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Arquitectura Moderna

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Roma 1982

AA.VV., Cités-Cinés, Editions Ramsay, La Villette 1987

AA.VV., La città che sale. Cinema, avanguardie, immaginario urbano, Edizioni

Manfrini, Trento 1990.

AA.VV., Film Architecture. From Metropolis to Blade Runner, Prestel Verlag, Munich

Albrecht D., Designing Dreams. Modern Architecture in the Movies, Harper & Row,
New York 1986.

Bruno G., Atlante delle emozioni. In viaggio tra arte, architettura e cinema, Johan &
Levi editore, 2015

Cairns G., La visión espacial del cine. El arquitecto detrás de la cámara, Abada
editores, Madrid 2007.

Charney L. and Schwartz V.R. (eds.), Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life,
University of California Press, 1995.

Clarke D.B. (, The Cinematic City, Routledge, London 1997

Lamster M. (ed.), Architecture and Film, Princeton Architectural Press, New York

Niney F., (dir.), Visions urbaines. Villes d’Europe a l’ecran, Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris 1994.

Penz F., Thomas M. (eds.), Cinema & Architecture, British Film Institute, London

Rivera D., Tabula Rasa. El Movimiento Moderno y la ciudad maquinista en el cine

(1960-2000), Fundación Diego de Sagredo, Madrid 2005.

Trione V., Effetto città. Arte / Cinema / Modernità, Bompiani, Milano 2014

Turvey M., The filming of Modern Life. European Avant-Garde Film of the 1920s, The
MIT Press 2011.

Volpi C., Robert Mallet-Stevens. 1886-1945, Electa, Milano 2005

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