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Job satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy,

content, and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures tells that employee

satisfaction is an ingredient in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and

positive employee morale in the workplace.

In addition, job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is a measure of workers'

contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets

of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. (Spector, P.E. (1997). Job satisfaction:

Application, assessment, causes and consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE).

However, a job satisfaction is constructed widely to mean the discernment of the degree

to which work and the work setting fulfill an individual's comprehensive need

requirements, including influences outside the workplace. Job satisfaction is evoked by

pervasive discernment, rather than confined artificially and solely to the limits of fluid

short-term emotions.

Nevertheless,job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or

emotional), and behavioral components. (Hulin, C. L., & Judge, T. A. (2003). Job

attitUdes. In W. C. Borman, D. R. ligen, & R. J. Klimoski (Eds.), Handbook of psychology:

Industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 255-276). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.)

Lastly,Job Satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which the

employeeviews his work. It expresses the amount of agreement between one’s

expectation ofthe job and the rewards that the job provides. Job Satisfaction is a part of

lifesatisfaction. The nature of one’s environment of job is an important part of lifeas Job

Satisfaction influences one’s general life satisfaction, as a Business Administration

Marketing Students, the level of employee satisfaction matters with employee or employer

always looks for certainty.


IQor operates since 1998.iQor is privately owned by Huntsman Gay Global Capital and

the company's management team. In 2010, iQor acquired RMS which was headquartered

in Bethlehem, PA. IQor is a business process outsourcing company which provides

customer service, third-party collections and accounts receivable management. Although

its headquarters are located in St. Petersburg, Florida, the company operates about 40

call centers in North America, Europe, and Asia. In January 2004, Vikas Kapoor became

the CEO and President of iQor. Kapoor built the company'scomputing platforms,

developer tools, and cloud computing services. IQor’s employee base grew from 4,000

to 14,000. This success led InformationWeek magazine to rank iQor #27 among the top

technology innovators in the US. And currently it’s being managed by Gary Praznik |

President & CEO. Job being offered are Call Center Agents, Business Development,

Finance, General Admin, Human Resources, Information Technology, Solutions and

Operations. IQor Mission Statement Our Product is Service, Our Strength is People See

how we support the world’s most innovative brands using our integrated service delivery

model and global footprint, our 45, employees around the world solve our clients' most

difficult challenges. IQor Vision Statement Using our integrated service delivery model

and global footprint, our 45,000 employees around the world solve our clients' most

difficult challenges.

The Gap of this study concentrates in job satisfaction of iQor BPO industry. And service

condition as a factor for job satisfaction has not been studied in the past and it is a new

concept that has been taken up for the first time here in Bacolod especially employees in

the BPO industry. Furthermore, the effect of family and society’s support on the level of

job stress in BPO industry has been covered extensively in this study.
Level of Employee Job Satisfaction of IQOR BPO Company in Bacolod City

Generally, this study will sought to answer the following questions of the Level of

Employee satisfaction of IQOR BPO Company in Bacolod City

Statement of the problem

1. What are the profile of the employee in terms of :

a. Rank and File
b. Supervisory
c. Managerial

2. What is the level of employee satisfaction of iQor BPO Company in terms of:
a. Salary and benefits,
b. Promotion and Career Development, and
c. Work Environment and Policies.


Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept which can mean different
things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the
nature of this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job
satisfaction is more of an attitude, an internal state. It could,for example,be associated
with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or qualitative (Mullins, 2005).
We consider that job satisfaction represents a feeling that appears as a result of the
perception that the job enables the material and psychological needs (Aziri, 2008)
Figure I. Conceptual Framework
Diagram of the Study
Figure 1
Job Level Satisfaction

Salary and Benefits
Promotion and Career Development
Work Environment and Policies

Employees reward program.
Activities that enhance the total wellness of


The result of this study will be beneficial and informative to the following concerned iQor

The iQor BPO Company in Bacolod City. The result of the study can be helpful basis
for them to stay longer in the company and for those who wants to pursue the next step
up for employee’s job satisfaction.

The Business Administration Marketing Management students. The result of the

study can lead to student who wants to chase in working in BPO Company and to widen
their knowledge how good working in iQor BPO Company.

