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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 12 Reading and Writing Skills

Prepared by: Elner Dale Jann V. Garbida

September 24, 2018; 7:30-8:30 AM

I. Objectives
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
A. identify the type of context clue used in a text with 97% accuracy
B. explain how each type of context clue works in defining a word
C. define the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a text based on given context clues

II. Content and Materials

A. Subject Matter: Types of Context Clues
B. Reference/s: Reading and Writing Skills, pp. 7-9
context-clues /
C. Materials: manila paper, sentence strips to apply comprehension strategies, chart paper
D. Value Integration: No man is an island. We cannot stand on our own selves, that is why we need to
have someone—a friend, a teacher, or your parents-- who will help, support, and encourage us in

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Before the Lesson

Routine Activities
 Setting visual aids  Prayer
 Checking the attendance
 Checking the cleanliness and orderliness of the
 Review of past lesson

B. During the Lesson

1. Activity
(The teacher will post some sentences on the board.)
Please read the sentences altogether. (The students read the sentences in unison.)
1. The father was euphoric at his son’s victory.
2. The boy surreptitiously set out to find and kill the
3. There are many eccentric creatures in the forest.
(After reading)
Did you easily understand those sentences that you
have just read, Roel? No, sir.
Why did you find it hard to understand them? It is because there are words found in the sentences
that I am not familiar with.
Indeed, there are. Nice observation! What are the
unfamiliar words found in the sentences, Julienne? They are euphoric, surreptitiously, and eccentric.
Do you know the meaning of each word, Darren? I do not know their meanings, sir.
It is all right, because after all, they are words
unfamiliar to most of you.
To help a little bit, I will give some clues. I have here
some strips of paper written with a phrase or
sentence. Then, I will call in students who will post
them next to the sentences on the board.
(The teacher calls in students to post the phrase or
sentence.) (The students post the additional phrase or sentence
on the board.)
Please read the improved sentences and see if you
can understand the unfamiliar words this time. (The students read the sentences altogether.)
1. The father was euphoric at his son’s victory for he
cried out in great joy when the boy came home.
2. The boy surreptitiously set out to find and kill the
monster, not telling anyone in the village about his
3. There are many eccentric creatures in the forest,
such as mome raths and borogoves.
Are the sentences more understandable to you,
class? Yes, sir!

