsport. Franklin Street in Shelton. JULY 14 A motor vehicle accident was reported on
A property dispute was reported on West A citizen assist was requested on West A DUI was reported on North First Street in Northeast Bear Creek Dewatto Road in Shelton.
state Route 108 in Shelton. Railroad Avenue in Shelton. Shelton. A firearms violation was reported on West
An abandoned vehicle was reported on East Suspicious activity was reported on East Cota A citizen assist was requested on East Govey Road in Shelton.
Pine Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Lakeshore Drive West in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Ridge Road in
A disturbance was reported on North 12th A burglary was reported on West Franklin Disorderly conduct was reported on North Shelton.
Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton. U.S. Highway 101 in Shelton. A follow-up investigation was conducted on
Vagrancy was reported on East Pine Street in Alarm activity was reported on East Pickering Suspicious activity was reported on Northeast Northeast Newkirk Road in Belfair.
Shelton. Road in Shelton. Collins Drive East in Tahuya. Mistreatment was reported on West Railroad
Someone was reported lost in the city of A stray animal was reported on Stevens Street Avenue in Shelton.
JULY 11 Shelton. in Shelton. An injury was reported on Middle Satsop
A threat was reported on Holman Street in A stray animal was reported on West Pine An unconscious person was reported on Road in Montesano.
Shelton. Street in Shelton. North Diamond Head Court in Lilliwaup.
A welfare check was requested on Northeast A boat law violation was reported on West Noise was reported on Beverly Boulevard in BUILDING PERMITS
state Route 3 in Belfair. Lost Lake Road in Shelton. Shelton. A building permit was issued July 12 to
Alarm activity was reported on North state A disturbance was reported on West Sentry A citizen assist was requested in Mason Stephanie Brown for a heat pump in the 300
Route 106 in Shelton. Drive in Shelton. County. block of Southeast Snider Road in Shelton.
A DUI was reported on North Reservation Alarm activity was reported on Southeast Old A civil dispute was reported on East Pickering A building permit was issued July 12 to Leslie
Road in Shelton. Olympia Highway. Road in Shelton. Roswell for a heat pump on East Balmoral Way
A follow-up investigation was conducted on Something was found on Northeast Steelhead A cardiac arrest was reported on West Eells in Shelton.
Southeast Mason Street in Shelton. Drive South in Belfair. Hill Road in Shelton. A building permit was issued July 12 to Diane
A disturbance was reported on Pershing Court A citizen assist was requested on Stevens A welfare check was requested on Johns Almojuela for a heat pump in the 10200 block
in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Prairie Road in Shelton. of Northeast North Shore Road in Belfair.
A domestic dispute was reported on North Mistreatment was reported on North Fairway Suspicious activity was reported on Turner A building permit was issued July 12 to Jack
U.S. Highway 101 in Shelton. Drive East in Hoodsport. Avenue in Shelton. Matson for a heat pump on East Hummingbird
A health law violation was reported on East Fraud was reported on East Rustle Way in A vehicle law violation was reported on Lane in Belfair.
state Route 106 in Belfair. Grapeview. Northeast North Shore Road in Belfair. A building permit was issued July 12 to
Noise was reported on Northcliff Road in A property dispute was reported on East state Dwayne Kipple for a re-roof in the 200 block of
Shelton. JULY 13 Route 3 in Shelton. East Herron Drive in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on West A disturbance was reported on East McLane Hazardous road conditions were reported on A building permit was issued July 13 to
Cota Street in Shelton. Drive in Shelton. East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Marnie Laatz for a re-roof in the 100 block of
A drug law violation was reported on A prowler was reported on East Wallace A follow-up investigation was conducted on East Westwood Lane in Union.
Northeast Bear Creek Dewatto Road in Shelton. Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. North Staircase Road in Hoodsport. A building permit was issued July 13 to Lewey
A disturbance was reported on West Shelton A domestic assault was reported on South Suspicious activity was reported on Jefferson Ferris for a heat pump in the 300 block of East
Matlock Road in Shelton. Third Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Hiawatha Boulevard in Shelton.
A health law violation was reported on East An assault was reported on East McKinley A disturbance was reported on East state A building permit was issued July 16 to David
Hazel Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Route 3 in Shelton. Offerrall for a heat pump in the 100 block of
A theft was reported on North Fourth Street in Noise was reported on Northeast Newkirk A civil dispute was reported on West I Street Southeast Imaret Road in Shelton.
Shelton. Road in Belfair. in Shelton.
Disorderly conduct was reported on East A burglary was reported on Northeast state A firearms violation was reported on the n Compiled by Linda Frizzell

June 1 — Shelton Cinema Espresso

June 4 — Pop’s Sausage Grill LLC: deficiencies. Red (10 points) Improper cold June 19 — Blondie’s: no
Stand: no deficiencies. no deficiencies. June 7 — The M-T Cup Coffee holding temperatures, inaccurate deficiencies.
June 1 — Skyline Drive Inn: no June 4 — Radio Flyer Foods: no Company: no deficiencies. thermometer provided and/or used June 19 — Jalapeno Mexican Grill:
deficiencies. deficiencies. June 11 — Hillcrest Shell: no to evaluate temperature of potentially no deficiencies.
June 2 — Perfect Addiction: no June 4 — Starlight: no deficiencies. deficiencies. hazardous foods. June 19 — Mason County Senior
deficiencies. June 4 ­— Steph’s Helping Hands: June 11 — Taqueria El Guero: no June 15 — Taylor Station: Red Center: no deficiencies.
June 2 — Tempting Eats & Treats: no deficiencies. deficiencies. (70 points) Improper barriers used June 19 — Royal Shanghai Lounge:
no deficiencies. June 4 — Tony’s Y Not Italian Ice June 11 — Tortilleria Jalisco: no to prevent bare hand contact with no deficiencies.
June 4 — BC Frozen Treats: no TLC Concessions & Vending LLC: no deficiencies. ready-to-eat foods, improper cooling June 19 — Towne Pub & Deli: no
deficiencies. deficiencies. June 14 — Eagle Creek Saloon: procedures, improper reheating deficiencies.
June 4 — Big Daddy’s June 6 — 2 Margaritas: no Red (30 points) Improper hot holding procedures for hot holding, improper June 21 — Kum and Go LLC: no
Concessions: no deficiencies. deficiencies. temperatures, improper cold holding cold holding temperatures. deficiencies.
June 4 — Central Mason FF: no June 6 — Deanno’s Dog House temperatures. June 15 ­— Wild Olympic: no June 28 — AFC Sushi @ QFC 101:
deficiencies. & Espresso LLC: Red (5 points) June 14 — Hama Hama Company deficiencies. no deficiencies.
June 4 — Egg Roll Hut LLC: no Improper cold holding temperatures. Retail: no deficiencies. June 18 — Barwell Bakery: no June 28 — Allyn House Scoops &
deficiencies. June 6 — Harmony Hill of Union: no June 14 — Lake Cushman Golf deficiencies. Kayaks: no deficiencies.
June 4 — Hungarian Kitchen: no deficiencies. Course: Red (5 points) Food worker June 18 — Daisy Hill Farms: no June 28 — Quality Food Center -
deficiencies. June 6 — Kapowsin Air DBA cards not current for all food workers, deficiencies. Belfair: no deficiencies.
June 4 — Paradise Amusements: Jumpers Cafe: no deficiencies. new food workers not trained. June 18 — Smith Family Crafts: no June 28 — Starbucks #10989
no deficiencies. June 6 — Union Food Mart: no June 15 — Airport Grocery: deficiencies. Belfair: no deficiencies.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-7

As a community service, the Journal publishes contact information for organizations

that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service.
If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community,
watch these listings for places that need you.

Adopt-A-Pet Hood Canal Kiwanis Food Bank Community We need volunteers for the following: cashiers, dona-
360-432-3091 Garden - tion sorters, store and shelf cleaners. Hood Canal Kiwanis meetings - 7am Wednesdays @ Hoodsport Library - 208-596-2008 North Mason School District
Hood Canal School District 360-277-2112
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Mason County 360-877-5463
360-427-9171 Pioneer School District
We are seeking volunteers to help assist our clients Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group 360-426-9115
with needs during and after pregnancy. We are a 360-275-3575
Christian organization and are in need of those who The Salmon Center is seeking volunteers to help Red Cross
speak English and those who speak Spanish. Training with a number of projects ranging from helping 360-352-8575
is available. in our organic farm to counting juvenile salmon
on their journey out of the streams. There are The Saints Pantry Food Bank
Catholic Community Services various opportunities throughout the year allowing Steve Russell, Director
327-2230 volunteers to help enhance salmon recovery efforts 360-427-8847
around the Hood Canal.
Communication Support Team (CST) Senior Services for South Sound
Team is made up of licensed HAM Radio operators Hoodsport Visitor Information Center 360-586-6181, ext 128
and others interested in assisting your County during Mark Franklin
disasters - man-made or natural incidents. You do 360-877-2021 Shelton Friends of the Library

not need to be a licensed radio operator to help. We are seeking volunteers to assist visitors to Mason Eileen Oberg, President 360-426-1318
Meetings: 6:00pm on the last Tuesday of the month County and specifically the Olympic National Forest The Friends are volunteers who support our local
at the Public Works Facility, 100 West Public Works and Olympic National Park in Hoodsport. library community. While we are a branch of
Drive. Background check required. Call Mason Timberland Regional Library (TRL), there are
County Emergency Management at 360-427-7535 for KAOS Radio many important programs and services we offer
more information. to the Shelton community that are not covered by
TRL’s budget. We provide funding through our book
Community Lifeline Kitten Rescue of Mason County sales and other fund raising activities. We fund
Barbra Weza, Executive Director Kitten Rescue of Mason County needs volunteers. the Summer Reading Program, Library Outreach
360-462-4439 or 360-490-3430 We’re open 7 days a week, evening and day shifts Programs, and many activities for youth and adults
Volunteer opportunities for Board of Directors, grant available. Contact Dee 360-490-5627. in Shelton. Please join us; we always can use more
writing, receptionist, filing, data entry, resource willing hands!
navigators, mentors, community meals, landscape Love, Inc.
maintenance and lawn care, blanket and towel 360-462-LOVE Shelton School District
washers, fundraising, event planning, carpet cleaning, 360-462-2237
painting. Love INC of Mason County has volunteer
opportunities in the downtown Shelton Shelton Farmers Market
Community Youth Services Clearinghouse answering phones and basic office Kaylyne Krieger, Market Manager
360-943-0780 procedures. There are also opportunities to assist in
the following areas: furniture, medical equipment,
Crisis Clinic of Mason and Thurston Counties Jobs for Life Program, grant writing, and fundraising The Shelton Farmers Market needs volunteers! Our
Courtney Ingwaldson events. Our mission is to mobilize the churches to mission is to bring the community together every
360-586-2888, ext 110 transform lives with a hand-up not a hand out. We Saturday, May through September, to celebrate farms, do not discriminate in any way due to gender, race, farmers, and access to local fresh food. We need help
Next training begins in April. sexual preference, or religion. on market days with set-up and tear-down, special
events, and the Friends of the Market booth. We
Crossroads Housing Mary M. Knight School District would love to have you at the Market!
Debbie Hurst, Volunteer Coordinator 350-427-6767
360-427-6919 ext. 204 or Sound Learning
Crossroads Housing (formerly Mason County 360-426-9733
Shelter) is looking for a few good volunteers! We Mason County Historical Society We are seeking volunteers to help fill the following
always have a variety of opportunities at our Shelter, Kristin Fabry needs: classroom assistants, English-math-reading
from office work to housekeeping to mentoring. With 360-426-1020 tutors, ESOL tutors, basic computer tutors and light
the holidays coming up and Christmas just around office help.
the corner, the list gets even longer. For a rewarding We are looking for volunteers to help at the museum
experience, come volunteer at Crossroads! with a variety of projects having to do with our mu- Sunrise Equine Rescue
seum operations and special events. Janean or Brooke
Hood Canal Food Bank 360-426-6767 360-275-2960
Kathy Roberson, Director We currently have volunteer opportunities in our
360-877-9958 Mason County Forest Festival office, during special events, special projects and a
Need volunteers to help load and unload food. Days Community Garden day the third Saturday of each
vary. month, hard worker, experience with horses a plus
Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation Services but not required, able to clean stalls, pastures push
Faith in Action The HUB James W. Madsen a full wheel barrow, clean and fill waters. In any 360-427-9670 ext 332 weather.
We support independent living for our senior and Mason County Senior Activities Center Treasures Thrift Store & Book Store
disabled neighbors. We are actively seeking volun- Val Wedman, Activities Coordinator 305 W Railroad Ave, Shelton WA 98584
teers in the following positions. Volunteer drivers, 360-426-7374 360-427-3858
handy people, front desk, thrift store clerks, kitchen We need volunteers for hostess, gardening and serving Help support quality health care through Mason
help,friendly phone calls and visits, and instructors. on special occasions. General Hospital & Family of Clinics. Volunteers
Share your spare time and make a difference in the are needed in both stores to sort merchandise, stock
life of member of the community. Please call us at Mason County Search and Rescue shelves, do window displays and assist customers.
360-275-0535 or in person at 111 NE Old Belfair Varied shifts are available.
Hwy Belfair, WA 98528.
Mason County Sheriff ’s Department Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center
Grapeview School District Rachel Elam, Executive Director
360-426-4921 Phone: 360-426-1216
Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics Email:
Habitat for Humanity of Mason County Lonnie Hatman, Volunteer Coordinator Turning Pointe currently needs volunteers to provide
Outreach Coordinator – Deanna Frost 360-427-3621 childcare Monday through Friday for 2 hours each Want to volunteer? MGH&FC needs volunteers day while Moms attend educational groups onsite
360-426-8134 ext. 203 to help us put “Patients First” and provide quality –choose one day or several. We are also in need of
We need both teams and individuals for house medical care to assist individuals to restore and an organizer to come in once a week to work in our
construction and related activities at both locations, preserve health. Volunteer opportunities are linen and clothing closets helping to fold and organize
Shelton and Belfair. available in the Business Office, Information sheets, blankets and donated clothing –choose your Desks, Medical/Surgical/Pediatrics Unit, Quality own hours.
Improvement, Diabetes Education, Rehabilitation
Harmony Hill Retreat Center and Physical Therapy, Health Information The United Way of Mason County
Lisa Monnerjahn, Program Associate Management, Administrative Offices, Treasures 360-426-4999
360-898-2363, ext. 12 Thrift and Book Store, and MGH Foundation. Volunteers perform general office duties such as The Volunteer Center
We currently have volunteer opportunities in our copying, filing, assembling information packets, 360-741-2622,
office, during special events, special projects and a greeting the public, giving directions, stocking
Community Garden day the third Saturday of each supplies, retail sales, and providing companionship
month. and compassion to patients in acute care. Please call Women of Note
Lonnie Hatman, volunteer coordinator, at (360) 427- 360-432-9940,
Haven in Allyn 3621 or email at Do you love to sing? Auditions for Women of Note
Karena Jamerson are happening now! Rehearsals are Thursday
360-277-0636 kjhavencare@gmail Mason General Hospital Foundation evenings from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at St. David of Wales
Volunteers are part of the activities of the day. If 360-427-3623 Episcopal Church in Shelton. To make your audition
the activity is bingo, the volunteer can work with appointment, please contact Elizabeth at the above
a resident who has difficulties using their hands. Mason Transit Authority number.
Volunteers participate in exercises, games and Volunteer drivers needed.
singing. Haly Wooten 360-432-5723 To list your organization, please contact
Linda Frizzell at 360-426-4412 or
Nifty Thrifty Thrift Store
Michelle Marks, Store Manager
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


