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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Prepared by: Elner Dale Jann V. Garbida

July 25-26, 2018 8:00-9:00 AM

I. Objectives
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
A. evaluate a recitation performance based from their prior knowledge
B. distinguish what is right or wrong in reciting a poem
C. read a poem with 95% accuracy through the guidelines of poem recitation

II. Content and Materials

A. Subject Matter: Guidelines on How to Recite a Poem
B. Reference: English for the 21st Century Learners 9 by Alcaraz et. al, p. 289
C. Materials: laptop, projector, speaker, manila paper (to write the guidelines on)
D. IFL: We need to express or communicate the Word of God and express His love to others so that they may be
able to understand the truth just as we had understood it.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Routine Activities
 Setting visual aids  Bible reading
 Checking the attendance  Prayer
 Checking the orderliness and cleanliness of the
A. Activity
I will group you into six groups, and what each group will
do is to create a guideline on reciting a poem based from
the homework that I gave you last meeting. The number of
guidelines is up to you. You are given seven minutes to do
the task; afterwards, a representative from each group will
present and briefly explain their guideline.
Are the instructions clear to you? Yes, sir!
Please group yourselves and do not make noise while
doing it. Then proceed writing your guidelines. (The students group themselves without making noise.)
(The four groups do the task of setting a guideline
(After seven minutes)
Time is up! I now give the time to the representatives of
each group to present their guidelines in front. Let us start
with Group 1. (Group 1’s guidelines)
1. Maintain proper posture.
2. Keep eye contact with the audience while reciting.
3. Pronounce the words correctly.

Please give a round of applause to Group 1! Let us call on

the representative of Group 2. (Group 2’s guidelines.)
1. Memorize the poem perfectly before reciting.
2. Do not use too much body movements while reciting.
3. Stand straight and use only a few gestures.
4. Maximize your voice.
Let’s give a round of applause to Group 2! The next to
present is Group 3.
(Group 3’s guidelines.)
1. Understand the poem you will recite.
2. Learn the correct pronunciation of some words in the
3. Stand up straight and look in the eyes of the audience
while reciting.
4. Add emotions when you recite the poem.
Please give a round of applause to Group 3! May we call
on the representative of Group 4 to present their
guidelines. (Group 4’s guidelines.)
1. Be confident in reciting the poem.
2. Speak out the words aloud.
3. Do a few gestures and facial expressions.
Let us give a round of applause to Group 4! The next to
present is the representative of Group 5. (Group 5’s guidelines)
1. Comprehend the meaning of the poem.
2. Speak louder and with emotions.
3. Do not talk to fast.
Please give a round of applause to Group 5! And the last
will be the representative of Group 6. (Group 6’s guidelines)
1. Avoid slouching your back when reciting.
2. Speak the words with rhythm and enthusiasm.
3. Recite confidently.
Let us give a round of applause to Group 6!
Good job on creating excellent guidelines of reciting a
poem. Return to your proper seating arrangement and
may I request the representatives to collect the homework
and pass them to me. (The students return to their proper seating arrangement.)
(The representatives collect and pass the homework of
their group’s members.)
B. Analysis
Let us put your guidelines into use. I will show a short
video of a poem recitation performance, and you will
judge the performance based from the guidelines that you
have presented. Take note how the performer delivers the
(The teacher projects the video on the board.) (The students take note of the performance.)
(After watching the video)
Let us check your evaluations on the performance. How
was the pace or speed of the speaker, Kennedy? For me, the speaker was a bit fast in speaking.
Good observation! If you were the speaker in the video,
what speed should you use, Shimei? I should use a normal speed, not too fast and not too slow.
Very good! Did the speaker use gestures or body
movements, Joshua? She used little gestures, particularly the movements of her
head, but no movements of her hands.
That is right! Should we use gestures or not, Ely? We should use gestures especially when needed.
Exactly! What can you say about her facial expressions,
AC? She used proper facial expressions to emphasize what she
Brilliant! Just like what AC said, we must use facial
expressions when we recite a poem to emphasize the
Lastly, did the speaker project her voice in a soft,
medium, or loud voice, Rodgene? The speaker projected her voice in a medium tone, not too
loud and not too soft.
Precisely! But in the situation where you are performing
in front of a big crowd and you are not using a
microphone, how should you project your voice, Marian? I should project my voice loudly so that the audience can
hear my voice.
Very good! I know that you already have your own
guidelines, but I want to show you some guidelines that I
found in the Internet, and also in your book, that will
surely help you in reciting a poem.
(The teacher flashes the guidelines on the board.)
1. Understand the poem.
Justin, please read its explanation. “Understand fully and internalize what the poem is about.
Know the rhythm, tone, structure, and message of the
poem. Reread the poem until you have fully grasped its
Thank you! What happens if you do not understand the
poem that you are reciting, Jasmin? If I do not understand the poem, I will not be able to
express the poem the way I want it.
That is the point! The key to expressing the poem
excellently is to comprehend or grasp the meaning
conveyed by it.
2. Pronounce the words clearly with proper pacing and
Bojo, please read the explanation of the second
guideline. “Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce any
unfamiliar words. Articulate the words correctly and
distinctly. Speak and pause at a natural speed, while
projecting the voice that is not too loud or soft.”
In order for the audience to understand what you are
saying, you should pronounce the words correctly and
clearly. By the way, what do you usually do when you think
you might be speaking too fast when you recite, Darlene? If I notice that I might be speaking fast, I just pretend that I
am taking to my friends, in that way, I can control the
speed of my voice.
Good practice! Also, just like what was said earlier, you
project your voice loudly in cases where there is a large
audience and no microphone is available; otherwise, speak
in a medium volume.
3. Use appropriate body gestures and facial expressions.
August, please read its explanation. “While reciting the poem, maintain good posture and eye
contact with the audience. Use minimal gestures or body
movements, and show your comprehension of the poem
through appropriate facial expressions.”
Why should we establish eye contact with the audience,
Harmony? We should establish eye contact with them so that they
may feel connected with the one who recites.
Very good! What things should you avoid when reciting
in front, Kenji? I should avoid looking down or looking at the roof.
That is right! What else, Andrea? I should not move my body from side to side because it
distracts the audience.
Excellent! And just like what you have watched earlier
from the video, use facial expressions and gestures to
express the poem better.
4. Practice reciting the poem until it is instilled in your
Janmar, please read its explanation. “Practice techniques or ways in reciting a poem, for
instance, speaking in front of a mirror or recording your
Let me ask one of you. What do you usually do when you
practice reciting a poem, Paulo? I usually practice several days before the recitation,
memorizing one stanza per day.
That is a nice practice! As for me, I read the piece
repeatedly and then memorize all of it upon familiarizing
the words. Either ways, use techniques you find you are
suitable with.
5. Avoid monotone delivery. Vary your tone when you
Please read the explanation of the last guideline, Lemuel. “Be expressive in reciting a poem. Observe proper changes
of the intonation of your voice to add enthusiasm to your
Of course, the audience will be bored with you if you just
speak flatly and without life. Enhance the intonation of
your voice so that the audience will enjoy your recitation.
And those are the five guidelines for effective poem
C. Abstraction
It is stated in the Bible that God gave an important task
to the apostles. What do you think it was, Kezia? God instructed them to share the gospel to every nation.
That is right! They were tasked to spread the good news
to others so that they too may be able to know and
understand the truth. In our time, there are many contests
on poem recitation, declamation, speech choir, and such.
Do you think they are similar with sharing the Word of
God, Ivan? Yes, they are similar.
Why do you say so? It is because just like poem recitation, declamation, speech
choir and so on, we make the people we share to
understand God’s Word just as we had understood it.
Very good! Do you want to say something too, Febe? In reciting a poem, a person needs to express the meaning
of the poem to let the audience understand it; likewise,
through sharing God’s Word, we are able to express His
love to other people and make them understand how they
are all precious to Him.
Well said! Just like what they had said, we need to
express or communicate the Word of God and express His
love to others so that they may be able to understand the
truth just as we had understood it.
To wrap up, please read again the five guidelines of
reciting a poem. (The students read the guidelines altogether.)
Are there any questions regarding our topic? None, sir!
It is now the time to apply what you have learned. Are
you all ready? Yes, sir!
D. Application
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False
if it is wrong.
1. You must fully understand the meaning or message of
the poem you are reciting. True
2. Speaking in a fast way is a good way because it shows
that you really memorized the poem well. False
3. You need to project your voice in a soft volume when
you have a few audiences. False
4. Standing up straight and looking in the eyes of your
audience means you are confident in delivering your
poem. True
5. Practice memorizing the poem several days before the
performance so that you may familiarize it better. True
6. It is better to use many gestures, as long as they are
appropriate to the poem. False
7. Rereading the poem will let you fully grasp its meaning. True
8. Be consistent with the tone of your voice while reciting. False
9. Exaggerate your facial expressions so the audience may
really see what you are trying to express. False
10. You can use different techniques or styles for effective
poem recitation. True

