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In: Barney, K.F.; Emerita, C.; Perkinson, M.A. Occupational Therapy with aging adults. Mosby, 2016.

Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and
Occupational Therapy Interventions
Cindy Kempf, MA, OTR/L, Lauren R. Schwarz, PhD, ABPP-CN, Abhilash K. Desai, MD,
Margaret A. Perkinson, PhD

CHAPTER OUTLINE Occupational Therapy Interventions with Clients and

Their Family Caregivers
Prevalence Rates of Dementia and Diagnoses with
Cognitive Deficits
Types of Dementia from a Cognitive Perspective
The Causes of Dementia OBJECTIVES
Probable Alzheimer’s Disease
Criteria for Probable Alzheimer’s Disease • Define cognition
• Identify the effects of aging on cognition and identify
The Five Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
atypical cognitive deficits in the older adult, with an em-
Pre-dementia Stage
phasis on dementia
Mild AD
• Analyze the effects of cognitive impairment and demen-
Moderate AD
tia on occupational performance
Severe AD
• Identify assessment tools that can be used to evaluate
End-Stage AD
cognitive impairment and dementia in the older adult
Dementia with Lewy Bodies
• Describe treatment options to help clients compensate
Vascular Dementia for cognitive deficits
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia • Analyze case studies and suggest appropriate assess-
Frontotemporal Dementia ments, treatment approaches, and goals for clients with
Mixed Dementia cognitive deficits and their family caregivers
Potentially Reversible Causes of Dementia
Differential Diagnosis of Dementia
Age-Associated Memory Impairment In the United States the older adult population, those 65 years
Mild Cognitive Impairment and older, is comprised of approximately 35 million individu-
als, a demographic that is projected to grow to over 70 million
by the year 2030.26 With the rising numbers of older adults,
Tools for Diagnosing Dementia
the identification and treatment of diseases that affect this
Tests to Clarify Diagnosis
population will assume significant importance and will affect
Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
health-care systems/providers, clients, and families. One such
Wandering issue that affects older adults, and is the focus of the present
Treatment of Dementia chapter, is cognitive decline. Declining memory and other
Treatment for Cognitive and Functional Deficits changes in cognition are common with age. This topic has
Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms been extensively researched, but perhaps initially dates back
of Dementia to the writing of V. A. Kral, who proposed that developmental
Pharmacological Interventions for Behavioral and changes in cognition can be divided up into those that are
Psychological Symptoms of Dementia “benign” (or typical) and those that are “malignant” (or
Palliative Care for People with Advanced Dementia atypical).33,34 To identify and intervene, it is essential for clini-
Medical Comorbidity in Persons with Dementia cians and researchers to have adequate knowledge of the
Pain in Persons with Dementia continuum of cognitive aging, potential etiologies of cogni-
Other Treatment Issues tive change, and various treatments. Cognitive abilities are
Caring for Family Caregivers particularly relevant for occupational therapists, because they
Occupational Therapy Assessments for Persons with affect individuals’ abilities to successfully complete activities
Cognitive Impairment of daily living (ADLs).

246 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

  CASE EXAMPLE 15-1    Introduction to Cognitive Deficits in the Older Adult

Meet Ruth, an aging individual whose daily routine will or to clean her apartment. She took Ruth to the doctor and
provide a foundation for understanding the everyday trans- she received an order for occupational therapy to assess
lation of cognitive decline and how it affects occupational functional abilities. When the occupational therapist evalu-
performance. ated Ruth, she found deficits in her ability to initiate tasks.
Ruth had recently moved into an independent living She also had impaired attention span, poor short-term
apartment complex for older adults due to increasing diffi- memory, and moderately impaired problem-solving skills.
culty taking care of her large home. She had been living She wore the same clothes over and over because she
alone for the past 2 years since her husband’s death, and was overwhelmed by the amount of clothes in her over-
Ruth’s daughter observed that Ruth was having more diffi- stuffed closet. Ruth hadn’t showered because she couldn’t
culty keeping up with the housework and laundry and figure out how to adjust the water in the shower. In her
thought that it was because the house was too large. Ruth refrigerator, she had many containers of food from the din-
had always been a very social person but had recently ing room but couldn’t determine which food was too old
stopped going out with friends because she said she was to eat and should be thrown away. She was not participat-
too tired. Ruth was an artist, and her watercolors could be ing in facility activities because the monthly schedule was
found in the art galleries in her home town. However, she too complicated for her to follow. Finally, in her art room,
was no longer painting, despite the fact that she had her art supplies were scattered throughout the room, mak-
multiple half-finished projects in the art room at her home. ing them difficult to find, and Ruth was overwhelmed
In her new apartment, Ruth was able to take the facility by the number of pictures that she had started but not
van to the grocery store and she received two meals a day. finished. It was clear to the occupational therapist that
However, her daughter found that Ruth was still too fa- Ruth’s cognitive deficits were affecting her occupational
tigued to participate in activities in the apartment complex performance.

Cognition, as defined by Abreu and Toglia,1 is the method body dementia (sometimes referred to as dementia with Lewy
that the central nervous system uses to process and utilize bodies) (DLB) compromise approximately 90% of all diagnosed
information. It is the outcome of an ongoing dynamic inter- dementias.27 Of this group, AD is the most common cause of
action between person, activity, and the environment.9 The dementia (50%), followed by mixed dementia (Alzheimer’s with
ability to complete everyday tasks involves multiple cognitive either vascular or Lewy body dementia) (20%) and vascular de-
skills. For example, when a client participates in a dressing mentia (VaD) (10%).27 For those individuals whose cognitive
task, his or her clothing selection is based on the knowledge functioning is not intact, but do not meet dementia criteria,
of weather conditions, scheduled activities for the day, and an various categorizations have been proposed. More recently, the
awareness of which clothes coordinate with others. The client term mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is commonly used. For
has to sequence the dressing tasks and use problem-solving those diagnosed with MCI, Petersen et al. found that 12% con-
skills to compensate for any deficits. If the client has impaired vert to an AD diagnosis annually.46
balance, for example, he or she client may choose to dress In addition to working with clients with dementia, OT can
from a seated position when putting on pants rather than at- benefit those with cognitive deficits caused by other diseases,
tempting to don pants while standing. such as Parkinson’s, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), trau-
Occupational therapy (OT) practitioners, through the use matic brain injury (TBI), and other neurological conditions.
of occupation and activities, help people optimize their cog- According to the Rotterdam study published in 2004, the inci-
nitive functioning skills. Cognitive skills impact all func- dence of parkinsonism increases with age, and incidence rates
tional skills across the life course. Changes in cognition can for Parkinson’s disease are 0.3 per 1000 persons for adults 55
be temporary or permanent, progressive or unchanging, to 65 years of age and 4.4. per 1000 persons for adults over the
demonstrated by sudden onset or caused by a gradual decline age of 85 years.17 Estimates by the National Institutes of Health
in cognitive ability. OT theory and research support the prin- Consensus Development Panel on Rehabilitation of Persons
ciple that cognition is essential to the performance of every- with TBI note that there are 5.3 million Americans living with
day tasks.9,55 TBI-related disabilities, including cognitive deficits.14

Types of Dementia from a Cognitive Perspective

Prevalence Rates of Dementia and Diagnoses
To differentiate the various dementias, one must have a good
with Cognitive Deficits
grasp of the normal changes in cognition that accompany
The prevalence of dementia in the United States in those indi- advancing age. Age-related cognitive decline (ARCD) in-
viduals over the age of 71 years is 13.9%.47 This number further volves subtle decline in many cognitive abilities, such as de-
increases with age, from 5.0% of those aged 71 to 79 years to cline in episodic memory, reduced capacity to pay attention,
37.4% of individuals over the age of 90 years.47 Alzheimer’s and need for more time to do complex activities.10,50 Indi-
disease (AD), vascular dementia (VaD), frontotemporal de- viduals with ARCD may or may not have subjective memory
mentia (FTD), Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), and Lewy complaints and objective cognitive deficits, and their ability
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 247

to live independently is not compromised.49 The mechanisms in VaD is retrieval based rather than the rapid forget-
of cognitive aging have been extensively researched by cogni- ting seen in AD (Table 15-1).
tive aging psychologists for many years. Park and Schwarz43 Compared with the other dementias previously discussed,
note that four main mechanisms have been hypothesized to FTD has a neurocognitive profile that is less well studied and is
underlie the age-related differences in cognition: reduced less agreed upon.52 In part this has to do with the low incidence
speed of processing, decreased working memory capabilities, of FTD. However, more important, traditional neuropsychologi-
declining inhibitory control (e.g., impaired complex atten- cal testing is less sensitive at detecting the hallmark feature of
tional capabilities), and sensory changes (e.g., visual and au- FTD—namely, behavioral change (e.g., changes in personality,
ditory deficits). Not all older adults experience ARCD. Some personal preferences, judgment, attention to personal hygiene,
older adults experience little or no ARCD, remain highly and so forth). Therefore, clients with FTD may test within the
functional in their later years, and continue to be actively normal range on cognitive measures typically employed when
engaged in life well into very old age.50 conducting dementia evaluations. When deficits do appear on
Changes associated with MCI dementia are beyond what formal testing, they are likely to be in the areas of executive func-
one would expect for the normal aging process. Although not tioning and word generation (e.g., naming or verbal fluency).58
entirely consistent across research investigations, specific Although the process of differentiating dementias may
neurocognitive deficits have been associated with MCI, AD, seem relatively clear, this unfortunately is not always the case,
VaD, and FTD. In individuals with amnestic-type MCI, one particularly when the question is of AD versus VaD. The ex-
of the earliest areas to decline is learning and memory in the planation for this may lie in the potential overlapping pa-
context of well-preserved other abilities.32 As previously thologies, such as the following aspects:
mentioned, each year a percentage of those with MCI will • Vascular changes (by contributing to vessel wall thick-
progress to meeting criteria for a dementia, typically of the ening) reduce elimination of amyloid through the peri-
Alzheimer’s type.46 The hallmark neurocognitive feature of vascular (lymphatic) system.
the disorder is an insidious onset of progressive forgetting. • Vascular changes (hypoxia, hypoperfusion) increase
When compared with individuals with normal aging or other formation of Alzheimer’s disease pathology (beta-amy-
forms of dementia: loid and phospho-tau).
• When attempting to recall information, individuals • Amyloid angiopathy contributes/accelerates vascular
with AD receive little benefit from the provision of damage.
recognition cues. Another possibility to consider is that the diseases can in
• Language functions are also affected and manifest as some instances be co-occurring (e.g., mixed dementia).
word-finding or word-naming difficulties. A final comment on the process of differential diagnosis
• As the disease process progresses, other cognitive do- has to do with the severity of the disease process. As the se-
mains become affected, such as executive functions verity of the dementia increases, it becomes difficult to dis-
(e.g., reasoning, planning, problem solving, mental cern a pattern of impairment that is suggestive of a likely
flexibility). etiology due to the global nature of the neurocognitive im-
Older adults with age-related cognitive decline may forget pairment at such time.
where they put their car keys but will usually be able to re- Dementia is a progressive impairment in cognition and
trace their steps to find the keys. In contrast, individuals with ability to reason that substantially interferes with abilities to
dementia are unable to use memory and problem-solving perform daily activities and live independently and may
skills to locate their keys, and often the keys are not found in eventually cause death. Cognition is a combination of skills,
a logical location (e.g., they may be found in the freezer). Oc- including attention, learning, memory, language, praxis, rec-
casional word-finding problems occur among most older ognition, and executive functions such as decision making,
adults. However, a person with dementia has increasing dif- goal setting, planning, and judgment.30 Recent estimates
ficulty recalling words and is unable to follow conversations.
The second leading cause of dementia, VaD, can develop
as a result of a variety of vascular events (e.g., large- and/or TABLE 15-1  Cortical versus Subcortical Dementias
small-vessel ischemic or hemorrhagic damage). The pat-
tern and severity of cognitive dysfunction depend on the Subcortical (e.g., Cortical (e.g.,
location of the damage as well as the size of the affected Domain vascular dementia) Alzheimer’s disease)
area. In general, clients with VaD present with the follow- Language Typically no apha- Aphasia early
ing characteristics: sia
• Clients with VaD show impaired working memory/at- Memory Recall , Recog- Recall 5 Recognition
tention, slowed speed of processing, and executive nition (both impaired)
dysfunction.13 Visuospatial Impaired Impaired
Frontal/ Disproportion- To some degree af-
• Regarding memory functioning, clients with VaD typi-
Executive ately affected fected
cally have difficulties with free recall tasks, but their
Mental Slow early in the Normal until late
performances improve when provided with recogni- Speed trajectory stage
tion cues. This suggests that the memory impairment
248 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