PUBLIC NOTICE 102B, OLYMPIA, WA 98502 1357 July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16 6t ment of all costs and fees due at any time prior
ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE 1359 July 19, 26 2t to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to
JIMS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & TOWING PUBLIC NOTICE deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by,
2911 E. BROCKDALE RD. SHELTON, WA 98584 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No.: WA- through or under the Grantor of all their interest
PHONE: (360) 426-7167 FAX: (360) 426-5925 NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 17-799838-BB APN No.: 32122-50-00051 Title in the above-described property. IX. Anyone hav-
IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, RCW (DEPENDENCY) (SMPB) SUPERIOR COURT Order No.: 170465490-WA-MSW AMENDED ing any objections to this sale on any grounds
46.55.130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EXTRAORDI- OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF LEWIS JUVE- Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be
NARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER NILE COURT No. 18-7-00114-21 In re the Wel- 61.24.130(4) Reference Number of Deed of heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit
281, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JIM’S fare of: JEREMIA EVANS JR. D.O.B.: 04/11/2001 Trust: Instrument No. 1881434 Parcel Number(s): to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130.
AUTOMOTIVE, INC., JIM’S AUTO REPAIR & *Clerk’s Action Required* TO: JEREMIA EVANS 32122-50-00051 Grantor(s) for Recording Pur- Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a
TOWING, LOCATED AT 2911 E. BROCKDALE SR., Legal Father: A Dependency Petition was poses under RCW 65.04.015: ANIL ABRAHAM, waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the
RD. SHELTON, WA 98584, WILL AT PUBLIC filed on March 26 2018; A Fact Finding hearing AND ANNIE J ABRAHAM, HUSBAND AND Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR
AUCTION ON JULY 25, 2018 AT 1:30 P.M. SELL will be held on this matter on: August 16, 2018, WIFE Current Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust TENANTS – The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale
FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THE at 1:30 pm at Lewis County Superior Court, 345 and Grantee (for Recording Purposes under is entitled to possession of the property on the 20
FOLLOWING DESCRIBED VEHICLES: W. Main St., Chehalis, Washington 98532. YOU RCW 65.04.015): U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS th day following the sale, as against the Grantor
1. 2. 3. SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPA- under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone
4. 2003 FORD FOCUS LIC #AAU1338 The hearing will determine if your child is de- TION TRUST Current Trustee of the Deed of having an interest junior to the deed of trust, in-
5. 2003 DODGE NEON LIC #BLZ8811 pendent as defined in RCW 13.34.050(5). This Trust: Quality Loan Service Corporation of Wash- cluding occupants who are not tenants. After the
6. 1999 SUBARU LEGACY LIC #AVZ7334 begins a judicial process which could result in ington Current Loan Mortgage Servicer of the 20 th day following the sale the purchaser has
7. 1970 KIT COMPANION LIC NONE permanent loss of your parental rights. If you do Deed of Trust: Caliber Home Loans, Inc. As the the right to evict occupants who are not tenants
8. 2016 FORD FOCUS LIC #BBJ4379 not appear at the hearing, the court may enter a federal bankruptcy stay has been lifted, this an by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12
9. 1999 OLDSMOBILE AUROA LIC #ALB9103 dependency order in your absence. To request a amended notice as to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the pur-
10. 1996 FORD THUNDERBIRD LIC copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency recorded 02/20/2018 under MASON County Au- chaser shall provide a tenant with written notice
#BAW4455 Petition, call DSHS at 360-807-7081 or 1-800- ditor Instrument Number 2088353. I. NOTICE IS in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. Additional
11. 1997 CHEVROLET CAVALIER LIC 562-6926. To view information about your rights, HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. Information provided by the Trustee: If you have
#BJT3445 including right to a lawyer, go to of Washington, the undersigned Trustee, will on previously been discharged through bankruptcy,
12. 1991 FORD TAURUS LIC #BFD5346 DPY.aspx. 8/17/2018 , at 9:00 AM At the Main Entrance to you may have been released of personal liability
13. 2000 FORD F150 LIC #C56847D 1358 July 19, 26, August 2 3t the Mason County Courthouse, located at 419 N. for this loan, in which case this letter is intended
14. 4th Street (4th & Alder), Shelton, WA 98584 sell to exercise the Note holders right’s against the
VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPEC- PUBLIC NOTICE at public auction to the highest and best bidder, real property only. The Trustee’s Sale Number is
TION AT 10:30 A.M. ON THE DAY OF THE SALE CIVIL SUMMONS payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the WA-17-799838-BB. . Dated: 6/29/2018 Quality
AT JIM’S AUTOMOTIVE, INC. JIM’S AUTO RE- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE form of cashier’s check or certified checks from Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee
PAIR & TOWING REG. #5006. OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY federally or State chartered banks, at the time of By: Briana Newton, Assistant Secretary Trust-
1360 July 19 1t OF MASON Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Plaintiff, sale the following described real property, situ- ee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp.
vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ated in the County of MASON, State of Washing- of Washington 411 Ivy Street, San Diego, CA
TON AMENDING SECTION 2.04.010 OF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; STATE OF 118-128, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, toll-free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee Sale Number:
CHAPTER 2.04 OF THE SHELTON MUNICIPAL WASHINGTON; OCCUPANTS OF THE PREM- WASHINGTON. More commonly known as: WA-17-799838-BB Sale Line: 800-280-2832
CIL MEETINGS. The ordinance is on file with the DEFENDANTS: James McKelvey NOTICE TO 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of #0142436 7/19/2018 8/9/2018
City Clerk and is available upon request. DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CARE- Trust dated 10/23/2006, recorded 10/27/2006, 1346 July 19, August 9 2t
1365 July 19 1t FULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you under Instrument No. 1881434 records of MA-
in the above-entitled Court by Wells Fargo Bank, SON County, Washington , from ANIL ABRA- PUBLIC NOTICE
ORDINANCE NO. 1924-0618 ten Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the AND WIFE , as grantor(s), to LS TITLE OF 11.40.030 SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SHEL- Mason County Courthouse. You must “appear” in WASHINGTON , as original trustee, to secure an WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SPOKANE In the
TON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO WATER this case or the other side will win automatically. obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Matter of the Estate of: JOHN W. NEWELL, JR.
SERVICE ACTIVATION AND DEACTIVATION, To “appear” you must file with the court a legal REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMI- Deceased. NO. 18-4-01034-1
AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 1611-0104 AND paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” NEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, The Personal Representative named below
SECTION 15.16.020 OF THE SHELTON MUNIC- or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS , as has been appointed as Personal Representa-
IPAL CODE The ordinance is on file with the City administrator within 30 days along with the re- original beneficiary, the beneficial interest in tive of this estate. Any person having a claim
Clerk and is available upon request. quired filing fee. It must be in proper form and which was subsequently assigned to U.S. BANK against the deceased must, before the time the
1364 July 19 1t have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MAS- claim would be barred by any otherwise appli-
or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof TER PARTICIPATION TRUST , the Beneficiary, cable statute of limitations, present the claim in
PUBLIC NOTICE of service on the plaintiff. The object of the com- under an assignment recorded under Auditors the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by
NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION plaint is to foreclose a deed of trust dated May 7, File Number 2046891 II. No action commenced serving on or mailing to the Personal Represen-
(DEPENDENCY) (SMPB) (OPTIONAL USE) SU- 2009 and recorded as Instrument No. 1939506 by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust as refer- tative or the Personal Representative’s attorney
PERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY given by Roy W Mckelvey and Catherine F Mck- enced in RCW 61.21.030(4) is now pending to at the address stated below, a copy of the claim,
OF MASON JUVENILE COURT Dependency of: elvey, husband and wife on property commonly seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court and filing the original of the claim with the Court
EHART-EGLEY, LUKUS D.O.B.: 09/20/16 No: known as 100E Johnson Ridge Drive, Belfair, WA by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default in which the probate proceedings were com-
17-7-00155-23 To: BRANDON EGLEY, ALLGED 98528-8619 and legally described as: Lot B-3A on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/ menced. The claim must be presented within the
FATHER; NATHAN MARTIN HUNT, ALLEGED of Short Subdivision No. 2903, recorded August Mortgage. III. The default(s) for which this fore- later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Rep-
FATHER; UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL FATHER. A 18, 1998, in Volume 3 of Short Plats, Page 64, closure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay resentative served or mailed the notice to the
Second Amended Dependency Petition was filed Auditor’s File No. 673156, and being a portion of when due the following amounts which are now creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c);
on October 19, 2017; A Fact Finding hearing will the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest in arr ears: $38,922.20 . IV. The sum owing on the OR (2) four months after the date of first publica-
be held on this matter on: September 20, 2018 at quarter (SW1/4) of Section thirteen (13), Town- obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented
1:00 p.m. at Mason County Superior Court, 419 ship twenty two (22) North, Range two (2) West, principal sum of $265,899.11 , together with in- within this time frame, the claim is forever barred,
N. 4th Street, Shelton, Washington 98584. You W.M. Including a 2006 Karsten mobile home, 52’ terest as provided in the Note from 5/1/2017 on, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051
should be present at this hearing. The hearing x 40’ VIN STA27642, as described in Manufac- and such other costs and fees as are provided and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims
will determine if your child is dependent as de- tured Home Title Elimination recorded December by statute. V. The above-described real property against both Decedent’s probate and nonprobate
fined in RCW 13.34.050(5). This begins a judicial 26, 2006, Auditor’s File No. 1885741. Parcel No. will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: July 5,
process which could result in permanent loss of 22213 36 90031 and Mobile Home Parcel No. 30 the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as 2018. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: VAL-
your parental rights. If you do not appear at the 01122. Together with and subject to perpetual provided by statute. Said sale will be made with- ERIE J. WILKERSON ATTORNEYS FOR PER-
hearing, the court may enter a dependency order non-exclusive easements for ingress, egress, out warranty, expressed or implied, regarding SONAL REPRESENTATIVE LUKINS & ANNIS,
in your absence. To request a copy of the Notice, utilities and drainage purposes over, under, title, possession or encumbrances on 8/17/2018 P.S. By DAVID P. WEBSTER, WSBA # 41047
Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS across and within the rights-of-way of all existing . The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE DA-
at 360-432-2050 or 1-888-283-2634. To view in- roads as they are now constructed and in use be cured by 8/6/2018 (11 days before the sale VID P. WEBSTER Lukins & Annis, P.S. 717 West
formation about your rights, including right to a over lands described in instrument recorded May date), subject to the terms of the Note and Deed Sprague Ave., Suite 1600 Spokane, Washington
lawyer, go to Dated: 4, 1994, Auditor’s File No. 587451, as granted of Trust, to cause a discontinuance of the sale. 99201-0466 COURT OF PROBATE PROCEED-
July 16, 2018, by Sharon Fogo, Mason County in instruments recorded June 30, 1994, Audi- The sale will be discontinued and terminated if INGS AND CAUSE NUMBER 18-4-01034-1 Su-
Clerk. tor’s File Nos. 590826, 590840 and 590870. To- at any time before 8/6/2018 (11 days before the perior Court, Spokane County, Washington
1361 July 19, 26, August 2 3t gether with perpetual, non-exclusive easements sale), subject to the terms of the Note and Deed 1343 July 5, 12, 19 3t
for roadway purposes, 60 feet in width, including of Trust, the default as set forth in Paragraph III is
PUBLIC NOTICE cul-de-sacs with radii of 50 feet, as described in cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. PUBLIC NOTICE
NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REALTY instrument recorded August 16, 1994, Auditor’s Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICA-
PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF File No. 593463. The complaint seeks to fore- tified checks from a State or federally chartered TION (TERMINATION) (SMPB) (OPTIONAL
WASHINGTON CHAPTER 11.56.080. NOTICE close and terminate all interest of James McK- bank. The sale may be terminated any time after USE) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON
IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned At- elvey and all other interests in the property. The the 8/6/2018 (11 days before the sale date) and COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re
torney for the Estate of MARK JAROS will sell “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the Welfare of: WILSON, BURTON JR. D.O.B.:
by private sale on or after AUGUST 6, 2018, the the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- 10/07/15 No: 18-7-00135-23 To: UNKNOWN
following described real property, situated in the the date of first publication specified herein along brance by paying the principal and interest, plus BIOLOGICAL, Father A Petition to Terminate
County of MASON, State of Washington, to-wit: with the required filing fee. The date of first publi- costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursu- Parental Rights was filed on May 16, 2018; A
Situated in the county of Mason, State of Wash- cation of the summons is July 12, 2018. If you are ant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Fact Finding hearing will be held on this mat-
ington; 2nd EXTENSION TO MT VIEW ADD BLK: in the active military service of the United States, Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written ter on: August 23, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at Mason
5 LOT: 2 & NLY 20’ OF LOT 3 commonly referred or believe that you may be entitled to protection Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- County Superior Court, 419 N. 4th Street, Shel-
to as 1625 Madison Street, Shelton, Washington of the SCRA, please contact our office. If you do ciary or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) ton, Washington 98584. You should be present at
98584 tax parcel number: 42013-51-05002 The not contact us, we will report to the court that we by both first class and certified mail, proof of this hearing. The hearing will determine if your
above-described real property is listed for sale do not believe that you are protected under the which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the parental rights to your child are terminated. If
with Linda Hodge, VAN DORM REALTY, INC., SCRA. If you have questions, you should see an Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if you do not appear at the hearing, the court may
1530 Black Lake Blvd SW, Suite F, Olympia, WA attorney immediately. If you need help in finding applicable, with said written Notice of Default or enter an order in your absence terminating your
98502. Phone: 360-870-5669. The sale will be an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State the written Notice of Default was posted in a con- parental rights. To request a copy of the Notice,
made on or after AUGUST 6, 2018, but no lon- Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www.or- spicuous place on the real property described Summons, and Termination Petition, call DCYF
ger than 12 months from date of first publication. or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has pos- at 360-432-2050 or 1-888-283-2634. To view in-
ALL OFFERS TO PURCHASE must be in writing the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free else- session of proof of such service or posting. The formation about your rights, including right to a
and delivered to: LINDA HODGE, Van Dorm Re- where in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorneys for list of recipients of the Notice of Default is listed lawyer, go to Dated:
alty, Inc., 1530-F Black Lake Blvd. SW, Olympia, Plaintiff, SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC By: /s/ within the Notice of Foreclosure provided to the July 9, 2018, by Sharon Fogo, Mason County
WA 98502 DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: July James A. Craft James A. Craft #47763 [jcraft@ Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These requirements Clerk.
19, 2018. MELANIE K. HANTZE, WSBA #27673,]* 1499 SE Tech Center Place, Suite were completed as of 1/9/2018 . VII. The Trustee 1356 July 12, 19, 26 3t
Attorney for Administrator of the Estate of MARK 255, Vancouver, WA 98683 (360)260-2253; Fax whose name and address are set forth below will
JAROS, 1441 WEST BAY DRIVE NW, SUITE (360)260-2285 provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a state-
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-9


PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS PREMISES Defendants. Case No.: 18-2-0124-23 RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN the Note or Deed of Trust, the default as set forth
WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE DEFENDANT/ PLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 18-2-0134-23 costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with
MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN R. CRESCI, RESPONDENT(S) THE ESTATE OF JAMES W. The State of Washington to the said unknown cashiers or certified checks from a State or feder-
Deceased. NO. 17-4-00208-23 THE PERSONAL BARIEKMAN, a deceased individual; ALL UN- heirs of Gloria Mathis, and the known heirs of ally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated
REPRESENTATIVE NAMED BELOW has been KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JAMES W. Gloria Mathis, who are Dana Lockaby and Steve any time after the 8/6/2018 (11 days before the
appointed as personal representative of this es- BARIEKMAN, a deceased individual and OC- Fredericks, Occupants, and All Other Persons or sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or
tate. Any person having a claim against the de- CUPANTS OF THE PREMISES: You are hereby Parties Unknown Claiming any Right, Title, Estate, Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or
cedent must, before the time the claim would be summoned to appear within sixty days after the Lien or Interest in the Real Estate described in the encumbrance by paying the principal and interest,
barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limi- date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, Complaint Herein: You are hereby summoned to plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursu-
tations, present the claim in the manner as provid- within sixty days after the 14th day of June, 2018, appear within sixty days after the date of the first ant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of
ed in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to and defend the above entitled action in the above publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written
the personal representative or the personal repre- entitled court, and answer the complaint of the days after the 15th day of June, 2018, and defend Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficia-
sentative’s attorney at the address stated below a plaintiff NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A this action in this Court, and answer the Complaint ry or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) by
copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, a corpora- of the Plaintiff, Timberlake Community Club, and both first class and certified mail, proof of which is
with the court in which the probate proceedings tion, and serve a copy of your answer upon the serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower
were commenced. The claim must be presented undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, ZIEVE, BROD- attorney for Plaintiff, Robert D. Wilson-Hoss of and Grantor were personally served, if applicable,
within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal NAX & STEELE, LLP, at their office below stated; Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP, at his address below with said written Notice of Default or the written
representative served or mailed the notice to the and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judg- Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous
creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); be rendered against you according to the demand ment will be rendered against you according to place on the real property described in Paragraph
or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the complaint, which has been filed with the the demand of the Complaint, which has been I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof
of the notice. If the claim is not presented within clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judi- filed with the Clerk of this Court. This is a law- of such service or posting. The list of recipients
this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except cial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust. DATED: May 31, suit brought to foreclose Plaintiff’s lien against real of the Notice of Default is listed within the Notice
as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 2018 ZIEVE, BRODNAX & STEELE, LLPmBy: _/s/ property located within the State of Washington. of Foreclosure provided to the Borrower(s) and
RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims Janaya L. Carter Janaya Carter WSBA# 32715 Date of first publication: June 14, 2018 DATED Grantor(s). These requirements were completed
against both the decedent’s probate and non-pro- Scott D. Crawford, WSBA# 34978 jcarter@zbslaw. this day of December, 2018. /s/Robert D. Wilson- as of 3/6/2018. VII. The Trustee whose name and
bate assets. Date of first publication: July 5, 2018 com Attorneys for Plaintiff Hoss, WSBA #8620 Attorney for Timberlake address are set forth below will provide in writing
Publication: Shelton-Mason County Journal Dated 1297 June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19 6t Community Club; Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP 236 to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs
this 26th day of June 2018 JANE CRESCI, Per- W. Birch Street, Shelton, WA 98584; Address of and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The
sonal Representative Attorneys for Personal Rep- PUBLIC NOTICE Court: Mason County Superior Court 419 N 4th St, effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor
resentative: Brent F. Dille, WSBA 25137 Dille Law, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Fl 2 PO Box 340 Shelton, WA 98584 and all those who hold by, through or under the
PLLC Address for Mailing or Service: 2010 Caton OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- 1288 June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19 6t Grantor of all their interest in the above-described
Way Ste. 101 SW Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: SON VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, property. IX. Anyone having any objections to this
(360) 350-0270 Court of Probate Proceedings and INC. Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT C. MORRIS, III; UN- PUBLIC NOTICE sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded
cause number: Thurston County Clerk Family Law, KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF BELVA P. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to an opportunity to be heard as to those objections
Probate and Juvenile Court 2801 32nd Avenue MORRIS; STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPART- the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant
SW Tumwater, WA 98512 MENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES; TS No.: WA-18-804636-BB APN No.: 32021-58- to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a law-
1337 July 5, 12, 19 3t and UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS AND ANY PARTY 04048 Title Order No.: 180018694-WA-MSW suit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds
CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY Deed of Trust Grantor(s): PATRICIA J MCGILL, for invalidating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO
SUMMONS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 18 2 72 23 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON TO: ROBERT C MORRIS III The Superior Court of SYSTEMS, INC., S NOMINEE FOR GOLF SAV- property on the 20th day following the sale, as
COUNTY OF MASON MTGLQ INVES- Mason County has directed the undersigned Sher- INGS BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the
TORS, INC. Plaintiff, v. THE ESTATE OF ALAN iff of Mason County to sell the property described Deed of Trust Instrument/Reference No.: 1885724 owner) and anyone having an interest junior to
L. BELL; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES below to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled I.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan the deed of trust, including occupants who are not
AND ASSIGNEES OF ALAN L. BELL; SHIRLEY action. If developed, the property address is: All Service Corp. of Washington, the undersigned tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the
HASBROUCK; LINDA R. LAUZON; DEONNE that portion of the Northwest quarter (NW ¼) of Trustee, will on 8/17/2018, at 10:00 AM At the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who
M. WILSON; DENNIS SYKORA; CORINNE L. Section twelve (12), Township twentytwo (22) main entrance to the Mason County Courthouse are not tenants by summary proceedings under
BELL; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR- North, Range three (3) West, W.M., particularly 4th & Alder, located at 419 N. 4th Street, Shel- Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied prop-
TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point South ton, WA 98584 sell at public auction to the high- erty, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with
LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY 86°46’31” East, 750.51 feet and North 01°06’57” est and best bidder, payable in the form of credit written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060.
COMMONLY KNOWN AS 300-230 W ELSON RD, East, 1225.75 feet from the West quarter corner of bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE
SHELTON, WA 98584 Defendants. Case No. 18-2- said Section twelve (12); thence North 01°06’57” certified checks from federally or State chartered THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME.
0196-23 DEFENDANTS THE ESTATE OF ALAN East, 280.19 feet; thence South 86°46’31” East, banks, at the time of sale the following described You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of
L. BELL; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES 746.53 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Ta- real property, situated in the County of MASON, this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY.
AND ASSIGNEES OF ALAN L. BELL; DENNIS huya River Road, County Road No. 70950; thence, State of Washington, to-wit: Lots 48 and 53, Block CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN
SYKORA; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR- along said Westerly right-of-way line, South 4, Shorecrest Beach Estates First Addition, ac- ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW
TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, 16°01’48” East, 83.91 feet, and South 18°09’04” cording to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 5 of to assess your situation and refer you to media-
LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY East, 215.61 feet, to a point South 86°46’31” East Plats, page 117, records of Mason County, Wash- tion if you are eligible and it may help you save
COMMONLY KNOWN AS 300-230 W ELSON RD, of the point of beginning; thence North 86°46’31” ington. More commonly known as: 50 E. DOG- your home. See below for safe sources of help.
ESTATE OF ALAN L. BELL; THE UNKNOWN Said land being also known and described as 98584-9546 which is subject to that certain Deed legal assistance may be available at little or no
HEIRS, DEVISEES AND ASSIGNEES OF ALAN Tract 4 of survey recorded February 28, 1977, of Trust dated 12/19/2006, recorded 12/22/2006, cost to you. If you would like assistance in deter-
L. BELL; DENNIS SYKORA; AND ALL OTHER in Volume 2 of Surveys, page 134, Auditor’s File under Instrument No. 1885724 records of MASON mining your rights and opportunities to keep your
PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING No. 325152. Including the manufactured home County, Washington, from PATRICIA J MCGILL, A house, you may contact the following: The state-
ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE situated thereon, described as that certain 1996 SINGLE PERSON AND CHERYL A AMBROSE, wide foreclosure hotline for assistance and refer-
REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS Fleetwood manufactured home, Vehicle ID No. A SINGLE PERSON, as grantor(s), to FIRST ral to housing counselors recommended by the
300-230 W ELSON RD, SHELTON, WA 98584: 0RFLT48A50389FW13, Washington License No. AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as Housing Finance Commission: Toll-free: 1-877-
You are hereby summoned to appear within &069326. Commonly known as: 800 NE Tahuya original trustee, to secure an obligation in favor 894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or Web site: http://
sixty days after the date of the first publication of River Rd, Tahuya WA 98588 Parcel No: 32212-76- of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION
this summons, to wit, within sixty days of the first 00040 The sale of the above-described property SYSTEMS, INC., S NOMINEE FOR GOLF SAV- post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure.htm. The
date of publication and defend the above entitled is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, July INGS BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, United States Department of Housing and Urban
action in the above entitled court, and answer the 27, 2018 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County as original beneficiary, the beneficial interest in Development: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or Nation-
complaint of the plaintiff MTGLQ INVESTORS, Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The judgment which was subsequently assigned to JPMorgan al Web Site:
INC. , and serve a copy of your answer upon the debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judg- Chase Bank, National Association, the Beneficia- or for Local counseling agencies in Washington:
undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff, Shannon K. ment amount of $43,920.31, together with inter- ry, under an assignment recorded under Auditors
Calt, at his office below stated; and in case of your est, costs, and fees, before the sale date. For the File Number 2004617 II. No action commenced by m?webListAction=search&searchstate=WA&filter
failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against exact amount, contact the sheriff at the address the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending Svc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline for as-
you according to the demand of the complaint, stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY MA- to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court sistance and referrals to other housing counselors
which has been filed with the clerk of said court. SON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: Angel Evans, by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or Web
The complaint is for judicial foreclosure and al- Authorized Deputy PO Box 1037, Shelton, Wash- the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mort- site: Additional
leges that the record owner of the property, ALAN ington 98584 (360)427-9670 gage. III. The default(s) for which this foreclosure disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you have
L. BELL is deceased and that the Heirs, Assigns, 1294 June 28, July 5, 12, 19 4t is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due previously been discharged through bankruptcy,
and Devisees are unknown. ALDRIDGE PITE, the following amounts which are now in arrears: you may have been released of personal liability
LLP Attn: SHANNON K. CALT, WSBA#44472 PUBLIC NOTICE $12,957.75. IV. The sum owing on the obligation for this loan in which case this letter is intended
111 SW Columbia Street, Suite 950 Portland, OR SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum to exercise the noteholders rights against the real
97201 (858) 750-7600 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHING- of $183,791.15, together with interest as provided property only. Dated: 4/17/2018 Quality Loan Ser-
PLAINTIFF TON FOR MASON COUNTY TIMBERLAKE in the Note from 5/1/2017 on, and such other costs vice Corp. of Washington, as Trustee By: Christine
1332 July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9 6t COMMUNITY CLUB, a Washington not-for-profit and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above- Summerson, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing
corporation, Plaintiff, v. LOT SIXTY-FIVE (65), described real property will be sold to satisfy the Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washing-
PUBLIC NOTICE TIMBERLAKE NO., 2, VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, expense of sale and the obligation secured by the ton C/O Quality Loan Service Corp. 411 Ivy Street,
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR PAGES 100, 101 and 102, RECORDS OF MASON Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 Trustee’s
MASON COUNTY NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE COUNTY, WASHINGTON; SHERI MORROW, MI- be made without warranty, expressed or implied, Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of
LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COM- CHAEL MATHIS, PAM MATHIS AND DONALD regarding title, possession or encumbrances on Washington 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 202 Se-
PANY, Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF JAMES W. MATHIS, JR., KNOWN HEIRS OF DONALD M. 8/17/2018. The defaults referred to in Paragraph attle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale Line: 1-866-
BARIEKMAN, a deceased individual; ALL UN- MATHIS, DECEASED; DANA LOCKABY AND III must be cured by 8/6/2018 (11 days before the 539-4173 or Logi n to:
KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF THE ES- STEVE FREDERICKS, KNOWN HEIRS OF GLO- sale date), or by other date as permitted in the Trustee Sale Number: WA-18-804636-BB ID-
TATE OF JAMES W. BARIEKMAN; Ben Carson, RIA J. MATHIS, DECEASED; ANY UNKNOWN Note or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinuance SPub #0139572 7/19/2018 8/9/2018
solely in his capacity as Secretary for UNITED HEIRS OF DONALD M. MATHIS AND GLORIA J. of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and ter- 1188 July 19, August 9 2t
STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UR- MATHIS; OCCUPANTS; AND ALL OTHER PER- minated if at any time before 8/6/2018 (11 days