IV. Assessment
 Poetry Reading (for next meeting)
You will practice reading your poem, applying the guidelines discussed earlier. Next meeting, each of you will
read your self-composed poem in front. You will be evaluated by these criteria:

Outstanding Proficient Satisfactory Developing Beginner

5 4 3 2 1
The student The student The student finds it
The student applies The student uses
demonstrates establishes good hard to deliver
skillful vocal adequate vocal
excellent vocal vocal delivery, with vocally, and does
delivery, varying delivery with
delivery, varying little variation of not observe
Vocal Delivery his/her tone and enough variation of
his/her tone and tone, uncontrolled variation of tone,
observing proper tone and good
strictly observing speed, and slight normal speed, and
articulation, pace, articulation, pace,
proper articulation, observation of proper articulation
and pauses. and pauses.
pace, and pauses. pauses. and pauses.
The student The student
The student The student shows
exhibits proper The student demonstrates
exposes moderate little to no facial
facial expressions displays good facial enough facial
facial expressions expressions and
Facial and suitable expressions and expressions and
and gestures. gestures.
Expressions gestures. suitable gestures. awkward gestures.
He/she commits a Unnecessary
& Gestures Distracting Slight distracting Unnecessary
small number of movements greatly
movements are movements are movements have
distracting distract the
completely committed. caused distraction
movements. audience.
avoided. to the audience.
The student
The student The student holds
maintains eye The student keeps
maintains eye The student keeps no eye contact,
Audience contact with the eye contact with
contact with the little eye contact thus fail to
Connection audience all the audience from
audience most of with the audience. establish audience
throughout the time to time.
the time. connection.

V. Assignment
Continue practicing and familiarizing your poem for your reading performance next meeting.

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