from the Alzheimer’s Association indicate that more than TABLE 15-2  Potential Causes and Mechanisms
5 million Americans have AD and related dementias. The of Cognitive Impairment
report indicates that between 200,000 and 500,000 people
younger than 65 years of age have some form of early-onset Causes of Cognitive Potential Mechanisms of Cognitive
(young-onset) dementia. This includes FTDs and rare forms Impairment Impairment
of AD that affect people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.19 Age-related Allostatic load, “wear and tear”
Thirty percent of individuals with dementia are cared cognitive due to a lifetime of physiological
for in a long-term care facility; the other 70% live in their decline or psychological stresses and
homes in the community.12 A high proportion of people adaptations
with dementia (80% to 90%) eventually require placement Anemia Neuronal hypoxia
in a long-term care facility. Approximately 66% to 80% of Alzheimer’s Amyloid and/or tau-mediated
the residents of long-term care facilities have dementia.30 disease neurotoxicity, neuroinflammation
Lewy body de- Alpha synuclein–mediated
Some assisted living facilities (ALFs) and nursing homes
mentia and neurotoxicity, neuroinflammation
are designed for and care exclusively for people with de- Parkinson’s
mentia. Accurate diagnosis of dementia, identification disease
of its cause, and initiation of appropriate treatment in indi- dementia
viduals with cognitive impairment are critical for improving Frontotemporal Ubiquitin or tau-mediated
their quality of life. OT can play a role in helping individuals dementia neurotoxicity, neuroinflammation
with dementia to maximize their ability to complete func- Cerebrovascular Neuronal ischemia and hypoxia,
tional tasks through activity analysis, modification of the disease neuroinflammation
environment, and simplification of the task, and through Vitamin deficien- Impaired neuronal and neurotrans-
training of caregivers to provide appropriate support to cies (e.g., B1, mitter function
individuals with dementia. Intervention can initially take B12, folate, D)
Protein energy Impaired neuronal function
place in an outpatient or home health setting while the
client is in the early stages; as the disease progresses, con- Drug-induced Decreased cholinergic
tinued therapy is indicated in assisted living and long-term neurotransmission
settings to help the client and caregivers adjust to declining Harmful alcohol Direct neurotoxicity and indirectly
cognitive abilities. use (e.g., malnutrition, head injury)
Depression, Hippocampal dysfunction with or
anxiety without atrophy
The Causes of Dementia Obstructive sleep Neuronal hypoxia, neuroinflammation
There are many causes of dementia (Table 15-2.) Progressive, apnea
irreversible dementias account for more than 90% of all Head injury Neuronal and synaptic loss
causes of dementia. The relative frequency of AD and VaD Normal pressure Neuronal and synaptic loss due to
hydrocephalus enlargement of ventricles
increases with age, whereas the relative frequency of FTD and
Brain tumor Direct tumor-cell-mediated neuronal
DLB declines with age. Males are overrepresented among and synaptic loss and/or blockage
those with DLB, whereas females are overrepresented among of cerebrospinal fluid caused by
individuals with AD with age of onset over 70 years.56 tumor

Probable Alzheimer’s Disease

A definitive diagnosis of AD is possible only after death, dur-
Alzheimer’s disease is an age-related irreversible dementia ing brain autopsy, when the characteristic plaques and tangles
that develops over a period of several years. AD is the most can actually be seen under the microscope in specific areas of
common cause of dementia in people aged 65 years or older, the brain and correlated with clinical manifestations of AD.
accounting for 60% to 75% of all causes of dementia.4 Insidi- The typical clinical syndrome of AD includes an amnestic
ous onset and a slow but relentless decline in cognition that type of memory defect, with difficulty learning and recalling
impairs ability to perform daily activities are the most strik- new information, and progressive language disorder begin-
ing features of AD. There is no cure for AD. It is estimated ning with anomia and progressing to fluent aphasia.16 Short-
that 2% to 5% of people over 65 years of age and up to 33% of term memory deficit is a classic characteristic, with remote
those over 85 years of age have AD. More women than men memory remaining intact until the severe stages. Some cli-
have AD. The longer life expectancy of women as compared ents with incipient memory loss are aware of their declining
with men may be the key factor in the preponderance of abilities (especially in young-onset [onset before age 60 years]
women with AD.4 The loss of the protective effects of estro- AD), but most clients with evolving AD never acknowledge
gen and less testosterone in women than men may also con- that they have significant memory dysfunction. It becomes
tribute to the increased prevalence of AD in women. (How- obvious over time to family and friends that persons with
ever, women are less likely to have cerebrovascular disease incipient dementia routinely forget recent events and conver-
than men, hence their lower incidence of vascular dementia.) sations and repeat themselves. Behind the forgetfulness that
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 249

appears benign may be more serious mistakes such as forgot- may lose track of time and may forget where they are or
ten bills, missed appointments, improperly taken medica- how they got there.
tions, and misdirected travels. Deficits in executive function 5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relation-
and disturbances of visual-spatial skills manifested by envi- ships. Individuals with dementia may have difficulty with
ronmental disorientation are generally absent or mild in early depth perception. When they pass a mirror, they may not
AD but become evident in more advanced stages. Sometimes, recognize themselves in the mirror.
anomia (inability to name objects) or visual agnosia (inability 6. New problems with words when speaking or writing. Indi-
to recognize familiar objects) can be nearly as prominent as viduals with dementia may have difficulty following a
the anterograde amnesia in AD. Individuals with Down syn- conversation, especially if they are in a noisy environ-
drome have a high risk of developing AD by the time they are ment. They may repeat themselves or have word-finding
in their 40s or 50s. A knowledgeable informant should be problems or anomias.
interviewed because genuine memory failure should be evi- 7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace their steps
dent to those who are close to the client. to locate the object. Individuals with dementia may put
things in unusual places and are unable to go back over
Criteria for Probable Alzheimer’s Disease their steps to find them. They may accuse others of steal-
The diagnosis of AD is made by using criteria established by ing things from them because they can’t find the objects.
various authorities, such as the National Institute of Neuro- 8. Decreased or poor judgment. Individuals with dementia
logical and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the may make poor judgments in regard to money, or a
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fifth edition (DSM V).7 woman who was always well dressed may stop wearing
Probable AD is determined when a person has the following make-up and wear the same clothes over and over again,
characteristics: even though the clothes are torn or dirty.
• Dementia confirmed by clinical and/or neuropsycho- 9. Withdrawal from work, hobbies, or social activities. Indi-
logical examination; problems in at least two areas of viduals with dementia may isolate themselves due to
cognitive functioning (memory, language [aphasia], difficulty keeping up with conversation or following the
praxis [apraxia], recognition [agnosia], and executive rules of their favorite card game.
function [e.g., impaired judgment]) 10. Changes in mood and personality. Individuals with demen-
• Progressive worsening of memory and other cognitive tia can become suspicious, confused, fearful, or anxious,
functions especially when they are in an unfamiliar environment.5
• No disturbance of consciousness
• No other disorders that might account for the dementia
The Five Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
Areas of cognitive impairment besides memory that are
typically impaired in people with AD and other dementias There are five stages of dementia due to AD: pre-dementia,
include aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, and executive dysfunction. mild, moderate, severe, and terminal. The clinical stages
Executive function skills are the skills that enable individu- (mild, moderate, severe, and terminal) generally span 5 to
als to initiate, plan, self-monitor, and correct their approach to 8 years on average (range of 2 to 20 years) after diagnosis. The
goal-directed tasks. (See Chapter 14 for more detail.) Disor- length of survival depends on the age at onset of symptoms
ders in executive function are often exhibited by deficits in (the younger the age, the longer the survival) and comorbid
self-control, self-direction, and organization. conditions (especially cerebrovascular disease). For clients
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 10 above the age of 85 years, survival after the onset of dementia
signs and symptoms of early dementia: may be much shorter (average of 3 years).4
1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life. This may include forget-
ting recently learned information and important dates or Pre-dementia Stage
events, and asking for the same information over and over. AD begins in the entorhinal cortex, which is near the hippo-
2. Difficulty with planning or problem solving. Individuals campus and has direct connections with it. It then proceeds to
with dementia may have difficulty keeping track of monthly the hippocampus, the structure that is essential to the forma-
bills, organizing daily schedules, or following a recipe. They tion of short-term and long-term memories. Affected regions
may have difficulty attending to a task and become dis- begin to atrophy and show synaptic loss. These brain changes
tracted, and may require longer time to complete a task. start at least 10 to 20 years before any visible signs and symp-
3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks. Task difficulty may oc- toms appear. Memory loss, the first visible sign, is the main
cur at home, at work, or in leisure activities, such as driv- feature of the amnestic type of mild cognitive impairment
ing to a familiar location or remembering the rules of a (aMCI). Many experts think aMCI is often an initial, transi-
favorite game. tional phase between normal brain aging and AD. Change
4. Confusion with time or place. For many older adults, once in mood (irritability, depression, anxiety) and personality
they retire, the days of the week tend to run together, and (passivity) may predate cognitive symptoms by years in people
they may have occasional difficulties recalling the exact with AD. This stage can last for 10 to 30 years.
date. However, using a calendar or contextual cues, they In this stage, OT professionals can assess the client’s ability to
are able to determine the date. A person with dementia complete tasks such as medication and financial management,
250 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