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Free Estimates • Call or Text • References Available FARMERS FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS, LLC
30801 AGOURA RD. BLDG. 1
Zacharias 360-463-4834


818-584-0200 MEMBER FINRA & SIPC

Page B-12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

What the buzz is all about

Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-13

Photo courtesy of Bob Bottman

A bee investigates a foxglove recently near the Skokomish Valley. After a hot start this week, the National Weather Service predicts temperatures will fall
into the upper-70s by Friday before reaching the 80s again this weekend. Temperatures could reach the 90s again next week.
Page B-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

360-426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm
REACH 20,000 local OPPORTUNITIES Treats, everything from PANCAKES IN the Park 20’). Vender info: 360-426- 620 S. 13th St., July 13th &
readers per week. 20 words Catering to Cakes. Natasha Sunday, July 29th 7am-1pm, 6598, 866-624-7351, or 14th, 9am-4pm. Clothing,
$10.35. Buy 3 weeks, Amick, 360-790-0984, Kneeland Park. Presented toll-free 866-624-7351. jewelry (watches, earrings,
4th week Free. Deadline so much they put an ad
in the paper! Call the temptingeatsandtreats@ by Shelton Kiwanis Club, skylinemarket64@gmail. necklaces) and misc. items.
Monday 5pm. classifieds@ (T tfn) this is the 69th annual family com, www.skylinedrive-in. (S 7/19), (360) experts! See the Business
& Service Directory in this all you can eat celebration com (S 7/12-8/9) GARAGE SALE ads
426-4412. (J tfn)
week’s Shelton-Mason COMPUTERS with live music, free books,
that give lots of details,
ATVs County Journal. For more
information, call (360) 426-
and face painting as well as
fresh pancakes, scrambled FOR RENT including the address,
days and times of the sale
4412. (J tfn) eggs, sausage, ham, juice,
COMPUTER SERVICE at milk, Urraco coffee, &/or do best. List all your major
your door and more. Dave’s hot chocolate. Only $9 for CARETAKER COTTAGE items and give directions
OFF ROAD buggy, two
seater, full cage, $2,250. Ed CARS & TRUCKS Computer Service 360-898-
3800. No travel fees, free
1 adult or 2 kids, $25 for
a family of 4. All proceeds
Rental – Grapeview 2
bdrm, 2 ba. Reduced rent
from major roadways or
landmarks. Plan ahead and
3600-877-2520 or 559-356- estimate (D tfn) for daily caretaker work. run your ad for 2 weeks
2277 (R 7/19-8/9) support local youth
programs. (S 7/12-7/26) Experience with chainsaws, instead of one to get even

Optima for sale, $700.00
DEALS & STEALS AUGUST 4th 2018 Potluck
tractors, backhoes, and
riding mowers. Best suited
better results. Call 360-426-
4412 to place your ad 8am-
OBO. 130,000 miles. In Picnic: Logger’s Memorial for someone retired. Credit/ 5pm Monday-Friday, visit
& SERVICES great shape. Call 360 426-
7987 (O 7/12-7/19)
Govey Camp
background check. No pets,
no smokers. 360-275-4127
the Journal office at 227 W.
Cota St., Shelton 1 block
cubic feet, $40. 360-427- Saturday, August 4th, 2018, S. of Treasures Thrift Store
0969 (B 7/19) (P 7/12-8/2)
CARS $995 and up, Sun 280 SE Binns Swiger Loop on Railroad Ave., or email
Service, Jason Phillips,
Auto Sales. Large selection
of low priced cars, trucks,
$50 & UNDER items run
1 week Free under this
Road, Shelton WA. Please
bring a potluck dish, BYOB. FOR SALE classifieds@masoncounty.
com. Deadline is Monday
owner/operator 360- vans, SUVs. Cash priced classification! Call 360- Please bring pictures and/ by 5pm. (J tfn)
968-9197, Jason@ to sell. From Shelton, take 426-4412 now to put your or memorabilia to share.
americanturboservice. State Route 3 E. towards RSVP: Jim Mell at 360-507- OFF ROAD buggy, two REMEMBER, TAKE Down
item in next week’s Journal! your garage sale signs after
com, www. Belfair. Located at 5961 E. (J tfn) 8739 or Lee LeGarde 360- seater, full cage, $2,250. Ed State Route 3, Shelton. Call 545-7523. (L 7/12-8/2) 3600-877-2520 or 559-356- your sale. Your neighbors
will thank you! (J tfn)
(A tfn) 360-426-2907. (S TFN)
2277 (R 7/19-8/9)
GILLIS AUTO Center, your
one-stop shop! Chrysler,
at the Pavilion, last Friday
of the month, 7-10 pm, things!) with a listing here. HEALTH&BEAUTY
Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360- ESTATE SALE QVC & HSN doors open at 6pm. Open Buy 3 weeks, get the 4th
OPPORTUNITIES 426-5585. Hwy. 101, Clothes, Car, Furniture to adults 21 and older. The week free. Call 360-426-
4412. (J tfn)
2nd Shelton exit. www. Much More! 110 E. Pavilion, 190 W. Sentry (G tfn) Drive, Shelton, WA 98584 HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL
Pinedirosa Road Union, WA
98582 Sat & Sun July 21, & (behind Gillis Ford & Auto FREE and well-informed Mason
WHO YA gonna call?
When you’ve got a project
CATERING 22 9am-4pm. (J 7/19) Center and next to Sentry
Mini-Storage). Fundraiser
County residents read
the Journal, because
that needs to be done, for the Mason County knowledge is power,
PLACE AN AD in the Journal FREE CHICKENS: 3 hens, especially when it comes
call the local company Classified section to buy or Senior Activities Center. For two are egg layers and one
that wants your business more information: 360-426- to the best local news –
TEMPTING EATS & sell. Call 360-426-4412. banty hen (360) 427-9322 including health news. Live
7374 * info@mcsacresnet. (M 7/19)
(M tfn) longer, Subscribe today!
GIVING SOMETHING Senior discounts for 55+
PROMOTE YOUR regional away? If so, we will be too. Call 360-426-4412. (J
event statewide with a $325 happy to do that too! We’ll tfn)
  classified listing or $1,575 run your “free” ad once for
for a display ad. Call this
newspaper at 360-426-
free! Call 360-426-4412 (J HEATING & A/C
4412 or WNPA at 360-344-
 2938 for details. (W tfn)

   FARM & GARDEN affordable. Refrigeration,
cooling, heating, food
LOTS OF good junk, cheap service equipment repair.
 Heating, air conditioning,
prices, his & hers tools,
   LIVING EARTH Grow drill press, belt sander, refrigeration. 360-229-2139.

     Supply, Indoor garden yard furniture, freezer, free Licensed, bonded, insured.
supplies, living soil frig, household décor, craft EPA, PTCS, Frymaster

   organics, hydroponics and certified, NW Ductless
items. 221 SE Mallard
    more. 930 E. Johns Prairie Beach Lane, off Arcadia “Master Installer,” WA Contr.
 ­    Road, Shelton WA 98584 Road, Saturday 9am-5pm. Lic. ARCHMMI902MN,
360-426-3022. Find us on (J 7/19)

 € € Facebook. (L tfn) (A tfn)
  HUGE MOVING sale-July
‚    FLEA MARKETS 20th – July 22nd, Friday,
Saturday & Sunday. 8am- HELP WANTED
 4pm. Lots of furniture,
  FLEA MARKET & Art Fair bedroom sets, sofa and
    – 4th Annual! At Skyline beautiful dining room set. FULL AND part-time, Taylor
 Drive-In Theater, est. 1964. Tools, children’s items Sub and Burger in Shelton,
  Saturday, August 11th and miscellaneous items. kitchen assistant and
9am-3pm. Free Admission Please no early birds. 5751 cashier, $11.50/hr. Text only
       ­ €  ‚ƒ  E Brockdale Rd. (S 7/19)
for Buyers! Sellers, $25 please (253) 929-9856 (T
 per space (approx. 20’ x 7/19-8/9)


†‡‡† … ˆ ˆ‰ Š ‹Œ…  Ž

      ‹‚    NOW HIRING!

†‡‡† … ˆ ˆ‰ Š ‹Œ…
 Ž ­   Ž
 € € ‹  Shelton Division |
 We are an (EOE) Equal Opportunity Employer, including
those with a disability and veterans.
‘Š ‹ ˆ ˆ‰ Š‹   „ ’ “ €  
 ‰Ž  Ž”“† †Ž •€–
Ž†‹€  ˆ‰  Ž  ‹  If you are responsible, eager to learn, interested in a challenge and ready to
  –€ ‹ work, then we invite you to GROW WITH US.


great opportunities for advancement including production, equipment

 maintenance, and leadership. Must be at least 18 with one year recent,
 † ‡  ‡ ˆ † ‰Š‹  verifiable work history. Tobacco and drug-free work environment. Excellent
Œ‹‡Ž Š€‹–Ž—‡“‡†‘ ‚ benefit package including paid vacation, retirement contributions, and low
   ­    €‚   ƒ  
  cost health benefits.

