2018 Idaho CTE Annual Report

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2018 in Review
Secondary Statewide Enrollment

705 Total Programs

142 School Districts
17 Career & Technical Schools
Total Course Enrollment: 93,850*
Agriculture & Natural Resources (15,054)
10% 9% Business Management & Marketing (30,014)

16% Engineering & Technology (13,669)

17% Family & Consumer Sciences (15,562)

Health Sciences (9,325)

15% 32%
ETE Individualized Occupational Training (1,451)
Skilled & Technical Sciences (8,775)

Positive Placement: 94% of high school CTE concentrators in Idaho successfully found
jobs (22%), continued their education (67%), or joined the military (5%).
Advanced Opportunities: 8,254 students were enrolled in CTE courses where students
were eligible to earn technical competency credits.
Career & Technical Student Organizations: 12,148 secondary students participated
in seven student organizations.
Career & Technical Concentrators: 6,192 juniors or seniors enrolled in the
culminating course of a series of CTE courses.

*59,849 unique career & technical education students (based on EDUID)

2018 in Review
Secondary Enrollment Trends
(fiscal year)

Secondary Statewide Totals 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Secondary Enrollment
CTE Course Enrollment 77,736 74,419 71,741 71,601 71,330 76,605 84,038

CTS Course Enrollment 7,754 10,004 11,285 13,597 11,362 10,132 9,812
(intermediate/capstone classes)

Secondary Total Course Enrollment 85,490 84,423 83,026 85,198 82,692 86,737 93,850

TSA Pass Rate (goal 67%) 74% 73% 73% 72% 72% 55%* 66%

WRA Pass Rate (goal 75%) NA NA NA NA 75% 79% 89%

SkillStack® Badges Awarded** NA NA NA NA NA 1,674 6,755

CTE Digital Enrollment NA NA NA NA 207 871 1,251

96% of CTE concentrators graduated from high school.

94% of high school CTE concentrators found a job, moved into

postsecondary education, or joined the military.

67% of high school CTE concentrators went on to college, compared to 48%

of all Idaho graduates.
*Change in methodology due to program alignment efforts and standardizing assessments.
**Idaho SkillStack® is a digital badging or micro-credentialing platform that allows Idaho’s public education institutions to validate the pre-
defined skills and competencies individuals demonstrate proficiency in.
2018 in Review
Postecondary Statewide Enrollment

Technical Colleges at Community Colleges
College of Eastern Idaho, College of Southern Idaho, College of Western
Idaho, and North Idaho College

2 Technical Colleges at Four-Year Colleges

Idaho State University and Lewis-Clark State College

AAS/Certificate: 5,597

Workforce Training: 50,797

Total Enrollment: 56,394

AAS/Certificate Enrollment

Student FTE 3,400 484 703 743 739 315 416

Headcount 5,597 868 1,000 1,249 1,252 391 837

Number of Programs 167 18 41 28 30 25 25

Workforce Training

Headcount 50,797 14,824 8,482 9,150 8,106 3,563 6,672

AAS/Certificate Enrollment and Worforce Training Totals

Headcount 56,394 15,692 9,482 10,399 9,358 3,954 7,509

Positive Placement: 95% of technical college completers found jobs, continued their
education, or joined the military. 56% obtained training-related employment.
Degrees and Certificates: 1,852 students graduated from the Idaho technical college
system with postsecondary degrees and certificates.

2018 in Review
Postsecondary Enrollment Trends
(fiscal year)

Postsecondary by Institution 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

College of Eastern Idaho
Student FTE 581 531 514 514 461 467 484
Headcount 1,364 1,240 1,198 1,196 1,013 1,008 868

Workforce Training Headcount 11,983 11,789 11,446 11,289 11,662 10,549 14,824

Postsecondary Enrollment
College of Southern Idaho
Student FTE 899 961 894 816 768 698 703
Headcount 1,988 1,354 1,190 1,097 1,049 1,084 1,000

Workforce Training Headcount 4,371 3,398 3,137 4,333 9,768 6,459 8,482

College of Western Idaho

Student FTE 759 780 821 739 685 740 743
Headcount 1,419 1,564 1,322 1,499 1,345 978 1,249