and driving ability. Therapy can help the client identify ways to memory loss and confusion; shortened attention span; prob-
cope with memory loss, such as keeping a notebook to write lems recognizing distant friends and family members; difficulty
down important information and the use of a calendar to track with language; problems with reading, writing, and working
all appointments. In the workplace, strategies can be put in with numbers; difficulty organizing thoughts and thinking
place to help with time management and modification of the logically; inability to learn new things or to cope with new or
environment to facilitate ease of completing tasks. Therapy can unexpected situations; occasional muscle twitches; loss of im-
also help identify those tasks that are too complex for the client pulse control (shown through sloppy table manners, undressing
to complete without assistance. at inappropriate times or places, or vulgar language); and per-
ceptual-motor problems (such as trouble getting out of a chair
Mild AD or setting the table). Stored long-term memories may be rela-
As the disease begins to affect the cerebral cortex, memory tively spared early in this stage, prompting family members’
loss continues, and changes in other cognitive abilities (such comments such as, “she remembers what happened a long time
as language or praxis) emerge. The clinical diagnosis of AD ago better than I do.”
is usually made during this stage. Signs of mild AD can in- Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
clude memory loss, repetitive statements, taking longer to (BPSDs) are often the most disturbing dimension of moderate
accomplish normal daily tasks, trouble handling money and AD. Individuals with AD evidence more severe BPSDs in the
paying bills, poor judgment leading to bad decisions, loss of moderate stage compared with the mild stage.4 The dominant
spontaneity and sense of initiative, confusion about the loca- behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in this stage are delu-
tion of familiar places (getting lost begins to occur), mood sions, depression, anxiety, irritability, and agitation (restless-
and personality changes, and increased anxiety. In mild AD, ness, pacing, wandering). Delusions and hallucinations are
physical abilities do not decline. Thus, the individual seems to much more likely in this stage than in mild stage or terminal
be healthy, but is actually having more and more trouble stage. The incidence of delusions in this stage is reported as
making sense of the world around him or her. At casual 37%, and the incidence of hallucinations is as high as 24%.4
glance, these early symptoms can be confused with changes Paranoid delusions in AD are the most common type of false
that accompany normal aging. With systematic inquiry, early belief; commonly occurring delusions include “Someone is
AD can be reliably diagnosed. Agitation is seen in 20% to stealing my belongings” and “My spouse is having an affair.”
45% of individuals in this stage, especially in the latter half. Psychotic symptoms frequently contribute to agitation and
The prevalence of major depression in this stage may be up to aggression. Depression is also seen in this stage and may
20%. Depressed mood and sadness may be seen in 50% to contribute to physical aggression.24 The prevalence of major
60% of individuals in this stage, and anxiety symptoms are depression is 10% in this stage, whereas the prevalence of de-
also common. This stage can last for 2 to 10 years. pressed mood and sadness is approximately 58%. In moderate
Often, the client with mild dementia is still living at home AD, depression often coexists with prominent anxiety symp-
but may be beginning to have more difficulty with functional toms. The leading features of depression in the later part of
tasks. OT can help the client by structuring ADLs to facilitate this stage may include inversion of day and night, agitation,
successful completion. For example, in the case of Ruth, who and aggression. Aggression occurs in 20% to 30% of individu-
was wearing the same clothes every day, the clinician could als in this stage and appears to vary with severity, correlating
enlist the assistance of a family member to help Ruth clean out with frontal lobe dysfunction, decline in ADLs, and greater
her closet by removing clothes that are torn or that no longer cognitive impairment. The frequency of agitation is 40% to
fit. In addition, clothes can be placed together in outfits to ease 55%, and increases in prevalence from the early to later part of
Ruth’s decisions regarding what clothes she will be wearing. A this stage. Agitation is associated with shouting, pacing, rest-
laundry hamper can be placed in the area where Ruth gets lessness, and wandering. Shouting is also associated with the
undressed at night so that she can place her clothes directly later part of this stage. Inappropriate shouting is a means to
into the laundry hamper so that they can be laundered before communicate emotions and discomfort. Problems of gait and
she wears them again. At this stage in Ruth’s disease process, it movement in this stage contribute significantly to functional
would probably be helpful for her daughter to take over finan- decline. Of individuals with moderate-stage AD, 30% to 60%
cial management. Ruth may be able to still take her medica- may develop mild extrapyramidal symptoms such as amimia
tions but might need her daughter to organize the medications (inability to use gestures to communicate), bradykinesia, gait
in her pillbox to help her identify the medications that she impairment, parkinsonism, and paratonic rigidity. Gait
takes in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. apraxia, ascribed to impaired frontal lobe function, occurs
with increasing frequency in moderate AD. It includes a con-
Moderate AD stellation of impaired trunk and leg movements, impaired
By the moderate stage, AD-induced cell death has spread fur- postural reflexes, disequilibrium, dyskinetic movements, and
ther to the areas of the cerebral cortex that control language, problems with locomotion. Falls are associated with severity
reasoning, sensory processing, and conscious thought. More of AD; more than one third of individuals with moderate AD
intensive supervision and care become necessary, and many experience this problem. The ability to move themselves and
individuals are admitted to a long-term care facility in the latter other objects is impaired in moderate to severe AD. This stage
part of this stage. The symptoms of this stage include increasing can last for 1 to 8 years.
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 251

  CASE EXAMPLE 15-2    Bill

Bill is a 72-year-old male who was previously employed as clutter should be removed. Through activity analysis, the
an accountant. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease steps of functional tasks can be broken down, and his wife
3 years earlier. He is still living at home with his wife but can be instructed to cue Bill to complete one step at a time.
she has become concerned about her ability to manage The importance of maintaining a routine is critical in this
things at home. Last week while she was taking a shower, stage, and the use of a routine will help facilitate indepen-
Bill left the house without a coat and tried to get into the car dence. A toileting routine could be established, and Bill
so that he could go to work. When his wife took away his could be given pull-up-type incontinent briefs to wear in-
keys, he became very agitated. He is having increasing in- stead of underwear. In addition, pants with elastic waist-
cidents of incontinence and is resistant to showering. In bands, pullover shirts, and slip-on shoes may make it easier
addition, he has had two falls in the last month and is no for Bill to dress himself. By presenting Bill with one item at
longer able to dress himself without assistance. When his a time, Bill will be able to sequence dressing tasks. Adapted
wife attempts to help him, he becomes upset and yells at equipment such as grab bars in the bathroom and a raised
her, telling her that he is “not a baby.” Bill’s physician has toilet seat may help decrease Bill’s fall risk. An alarm can be
referred him for occupational therapy (OT). placed on the doors to the house to alert his wife if he tries
OT in the earlier stages of moderate dementia may be to leave unaided. Because he became so upset when his
done in the home environment through home health. At keys were taken away, he could be given a set of “car keys”
this point in the disease process, the client will require made from old keys that are no longer used. In addition, his
closer supervision, and the therapist can help train the care- wife can encourage Bill to engage in an activity that he en-
giver to provide assistance for solving problems. For Bill, joys when she needs to shower or leave Bill unattended for
grooming supplies should be set out in front of him and a period of time.

Severe AD Both urinary and fecal incontinence frequently develop in

The hallmark of severe AD is profound cognitive impairment. In severe AD. Incontinence is a major factor associated with the
this stage, which can last for 1 to 4 years, the individual may not decision of caregivers to seek long-term placement.
even know his or her own name or recognize his or her spouse In clients with severe dementia, OT may focus on posi-
or children. Verbal ability is restricted to answering yes or no to tioning the client in a wheelchair with appropriate supports
simple questions. Many clients, even with advanced dementia, to promote upright posture. From this upright posture, the
will still have some fleeting memory of their loved ones, which client will have increased ability to observe the environ-
can surprise family and staff. A person with dementia (PWD) ment. The client may be able to transfer with some assist
who has not spoken for months may suddenly respond to his or and will sometimes be able to initiate self-feeding tasks or
her spouse’s voice. A PWD who has not responded to the even simple grooming tasks. The OT professional may rec-
spouse’s presence may suddenly pick up the spouse’s hand, kiss ommend the use of finger foods at mealtimes and adapted
the hand, and say, “love you.” These moments of explicit residual cups to allow the client to drink with decreased spillage.
continuity with the client’s past may be most evident in the Often the client has delayed responses, and caregivers
mornings after the individual has had a good night’s rest. Such should be educated to allow adequate time for the client to
moments are also extremely meaningful to the family. respond.

  CASE EXAMPLE 15-3    Adele

Adele is a 97-year-old female with dementia. Until recently her to be positioned at 90 degrees at meals to allow her
she has been able to assist with transfers. If finger foods are easier access to the table and facilitate safer swallowing but
placed in her hand and tactile cueing is provided, she is will allow her to be tilted back in the wheelchair for a change
sometimes able to bring her hand to her mouth and feed in position and pressure points. A rest schedule should be
herself. Adele sits in the wheelchair with both upper ex- implemented because it was determined that when Adele
tremities flexed at the elbow and shoulders adducted. She fatigues, she falls asleep in the wheelchair and falls forward.
keeps bilateral hands in a tight fist but she is able to open her She may also benefit from comfort objects that she can
hands with assistance. She responds well to the facility dog manipulate in her hands to help maintain her range of mo-
and will reach down to pet the dog when the dog is brought tion and prevent the development of contractures. In addi-
to her. When her family is present, Adele will smile and tion, activity staff should be encouraged to bring the facility
laugh, especially when her young great-granddaughter visits. dog to visit Adele because she responds to the dog. Her diet
Adele has had two falls in the past week, and staff members should be changed to a finger-food diet, and she may benefit
want to keep Adele in bed except for meals. from a cup with a lid. Staff should be educated to initiate
Occupational therapy can position Adele in the wheel- self-feeding when Adele is more alert by placing the finger
chair to help decrease her fall risk. Considerations might be foods or cup in her hand, and, with tactile cueing, to assist
given to the use of a tilt-in-space wheelchair that will allow her to bring the food or the cup to her mouth.
252 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