†  ‡‡      
 Apply Sierra Pacific Industries
 ON 421 S. Front Street
’      ƒ   IN PERSy!
 ‡“‡Œ”•Ž­–•— toda Shelton, WA 98584
Monday-Friday, 9AM-4PM
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-15

360-426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm
DRIVERS, CDL-A: Hiring (CRH) is seeking a highly Position open until filled. SHELTON HOUSE POMEROY GRAIN HOBBY FARM? 3 bdrm,
Event! Local Lacey, WA motivated individual to EOE/ADA (C 7/5-7/26) Cleaning, Satisfaction Growers, Pomeroy, 2 1/4 baths, 2 car garage,
Delivery Openings! Sign- manage the day to day guaranteed, free estimates, Washington, seeking over 4 ac. Barn & garden
THE CITY of Shelton qualified GM. Successful space. $340,000. MLS#
On Bonus! Touch freight, operations of CRH. CRH is is looking for a Human residential, commercial,
excellent hourly pay the lead agency in Mason new construction. Move 3 location full service 1266564 Shelton Land &
Resources Manager, Coop, grain, agronomy. Homes LLC 360-426-5555
with OT available. Full County that works towards $5,654 - $7,351/month in, move out, weekly,
comprehensive benefits moving homeless families monthly, one-time. Lidia Sales of $80+ million. or John 360-490-6654 (S
DOQ. The Human Job link: https://tinyurl. 7/12-8/2)
beginning first day of forward in life. For a full Resources Manager is Masligin 360-463-2884. Lic.
employment, unlimited job announcement visit UBI604111759, Bonded & com/yd8mreyu David.
responsible for managing, SHORECREST LIVING!
driver referral bonus and our website at http://www. all City personnel functions, Insured (S tfn) 2 bdrm 3 bath manuf,
more! 1yr CDL-A exp. 320-219-0270. (W 7/19)
providing support to out building, RV hook up,
in the past 3yrs. come
see us: Tuesday 7/24 or
menu-1/ (C 7/5-7/19) all departments, and LANDSCAPING DONATE YOUR car to
charity. Receive maximum
saltwater access, pool,
THE CITY of Shelton is ensuring compliance $165,000. MLS# 1306634
Wednesday 7/25, 10:00am- with employment laws, value of write off for your Shelton Land & Homes LLC
3:00pm At Worksource looking for a City Clerk/
Legal Professional collective bargaining QUEEN ANNE’S taxes. Running or not! All 360-426-5555 or Michelle
Development, 1570 Irving agreements and City conditions accepted. Free 360-701-4221 (S 7/12-8/2)
St. SW, Tumwater, WA. Assistant, $4,651- Landscaping 100% green
$6,047/month DOQ. policies and procedures. installation, restoring, pickup. Call for details, 855-
98512, Penske Logistics: The Human Resources 635-4229. (W 7/19) NICE 2001 MANUF. Home!
855-206-6361 (A 7/19) This position combines consultation, creative on 1.48 acres, secluded,
traditional City Clerk duties Manager also serves as designs with photos,
with Mason County Public
with legal professional the City’s Risk Manager,
and performs duties
staging, pruning, high bank MORTGAGES away from road, near
Pioneer School, $230,000.
support services. This restoration. 360-426-4598 MLS# 1308223 Shelton
Works $20.73-$23.78/ position reports to and of a highly confidential QUEENA10440R. (P tfn)
and sensitive nature. Land & Homes LLC 360-
hourly. Mason County job directly supports the City OFFERING HOME loans 426-5555 or Michelle 360-
application required & Manager, and as the Legal This position requires JOEL’S LANDSCAPING
full yard maintenance, and mortgage services: 701-4221 (S 7/12-8/2)
available at Professional functions as a bachelor’s degree in Peninsula Credit Union, or Mason County the liaison between the human resources, business paver flagstone patios, LOG HOME! 2 bdrm, 1
rock block retaining walls, Thomas ‘TJ’ Bracken, Real
Human Resources, 411 N City and contracted legal administration, public Estate Loan Officer NMLS bath on over 1/2 ac. 24 X
Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584, services (City Attorney), administration, planning sod, sprinklers, fences, 36 shop/garage, 2 lakes/
installation, fall cleanup & #669886, 360-426-1601,
Open Until Filled. (M 7/19- providing advanced legal or a closely related field ext. 3161, tbracken@pcfcu. saltwater access $189,000.
26) support and confidential and three (3) years of local brush & tree removal. Year- MLS# 1293165 Shelton
round services. Bonded org *, 521
administrative services. The government experience W. Railroad * PO Box 2150, Land & Homes LLC 360-
OPERATIONS & individual filling this position in human resources & insured. JOELSL938N7 426-5555 or Jodie 360-589-
MAINTENANCE / ER&R 360-432-1900. Free Shelton, WA 98584 * PCU
will have the opportunity to administration OR an NMLS #401239, Equal 9694 (S 7/12-8/2)
Administrator with put legal and office skills, equivalent combination of estimates. (J 4/19-7/19)
Mason County Public housing opportunity. (P tfn) COUNTRY LIVING in Style!
knowledge of municipal/ education and experience ZJ LANDSCAPING,
Works $4,677-$5,552/ in closely related fields. For Beautiful 3 bdrm 2.5 bath
monthly. Mason County
job application required &
City structure,
supervisory skills to work
a detailed job description
Excavating & Tree Services.
Brush cleaning, edging, MUSIC & 2 car garage on 40 acres.
$480,000. MLS# 1305216
in a variety of interesting and City employment
available at or Mason County
and challenging ways. The application, Please see
thatching, hauling, lawn
mowing, drainage, weeding, INSTRUMENTS Shelton Land & Homes LLC
360-426-5555 or Michelle
following are examples of the City website at www. pruning, brick laying, patio,
Human Resources, 411 combinations of education, or call Mari 360-701-4221 (S 7/12-8/2)
N Fifth St, Shelton WA moss removal, painting,
training and experience that at 360-432-5109. Email bank clearing, gutters, TOWER HOUSE! 3 bdrm
98584,Open Until Filled. (M may qualify an applicant for completed application and LIVE CELLIST for your
7/19-26) roof cleaning, pressure 2.25 baths, 2 story home
this position: Associate’s resume to mari.herold@ washing, retaining walls, wedding or special event! w/ a breathtaking view from
INSTRUCTION & degree (AA) in paralegal or mail to sprinklers, housecleaning, If you have an upcoming the tower. $529,000. MLS#
CLASSROOM Support studies and five (5) or more Attn: Mari Herold, Human concrete pouring and more. event (large or small) in 1316529 Shelton Land &
Technician - Olympic years’ experience in a Resources, 525 W. Cota Licensed, bonded, insured. Western Washington that Homes LLC 360-426-5555
College Shelton Campus. relevant office setting (legal/ Street, Shelton, WA 98584, Residential & commercial, requires entertainment, or Michelle 360-701-4221
This position is responsible municipal); or bachelor’s no later than 5:00 pm July general contractor please call Dave at (360) (S 7/12-8/2)
for assisting instructors degree (BA/BS) in relevant 31, 2018, for first review. #ZJLADLK848DC. Free 490-4695 (cell) or email
and management assisting field and a certificate in Position open until filled. estimates, call or text, LOG HOME!! 2 bedroom,
in setting up equipment, paralegal studies or legal EOE/ADA (C 7/5-7/26) find us on Facebook. I have been playing 1 bath on 1/2 acre. 24 X
administering and scoring secretarial certification, and Zacharias 360-463-4834, unaccompanied cello solos 36 pole building /shop.
THE CITY of Shelton is for several years now. Lake /Saltwater access.
tests and related duties. three (3) or more years’ looking for an Assistant zj.yardmaintenance@
Apply online at: olympic. experience in a relevant (Z tfn) My rates are reasonable $189,000. MLS# 1293165
City Manager/Finance and for live entertainment, I Shelton Land & Homes LLC
edu or call Human office setting (legal/ Administration Director,
Resources at 360.475.7300
for assistance. An Equal
municipal); or juris doctor
degree (JD) and one (1)
$7,956–10,343 /month LOST & FOUND require very little space
and can play any type of
360-426-5555 or Jodie 360-
589-9694 (S 6/28-7/19)
DOQ. This unique position music (jazz, oldies, pop,
Opportunity Employer and
Educator. (O 7/12-7-19)
or more years’ experience
in a relevant office setting
will be responsible for
leading and managing
classical, swing etc.), with RED HOT
(legal/municipal). For a 30AMP RV Electrical cable or without amplification,
State Patrol is seeking
detailed job description
the City’s
found at Lake Cushman,
360-877-9240. (S 7/19)
in virtually any venue. CLASSIFIEDS
and City employment Whether you are planning
a Custodian 2 for our services including, but a wedding, anniversary,
application, Please see are not limited to, finance LOST IT? Found it? Call
Academy in Shelton. The the City website at www. holiday party, celebration of
salary is $2,258 - $2905 and budgeting, human 426-4412 for an affordable TOO LATE to classify ads, or call Mari listing here. Did you know life or even a big event such also known as the Red Hot
monthly + Employer resources and labor as a fair or festival, I have
at 360-432-5109. Email relations, and information the Journal will run found Classifieds, are located
covered Retirement and completed application and probably provided music for
Health Care benefits of over technology. This position pet listings for free? It’s in the A section of this
resume to mari.herold@ true! (J tfn) something like it before. (D newspaper, with the main
$1450 per month! For more also provides general TFN) or mail to policy and administration news. Special Red Hot
information and to apply,
please visit
Attn: Mari Herold, Human
Resources, 525 W. Cota
support to City Manager
and City Council, and will
deadline: Tuesday by 3pm
(Classified section: Monday (W 7/12-7/19) Street, Shelton, WA 98584, serve as City Manager in by 5pm). Remember to look
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR no later than 5:00 pm July City Manager’s absence. for a few more classified
Crossroads Housing 31, 2018, for first review. IS THE care of an elder ads in the A section! (J tfn)
This position requires a loved one leaving you LOSS OF a Loved One
bachelor’s degree in finance frazzled and keeping you Grief Support group NCCU
or accounting, public or up at night? Does the health (New Community Church
business administration care system and finding of Union) 951 E Dalby Rd.
or closely related field, solutions overwhelm you? Union, WA 98592 Last
preferably with a master’s Don’t know where to start? Monday of the month 2 - 4
degree in one of the above
areas; and experience as a
Alpine Way can help you
sort out your options and
pm (N tfn)
department head or five (5)
years directing the financial
walk you through a solution
that fits your situation. No
services of a municipality,
and experience
hard sells, only answers to
hard questions. Call Trudy KITTEN RESCUE of Mason
coordinating and managing
centralized services,
or Cyndy at 360-426-2600.
A (8/3-tfn)
County. Cats and kittens
available to indoor only
including data processing,
and personnel. For a HOME SECURITY. Leading homes. Website kittenresq.
net, contact 360-584-0594
detailed job description smart home provider Vivint
and City employment Smart Home has an offer or 360-426-2455. (K 5/23
application, Please see just for you. Call 866-387- TFN)
the City website at www. 2013 to get a professionally or call Mari installed home security
at 360-432-5109. Email system with $0 activation.
(W 7/19)
About the 2 types of Classifieds
completed application and
resume to mari.herold@ Classified Reader Ads — OR — Classified Display Ads
WASHINGTON DIVORCE- FIRST TWO words are No word limit, display ads or mail to Separation, $155. $175 capitalized. For 20 words or are sold by the column inch.
Attn: Mari Herold, Human with children. No court less, $10.35 per week. 15¢ per Minimum size 2 column
Resources, 525 W. Cota appearances. Includes
word over 20. If the ad runs (3.23" wide) x 2" tall is $40.00
Street, Shelton, WA 98584, property, bills, custody,
unchanged for 3 weeks, the per week. Many larger sizes
4th week is free. No frames, are available. Logos, art &
no later than 5:00 pm July support. Complete art or logos in reader ads. photos welcome.
31, 2018, for first review. preparation of documents.
Position open until filled. Legal Alternatives, Deadline 5:00 PM Monday

EOE/ADA (C 7/5-7/26) 503-772-5295. www. (360) 426-4412 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY
227 W. Cota Shelton, WA 98584
25102 Open 8-5 Mon.-Fri.