2. Analysis
Now, based from the revised sentences, how will
you define the word euphoric in the first sentence,
Francis? As what I have understood, euphoric means being
excited or very happy about something.
That is right! Euphoric means being in a state of
intense excitement and happiness.
Next, what is the meaning of surreptitiously in your
own understanding, Jess? For me, the word surreptitiously is an adverb that
means in a secretive way.
Precisely! How did you know the meaning of that
word? It is because I based the meaning from the phrase “not
telling anyone in the village about his plan.”
Very good! The boy did no tell anyone about his plan
that is why his action was in a secretive way.
Lastly, what do you mean by eccentric, Christine? Basing from the added phrase, eccentric means
unfamiliar or not common.
That is right! What made you decide that the
meaning of eccentric is unfamiliar or uncommon? It is because the eccentric creatures given in the
sentence, which are mome raths and borogoves, are
not familiar to me, that is why the word eccentric
means unfamiliar or uncommon.
Good analysis! Earlier, you said that you did not
know the meaning of the words, but because of the
clues, you were able to get their meaning.
Do you have an idea what those clues are called,
Mary Rose? They are called context clues.
Correct! What is the purpose of context clues in
reading, Jolina? The purpose of context clues is to help the reader
recognize the meaning of an unfamiliar word through
giving information about that word.
Exactly! What does context clues consist of,
Josephine? Give me one. Context clues may consist of words.
You are right! What else, Jomar? They may consist of phrases.
Yes, it is also made up of phrases. And what else
does context clues consist of, Arhon? It also consists of sentences.
Very good! Simply put, context clues are words,
phrases, or sentences that surround an unfamiliar
word that can help you know the meaning of the word
because those clues give you information about it.
There are many different types of context clues, but
we will study only four common types.
What are the common types of context clues that
you know of, Emmanuel? The common types of context clues that I know of are
synonym, antonym, example, and explanation or
Let us go first to Synonym. When two words are
synonyms, what do they have, Laila? The words have similar meaning.
Correct! How is synonym used as a context clue,
Jane? Synonym is used when the text has words or phrases
that have similar meaning to the unknown word.
Precisely! A synonym gives clue to the unfamiliar
word by showing a similar meaning to it. Consider this
(The teacher writes a sentence on the board.)
Please read the sentence. (The students read altogether.)
Alice envisaged the monster in her mind by imagining
its sharp claws and jaws.
What is the unfamiliar word found in the sentence,
Cyril? The unfamiliar word in the sentence is envisaged.
And what word has similar meaning to it? The word with similar meaning to it is imagining.
Very good! Based from your given context clue, can
you define, in your own words, the meaning of
envisage? Envisage means to imagine or visualize something.
Brilliant! In the dictionary, envisage means to create
a mental picture of someone or something. So that is
how synonym clues work. Now, if there are synonyms,
there are also antonyms. When two words are
antonyms, what do they have, Hazel? They have opposite meaning.
You are right! How is antonym used as a context
clue, Roel? Antonym is used when the text has words or phrases
that have opposite meaning to the unknown word.
Just like synonym clues, an antonym gives clue to the
unfamiliar word by showing an opposite meaning to it.
Consider this next sentence.
(The teacher writes a sentence on the board.)
Please read the sentence. The hero did not give in to trepidation. Rather, he
bravely slayed the dragon with his sword.
What is the unfamiliar word found in the sentence,
Jairus? The unfamiliar word in the sentence is trepidation.
And what word has an opposite meaning to it? The word with and opposite meaning to it is bravely.
What is the opposite word of bravely, Jean? The opposite of brave is fearfully.
Good job! Based from your given context clue, how
can you define the word trepidation in your own
words? Trepidation means a feeling of fear.
Yes, that is correct! The original meaning of it is a
feeling of fear or anxiety about something that will
Let us go the third context clue, which is Example.
How do you use examples as a context clue, Shirly? When I write a sentence, I will enumerate examples or
details that will explain the meaning of an unfamiliar
Precisely! Another way of clarifying the meaning of
an unknown word is to give specific details about that
(The teacher writes another sentence on the board.)
Please read. Only a few features of the newest model of Samsung
smartphone are truly nifty, like the 6 inches-wide
screen, the latest Android operating system, and the
super HD quality.
What is the unfamiliar word found in the sentence,
Erick? The unfamiliar word in the sentence is nifty.
And what are the examples given to the features of
the phone? The examples are the 6 inches-wide screen, the latest
Android operating system, and the super HD quality.
That is right! By using those examples, how will you
define the word “nifty”? Based from the given examples, the word “nifty”
means well-designed or stylish.
Very good! Class, remember that examples can also
explain the meaning of an unfamiliar word, because
they give specific details about it.
The last context clue is Explanation or Definition. In
this context clue, how will you define an unfamiliar
word, Ken? I will define the word by giving descriptions or
explanations about that word.
Correct! Usually, the unfamiliar is followed by its
explanation or definition. Consider this sentence.
(The teacher writes a sentence on the board.)
Please read. Hearing someone outgrabe—which means he is
whistling, laughing, and sneezing at the same time—
can be a funny sight.
What is the unfamiliar word found in the sentence,
Kimberly? The unfamiliar word there is outgrabe.
And based from the context clue, what is its
meaning? Outgrabe means to whistle, laugh and sneeze at the
same time.
You are right! Explanation or Definition is the easiest
of all context clues because it directly defines the
meaning of the unfamiliar word.