End-Stage AD formed visual hallucinations, and fluctuating cognition

In the last stage of AD, plaques and tangles are widespread with pronounced variation in attention and alertness are
throughout the brain, and large areas of the brain have atro- seen early in the course of dementia. When fluctuating
phied further. Persons with dementia in this stage have lost cognition occurs, family or caregivers often describe the
all ability to communicate and are completely dependent on individual as “zoned out” or “not with us.” Such fluctuation
others for care. Other symptoms can include weight loss; is often mistaken for delirium superimposed on AD. Other
seizures; skin infections; difficulty swallowing; groaning, symptoms that may help differentiate DLB from AD in-
moaning, or grunting; increased sleep; and lack of bladder clude daytime drowsiness and lethargy despite getting
and bowel control. At the end, clients may be in bed much or enough sleep the night before, falling asleep for 2 or more
all of the time. As bedridden status develops, contractures hours during the day, staring into space for long periods
commonly occur. Myoclonus (i.e., sudden, involuntary jerk- and episodes of disorganized speech, rapid-eye-movement
ing), either focal or multifocal, transient or recurrent, may (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD), recurrent falls, and
also occur. Even at this stage some individuals with dementia change in personality early in the course of dementia (es-
may have emotional moments of relational recollection. But pecially passivity). RBD is often a precursor of DLB and is
by now all of these individuals are extremely feeble, have present in about half of individuals with DLB.
limited mobility, and will begin to die of such conditions as Cholinergic deficits in DLB occur early and are more
sepsis related to incontinence, aspiration pneumonia, or skin widespread compared with those of AD. This may explain
ulcer; cardiac arrest; or secondary to minimal oral intake and some of the clinical differences and somewhat better re-
inanition. At this stage, they are in effect dying, and referral sponse to cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) as compared with
to hospice may be appropriate, especially after a superim- AD. Persons with DLB are more functionally impaired (due
posed new medical problem or sudden decline. This stage can to extrapyramidal motor symptoms) and have more neuro-
last for 2 months to up to 2 years. psychiatric difficulties (such as visual hallucinations, seen in
During this end-stage, OT can help minimize the risk of 80% of people with DLB) than those with AD with similar
pressure ulcer development through positioning in bed and cognitive scores. Also, persons with DLB have extreme sensi-
in the wheelchair. Proper positioning at mealtimes can also tivity to high-potency antipsychotic medications (e.g., halo-
help to decrease the risk of aspiration. Caregivers or family peridol, fluphenazine, risperidone), and thus these medica-
members can be shown how to complete gentle range-of- tions should be avoided due to increased risk of morbidity
motion exercises during ADLs. In addition, caregivers should and mortality.
be shown how to encourage the client’s ability to interact with OT can benefit clients with DLB. Due to the fluctuating
the environment and complete purposeful movements (such nature of this disease, caregivers should be instructed to
as encouraging the client to turn his or her head to the music complete more complex or stressful tasks (such as bathing)
while asking “Do you hear the music?”). when the client is in a period of higher functioning. The
environment should be kept clutter free, and caregivers
should be instructed to approach the client from the front
Dementia with Lewy Bodies
due to the visual perceptual deficits found in clients with
Between 15% and 20% of all older-adult cases of dementia DLB. In addition, simplifying the environment will help re-
reaching autopsy show dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), duce fall risk.57
making it the most common cause of degenerative dementia
after AD.39 Lewy bodies are round collections of proteins in
Vascular Dementia
the brain that are considered a pathological hallmark of DLB.
In DLB, Lewy bodies are found in the cortex as well as in an VaD is the third most common cause of irreversible demen-
area of the brain stem called the substantia nigra. tia and generally occurs with another neurodegenerative
The cognitive disorder in DLB may be characterized by process, such as AD or DLB.31 In individuals with VaD, cog-
prominent anterograde amnesia and may be indistinguish- nitive impairment is typically abrupt in onset with stepwise
able from AD. In AD the first loss in thinking skills is in deterioration. Cognitive impairment has its onset or dra-
memory; in DLB the earliest loss appears to be with atten- matic worsening typically in association with a stroke or
tion and visual perception. Hence, DLB has also been de- clear neuroimaging evidence of infarctions. Physical exam
scribed as a visual-perceptual and attentional-executive reveals neurological signs typical of stroke (focal neurological
dementia.39 Symptoms vary a great deal more from one day deficits, motor and reflex asymmetry). Some stroke-related
to the next than do symptoms of AD. In addition, up to syndromes include the clinical phenotype of anterograde
81% of clients with DLB have unexplained periods of amnesia that is identical to that of AD. Slowing down of
markedly increased confusion that lasts days to weeks and mental processing (bradyphrenia) and movement may be an
closely mimics delirium. Clients with DLB are typically early sign that helps differentiate VaD from AD. Memory
more apathetic than are individuals with AD. Diagnosis function, although impaired in VaD, is not the principal and
and treatment of DLB is often complicated by a lack of in- devastating feature that it is with AD. Impaired judgment,
formation about the disease. DLB should be considered in personality changes, frank aphasia, or visuospatial distur-
clients if spontaneous features of parkinsonism, fully bances may predominate either alone or in combination.
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 253

Many individuals with VaD also demonstrate parkinsonian syndromes of progressive supranuclear palsy (prevalence of
symptoms (retropulsion, shuffling gait, loss of postural re- 1 in 50,000 persons in the general population) and cortico-
flexes) and early urinary incontinence. Depression is more basal ganglionic degeneration (prevalence of 1 in 100,000
common in VaD compared with its prevalence in AD. persons) are both “Parkinson disease–plus syndromes,” in
As many as 30% of stroke survivors may have dementia which clients typically have cognitive abnormalities and ri-
by 6 months after the stroke. The risk of dementia increases gidity without tremor.
ninefold compared with individuals of the same age and sex OT intervention with persons with PDD typically focuses
without a new stroke. There is a remarkably high rate of silent on physical impairments.41 Therapy can help address balance
infarcts on imaging, perhaps as high as 20%. Silent infarcts difficulties, rigidity, and coordination problems that affect the
increase the risk of subsequent dementia by 226%. Besides ability to complete functional tasks. If the client is still living
stroke, VaD is also caused by small vessel cerebrovascular at home, recommendations can be made to modify the home
disease resulting from either arteriolosclerosis or amyloid an- environment to decrease fall risk. Grab bars can be placed
giopathy. Individuals with this type of VaD generally have a across from the toilet to allow the client to flex forward when
subcortical pattern of dementia with psychomotor slowing standing, which will help compensate for the retropulsion
and relative preservation of naming and other language skills. found in clients with PD. To help increase independence with
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain shows obvi- self-care, clients can wear clothing without fastenings, such as
ous evidence of severe cerebrovascular disease. White-matter pants with an elastic waistband and pullover shirts. Adapted
hyperintensities (WMHs; leukoaraiosis) if severe are associ- cups, plate guards, and special utensils can help the client
ated with three times the risk of subsequent dementia. WMHs compensate for coordination difficulties. OT professionals
are an independent predictor of cognitive decline, even more can also position the client in a wheelchair to break up exten-
powerful of an indicator than the presence of lacunar infarcts. sor tone in the trunk, which will help improve the client’s
Infarcts may involve the hippocampus directly, and subcorti- ability to maintain a midline position in the wheelchair.28
cal ischemic vascular disease can also affect hippocampal
volume. Thus, although the presence of hippocampal atrophy
Frontotemporal Dementia
is highly indicative of AD, it cannot be taken as proof that
AD is the cause of dementia to the exclusion of VaD. Thus, Frontotemporal dementia (FTD; also called frontotemporal
differentiating VaD from AD through neuropsychological lobar degeneration [FTLD]) is the second most common
testing or neuroimaging is not as useful as determining the cause of progressive irreversible dementia, ranking behind
cerebrovascular disease burden in all clients with AD. Pure AD in clients younger than 65.48 FTD is associated with
VaD in people with dementia older than 70 years is rare, and degeneration of the frontal and anterior temporal lobes. Three
most older clients diagnosed with VaD also have some AD. In clinical groups of FTD have been described: (1) behavioral
younger clients, the possibility of pure VaD is more likely. variant of FTD (FTDbv), characterized by changes in behavior
OT interventions for clients with vascular dementia typi- and personality and associated with cortical degeneration
cally include interventions used for the treatment of a CVA. predominantly in the frontal lobes; (2) semantic dementia
The OT professional can address wheelchair positioning, self- (SD), a syndrome of progressive loss of knowledge about
care activities, visual-perceptual deficits, mobility impair- words and objects associated with anterior temporal cortical
ments, and strength and coordination deficits to help the degeneration; and (3) progressive nonfluent aphasia, charac-
client maximize functional skills. terized by difficulty with language expression (e.g., effortful
language output, loss of grammar, and motor speech prob-
lems). FTDbv is characterized by insidious onset of behavioral
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
and personality changes, and, typically, initial presentation
The typical case of Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) lacks clear neurological signs or symptoms. Core diagnostic
occurs in a person with well-established Parkinson’s disease criteria for FTDbv include personality changes, such as emo-
(8.5 years on average, but by definition Parkinson’s disease tional blunting and lack of insight.
symptoms should be present for at least 1 year before onset The clinical manifestations of FTDbv are variable but may
of dementia) who then develops progressive cognitive im- include poor judgment (neglecting normal responsibilities),
pairment.29 The cognitive deficits of individuals with PDD disinhibition (impolite behavior), loss of empathy and sympa-
are similar to those in clients with DLB. Rest tremors, hypo- thy for others, compulsive or socially inappropriate behaviors,
kinesia (slowed movement), masked facial expression, soft excessive eating and weight gain, apathy, substance abuse, or
voice (hypophonia), tiny handwriting (micrographia), cog- aggression early in the course of dementia. Social misconduct
wheel rigidity of the limbs, and gait problems, including in the form of theft or offensive language may occur in nearly
asymmetrical or decreased arm swing and abnormal pos- one half of persons with FTDbv. Behavioral symptoms such as
tural reflexes, may be found on neurological examination. rigidity, stubbornness, self-centeredness, and adoption of
Approximately 1.5 million Americans have Parkinson’s dis- compulsive rituals typically occur with disease progression.
ease (PD). Up to 80% eventually develop PDD. The patho- Individuals with FTDbv may exhibit dramatic alterations in
logical hallmark of PD is the collection of Lewy bodies in the self-identity, such as changes in political, social, or religious
substantia nigra (an area in the brain stem). Relatively rare values. Stereotyped behaviors, such as compulsive cleaning,
254 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