(W 7/19)
Page B-16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

360-426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm
2001 COLUMBIA by roofing specialists. Lic. clearing, stump grinding, WATERFRONT WINDOWS OFF ROAD buggy, two ONE OF the Journal’s
Keystone 22’ travel trailer ASCENRC896MA. Vern stump & brush hauling. roofs, gutters, windows. seater, full cage, $2,250. Ed 20,000 readers might
$3,500 or best offer. Nice Gonzales – Cell 360-515- Cash or percentage. Log Misty Clark 360-229-8300 3600-877-2520 or 559-356- have something you want.
& clean. (360) 427-3185 (D 6065, Dennis James – Cell documentation. Tobin Bros. thewaterfrontwindows@ 2277 (R 7/19-8/9) If there’s something you
6/28-7/19) 360-515-8733. Office: 360- – we love small lots, call (W tfn) collect or are looking for,
868-2730, Fax: 360-868- us today at 360-239-0510. RANDOLPH BRAND, try running an ad under
JAY BUTTLES’ Tree Gunsmith. Repairs,
ROOFING 2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy
S., Shelton WA 98584 (A
Licensed, bonded & insured
#JIMT0TT907MT (T tfn) Services. Topping, chipping, customizing, refinishing.
“Wanted.” For 20 words it’s
just $10.35 per week and
tfn) stump grinding. Licensed, Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM 15¢ per word over 20. Run
BOB’S BOAT and small bonded and insured Lic. – 6:00 PM. Shelton, WA, 3 weeks, get the 4th week
Construction. Call us at
SERVICES engine repair, classic boat
and fiberglass repairs.
#JAYBUT5053R2. Call 360-
426-4663. (B tfn)
360-427-0767. (B tfn) free. Call (360) 426-4412,
you can place your ad by
(360)358-8153 for a free Engine overhaul, electrical, TRAVEL VEHICLES phone! (J tfn)
or find us on Facebook! QUEEN ANNE’S
lowest labor in town. (360)
358-8261, 1939 W. Railroad SEWING
FIKESRC86LK (F tfn) Landscaping 100% green Ave. (B tfn)
installation, restoring, 30’ FIFTH WHEEL Great
YOUR NEW roof for as low consultation, creative BAVARIAN WINDOW SEWING ALTERATIONS condition, new awning,
as $50 per month O.A.C., designs with photos, Cleaning “Experience – Sewing needs? Just ask storm windows for winter, in
The Roof Doctor, “We make staging, pruning, high bank a brighter world!” 360- me! Sew Now Studio, we great condition. Must see to
house calls.” 360-427- restoration. 360-426-4598 701-0644. Licensed, help you… make it your appreciate. Asking $6,000.
8611 1131 W. Kamilche QUEENA10440R. (P tfn) insured. www. own. 321 South First Street, Call 360-426-8768. (C 7/12-
Lane, just off Highway 101. bavarianwindowcleaning. Downtown Shelton Tues-Fri 8/2)
ROOFDI*168N8 (R tfn) PROBLEM TREES? com. Windows, gutters, 11-5, Sat. 12-3. Text or call:
Free estimates! Logging skylights, solar panels. Free 360.790.3976 (S tfn) PLACE AN AD in the Journal
ASCEND ROOFING & excavation, confined estimates. Residential & Classified section to buy or
Company LLC. Residential spaces to large parcels. commercial. (B tfn) sell. Call 360-426-4412.
and commercial Site prep, demolition, land

• Moving tip: Put books into suitcases,

which often have wheels and good handles,
in order to transport them. Books placed
in boxes can get unbalanced when they
don’t fill the box efficiently. It makes them
hard to carry and hard to stack, since you
risk the corners crushing. But suitcases
are easy to carry right to the shelf before
• Finding a bandage to cover a skinned
knee or elbow is almost impossible. These
can be a large or irregular area that
doesn’t fit under even the most generous
of bandages, and adhesive bandages just
don’t stick well over a joint. Here’s a tip for
that: Apply antibacterial ointment gener-
ously, then cover the knee or elbow with
a regular gauze pad. Then add a “sleeve”
cut from a pair of tights. It moves with
the joint without bunching up the way an
ACE bandage does, and it stays in place.
• After the kids decorated cupcakes one
day, I found that the counter and floor
were covered with little spilled sprinkles.
They were the ball kind, and they were
hard to pick up. Rather than sweeping
them up (which made them go flying), I
used a lint roller, which worked perfectly.
• To save money on electricity, hang jeans
and other heavy clothing to dry first. When
it’s mostly dry, pop it in the dryer to fluff.
Do the same with towels. The dryer soft-
ens it, but the sunlight dries it well, and it
smells better too.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-17


PUBLIC NOTICE $63.84 TOTAL DUE AS OF 4/6/2018 $22,387.19 WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. THIS by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower
TRUSTEE SALE # 057460-WA Title # IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE and Grantor at the following address(es): SEE
170192008 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You ATTACHED EXHIBIT “1” by both first class and
PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF $149,366.09, together with interest as provided have only 20 DAYS from the recording date on certified mail on 11/14/2016, proof of which is in
WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. THIS in the Note from 6/1/2016, and such other costs this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower
NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN and Grantor were personally served, if appli-
FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You described real property will be sold to satisfy the ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW cable, with said written Notice of Default or the
have only 20 DAYS from the recording date on expense of sale and the obligation secured by to assess your situation and refer you to media- written Notice of Default was posted in a con-
this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said tion if you are eligible and it may help you save spicuous place on the real property described in
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN sale will be made without warranty, expressed or your home. See below for safe sources of help. Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has posses-
ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW implied, regarding title, possession or encum- SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors sion of proof of such service or posting. VII. The
to assess your situation and refer you to media- brances on 8/17/2018. The defaults referred to in and legal assistance may be available at little or Trustee whose name and address are set forth
tion if you are eligible and it may help you save Paragraph III must be cured by 8/6/2018, (11 no cost to you. If you would like assistance in de- below will provide in writing to anyone request-
your home. See below for safe sources of help. days before the sale date) to cause a discontinu- termining your rights and opportunities to keep ing it, a statement of all costs and fees due at
SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors ance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued your house, you may contact the following: The any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the
and legal assistance may be available at little or and terminated if at any time before 8/6/2018 (11 statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those
no cost to you. If you would like assistance in de- days before the sale) the default as set forth in referral to housing counselors recommended by who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all
termining your rights and opportunities to keep Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and the Housing Finance Commission Telephone: their interest in the above-described property. IX.
your house, you may contact the following: The costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with 1-877-894-HOME(1-877-894-4663) . Web site: Anyone having any objections to this sale on any
statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and cashiers or certified checks from a State or fed- grounds whatsoever will be afforded an oppor-
referral to housing counselors recommended by erally chartered bank. The sale may be termi- ship/post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure. tunity to be heard as to those objections if they
the Housing Finance Commission Telephone: nated any time after the 8/6/2018 (11 days be- htm The United States Department of Housing bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to
1-877-894-HOME(1-877-894-4663) . Web site: fore the sale date) and before the sale, by the and Urban Development Telephone: 1-800-569- RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit Borrower or Grantor or the or the Grantor’s suc- 4287 Web site: may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for
ship/post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure.htm cessor interest or the holder of any recorded ju- sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction=search&sea invalidating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO
The United States Department of Housing and nior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal rchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS – The purchaser
Urban Development Telephone: 1-800-569-4287 and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to at the trustee’s sale is entitled to possession of
Web site: costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant other housing counselors and attorneys Tele- the property on the 20th day following the sale,
fc/index.cfm?webListAction=search&searchstate to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of phone: 1-800-606-4819 Web site: http://nwjus- as against the grantor under the Deed of Trust
=WA&filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid Trust and curing all other defaults. VI. A written I. NOTICE IS HEREBY (the owner) and anyone having an interest ju-
hotline for assistance and referrals to other hous- Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- GIVEN that the undersigned, CLEAR RECON nior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants
ing counselors and attorneys Telephone: 1-800- ciary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at CORP, 9311 S.E. 36th Street, Suite 100, Mercer who are not tenants. After the 20th day following
606-4819 Web site: the following address(es): SEE ATTACHED EX- Island, WA 98040, Trustee will on 8/17/2018 at the sale the purchaser has the right to evict oc-
clear I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the HIBIT “1” by both first class and certified mail on 9:00 AM at AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE cupants who are not tenants by summary pro-
undersigned, CLEAR RECON CORP., 9311 S.E. 7/13/2017, proof of which is in the possession of MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 419 N. 4TH ceedings under chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-
36th Street, Suite 100, Mercer Island, WA 98040, the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were STREET (4TH & ALDER), SHELTON, WA 98584 occupied property, the purchaser shall provide
Trustee will on 8/17/2018 at 10:00 AM at OUT- personally served, if applicable, with said written sell at public auction to the highest and best bid- a tenant with written notice in accordance with
SIDE THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO MASON Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default der, payable, in the form of cash, or cashier’s RCW 61.24.060. If you are a servicemember or
COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 419 N. 4TH, SHEL- was posted in a conspicuous place on the real check or certified checks from federally or State a dependent of a servicemember, you may be
TON, WA 98584 sell at public auction to the high- property described in Paragraph I above, and the chartered banks, at the time of sale, the following entitled to certain protections under the federal
est and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, Trustee has possession of proof of such service described real property, situated in the County of Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and any com-
or cashier’s check or certified checks from feder- or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and ad- Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT SIX- parable state laws regarding the risk of foreclo-
ally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale, dress are set forth below will provide in writing to TYFOUR (64), TIMBERLAKE NO. 8, VOLUME 7 sure. If you believe you may be entitled to these
the following described real property, situated in anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and OF PLATS, PAGES 47-51, BOTH INCLUSIVE, protections, please contact our office immedi-
the County of Mason, State of Washington, to- fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHING- ately.   THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT
wit: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor TON. Commonly known as: 142 E TAHUYA DR A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED
(SW1/4) of the Northwest quarter (NW1/4) of and all those who hold by, through or under the SHELTON, WA 98584 APN: 22007-51-00064 WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated:
Section twentyfive (25), Township twenty (20) Grantor of all their interest in the above-de- which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust 4/16/2018 CLEAR RECON CORP, as Successor
North, Range four (4) West, W.M., particularly de- scribed property. IX. Anyone having any objec- dated 8/17/2005, recorded 8/22/2005, as Audi- Trustee For additional information or service
scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the intersec- tions to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will tor’s File No. 1846104, records of Mason County, you may contact: Clear Recon Corp 9311 S.E.
tion of the Easterly right-of-way line of Shelton be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to Washington, from FREDRICK J. BROWN, SR. 36th Street, Suite 100 Mercer Island, WA 98040
Valley Road, County Road No. 05930 and the those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain AND ALICE A. BROWN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, Phone: (206) 707-9599 EXHIBIT “1” NAME AD-
North line of a tract of land conveyed to Charles the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to as Grantor(s), to MASON COUNTY TITLE CO, DRESS ALICE A BROWN 142 E TAHUYA DR
Evangelist by deed recorded under Auditor’s File bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of SHELTON, WA 98584 FREDERICK J BROWN
No. 128044, records of Mason County, Washing- proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale. BENEFICIAL WASHINGTON INC., as Beneficia- SR 142 E TAHUYA DR SHELTON, WA 98584
ton; thence East, along said North line, 105 feet, X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS – ry, the beneficial interest in which was assigned 1177 July 19, August 9 2t
more or less, to an angle point therein; thence The purchaser at the trustee’s sale is entitled to to U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR
South 54° East 22 feet; thence in a Northerly di- possession of the property on the 20th day fol- LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, under PUBLIC NOTICE
rection, along the Westerly edge of a ditch as lowing the sale, as against the grantor under the an Assignment recorded under Auditor’s File No HOOD CANAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.
discribed in deed recorded under Auditor’s File Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an 2082265. II. No action commenced by the Ben- 404 NOTICE OF MEETING TO ADOPT 2018-
No. 171164, 135 feet, more or less, to the South- interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including oc- eficiary of the Deed of Trust or the Beneficiary’s 19 BUDGET AND CONDUCT PUBLIC HEAR-
east corner of a tract of land conveyed to Virginia cupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day successor is now pending to seek satisfaction ING NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to RCW
Wivell in deed recorded under Auditor’s File No. following the sale the purchaser has the right to of the obligation in any Court by reason of the 28A.505.050 and RCW 28A.505.060, that the
119553; thence North 8° West, 125 feet; thence evict occupants who are not tenants by summary Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on the obligation Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Hood Canal
North 71° 30’ West, 91 feet, more or less, to the proceedings under chapter 59.12 RCW. For ten- secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. III. The School District No. 404, Mason County, Wash-
Easterly right-of-way line of said Shelton Valley ant-occupied property, the purchaser shall pro- default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/ ington (the “District”) will hold a regular meeting
Road; thence Southerly, along said Easterly vide a tenant with written notice in accordance are as follows: PROMISSORY NOTE INFOR- on July 26, 2018, commencing at 5:15 PM in
right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. with RCW 61.24.060. If you are a servicemem- MATION Note Dated: 8/17/2005 Note Amount: the school library, located at 111 N State Route
Commonly known as: 681 W SHELTON VALLEY ber or a dependent of a servicemember, you may $111,930.46 Interest Paid To: 9/23/2015 Next 106, Shelton, Washington. The meeting is called
RD SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584-8754 be entitled to certain protections under the fed- Due Date: 10/23/2015 PAYMENT INFORMA- for the purpose of fixing and adopting the bud-
APN: 42025-23-00010 which is subject to that eral Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and any TION FROM THRU NO.PMT AMOUNT TOTAL get of the District for the ensuing 2018-19 fiscal
certain Deed of Trust dated 10/17/2005, record- comparable state laws regarding the risk of fore- 10/23/2015 11/22/2015 1 $353.08 $353.08 year. Prior to adoption of the 2018-19 budget,
ed 10/24/2005, as Auditor’s File No. 1852011, closure. If you believe you may be entitled to 11/23/2015 2/22/2018 27 $847.53 $22,883.31 the Board will hold a hearing for the purpose
and later modified by a Loan Modification Agree- these protections, please contact our office im- 2/23/2018 2 $1,083.11 $2,166.22 ADVANC- of receiving comments from the public on the
ment recorded on 12/09/2015 as Instrument mediately.   THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COL- ES/LATE CHARGES DESCRIPTION TOTAL 2018-19 budget. Any person may appear at the
2049754, records of Mason County, Washing- LECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- FORCE PLACED TAX $5,550.91 INSPECTIONS hearing and be heard for or against any part of
ton, from PHAEDRA L COMBS AND DENNIS L TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. $45.00 VAL BPO $118.50 ESTIMATED FORE- the 2018-19 budget, the four year budget plan,
COMBS JR, WIFE AND HUSBAND, as Dated: 4/12/2018 CLEAR RECON CORP., as CLOSURE FEES AND COSTS DESCRIPTION_ or any proposed changes to uses of enrichment
Grantor(s), to LANDSAFE TITLE OF WASHING- Successor Trustee For additional information TOTAL Trustee’s Fee’s $1,500.00 Posting of No- funding under RCW 28A.505.240. Upon conclu-
TON, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor or service you may contact: Clear Recon Corp tice of Default $125.00 Record Appointment of sion of the hearing, the Board shall fix and deter-
of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION 9311 S.E. 36th Street, Suite 100 Mercer Island, Successor Trustee $15.00 T.S.G. Fee $656.06 mine the appropriation from each fund contained
SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”), AS DESIGNATED WA 98040 Phone: (206) 707-9599 EXHIBIT “1” Title Datedown Fees $54.40 Mailings $12.45 TO- in the 2018-19 budget and shall, by resolution,
NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME NAME ADDRESS DENNIS L COMBS JR 681 W TAL DUE AS OF 4/10/2018 $33,479.93 IV. The adopt the 2018-19 budget, the four year bud-
LOANS, INC., BENEFICIARY OF THE SECURI- SHELTON VALLEY RD SHELTON, WA 98584- sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed get plan summary, and the four-year enrollment
TY INSTRUMENT, ITS SUCCESSORS AND 8754 DENNIS L. COMBS, JR 160 E RIDGE of Trust is: The principal sum of $90,377.51, to- projection. 2018-19 budget information may be
ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest CREEK LN SHELTON WA 98584-7119 DENNIS gether with interest as provided in the Note from obtained by contacting Jeanie Beebe, Business
in which was assigned to THE BANK OF NEW L. COMBS, JR 681 W SHELTON VALLEY RD 10/23/2015, and such other costs and fees as Manager at 360.877.5463 extension 204.
YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584-8754 DEN- are provided by statute. V. The above described 1351 July 19, 26 2t
YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE- NIS LAYNE COMBS, JR. 681 W SHELTON VAL- real property will be sold to satisfy the expense
HOLDERS OF THE CWABS INC., ASSET- LEY RD SHELTON, WA 98584-8754 PHAEDRA of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed PUBLIC NOTICE
BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-14, L COMBS 160 E RIDGE CREEK LN SHELTON of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be The GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTICT NO.
under an Assignment recorded under Auditor’s WA 98584-7119 PHAEDRA L COMBS 681 W made without warranty, expressed or implied, 54, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Board
File No 2020739. II. No action commenced by SHELTON VALLEY RD SHELTON, WA 98584- regarding title, possession or encumbrances on of Directors will conduct a public hearing for the
the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust or the Ben- 8754 PHAEDRA L. COMBS 681 W SHELTON 8/17/2018. The defaults referred to in Paragraph purpose of reviewing, fixing, and adopting the
eficiary’s successor is now pending to seek sat- VALLEY RD SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584- III must be cured by 8/6/2018, (11 days before the 2018-2019 FISCAL BUDGETS of the District.
isfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason 8754 PHAEDRA LOUISE COMBS 681 W SHEL- sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on
of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on the obli- TON VALLEY RD SHELTON, WA 98584-8754 The sale will be discontinued and terminated if Tuesday, July 24, 2018 in the school library locat-
gation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. PHAEDRA LOUISE COMBS C/O JAMES K. at any time before 8/6/2018 (11 days before the ed at 822 E. Mason Benson Road, Grapeview,
III. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is GAZORI ATTORNEY AT LAW 1620 OLYMPIC sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is WA 98546. Any interested persons may appear
made is/are as follows: PROMISSORY NOTE HIGHWAY NORTH SHELTON, WA 98584 PHA- cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. at this meeting and will be given the opportunity
INFORMATION Note Dated: 10/17/2005 Note EDRA LOUISE COMBS C/O JAMES K. GAZORI Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- to be heard for or against any part of the pro-
Amount: $137,750.00 Interest Paid To: 5/1/2016 ATTORNEY AT LAW 1620 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY tified checks from a State or federally chartered posed FISCAL BUDGETS. Copies of the pro-
Next Due Date: 6/1/2016 PAYMENT INFORMA- NORTH, PO BOX 1255 SHELTON, WA 98584 bank. The sale may be terminated any time after posed budget will be available at the school of-
TION FROM THRU NO.PMT AMOUNT TOTAL PHAEDRA LOUISE COMBS C/O JAMES K. the 8/6/2018 (11 days before the sale date) and fice at the above address by July 24, 2018. Any
6/1/2016 7/31/2016 2 $839.16 $1,678.32 GAZORI ATTORNEY AT LAW PO BOX 1255 before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the inquiries regarding this notice should be directed
8/1/2016 8/31/2017 13 $858.35 $11,158.5 SHELTON, WA 98584 or the Grantor’s successor interest or the holder to Ellen Perconti, Superintendent or Tracy Arkin,
9/1/2017 8 $824.04 $6,592.32 ADVANCES/ 1174 July 19, August 9 2t of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by Business Manager at (360) 426-4921 or (360)
LATE CHARGES DESCRIPTION TOTAL Corpo- paying the principal and interest secured by the 275-4921.
rate Advance $1,271.21 TAX/HAZ $747.95 ESTI- PUBLIC NOTICE Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if 1350 July 12, 19 2t
MATED FORECLOSURE FEES AND COSTS TRUSTEE SALE # 045834-WA Title # any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation
DESCRIPTION TOTAL Trustee’s Fee’s $750.00 160207576-WA-MSO NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S and/or Deed of Trust and curing all other defaults.
Posting of Notice of Default $125.00 Mailings SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted
Page B-18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


