Weekly Blog 11

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Weekly Blog | Week 11 972377@henleycol.ac.


Activities we did this week:

This week was my second week of filming. This was the probably the
second biggest week of film that Jordan and I have to do with a lot of our filming
days having bigger casts for each shoot and also more travelling. This was the first
week at shooting at the bar. We got into slough for 10 o clock so we could start
shooting early. It was very important to make sure that we got to the location early
due to the fact that Jordan and I had no idea what problem we could face within
the locations and so we wanted to make sure that we could finish the two scenes
we had to complete so that we could spend the whole of the next shoot at the bar,
just focusing on the fight scene. I had the my friend Nico Ferrari camera operating
gimbal shots for many of the shots in the bar, due to me being in a a lot of the shots.
The next location that we filmed was at a local graveyard where Jordan and I
filmed two graveyard scenes which are placed at the beginning and the end of the
film. These were very small and quick scenes to shoot and we didn’t have any
problems arise. The last scene that we filmed to finish the week was the scene after
Noah and Arthur get back to the house and get ready for the mission. We filmed the
scene with our newly cast actor Tia smith who is playing the deceased girlfriend Lily,
who also helped with camera operating in these scenes when I could not. We
filmed an hallucination scene and also a montage scene.

Problems I had to deal with:

One of the main setbacks that I had this week was to do with
Location. The plan for Thursday this week was to film in a changing room underneath
our college studio. However when emailing our teacher to try and get the space
opened she was unable to. This meant that we now have to wait till next week to
see if we can get it open. This means that we cannot complete the infra red
sequence that we wanted to shoot. Another problem that we have faced is that
due to scheduling, we will not be able to shoot the infra red sequences due to us
not being in possession of the college’s XA 30 Canon cameras that allow us to shoot
in infra red. This means that I have to wait till Tuesday to be able to pick up this
equipment and then hopefully be able to film the infra sequence later that week.
Due to all this re scheduling, it means we had to cancel all the actors of who were
planned to help us film and star in the scene. We now have to secure another date
where these actors are still available, and I believe that this may cause an issue
when we come to scheduling a new date.
Next Week

Next week will be the busiest week for Jordan and I as we have two
fights scenes to film, which is the bar fight and also the infra red fight scene as well.
We also have to try and confirm all the extras that we need to be in these two
sequences to play guards that the main characters kill. We will also be filming a
scene with one of the main characters Maria played by Samantha Collins. Next
week is going to be challenging but if everything works out we will be one scene
away from finishing our film and wrapping.

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