pacing, and collecting, are also common in FTDbv. In later The OT professional’s role in the treatment of clients with
stages, hyperorality, repetitive movements, and mutism may FTD can primarily focus on the management of the physical
occur. Memory loss is not prominent until later in the dis- deficits, and providing tips to help deal with the behavioral
ease. Initially, individuals with FTD may be misdiagnosed symptoms.
as having a psychiatric disorder (such as major depression,
bipolar disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or obsessive
Mixed Dementia
compulsive disorder) and may have been under the care of a
psychiatrist for years. It is only when symptoms advance to Mixed dementia (coexisting AD and VaD or AD and DLB,
the point of obvious cognitive (loss of speech, memory defi- AD and PDD and VaD and DLB) is also common, and should
cits) and physical deficits (stiffness and balance problems) be considered in the differential diagnosis. Mixed pathology
that the correct diagnosis is made. is common. Concomitant AD is present in 66% of DLB cli-
Up to one third of people with FTDbv exhibit euphoria, ents and 77% of VaD clients.56 Most people with clinical VaD
which can take the form of elevated mood, inappropriate have low to moderate coexisting AD. Even those older adults
jocularity, and exaggerated self-esteem that can be indistin- with high burdens of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) may still
guishable from hypomania or mania. Gluttonous overeating have some AD. More clinical evidence of CVD implies
and an exaggerated craving for carbohydrates are also com- greater likelihood of VaD as the dominant etiologic factor in
mon in FTDbv. people with dementia. AD can never be ruled out on clinical
People in the earlier stages of FTDbv, as compared with or imaging grounds. At autopsy, clients with PDD will fre-
AD, often achieve higher scores on the Mini-Mental State quently have pathologic findings of AD as well.
Examination (MMSE) at baseline. Bedside cognitive testing
(such as the MMSE) thus is often insensitive to the early and
Potentially Reversible Causes of Dementia
isolated executive and/or language deficits of individuals with
FTDbv. Individuals with FTDbv often display echopraxia In clients with cognitive decline, unexplained focal findings,
(repeating whatever the other person says), perseveration and atypical presentations, including incontinence, seizures,
(giving the same answer to a new question), and motor im- or severe headache, early in the course of dementia, the
persistence. Neuropsychological testing is highly valuable so-called surgically treatable causes—normal pressure hydro-
when FTDbv is being considered because bedside testing of cephalus (NPH), subdural hematoma, and brain tumor—
executive function is inadequate. Normal performance on should be considered, but these typically do not present as
neuropsychological testing does not rule out FTDbv, espe- isolated dementia.35 NPH manifests initially with gait apraxia
cially early in its course. (leading to falls) followed by urinary incontinence and even-
Survival is typically shorter with the FTD subgroups, with tually dementia. Neuroimaging shows dilated ventricles, and
the possible exception of SD, where the duration of illness is diagnosis can be confirmed by demonstrating improvement
similar to that of AD. in gait after removal of some amount of cerebrospinal fluid
FTD describes a group of diseases characterized by neuro- through lumbar puncture. Treatment of NPH involves inser-
nal degeneration involving primarily the frontal and tempo- tion of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. Subdural hematoma
ral lobes. Up to 15% of clients with FTD have clinical and may produce headache and dementia-like symptoms (cogni-
electromyographic findings consistent with amyotrophic lat- tive deficits, changes in mood and/or personality of subacute
eral sclerosis. onset) because of mass effect or induction of nonconvulsive
There are no medications approved by the Food and Drug seizures. Treatment involves neurosurgical intervention (burr
Administration (FDA) for the management of FTDs. Thera- hole and removal of the blood clot). Tumors involving the
peutically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are parietal cortex may mimic AD. The parietal cortex is not di-
common first-line agents, given the well-described seroto- rectly connected with motor output systems, and paralysis
nergic deficits in FTD. SSRIs are generally given for treatment and abnormal reflexes may be absent despite significant mass
of anxiety, depression, compulsive behaviors, and agitation in effect. Although other abnormalities (e.g., sensory, complex
clients with FTD. Clients with FTD are particularly prone to behavioral, and visual-focal deficits) may occur, clients with
developing extrapyramidal side effects with use of antipsy- tumors involving the parietal lobe are usually unaware of
chotics because of dopaminergic deficits seen in the brains of these deficits (anosognosia), and they may be missed on a
people with FTD. Thus, use of antipsychotics should be re- cursory examination. In general, individuals with dementia
stricted to treatment of behavioral emergencies and severe due to brain tumor are younger (less than 70 years) compared
persistent aggression. The cholinergic system in FTD appears with the typical age group of individuals with AD (more than
to be relatively intact. Thus, the use of cholinesterase inhibi- 70 years). Neuroimaging (especially MRI with and without
tors (ChEIs) for clients with FTD is not recommended. Me- contrast) confirms the diagnosis of brain tumor. Primary
mantine may be judiciously considered for treatment of some gastrointestinal disorders such Whipple disease and celiac
clients with FTD because preliminary data suggest that gluta- disease may have central nervous system involvement with-
mate may play a role in FTD and that memantine may out prominent gastrointestinal symptoms.
produce modest benefits. Please note additional information Paretic neurosyphilis, although rare in the general popula-
on the use of pharmacological agents in Chapter 13. tion, should be considered in individuals with past history of
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 255

sexually transmitted disease and/or HIV infection. Clinical Mild Cognitive Impairment
presentation is that of disinhibited frontotemporal dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a syndrome character-
If the clinical picture strongly suggests paretic neurosyphilis, ized by impairment in a single cognitive domain, usually
a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test is recom- memory (amnestic MCI), or moderate impairment in several
mended. The first-line treatment of paretic neurosyphilis is cognitive domains, but clients with MCI do not have signifi-
antibiotics (such as penicillin). All clients with dementia cant impairment in their abilities to perform ADLs and do
should be adequately screened for HIV infection risk factors. not meet criteria for dementia.46 Prevalence of MCI among
individuals living in long-term care settings varies from 5%
Differential Diagnosis of Dementia to 10% in many nursing homes to up to 30% in some ALFs.
The most frequently encountered form of MCI is the amnes-
Dementia should be differentiated from age-associated mem- tic type. Less common variants of MCI present with localized
ory impairment, mild cognitive impairment, delirium, and impairment of other cognitive domains (such as executive
depression. dysfunction in FTLD). Clients with amnestic MCI com-
monly progress to AD, converting from one diagnosis to the
Age-Associated Memory Impairment
other at a rate of approximately 10% to 15% per year on aver-
Short-term memory is the storage of information for a brief age. Thus, for many clients with MCI, MCI represents the
period of time. It can last from a few minutes to a few days. earliest manifestation of AD. Not all persons with MCI will
Short-term memory that is mentally manipulated and pro- convert to AD or other dementia. Although most persons
cessed is termed working memory. Procedural memory is the who convert from MCI to dementia have AD, many others
ability to remember how to complete a particular task or may convert to VaD, FTD, DLB, and other less common de-
procedure. A client’s ability to complete ADLs is based on the mentias. Depression is common in people with MCI, and its
client’s ability to use procedural memory. Long-term memory presence increases the chances of people with MCI convert-
is usually the strongest type of memory, and it consists of ing to dementia in the next few years. Neuropsychological
information that is stored from a few days to many years. testing is needed to accurately diagnose MCI and differenti-
Older adults will often have deficits with short-term memory, ate it from AAMI and mild dementia.
but long-term memory and procedural memory are often still
intact early in the disease process. Delirium
A hallmark of normal cognitive aging is slowed speed of Delirium typically has an acute, dateable onset; fluctuating
processing. Particularly after age 70 years, but most marked levels of alertness in which the individual may appear drowsy,
in the population over age 85 years, is a tendency to have hyperalert, or alternate between them; and difficulties with
increasing difficulty in accessing names of people and ob- attention and concentration.38 As well, any and all causes of
jects, difficulty processing information rapidly, and the need delirium may be accompanied by behavior changes such as
for additional time to learn new things or skills (such as us- agitation or psychotic symptoms such as visual hallucinations.
ing technology) or grasp new ideas (particularly compli- The quiet/apathetic subtype, often called acute confusion, is
cated skills or ideas), and to think through problems.21 often missed by care providers. Depending on the cause, in
Age-associated memory impairment (AAMI; also called some cases onset of delirium may be subacute. This is in con-
benign senescent forgetfulness or benign forgetfulness) in- trast to typical insidious onset in degenerative dementia.
volves forgetting the name of someone, particularly some- Acute onset, impairment in awareness (hyperalert, drowsy,
one whom the individual has not seen in a while; finding it stuporous), inattention, and daily dramatic fluctuation in
difficult to recall the right word to express oneself; or even symptoms (especially cognition but also behavior) are four
not remembering the name of an object, event, or some key clinical features of delirium that help differentiate it from
other item or concept, particularly something that is not dementia (except in individuals with DLB). Orientation is
completely familiar. None of these problems is sufficient to generally impaired and memory deficits are also seen. Think-
cause impairment in daily activities or the person’s ability to ing is disorganized. Delirium should always be assumed to be
live independently. Memory function as measured by de- treatable or reversible until proven otherwise. By identifying
layed recall of newly learned material is not substantially and removing the cause, the individual should return to his or
decreased in older adults. People experiencing AAMI com- her premorbid cognitive and functional baseline.
plain of memory loss but generally have normal scores on
psychometric testing for their age group. Office-based Depression
memory testing results are generally in the normal range. Major depressive disorder (hence forth called depression) in
Although there is absence of significant decline in memory older adults may be associated with complaints of memory
or functioning over time (months to years) in most people impairment, difficulty thinking and concentrating, word-
with subjective memory complaints, new research suggests finding difficulty, and an overall reduction in intellectual
that subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) is not as benign abilities.24 This condition used to be called depressive pseu-
as generally thought because in some clients (e.g., highly dodementia, but is more properly termed the dementia syn-
educated people) subjective memory difficulties may be the drome of depression. This is a recognition that older adults
earliest symptom of future dementia.23 who are clinically depressed may look like and even believe
256 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

that they have AD because the depression can impair cogni-

Tests to Clarify Diagnosis
tion. However, if only depression is causing cognitive changes,
once it is effectively treated, the person should return to the To date, there are no definitive antemortem tests to defini-
premorbid cognitive baseline. Unfortunately, depression may tively diagnose degenerative dementias. Blood tests such as
be an early marker as well as a risk factor for AD. Also, de- complete blood count (CBC); basic metabolic panel (BMP);
pression coexists with AD in 30% to 50% of people with AD. liver function tests (LFTs); calcium, vitamin B12, and folate
In people with dementia who exhibit acute cognitive or be- levels; and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) are recom-
havioral decline, comorbid depression (as well as delirium) mended to detect treatable causes of cognitive impairment
needs to be suspected and aggressively treated. such as severe anemia, malnutrition, hyponatremia, severe
A history of gradual cognitive decline predating depres- renal disease, hypercalcemia, vitamin deficiencies, and thy-
sive symptoms may help in the diagnosis of AD with depres- roid disorders. These conditions are generally comorbid with
sion. To clarify the diagnosis, it is sometimes helpful to use an irreversible dementias, but correcting them may improve
assessment tool, such as the Geriatric Depression Scale cognition and may slow future cognitive decline. Neuroimag-
(GDS), Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), or Cornell ing may be necessary for accurate diagnosis if clinical presen-
Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD).2,53 The latter is tation suggests the possibility of vascular lesions, NPH,
most useful as a depression assessment tool for clients with tumors, subdural hematoma, or brain tumor, and for any
advanced dementia. Neuropsychological testing is one of the atypical presentation (e.g., young-onset dementia, rapidly
best ways to reliably differentiate between cognitive deficits progressive dementia). MRI is preferred over a computed
related to depression from MCI, MCI with depression, mild tomography (CT) scan of the brain, generally without con-
dementia, and mild dementia with depression. Neuropsycho- trast, because MRI better detects most lesions. Neuroimaging
logical testing may show executive dysfunction, but the typi- may be avoided for individuals who have clinical features of
cal neuropsychological profile of AD is absent in individuals degenerative dementia and are in advanced stages because
with depression but no dementia (Table 15-3). obtaining a brain scan may be too burdensome for these in-
dividuals and any findings on neuroimaging may not influ-
ence treatment decisions. Sleep disorders such as obstructive
Tools for Diagnosing Dementia
sleep apnea are also associated with cognitive impairment
Current tools for the diagnosis of dementia include: and should be investigated, especially in individuals with
• detailed history from client and from family or other obesity, excessive daytime sleepiness, and nighttime snoring.
reliable informant A sleep study may be warranted to confirm diagnosis of
• physical and neurological examinations and laboratory obstructive sleep apnea.
tests The prevalence of reversible dementias has been decreas-
• neuroimaging ing over the last few decades. In selected cases (such as a
• standardized tests to assess cognition, function, and history of sexually transmitted disease or of intravenous drug
mood (depression) abuse), a rapid plasma reagin test for neurosyphilis or an HIV
• neuropsychological testing by a neuropsychologist test for central nervous system manifestations of AIDS may
when diagnosis or etiology is unclear be warranted. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan
may be considered for an individual to help differentiate be-
tween AD and FTD. Neither a CT nor an MRI scan can diag-
TABLE 15-3  Differentiation between Delirium, Dementia, nose AD, but looking for degree of atrophy or focal atrophy
and Depression and hippocampal atrophy may be useful in differentiating
Delirium Dementia Depression between FTD and AD. Atrophy out of proportion to age is
Onset Abrupt Slow and Recent; may also important in the diagnosis of degenerative dementias.
insidious be associ- Dementia diagnoses may be inaccurate for many individuals
ated with in long-term care.
loss Neuropsychological testing, if available, may be consid-
Duration Hours to Months to Stable; may ered to diagnose dementia more accurately. Neuropsycho-
days years be worse logical testing is a useful tool for clarifying the diagnosis in
in a.m.
individuals with significant depression and dementia, to
Attention Impaired Normal Usually
differentiate between MCI and dementia and to differenti-
(except normal
in severe ate between AD and other neurodegenerative dementias.
cases) Neuropsychological testing is also an important tool to di-
Consciousness Reduced, Clear Clear agnose AD in individuals who, at baseline, had extremely
fluctuating high or relatively low levels of cognitive/intellectual func-
tion (such as individuals with mental retardation due to
(From Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. [2012, June]. Older Down syndrome who have developed insidious onset and
Americans 2012: Key indicators of well-being. Washington, DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office; Silverstein, N. M. & Maslow, K. (Eds.) (2006). Improving hospital care progressive cognitive and functional decline from their
for persons with dementia. New York: Springer.) baseline).
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 257