PUBLIC NOTICE the sale date), or by other date as permitted in the COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to Note or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinuance IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation 360-432-2050 or 1-888-283-2634. To view infor-
the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and ter- and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it mation about your rights, including right to a law-
TS No.: WA-18-805929-SW APN No.: 32019- minated if at any time before 7/16/2018 (11 days may help you save your home. See below for safe yer, go to Dated: July
63-21004 Title Order No.: 180038413-WA-MSW before the sale), or by other date as permitted in sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing 9, 2018, by Sharon Fogo, Mason County Clerk.
Deed of Trust Grantor(s): LUTHER W VAN SANT the Note or Deed of Trust, the default as set forth counselors and legal assistance may be available 1355 July 12, 19, 26 3t
Deed of Trust Grantee(s): MORTGAGE ELEC- in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and at little or no cost to you. If you would like assis-
TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with tance in determining your rights and opportunities PUBLIC NOTICE
SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR PRIMELENDING, cashiers or certified checks from a State or feder- to keep your house, you may contact the following: NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
A PLAINSCAPITAL COMPANY Deed of Trust In- ally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance (TERMINATION) (SMPB) (OPTIONAL USE) SU-
strument/Reference No.: 2059773 I.NOTICE IS any time after the 7/16/2018 (11 days before the and referral to housing counselors recommended PERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY
HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or by the Housing Finance Commission: Toll-free: OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Welfare
of Washington, the undersigned Trustee, will on Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or Web site: of: SCHRAMM, COLBY D.O.B.: 10/12/17 No: 18-
7/27/2018, at 10:00 AM At the main entrance of encumbrance by paying the principal and interest, 7-00097-23 To: THREASA SCHRAMM, MOTH-
the Mason County Courthouse, located at 419 N plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursu- ship/post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure.htm. ER: and To: UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL, FATHER
4th, Shelton, WA 98584 sell at public auction to ant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of The United States Department of Housing and A Petition to Terminate Parental Rights was filed
the highest and best bidder, payable in the form Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written Urban Development: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or on April 4, 2018; A Fact Finding hearing will be
of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- National Web Site: held on this matter on: August 16, 2018 at 8:30
check or certified checks from federally or State ciary or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washing- a.m. at Mason County Superior Court, 419 N. 4th
chartered banks, at the time of sale the following by both first class and certified mail, proof of ton: Street, Shelton, Washington 98584. You should be
described real property, situated in the County of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the dex.cfm?webListAction=search&searchstate=WA present at this hearing. The hearing will determine
MASON, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT FOUR Borrower and Grantor were personally served, &filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline if your parental rights to your child are terminated.
(4), BLOCK TWENTYONE (21), DAVID SHEL- if applicable, with said written Notice of Default for assistance and referrals to other housing coun- If you do not appear at the hearing, the court may
TON’S THIRD ADDITION TO SHELTON, WASH- or the written Notice of Default was posted in a selors and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 enter an order in your absence terminating your
INGTON, VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RE- conspicuous place on the real property described or Web site: Addi- parental rights. To request a copy of the Notice,
CORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has pos- tional disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at
More commonly known as: 1025 W FRANKLIN session of proof of such service or posting. The have previously been discharged through bank- 360-432-2050 or 1-888-283-2634. To view infor-
ST, SHELTON, WA 98584-2552 which is subject list of recipients of the Notice of Default is listed ruptcy, you may have been released of personal mation about your rights, including right to a law-
to that certain Deed of Trust dated 7/26/2016, re- within the Notice of Foreclosure provided to the liability for this loan in which case this letter is in- yer, go to Dated: July
corded 7/26/2016, under Instrument No. 2059773 Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These requirements tended to exercise the noteholders rights against 9, 2018, by Sharon Fogo, Mason County Clerk.
records of MASON County, Washington, from LU- were completed as of 2/15/2018. VII. The Trustee the real property only. Dated: 3/23/2018 Quality 1354 July 12, 19, 26 3t
THER W VAN SANT AN UNMARRIED MAN, as whose name and address are set forth below will Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee By:
grantor(s), to MASON COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a state- Kristen Oswood, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s PUBLIC NOTICE
as original trustee, to secure an obligation in favor ment of all costs and fees due at any time prior Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of BUDGET MEETING
of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to Washington C/O Quality Loan Service Corp. 411 Mary M. Knight School District #311 has com-
SYSTEMS, INC. SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, Ivy Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 pleted a 2017-18 General Fund Budget Extension
PRIMELENDING, A PLAINSCAPITAL COMPANY, through or under the Grantor of all their interest Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service and has completed the 2018-19 school budget and
as original beneficiary, the beneficial interest in in the above-described property. IX. Anyone hav- Corp. of Washington 108 1 st Ave South, Suite placed the same on file in the district administra-
which was subsequently assigned to PrimeLend- ing any objections to this sale on any grounds 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale Line: tion office for review by interested citizens. A copy
ing, A PlainsCapital Company, the Beneficiary, un- whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be 916-939-0772 or Logi n to: http://wa.qualityloan. thereof can be furnished at cost to any person who
der an assignment recorded under Auditors File heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit com Trustee Sale Number : WA-18-805929-SW calls upon the district to request one. The Board
Number 2086144 II. No action commenced by the to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. IDSPub #0138718 6/28/2018 7/19/2018 of Directors will meet at 6:30 p.m., July 23, 2018 at
Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a 1137 June 28, July 19 2t the Regular Board Meeting. Business will include
seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the action on the budget, and any person may appear
reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR PUBLIC NOTICE and be heard for or against any part of said action.
the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mort- TENANTS – The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 1353 July 12, 19 2t
gage. III. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is entitled to possession of the property on the (TERMINATION) (SMPB) (OPTIONAL USE) SU-
is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor PERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE
the following amounts which are now in arrears: under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Welfare Notice is hereby given that the Pioneer School
$8,743.38. IV. The sum owing on the obligation se- having an interest junior to the deed of trust, in- of: MALLEA, JUSTICE D.O.B.: 04/04/17 No: 18- Board of Directors will hold a public hearing to re-
cured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of cluding occupants who are not tenants. After the 7-00134-23 To: TIMOTHY MALLEA, Father A view the proposed budget for the 2018-19 school
$130,006.93, together with interest as provided in 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the Petition to Terminate Parental Rights was filed on year on July 24, 2018 at its regularly scheduled
the Note from 8/1/2017 on, and such other costs right to evict occupants who are not tenants by May 16, 2018; A Fact Finding hearing will be held meeting beginning at 6:30 pm in the District Of-
and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above- summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. on this matter on: August 16, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at fice Board Room located at 112 E Spencer Lake
described real property will be sold to satisfy the For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall Mason County Superior Court, 419 N. 4th Street, Road, Shelton. The Board will take action to adopt
expense of sale and the obligation secured by the provide a tenant with written notice in accordance Shelton, Washington 98584. You should be pres- the proposed 2018-2019 budget following the pub-
Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FI- ent at this hearing. The hearing will determine if lic hearing at the Board meeting. Any inquires
be made without warranty, expressed or implied, NAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE your parental rights to your child are terminated. regarding this notice should be directed to Liz
regarding title, possession or encumbrances on OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from If you do not appear at the hearing, the court may Winchell, Business Manager at (360) 426-9115 x
7/27/2018. The defaults referred to in Paragraph the recording date of this notice to pursue me- enter an order in your absence terminating your 3007.
III must be cured by 7/16/2018 (11 days before diation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING parental rights. To request a copy of the Notice, 1352 July 12, 19 2t


