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Alexis Hall

Weddle- 4A

English 3

24 April 2019

Rihanna, Her struggles, and her growth

Robyn Rihanna Fenty, an r&b singer, business women, and actress who is a big

influencer in today’s society and seen as a confident, strong, black women through society's

eyes. Rihanna is not just a singer but is also someone who defends women's rights and help

young girls and women through domestic abuse and their confidence level. Rihanna is more than

just talent, she is someone who teaches a lesson through her struggles, her pain, and her emotions

through her music. Rihanna is noteworthy because her struggles through her childhood, what

fame and relationship brought her, and her new start to a new career and being independent.

Rihanna has learned a lot in her childhood and has seen the worse happen to her and her

family as a young black girl coming from a black family. According to biography “ Rihanna’s

childhood was marred by her fathers struggle with addictions to alcohol and crack cocaine and

her parents marital problems- they divorced when she was 14 years old.” (Rihanna's Biography)

Rihanna has learned to be very independent and to herself growing up and her help raising her

little brothers. The troubled home life led to a strained relationship with her dad- one that she

didn't understand when she was younger. She had also made a promise to herself that she didn't

want to come in contact with someone who had the same intentions as her dad. Speaking to soon,

she had opened up about her domestic abuse or abusive relationship with chris brown early in her


What fame has brought rihanna is a lot but nothing that she couldn't handle or didn't

make her stronger. She had opened up confidently about her abusive relationship with chris

brown in her early fame what we all saw was unexpected. According to Elite Daily “They tried

to fix their damaged relationship but it never failed and they never ended back on same road.

Rihanna realized that her sitting there made her think that since she stayed that she would be

agreeing that she deserved it and that's when she removed herself from the relationship.”

(Caroline Cook) She realized that she deserved better and wanted better for herself again.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty is empowering & uplifting person not just as a singer but as an

individual. Rihanna is seen and represented in so many ways to so many different people.

Rihanna is an empowering role model to young black women because she is someone who we

can point at and be proud of and to have her as a help to our culture. Rihanna helps us young

black girls feel confident in our body and what we do because she helps us embrace our body

and our culture. Rihanna is not only making waves but is opening doors for us black women and

younger girls. She does things that America didn't know black women can do. Rihanna has

continued to make historic strides in music, beauty, and fashion worlds. She represents and

shows the different identities of black women at the table and what people want to see. She is an

outstanding, astonishing person who catches eyes from different varieties and cultures who

changed the world with her mentality.


Works Cited

Dolor, L.I. ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit​, 1998. Print.

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New York​: Columbia UP, 1998. Print.

Doe, R. John.​ ​ ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy

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