Clients with unusually rapid symptomatic progression of AD.40 Apathy syndrome of dementia is also gaining
of dementia and presence of myoclonus, or other atypical increasing interest. Prevalence of BPSDs does not vary by
presentations, may need spinal fluid examination to evalu- setting, but prevalence of specific symptoms does vary by set-
ate for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and infectious etiologies ting (higher prevalence of aggression in individuals in long-
of dementia (such as neurosyphilis or herpes simplex term care facilities compared with people with dementia in
encephalitis). the community) and by stage. Apathy is the most common
Genetic testing is recommended only in cases of familial BPSD seen in all types of dementia and across all stages. Its
AD (AD with an autosomal-dominant pattern of inheritance prevalence increases with advancing cognitive impairment.
in individuals who typically have an age of onset of dementia Agitation is the next most common BPSD, typically seen
in the 30s or 40s) and some cases of FTD that have an auto- more commonly as the dementia progresses to moderate and
somal-dominant pattern of inheritance. Genetic counseling severe stages. Disruptive behaviors (such as wandering, ver-
by a professional genetic counselor, clinical geneticist, or ex- bal outbursts, physical threats/violence, agitation/restless-
pert in memory disorders at an academic center is strongly ness, and sundowning) predict cognitive decline, functional
recommended before any genetic testing. Testing for the decline, and institutionalization. The prevalence of agitation
APOE-4 genotype is generally not recommended for use in and aggression is approximately 25% in persons with demen-
diagnosis. For additional information on assessments and tia residing at home and 45% in those residing in long-term
their rationales, see Table 15-4. care facilities. Prevalence of clinically significant depression is
approximately 32% in the mild stage, 23% in the moderate
stage, and 18% in severe stages. Lower premorbid agreeable-
Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms
ness (a personality factor) is associated with agitation and
of Dementia
irritability symptoms in AD and also predicts an “agitation/
Point prevalence of behavioral and psychological symptoms apathy” syndrome.
of dementia (BPSDs) is approximately 60%, and lifetime Psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations
prevalence is 90%.22 Among the most validated syndromes are also prevalent in individuals with dementia. Sleep distur-
of BPSDs are depression, psychosis, and sleep disturbance bances and anxiety symptoms are also common in individu-
als with dementia and often occur along with depression,
psychoses, and agitation. BPSDs, especially psychosis, agita-
tion, and problem wandering (safety issue), are the leading
TABLE 15-4  Proposed Testing of Older Adults with triggers for placement of a person with dementia in a long-
Subjective Cognitive/Memory Complaints term care facility.
Although dementia itself generally causes BPSDs, most
Assessments Rationale behavioral and psychological symptoms in individuals arise
Routine: from the complex interaction of the various factors listed in
Neuropsychological testing Delineation of cognitive Table 15-5.
syndromes (SCI vs. MCI
vs. AD*)
Hematology (full blood Screen for anemia
count) TABLE 15-5  Causes of Behavioral and Psychological
Biochemistry (electrolytes, Screen for treatable Symptoms of Dementia
renal function, liver func- causes of cognitive
Cause Example
tion, thyroid function, B12 complaints
and folate) Iatrogenic Medications (e.g., anticholinergic medi-
For Specific Indication Suggested by History, Physical Exam, cations [oxybutynin, diphenhydr-
and/or Neuropsychological Testing: amine]), therapeutic diets, impatient
Neuroimaging Generalized and regional and/or inappropriate caregiver
(e.g., hippocampal atro- approach
phy, space-occupying Recreational Even modest amount of alcohol may
lesions) drugs cause agitation and insomnia
Electroencephalography Epilepsy/seizures (espe- Medical con- Urinary tract infection, constipation,
cially absence and com- ditions dehydration, pain, sleep disorders
plex partial seizures) Psychosocial Loneliness, boredom, feelings of insecu-
Cardiac (e.g., echocardiog- May reveal cardiac arrhyth- rity, struggle maintaining self-esteem
raphy) mia or sources of emboli Unmet basic Hunger, thirst, sexual expression,
Inflammatory markers Screen for inflammatory need discomfort (e.g., tight clothing)
(e.g., ESR**) process Environmen- Excessive noise, inadequate lighting,
Treponemal serology Tertiary syphilis tal lack of access to outdoors, too hot
or too cold
*SCI 5 subjective cognitive impairment; MCI 5 mild cognitive impairment; AD 5 Psychiatric Major depression, psychotic and anxiety
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
disorders symptoms
**ESR 5 erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
258 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

  CASE EXAMPLE 15-4    Irene
Agitation is a generic term that includes verbally aggressive
behaviors (e.g., swearing, threats), verbally nonaggressive Irene is a 72-year-old female living with her daughter. She
behaviors (e.g., repetitive vocalization, pleas for help), physi- was diagnosed with vascular dementia 18 months after
cally aggressive behaviors (e.g., hitting, biting, scratching, she had a CVA. Irene was referred to occupational therapy
kicking, pushing), and physically nonaggressive behaviors because of a sudden decline in her ability to complete
(e.g., pacing, wandering).15 Agitated behaviors should be self-care tasks and increasing problems using her right
hand. Irene has always been right-hand dominant. At the
considered an expression of an individual’s unmet needs (e.g.,
time of the evaluation, Irene’s daughter told the therapist
need for food, drink, toileting, relief from environmental that her mom had begun wandering and was beginning to
stress [impatient or angry caregiver approach, excessive have anxiety and problem behaviors that were interfering
noise, excessive demand], relief from discomfort [due to with family schedules. Irene would get up early and start
pain, constipation]). Medications, medical conditions (such to get dressed. She always put on the same clothes and
as obstructive sleep apnea, pneumonia, urinary tract infec- became upset when her daughter tried to make her wear
tion [UTI], onychomycosis), and psychiatric disorders (de- a different outfit.
pression, psychoses, delirium) may also manifest as agitated The occupational therapist determined that Irene be-
behaviors. Catastrophic reaction is an acute expression of came agitated in the later afternoon. Her daughter shared
overwhelming anxiety and fearfulness experienced by that her mother had raised five children. She also recalled
some individuals with dementia, usually triggered by a that her mother always had dinner on the table at 5:00
when her father arrived home from work. It was theo-
frustrating experience (e.g., difficulty dressing self) or in
rized that Irene was becoming anxious because she
anticipation of one. These spells are typically brief, lasting less thought that she should be preparing dinner. The occupa-
than 30 minutes, and self-limited. tional therapist identified some simple meal preparation
To help minimize agitation, OT professionals can help tasks that Irene could complete that would help improve
caregivers simplify self-care routines to help decrease frustra- the function in her right hand while also meet her occu-
tion and anxiety. Breaking down activities into simple steps pational need to prepare meals for her family. Irene’s
can also help keep the client from feeling overwhelmed.42 In granddaughter was also encouraged to become involved
addition, establishing toileting routines, providing clothes with her grandmother when she returned home from
that are easy to manage, clearly marking the door to the bath- school. Finally, the therapist suggested that Irene’s
room with a picture of a toilet, and adding adaptive equip- daughter should purchase duplicate outfits that her
ment in the bathroom such as a raised toilet seat and grab mother liked to wear. Irene would then be able to wear
the same clothes that she felt comfortable in, but her
bars will make it easier for the client to be able to complete
daughter would be able to wash the outfits so that Irene
toileting without assistance. Encouraging the client to take would have clean clothes. When the occupational thera-
frequent drinks throughout the day and providing easy-to- pist returned for a follow-up visit 2 weeks later, Irene’s
eat snacks will also help meet the needs of clients, which will daughter reported that Irene’s anxiety had decreased
help decrease anxiety caused by unmet needs. significantly. They had also begun taking a walk together
in the afternoon, which also seemed to decrease her
Wandering wandering.
Wandering is one of the most common behavioral problems
found in persons with dementia, often resulting in their being
placed in a long-term care facility that offers “locked” units or
other safeguards (e.g., use of wander-guard alarm system).
Wandering manifests as aimless or purposeful motor activity
Treatment of Dementia
that involves leaving a safe place, getting lost, or intruding Medical treatment of dementia is treatment of its cause.
into inappropriate places or situations. Individuals with de- Thus, treatment of reversible dementia is to treat the cause
mentia often wander, with rates of 35% to 40% per year of (removing offending medication, correcting vitamin and
reported elopements from facilities. Individuals with demen- nutritional deficiencies, etc.). The medical and interdisci-
tia who remain ambulatory and are in relatively good physi- plinary interventions and goals of treatment of irreversible
cal health are at high risk for wandering. Once an individual dementias are listed in Table 15-6. Early and aggressive man-
begins wandering, more than 70% will engage in repeated agement of irreversible dementias can delay symptom pro-
episodes. Management of wandering primarily involves psy- gression and help to maintain the quality of life of both the
chosocial environmental interventions. For example, some client and caregiver. Dementia has a tremendous negative
individuals may wander due to need for socialization or impact on a client’s self-esteem and feelings of security, espe-
stimulation, and may benefit from a structured individual- cially if the individual has insight (partial or full) relative to
ized activity schedule (such as a daily walking plan) to pre- his or her cognitive and functional limitations. Thus, helping
vent boredom. Availability of safe and aesthetically pleasing clients to maintain self-esteem through engagement in cre-
areas (for example, therapeutic gardens with walking paths) ative and meaningful activities and, if necessary, providing
may allow clients to wander and explore without risk of supportive psychotherapy (in mild to moderate stages) can
elopement. be very helpful.
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 259