As a community service, the Journal will publish contact information for

organizations that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY

If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community,

watch the Journal for listings of places that need you.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-19

The truth is kids want to be part of the conversation.
HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public The truth is kids are more curious than many adults.
Works Department is requesting for the vacation
of the following right of way: A portion of the old
right-of-way located along W. Cloquallum Road.
The right of way to be vacated is located North
The truth is kids know that lies are bad.
and East of the newly relocated Cloquallum Road
between Milepost 6.30 and 6.46 along Asses-
sor’s Parcel #41903-00-01000 which is described The truth is kids think cash is still cool.
in the brief legal as, N 1/2 Section EX. SE ¼, in
Township 19 Section 3 Range 4 WWM. WHERE-
AS , the Board of Mason County Commissioners
did set a date for public hearing on the matter
The truth is kids don’t let differences divide them.
before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and
directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for
posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE, BE
The truth is kids learn something new every day.
IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set
for Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers, Mason County Court- The truth is kids are smarter than you think.
house Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,
Washington , at which time and place any tax-
payer may appear to hear the County Engineer’s
report, and be heard either for or against the
The truth is kids can turn any place into a playground.
vacation of said portion of W. Cloquallum Road.
Dated this 26th day of June, 2018. BOARD OF
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, The truth is kids can make a difference right now.
1349 July 12,19 2t

The truth is kids feel things as deeply as adults do.
of Mason County Commissioners have declared
The truth is kids don’t need candy to feel better.
39 old box-recycle containers as surplus and to
be sold to the highest bidder through a sealed
bid. Sealed bids should be clearly marked “Sur- The truth is kids will inherit the earth.
plus Property Bid, July 26, 2018” and submitted
on or before 2:00pm, Thursday, July 26, 2018 to
the Public Works Department, Bldg 1, located at
1 00 W Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA 98584.
The truth is kids have big dreams.
Submitted bids will be publicly opened and read
in Public Works, Building 1, immediately thereaf-
ter. Contact Bart Stepp at (360) 427-9670 x652 or
The truth is kids want to discover the world. to have a bid package
e-mailed to you. The surplus items are located at
the Eells Hill Transfer Station; previewing of the
containers will be made by appointment only;
The truth is kids expect honesty.
interested Bidders should contact Bart Stepp at
(360) 427-9670, Ext. 652. Items will be sold as
is - where is to the highest bidder. The Board of
The truth is kids bring people together.
Mason County Commissioners reserves the right
to accept or reject any and all bids. Bid information
can be found on the Public Works webpage. Dat- The truth is kids appreciate a good story.
ed this 3rd day of July, 2018 BOARD OF COUN-
1347 July 12, 19 2t
The truth is kids can handle the truth.

A Book
by Emily Dickinson

There is no frigate like a book

To take us lands away, — The New York Times
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!
Page B-20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018

ful for. He watched soccer year, Amanda attended year ago. just being outdoors.
and basketball games, the New Market Skills She is survived by her
Ted Haddock Ted is survived by his
children’s plays, and Center in Tumwater, mother Peggy Wilford, of Ted Haddock, 65, born loving mother Olita Had-
laughed a lot. It was a joy Washington, and com- Shelton, WA, her daugh- January 22, 1953. Passed dock, mother-in-law Lois
for him to help Taylor and pleted a Certified Nursing ter Alivia Zettelmier of away at home in Shel- Rutledge, longtime part-
Meg in their young adult- Assistant (CNA) course. Shelton, WA, her brother ton WA on June 17 from ner Lori McMahan; son
hood, and to sit with Mag- It was Amanda’s ul- Andrew Wilford, sister a lengthy battle with Shane Haddock; daugh-
gie talking. The last thing timate dream to become in law Krystal Wilford of cancer. Ted was born in ter Nachole Haddock;
he did with Keenan was a nurse, and two weeks Shelton, WA, along with El Dorado Kansas. At a stepson Terry McMahan;
eat ice cream, with a big after she graduated high a niece, nephew and her young age Ted and fam- 9 grandchildren; 1 great
Glenn Newbury smile on his face. school in 1998, she got boyfriend, Jay Churchill ily moved to the Matlock grandchild; 3 brothers
Glenn Newbury, son of A casual, but honoring, her first job as a CNA at of South Bend, WA. area where he spent the Ray, Larry and Bruce
Miles and Ruth (Arnold) memorial for dad will be Fir Lane Nursing Home. Service will be held at majority of his life. Ted Haddock; a sister Cathy
Newbury, went Home on held at Belfair Commu- She went on to complete a Freedom Baptist Church was a loving, thoughtful, Seals. Proceeded by his
June 22, 2018 in Grape- nity Church in Belfair on Medical Assistant course (formally Hope Chapel) caring man who was al- father, Dave Haddock.
view, WA. He was 76. He July 21, at 11:00 followed with nearly a 4.0 grade. on Saturday July 21, 2018 ways there for anyone at Ted will be deeply missed
was a proud Peninsula by a potluck BBQ at Peg- Soon, after she started at 2:30 with a Graveside anytime to lend a helping and remembered.
High graduate, class of gie’s home in Grapeview. working at Mason Gen- Inurnment at Shelton hand. He worked heavy A celebration of Ted’s
1960. After graduation Remembrances may eral Hospital as a CNA. Memorial Park following construction for many life will be held later this
he joined the US Navy. be made to the American In 2002, Amanda became the service. years. He was friends to summer, time, date and
He later retired from the Cancer Society. pregnant, and since she all who knew him. Ted location will be posted at
Puget Sound Naval Ship- was a Type 1, insulin de- loved nature, fishing, a later date.
yard, Shop 72-Rigger. He pendent diabetic since hunting, camping, and
was preceded in death by the age of 8 years old,
his parents, brother Wil- she was instructed by her
liam Levi (age 4 months), doctors not to work while
sister Mary Alice Tuck- pregnant. Because of her
er, and cousin (and best diabetes, she was unable
friend) Gene Newbury to carry the baby to full
on Christmas Eve. He is
survived by his children
term as it was causing
her to have serious health
Jason (Kara) and Peg- Amanda L. issues with her kidneys,
gie (Todd), 3 grandchil- Wilford eyes, and blood pressure.
Kenneth Gordon Schwerzler, 90, a resident of Shelton, died July 10, 2018,
dren: Taylor, Maggie, and Zettelmier Her daughter was suc-
at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
Keenan, 6 step-children, cessfully born six weeks
and Crematory.
several step-grandchil- Amanda L. Wilford premature. Soon after
dren, including Meg Zettelmier passed away that, Amanda became
Caroline Joy Holmes, 70, a resident of Lacey, died July 9, 2018, in Olym-
Bartosovsky, and cousin on July 8, 2018 with her disabled and could not
pia. Arrangements are by Woodlawn Funeral Home - Lacey.
Ruby Mae. family by her side. work. It became her “job”
He loved fishing, NAS- Amanda was born Jan- to take care of her health
Navy veteran Charles Louis Hubbard, 68, a resident of Shelton, died July
CAR (Richard Petty was uary 17, 1979 in Shelton, and raise a beautiful baby
5, 2018, in Seattle. Arrangements are by Forest Funeral Homes & Cem-
his favorite driver and WA to Dickie & Peggy girl.
a definite look-alike), (Riker) Wilford. Amanda Amanda enjoyed tak-
crossword puzzles, the grew up in Shelton for the ing care of cats and kit-
Father Timothy Lamm, OSB, 89, a resident of Lacey, died July 11, 2018,
Seahawks, writing notes, last 39 years. tens, and her fish, but she
in Olympia. Arrangements are by Woodlawn Funeral Home - Lacey.
dancing, rock-and-roll When Amanda at- loved all kinds of animals,
(Elvis Presley of-course), tended Shelton High including her love of dol-
Donald Angus Finlayson, 92, a resident of Olympia, died July 11, 2018, in
cooking, and his dog El- School, she enjoyed sing- phins. She played little
Olympia. Arrangements are by Woodlawn Funeral Home - Lacey.
vira. Though he only ing and was a member of league softball for one
saw his grandchildren the school choir. In 1997, year, but decided that
Faauuga Chipman, 75, a resident of Gresham, OR, died July 6, 2018, in
3 times over 15 years, she traveled with the was not her cup of tea.
Lakewood. A service will be held July 20 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Church
he got a chance to get to 42-member choir to the She also enjoyed swim-
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Shelton. A graveside service will
know them in the past University of Washing- ming. Amanda was a
follow from 2:30 to 4:30. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family
15 months. It was a true ton Invitational Choral very caring person and
Funeral Home and Crematory.
blessing, and one that the Festival in Seattle, Wash- family was her #1 prior-
family is genuinely thank- ington. During her senior ity. She loved ALL her
Evelyn M. Moore, 94, a resident of Shelton, died July 10, 2018, in Shelton.
family and friends with
A graveside service will be held July 17 at 11 a.m. at Shelton Memorial
ALL her heart, but most
Park. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
especially adored her 15
and Crematory.
year old daughter, Alivia.
In June 2018, Amanda
Margaret Iris Hillyer, 74, a resident of Shelton, died July 16, 2018, at
became ill due to kid-
home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
ney failure which caused
and Crematory.
her to have many other
health issues. She devel-
Kathrine Anne Guerrero, 74, a resident of Ocean Shores, died July 6,
oped a very serious blood
2018, at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral
infection. Her doctors did
Home and Crematory.
everything they could to
help her fight off the in-
Gerald Sheldon Rathbun, 96, a resident of Lacey, died July 15, 2018, in
fection, but her kidneys
Olympia. Arrangements are by Woodlawn Funeral Home - Lacey.
and lungs were not strong
enough to help her win
Edna Florence Mitchell, 93, a resident of Shelton, died July 14, 2018, in
this battle. On July 8,
Shelton. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
2018, in Providence St.
and Crematory.
Peter Hospital in Olym-
pia, Washington, after
Gail Ann Kurpieski, 82, a resident of Hoodsport, died July 15, 2018, at
nearly 31 years living
home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home

with diabetes, Amanda

and Crematory.
left this world to join her
daddy in heaven, whom
David James Roscoe, 52, a resident of Yakima, died July 6, 2018, in Ab-
she just lost less than one
erdeen. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
and Crematory.

Diane Joan McCallum, 80, a resident of Grapeview, died July 10, 2018,
at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home
and Crematory.

Cheryl Kay Anderson, 56, a resident of Lacey, died July 5, 2018, in Lacey.
Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home and Cre-
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-21
Beverly Bartz-Allen,
83, passed away July 2,
2018. She was born in
White Fish, Montana on
October 7, 1938 to Emery
and Jessie Johnston.
She is survived by
daughter and son-in-law
Luayne & Bill Hunter,
son James Bartz, daugh-

A subscription
ter and son-in-law Julie
& Bryan Chrisman of
Shelton, granddaugh-
ter Katie Bartz, great
granddaughter Macken-
zie Bartz-White of Olym-

under $20?!!!
pia, granddaughter and
husband Jami & Jeremy
Cleveland, great grand-
children Hannah, Wil-
liam, Bruce, and Faith
Cleveland, grandchil-
dren Andrew, Ashley,
and Abegail Chrisman of
Beverly lived in Shel-
worked as a title exam-
iner at the Land Title
Company. Her interests
were in the arts, paint- 20 Weeks Delivered for only
ing, quilting and cross
There will be a grave-
HURRY! Offer ends soon!
side service at the Shel-
ton Cemetery on July 21,
2018 at 1pm
Myron “Tike”

Mar. 8, 1933 - Nov.

10, 2017 [ ] SIGN ME UP! My check is enclosed!
Anyone who knew
Shelton native Tike Hill-
man, Irene S. Reed Class
[ ] GET ME STARTED! But bill me later...
of 1951, knows he loved
sharing stories of his
many life experiences.
While his story has end-
ed, the sharing contin-
ues as his family hosts
an open house/crab feast
to celebrate his life Sat-
urday, July 28, between
2-6pm, 212 Tala Shore
Dr., Port Ludlow.

City: State Zip

Road-trip organization:
Put items you’ll need
along the way into a laun-
dry basket or two, which
Mail check or money order to:
can be easily accessed
during your trip. There’s Journal
no need to undo the Tet-
ris-like organization job of PO Box 430
the other items, because
everything you need to
have at hand is in the
Shelton WA 98584

If you want a lighter foun-

dation for summer and
sun protection, try mixing
or call 360-426-4412
a little foundation with a
sunblock. It might take to order by phone.
a bit of experimenting to
find the right ratio for the

coverage you want, but SHELTON-MASON COUNTY
the sunblock helps the
foundation to glide on,
and your face will feel
moisturized as well.

Market your business to over 20,000 readers ...

Run an ad in the Journal!
Page B-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-23
Page B-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2018


• Maintain & repair mechanical parts & machinery
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