3. Abstraction
To sum up, what are the four types of context clues
that we have just discussed. Cristina, give me the first
one. The first type of context clue is Synonym.
And how is synonym used as a context clue? The synonym word defines the unfamiliar word by
showing a similar meaning with it.
Correct! What is the second one, Raiza? The second type is Antonym.
And how does an antonym work as a context clue? The antonym word gives a clue of the meaning of the
unfamiliar word by showing an opposite meaning of it.
Exactly! What is the third context clue, Darren? The third context clue is Example.
And how is the unfamiliar word described through
the use of this type of context clue? The unfamiliar word is described or given meaning by
a set of examples related to the word.
You are right! And what is the last context clue,
Francis? The last context clue is Explanation or Definition.
And how is the unfamiliar word described in this
type of context clue? The unfamiliar word is directly given a meaning by
explaining or describing the word.
Good job! Now, what happens if an unfamiliar word
just stands alone, not defined or supported with
context clues, Julienne? If an unfamiliar word just stands alone and is not
supported by context clues, then the word will be hard
to understand.
Very good! I have read that no unfamiliar word
should stand alone. It should always be supported and
defined by other words or phrases, such as context
clues. Similarly, there is the saying, “No man is an
What do you mean by that, Roel? The saying means that a person cannot survive or live
if he/she is living alone, without the help of others.
Brilliant! Do you think you can live and survive alone,
Erick? No, sir. I still need the help of people.
Indeed! Who are the persons who extend their help
to you, Ahron? Those persons are my parents.
How do they show their help to you? They show their help by supporting me in whatever I
Yes! After all, that is one role of our parents, to
support us in everything we do.
How about you, Christine? Who is the person, or
persons, that extend help to you? The person who always helps me is my best friend. She
encourages me to my best in my studies and she
reprimands me if I am doing something wrong.
Yes, we all have that best friend. And we are so lucky
and blessed that we have those persons in our life who
help, support, and encourage us while we live.
Do you have any questions or clarifications regarding
our topic? None, sir!

4. Application
I will group you into four groups. For each group, I
will assign a context clue. (Group 1—Synonym, Group
2—Antonym, Group 3—Example, and Group 4—
Explanation or Definition). Upon forming your group, I
will post some sentences on the board. Your task is to
analyze what context clue is used in the sentence.
After analyzing, if your group thinks that the context
clue used is the one you are assigned to, all members
will stand up. For example, if the context clue used in
the sentence is Synonym, then all members of Group 1
will stand up. After standing, a representative of that
group will explain why their context clue is used in the
sentence. By the way, you have ten seconds to discuss
within your group before I let you answer. Please
remember to not make noise while you are discussing.
Are the instructions clear to you? Yes, sir!
(The teacher assigns the groupings.)
Are you ready? Yes, sir!
(The teacher posts the sentences on the board.)
1. Sharing a status message or liking a post is
considered actions falling under slacktivism, a digital
form of activism with little involvement. Explanation or Definition
2. My police father relentlessly chased the escaped
criminal, unlike the other who gave up easily when
they realize how dangerous the criminal was. Antonym
3. My father was ecstatic when he found out that I as
promoted in my job. When I arrived home, he laughed,
cheered, and hugged me. Example
4. My friend takes great pleasure in obfuscating the
poem’s meaning by giving confusing and complicated
explanations. Synonym

(The students do the activity cooperatively and

without making noise.)
IV. Assessment
Instruction: Through the help of context clues, write your own definition of the underlined words in the
following sentences. Your definitions should be a complete sentence.

1. Mary is gregarious, unlike his brother, who is quiet and shy.

2. My friend is very clumsy, but his sister is adroit.
3. Most castles had high walls and were surrounded by a water-filled ditch called a moat.
4. Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
5. Wilson put on a heavy coat, a wool scarf, several pair of socks inside his boots, and fur-line gloves to protect
himself against the frigid weather.

V. Assignment
Read and study about Connotation and Denotation found in page 9 and 10 of your textbook.

VI. Remarks/Reflection

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