Workforce Training Headcount 6,778 8,163 8,295 8,038 8,104 8,741 9,150

2018 in Review
Postsecondary Enrollment Trends
(fiscal year)

Postsecondary by Institution 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Idaho State University

Student FTE 1,056 960 870 821 787 755 739
Headcount 2,055 1,857 1,664 1,563 1,436 1,340 1,252

Workforce Training Headcount 10,621 12,334 9,624 6,759 9,575 9,621 8,106

Postsecondary Enrollment
Lewis-Clark State College
AAS/Certificate Student FTE 430 410 361 317 317 358 315

Headcount 739 659 576 502 468 436 391

Workforce Training Headcount 3,614 3,165 3,500 3,471 2,887 3,345 3,563

North Idaho College

Student FTE 757 707 660 596 494 486 416
Headcount 1,265 1,083 1,105 1,036 984 908 837

Workforce Training Headcount 4,752 4,638 3,649 4,018 5,916 6,086 6,672

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Postsecondary Totals
Student 4,482 4,349 4,120 3,803 3,512 3,505 3,400
AAS/Certificate FTE*

Headcount 8,830 7,757 7,055 6,893 6,295 5,754 5,597

Postsecondary TSA Pass Rate 90.1% 91.4% 92.5% 92.6% 93.1% 90.2% 88.7%
(goal 92.8%)

Workforce Training Headcount 42,119 43,487 39,651 37,908 47,912 44,801 50,797

Fire Service Technology Headcount 4,614 4,519 3,748 3,454 4,935 4,709 4,726

SkillStack® Badges** Awarded NA NA NA NA 3 624 1,073

* Statewide totals may be slightly different than totals reported earlier due to updates provided by institutions. FTE totals
may be slightly different from individual totals reported due to rounding. Enrollments are unduplicated.
** Idaho SkillStack® is a digital badging or micro-credentialing platform that allows Idaho’s public education institu-
tions to validate the predefined skills and competencies individuals demonstrate proficiency in.
2018 in Review
Postsecondary Outcomes

Apprenticeships Total CEI CSI CWI ISU LCSC NIC

Total Completers 3,168 562 216 1,062 442 513 373

Total Students 3,672 625 243 1,465 451 514 374

Degrees/Certificates* Total CEI CSI CWI ISU LCSC NIC

Basic Technical Certificate 381 NA 116 233 19 NA 13

Intermediate Technical Certificate 411 98 108 63 47 4 91

Advanced Technical Certificate 137 21 NA 8 81 6 21

Associate of Applied Science 923 89 190 212 207 86 139

Total 1852 208 414 516 354 96 264

Positive Placement Total CEI CSI CWI ISU LCSC NIC

Number Responding 1,413 214 309 414 348 52 76

Military 2 1 1 NA NA NA NA

Positive Placement
Employed - Related 789 175 139 135 241 39 60

Employed - Not Related 112 11 30 26 35 6 4

Continuing Education 434 7 125 239 60 3 0

Total w/Postive Placement 1,337 194 295 400 336 48 64

Positive Placement Rate 95% 91% 95% 97% 97% 92% 84%

* Definitions of Degrees/Certificates
• Basic Technical Certificate ≥ 8 semester credits
• Intermediate Technical Certificate ≥ 30 semester credits
• Advanced Technical Certificate ≥ 52 semester credits
• Associate of Applied Science ≥ 60 semester credits

2018 in Review
ICTE Financial Information

Budget Overview FTP FY 2018 Funding %

General Fund 572.96 $65,372,000 87%

Federal 10 $8,826,200 12%

Dedicated 0 $556,700 1%

582.96 $74,754,900 100%

Pass-through Funding FTP FY 2018 Funding %

Division Funding 39 $3,737,700 5%

Pass-through 543.96 $71,017,200 95%

582.96 $74,754,900 100%

Pass-through Breakdown FTP FY 2018 Funding %

Secondary 0 $18,130,700 26%

Postsecondary 543.96 $52,886,500 74%

543.96 $71,017,200 100%

Idaho Career & Technical Education

Len B. Jordan Building, Room 324
650 W. State Street
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0095

Celebrating 100 Years of Career Readiness


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