TABLE 15-6  Medical and Interdisciplinary Interventions the regimen of the client who is already on a ChEI) may pro-
and Goals for Clients with Dementia vide added benefits. Memantine may also be considered
for individuals with mild AD, although is not approved by
Interventions Goals the FDA for treatment of mild AD. Whenever antidementia
Discontinue unnec- Improve daily functioning and quality drugs are prescribed, persons with dementia and their fami-
essary/harmful of life lies should be apprised of the modest potential benefits as
medications well as the potential adverse effects and added costs of
Antidementia drugs Slow cognitive and functional decline medications.
Antidepressants for Improve depression and quality of
Common adverse effects of ChEI are nausea, vomiting,
major depression life
Control of vascular Slow cognitive and functional decline
anorexia, weight loss, and diarrhea. These adverse effects tend
risk factors (e.g., to be mild to moderate in severity but in frail individuals with
hypertension) dementia, even mild adverse effects can significantly impair
Assessment for Prevent harmful decisions by helping quality of life. In individuals with PDD, ChEIs may worsen
capacity to client seek appropriate surrogate tremors. Other uncommon adverse effects of ChEIs include
make decisions decision maker for health care and muscle cramps, bradycardia (which can be dangerous in in-
finances dividuals with cardiac conduction problems), and dizziness.
Assessment and Improve quality of life (e.g., depres- ChEIs increase gastric acid production, a particular concern
treatment of ex- sion, pain, obstructive sleep apnea) for those with history of peptic ulcer. Preexisting bradycar-
cess comorbidity dia, sick sinus syndrome or conduction defects, undiagnosed
Referral to adult Improve quality of life, delay nursing
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, gastritis, or ulcerative disease
day program home placement
Dietetic therapy Address nutritional concerns (e.g.,
should be considered relative contraindications for ChEIs.8
weight loss) Finally, ChEIs may induce or exacerbate urinary obstruction,
Occupational Home safety assessment, environ- worsen asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
therapy mental adaptation, interventions (COPD), cause seizures, induce or worsen sleep disturbance,
to improve ability to complete and exaggerate the effects of some muscle relaxants during
activities of daily living and other anesthesia. Thus, ChEIs should be used with extra precaution
activities meaningful for client, for individuals with cerebrovascular disease, seizures, and
education of family members on COPD.
how to deal with symptoms A relatively high proportion of persons with dementia liv-
Physical therapy Reduce risk of falls, energy ing in long-term care facilities and taking antidementia drugs
may not be benefiting enough from these medications to
Speech therapy Address cognitive and communica-
tion problems and swallowing
warrant continuation. Psychosocial-environmental interven-
problems if present tions such as regular physical exercise (aerobics, balance and
Recreation therapy Improve quality of life strength training), healthy nutrition (fruits, vegetables, whole
Music therapy Improve quality of life grains, food rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsatu-
Art therapy Improve quality of life rated fatty acids), cognitively stimulating and meaningful
Assessment by law Help with documents such as power activities (reading aloud, doing puzzles, playing card or board
attorney special- of attorney for health care and fi- games, etc.), yoga, meditation, and stress management strate-
izing in older- nances, living will, and for guard- gies (relaxation exercises, mindfulness training), along with
adult issues ianship issues pharmacological interventions (antidementia drugs) and ag-
gressive control of cardiovascular risk factors, may help
highly motivated individuals with mild dementia to achieve
Treatment for Cognitive and Functional high levels of cognitive function and slow cognitive and func-
Deficits tional decline.

At present, no purely medical therapy has been shown to

Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological
prevent, cure, or arrest the progression of AD, DLB, PDD,
and FTD. Antidementia drugs currently available include Symptoms of Dementia
cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and the N-methyl-D-aspar- Ensuring safety and security is crucial, because behavioral
tate (NMDA) receptor antagonist memantine. A trial of one and psychological symptoms often may be severe and can
of the ChEIs, such as donepezil, rivastigmine, or galantamine, potentially be life threatening to the client displaying the be-
is recommended for people with mild, moderate, and severe haviors (such as suicidal attempt) and/or dangerous to others
AD, DLB, and PDD. A trial of memantine with or without (such as hitting a caregiver, causing injury).22 Those with de-
concomitant use of a ChEI is recommended for individuals mentia who wander may be particularly at risk of exposure to
with AD in moderate to severe stages. Preliminary evidence dangerous weather conditions, dehydration, and medical
indicates potential benefits of memantine in clients with PDD problems due to missing doses of needed medications. Iden-
and DLB. Combination therapy (e.g., adding memantine to tifying triggers is important because modifying triggers often
260 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

ameliorates the behavioral disturbances. Medical disorders (and sometimes guilt) issues the family may be dealing with
(such as untreated pain, UTI) and psychiatric disorders (ma- at that time, and that these issues can influence their deci-
jor depression, generalized anxiety disorder) are common sions considerably. Addressing these complex feelings can
causes of agitation in individuals with dementia and are emi- also help the family make the decision regarding life-
nently treatable. prolonging treatment that is in keeping with the wishes and
Psychosocial-environmental interventions are the first- values of the individual with dementia. Other aspects of pal-
line intervention for all BPSDs. Commonly employed psy- liative care such as when to forgo cardiopulmonary resuscita-
chosocial-environmental interventions include structured tion, degree of pain control versus adverse effects of pain
and unstructured activities, exercise, music, dance, reminis- medications (such as severely compromised awareness), and
cence, massage therapy, aromatherapy, pet therapy (animal- feeding tube placement should also be discussed as early in
assisted therapy), therapeutic gardens, simulated presence the course of dementia as is possible and with the involve-
therapy (e.g., hearing family members taped recordings), ment of the family.
painting, other activities that allow creative expression, and
spirituality. Daily exercises (walking, resistance training, flex- Medical Comorbidity in Persons with
ion and stretch exercises) improve functional fitness and are
critical for maintaining muscle mass and slowing cognitive
and functional decline. A typical psychosocial-environmental More than 60% of clients with dementia have three or more
intervention can involve continuous activity programming comorbidities. Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arthri-
tailored to the unique needs, strengths, and interests of each tis, chronic kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, and diminution
individual that can prevent and abort many agitated behaviors of vision and hearing, among other conditions, can be ex-
in clients with dementia. There is growing consensus that pected in the typical individual with dementia. Individuals
spirituality is of great importance for not only those who have with dementia have a higher incidence of parkinsonism, sei-
dementia but also for their caregivers. Bright light has a mod- zures, infections, malnutrition, sensory impairment, hip frac-
est benefit in improving some cognitive and noncognitive tures and other injuries, and pressure sores. Optimal diagno-
(e.g., mood, sleep) symptoms of dementia. Often, “agitation” sis and treatment of comorbid medical illnesses are essential
is a way for clients with dementia to communicate their feel- components of dementia management and are key to sustain-
ings of insecurity. Many behaviors are an attempt by clients ing cognition in the client with dementia. Treatment of
to feel connected to their surroundings. In such situations, medical comorbidities in individuals with dementia should
the client needs empathic mirroring responses from caregiv- weigh the possible benefits for the individual against the bur-
ers who can understand the symbolic meaning of such dens imposed by such treatment.
behaviors. Also, the goals of treating medical comorbidity should be
in keeping with the individual’s overall goals of care (pallia-
Pharmacological Interventions for Behavioral tive [comfort only] versus life-prolonging treatment). Dis-
and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia continuation of medications with potential for significant
Although evidence to support the efficacy of ChEIs and anticholinergic symptoms should be considered in every in-
memantine in BPSD treatment is limited, in the absence of dividual with dementia. Clients with dementia are frequently
safer and effective alternatives, their use is appropriate.22 transferred to emergency rooms and hospitalized for medical
conditions (such as pneumonia), putting such individuals at
high risk for delirium, falls, need for restraints, and func-
Palliative Care for People with Advanced
tional decline during and after hospitalization despite suc-
cessful treatment of the medical condition. Hospitalization
Discussion of wishes of an individual with dementia regard- for clients with dementia (especially frail individuals and
ing life-prolonging treatment during advanced dementia clients with severe and terminal dementia) is extremely
(moderate, severe, and terminal stages) should take place stressful. All of these risks of hospitalization need to be dis-
when the person is in the mild stages (preferably the first half cussed before making the decision to hospitalize. Psychiatric
of the mild stage) because in this stage, the person retains the consultation (preferably by a gerontological psychiatrist) is
capacity to make medical decisions for himself or herself, can recommended for the management of agitation in clients
fully participate in the discussion, and can express his or her with dementia who have been hospitalized.
wishes to the family.20 In general, as the dementia progresses,
the burdens of life-prolonging treatment (such as hospitaliza-
Pain in Persons with Dementia
tion for pneumonia) increase dramatically, and potential
benefits (such as increased duration of survival) decrease Older adults with dementia are not less sensitive to pain.
considerably. Health-care practitioners should assure the They may fail to interpret sensations as painful, are often
family that there is no right or wrong answer, and help family less able to recall their pain, and may not be able to verbally
members to understand what the client would have wanted communicate it to care providers. Hence, older adults with
and to keep any promises and respect the wishes of the client. dementia are often undertreated for pain. A label of demen-
Practitioners should also understand the tremendous grief tia may bias the interpretation of pain cues in clients with
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 261

dementia, and thus may contribute to lower use of as- may live the last years of life entirely in their homes or an as-
needed analgesics in individuals with dementia compared sisted living facility without having to transfer to a nursing
with cognitively intact individuals. Individuals with demen- home or hospital.
tia, just as individuals without dementia, are at risk for
multiple sources and types of pain, including chronic pain
Caring for Family Caregivers
from conditions such as osteoarthritis and acute pain.
Poorly treated acute pain is a common cause of chronic pain Perhaps the greatest “cost” of dementia is the physical and
in clients with dementia. Untreated pain in individuals with emotional toll on family, caregivers, and friends. Caring for a
dementia can reduce quality of life; cause depression, agita- loved one with dementia also increases the risk of death for
tion, and aggression; delay healing; disturb sleep and activ- the caregiver. Dementia puts a gradually increasing burden
ity patterns; reduce function; and prolong hospitalization. on caregivers as the dementia progresses. Caregivers com-
Pain influences behavioral disturbances among individuals monly report poor self-rated health, increased levels of de-
with severe dementia more often than it influences those pressive symptoms, and greater use of psychoactive medica-
with moderate or mild dementia, and clients with chronic tions. Caregivers often experience a profound sense of loss as
pain who have severe dementia exhibit more dysfunctional the dementia slowly takes their loved ones. The relationship
behaviors than clients with chronic pain and earlier demen- as it once was gradually ends, and plans for the future must
tia. Terminal-stage AD is associated with pressure ulcer- be radically changed. Caregivers must come to terms with
ation, limb contractures, and pain that can be much more “the long goodbye.” Research has also shown that caregiving
difficult to assess. There is no evidence that surgery for hip may have important positive effects for some carers, such as
fracture improves pain in people with advanced dementia. a new sense of purpose or meaning in life, fulfillment of a
The primary reason to consider a surgical approach over a lifelong commitment to a spouse, an opportunity to give back
palliative care approach is when gain in function (especially to a parent some of what the parent has given to them, re-
ambulation) is the primary aim. Palliative care (pain con- newal of religious faith, and closer ties with people through
trol, skin care, bed rest, deep vein thrombosis [DVT] pro- new relationships or stronger existing relationships.
phylaxis, personal care) is recommended for treatment of
hip fracture in clients with severe or terminal dementia be-
Occupational Therapy Assessments
cause of their limited life expectancy and inability to par-
for Persons with Cognitive Impairment
ticipate in the postoperative therapy necessary to achieve
gain in function. Use of as-needed pain medications is not The goal of an OT cognitive assessment is to assess the client’s
recommended for pain management in clients with demen- ability to complete functional tasks as a foundation for treat-
tia because they will not ask for pain medications. Regular ment activities. Selecting an assessment tool to evaluate cog-
(scheduled) administration of acetaminophen raises levels nition is dependent on many different factors. The client’s
of general activity, social interaction, and engagement cognitive abilities before onset of the disease process or be-
with television or magazines in long-term care individuals fore an injury will influence the test that is selected. For ex-
with moderate to severe dementia. In general, if there is an ample, if the client had difficulties with reading and writing,
expectation that the client might have pain (for example, he or she will have more difficulty with testing involving
after having surgery), the client should be given pain reading or writing. For a client with auditory processing defi-
medications. cits, tests with oral instructions may not lead to accurate re-
sults. The client and family members should be interviewed
before the testing is begun to determine the baseline status.
Other Treatment Issues
For example, Carol was a physician who suffered a mild trau-
Sexuality can be a difficult and challenging issue for profes- matic brain injury in a car accident. She was referred to
sional and family caregivers to address in clients with demen- OT for testing of executive function. She reported having dif-
tia. This is particularly the case in relation to responding to ficulty recalling the names of her clients and was having dif-
incidents of hypersexuality or inappropriate sexual expres- ficulty with time management and organization of her day.
sion as a result of dementia.22 Health-care practitioners She told the therapist “before I never had to write anything
should incorporate a discussion of needs for sexual expres- down... I remembered everything. Now I have to make notes
sion into the routine care of clients with dementia. The cli- to remind me of things. My friends tell me that this is normal
ent’s family may need education and guidance regarding how but it was not normal for me.” Carol’s baseline cognitive sta-
best to meet their own needs for intimacy as well as the needs tus before her car accident was higher than the cognitive
of the client. status of most clients.
Early and aggressive management of dementia and BPSDs Many practitioners evaluate cognition based on clinical
can increase the chances of the client aging in place (i.e., if the observations during the performance of functional tasks. For
person is living at home, he or she can delay having to move example, while the client was completing a toileting task: Did
into a long-term care facility for a few years). With the avail- the client remember to lock the brakes on the wheelchair
ability of hospice and slowly improving understanding of before the transfer? Was the client able to correctly sequence
palliative care for people with dementia, many individuals the task? Did the client exhibit adequate safety awareness
262 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

during the task? Was the client able to scan the environment gage the individual with dementia in meaningful occupa-
and locate the toilet paper? Did the client become distracted tions, learning to access and use appropriate supplemen-
during the task and need cueing to return to the task? tary services
However, there are many formal assessments that will help 3. Role disengagement: relinquishing aspects of caregiving
the clinician to evaluate cognition (Box 15-1). that are no longer sustainable, finding appropriate home
health or residential care and serving as the individual’s
advocate with service providers, supporting end-of-life
Occupational Therapy Interventions
needs, dealing with grief and bereavement
with Clients and Their Family Caregivers
4. Role reengagement: establishing new or former roles and
Once the occupational therapist determines the client’s (and social ties, transitioning to a new phase of life
family caregiver’s) goals and the level of the client’s function Each stage presents its own challenges and needs for both the
by conducting the appropriate cognitive functional assess- client and the family caregiver.45 Client- and family-centered
ments and completing a historical occupational profile, he or intervention plans should take into account and address
she develops an intervention plan that outlines goals and the these stage-related needs.
means to attain them. Various researchers11,45 have identified The therapist then implements the intervention plan
common transitions or stages that family caregivers tend to through individual and/or group activities and interventions,
experience during their “caregiving career.” These include: evaluates the plan and implementation relative to achieve-
1. Role acquisition: initial adjustment, learning the caregiver ment of client and caregiver goals, and modifies the plan as
role, redefining family dynamics, planning for the future needed.6
2. Role enactment: learning and enacting direct-care skills, Based on his review of OT-based interventions for indi-
managing dementia-related behaviors, continuing to en- viduals with dementia, Padilla42 derived four basic principles
to guide OT practice with this population:
1. Individualize programs for clients to maximize their inter-
est and retained abilities.
Occupational Therapy Assessments 2. Provide short and clear cues when directing clients in a
BOX 15-1
of Cognition given program.
• Cognitive Assessment of Minnesota (CAM): Assess- 3. Individualize modifications of the physical environment
ment of store of knowledge, manipulation of old and selection of simple adaptive equipment to support the
knowledge, social awareness and judgment, and ab- unique needs and abilities of the client.
stract thinking in a hierarchical manner in the adult 4. Provide training to family caregivers and support their
population36 involvement in the implementation of the individualized
• Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assess- programs; this principle is critically important.
ment (LOTCA): Test of orientation, visual perception, Table 15-7 provides a list of interventions or strategies
spatial perception, praxis organization, visuomotor
designed to support memory and cognition in clients with
organization, and thinking operations36
• ADL Situation Test: Direct assessment of ADLs in
clients with Alzheimer’s disease44 An additional literature review of the effectiveness of edu-
• Direct Assessment of Functional Abilities (DAFA): cational and supportive programs for dementia caregivers54
Direct performance measure of instrumental activities indicated that these programs are most successful when they
of daily living (IADLs) for clients with mild to moderate are home-based programs and engage both the caregiver and
dementia44 the client. The best interventions for dementia caregivers re-
• Kitchen Task Assessment (KTA): Functional measure inforce problem-solving skills, technical skills, basic home
of the level of cognitive support needed by a client to modifications, and the use of appropriate support and com-
complete a cooking task44 munity resources.
• Performance Assessment of Self-care Skills (PASS): It can be emotionally and spiritually draining to watch
Performance-based test to assess short-term func-
as dementia takes the memory and sense of self from one’s
tional changes in older adult clients after hospital-
loved one. Family caregivers must be reminded that there
• Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT): Top-down is no “right” way to help their loved one with dementia.
performance assessment of a simple cooking task, Even small interventions (referral to support group, ex-
telephone use, medication management, and pay- pressing support) may translate into improvements in the
ment of bills36 quality of life or confidence of the family caregiver. Educa-
• Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen (LACLS): Screen- tion of family members about dementia, its effects on the
ing tool designed to provide an initial assessment of individual, how best to respond to symptoms, and how to
cognitive function3 access and use all available resources (such as involving
• Routine Task Inventory–Expanded (RTI-E): Assessment other willing family members, contacting the local chapter
of cognitive abilities in the context of routine daily of the Alzheimer’s Association) is recommended. Many
excellent books and online factsheets on dementia family
CHAPTER 15  Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions 263

TABLE 15-7  Interventions to Reinforce Memory TABLE 15-8  Interventions for Families/Caregivers
and Cognitive Function
Intervention Goal
Strategy Description Education about the illness Help family caregiver pre-
Mindfulness Focus on one task at a time, rather than pare for future decline
trying to multitask. Research shows Education about commu- Reduce stress and provide
that cognition is more efficient in this nity resources, including appropriate, supportive
manner. relevant technology and interventions
Cognitive To improve memory, try using mnemon- home environmental
methods ics (such as ROY G BIV for remember- supports
ing the colors of the rainbow); try to Referral to Alzheimer’s As- Access to services (e.g.,
make associations with information sociation support groups, care-
(such as when we meet someone new, giver training, safe return
relating his or her name to someone program)
else we know well). Use cues such as Individual and family coun- Reduce caregiver stress,
memory notebooks to cue the client’s seling prevent and treat care-
recall of information. Engage in learning giver depression
new and challenging cognitive activities Antidepressants to treat Improve depression and
(e.g., a new language, a new musical major depression quality of life
instrument, a new dance). Consider Respite services Prevent and treat caregiver
computer-based brain exercises. burnout
Rehearsal Practice the information that individuals Education about palliative Help prevent futile and
want to remember (such as silently re- care harmful care
peating the information several times
or writing it down).
Be patient Often when individuals have difficulties
with memory, they become frustrated
with themselves, and this serves to the primary caregiver’s needs and how best to be helpful
make it more challenging to remember are also recommended. Improving caregiver well-being
the information. delays nursing home placement of clients with AD living in
Exercise: Engage in mental activities such as read- the community. A structured multicomponent interven-
mentally ing and crossword puzzles. The impor- tion (in-home sessions and telephone sessions over several
and tant point here is to do something that
months to address caregiver depression, burden, self-care,
physically individuals enjoy, rather than making it
and social support and care-recipient problem behaviors)
a chore. Research has demonstrated
that physical exercise (such as walking) adapted to individual risk profiles is recommended to in-
also aids with memory. Of course this crease the quality of life of ethnically diverse dementia
should be done under the supervision caregivers.
of a physician. OT professionals can help caregivers adjust to the changing
Diet What is good for the heart is good for the demands of caring for a loved one with dementia (Table 15-8).
brain. Fruits, vegetables, foods rich in Suggestions can be made to modify the environment to help
omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., fatty fish improve safety in the home and decrease fall risk. OT profes-
such as salmon), whole grains, spices sionals can help establish routines, simplify self-care tasks,
(e.g., turmeric), and small amounts of and facilitate ease of care.
tree nuts (e.g., walnuts) are recom-
mended as part of a balanced diet,
along with an adequate amount of Summary
Persons with dementia and other cognitive impairments have
a right to receive competent, compassionate, stage-appropri-
ate, and consistent care. With appropriate care, we can sub-
caregiving have been written for lay audiences.18,25,37 Coun- stantially reduce the number of persons with dementia who
seling and ongoing support for the family members have depression and agitation, and also reduce the number of
(including both individual and family counseling, and tele- persons with advanced dementia who receive inappropriate
phone counseling) and encouragement for caregivers to medical treatment (hospitalizations, surgeries, medication)
join support groups are also recommended, especially for and futile procedures. Thus, although most dementias are
caregivers with limited social support and caregivers expe- incurable, occupational therapy along with other appropriate
riencing depression. Improving social support and reduc- comprehensive treatment can substantially improve the qual-
ing family conflict to help the caregiver withstand the hard- ity of life for individuals with dementia and their family
ships of caregiving and to help family members understand members.
264 SECTION III  Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy

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