Academe. This study can be enlightenment for teachers and students who doesn’t
know about being BPO employee and for them to understand the difference of working
condition in a work place.

Future Employee. This study serves as a background study for them not to be hesitant
in applying in iQor BPO Company, for they have already an idea regarding in this
business industry.

Future researchers. The result of the study may be useful source of information for
those who are seeking for a job especially for BPO. This study will serve as a guidelines
for them in the future.

Consumers. The study could be direction for them about how the services offered by
this company that satisfying so that they can conclude that iQor BPO Company is worth
investing money matters.


The analysis focused on regulation of the level of the employee satisfaction of iQor BPO
Company in Bacolod City. The respondents of the study were the employees who are
working in iQor Bacolod. Other parts that were not included in the study that could affect
the results also served as the limitation.


The following important of terms defined both hypothetical and functional for the clearer
understanding of this study.

Rank and File. Conceptually Are the lifeblood of organizational success without rank-
and-file employees, many companies' production levels would dwindle to nothing
because rank-and-file employees often are solely responsible for turning out the
products that companies sell. However, often little attention is paid to employees who
make the most significant contributions to the business.Pillay, Anand (2008)

Supervisors. Conceptually When the meaning sought is similar to foreman

(foreperson), overseer, boss, cell coach, manager, facilitator, monitor, area coordinator,
or sometimes gaffer, is the job title of a low level management position that is primarily
based on authority over a worker or charge of a workplace. A supervisor can also be
one of the most senior in the staff at the place of work, such as a Professor who
oversees a PhD dissertation. Supervision, on the other hand, can be performed by
people without this formal title, for example by parents. The term supervisor itself can be
used to refer to any personnel who have this task as part of their job description.
Schultz & Schultz, Duane (2010).

Managers. Conceptually Is the administration of an organization, whether it is a

business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Management includes the
activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts of its
employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of
available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources.
The term "management" may also refer to those people who manage an
organization.Waring, S.P., 2016. Taylorism transformed: UNC Press Books.

Site Directors Conceptually managing director of an organization, company, or

corporation. The title is widely used in North American non-profit organizations, though
many United States nonprofits have adopted the title president or CEO.Charles W. L.
Hill, and Gareth R. Jones, (2001) Strategic Management.

Salary Conceptually Salary is a fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an

employee by an employer in return for work performed. Salary is paid, most frequently,
in a bi-weekly paycheck to an exempt or professional employee. In most years, an
employee's salary is paid in 26 even paychecks over the course of the year. (SUSAN M.
HEATHFIELD April 11, 2019)

Environment Conceptually Environment refers to all external forces, which have a

bearing on the functioning of business. Environment factors “are largely if not totally,
external and beyond the control of individual industrial enterprises and their
managements.(Barrier, Michael. "Building a Healthy Company Culture." Nation's
Business. September 1997)

Leave Credits. Conceptually Officials and employees in the career and non – career
service whether permanent, temporary, casual or coterminous, who have accumulated
fifteen (15) days of vacation leave credits shall be allowed to monetize a minimum of ten
(10) days: provided, that at least five (5) days is retained after monetization and
provided further that a maximum of thirty ("0) days may be monetized in a given year
(CSC-(Civil Service Commission) MC 41, s. 1998).


This chapter presents literature and research studies associated to the present study
comprise conceptual literature and associated studies both from foreign and local

As earlier stated, job satisfaction at its most general conceptualization, is simply how
content an individual is with his job. Simply stated, job satisfaction refers to the
attributes and feelings people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes
towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the
job indicate job dissatisfaction Armstrong (2003). This satisfaction may be affective:
one-dimensional subjective construct representing an overall emotional feeling
individuals have about their job as a whole Kalleberg (1977) and Moorman (1993).
(1999) and Dugguh (2008) propose a framework to study how particular job
characteristics affect job outcomes and job satisfaction. The framework states that there
are a number of core job characteristics that impact on job outcomes. These are: Skill
Variety (the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out
the work and involves the use of different skills and talents of the individual), Task
Identity (the degree to which the job requires completion of a ‘whole’ and identifiable
piece of work – that is, one that involves doing a job from beginning to end with a visible
outcome), Task Significance (the degree to which the job has substantial impact on the
lives or work of people in other departments in the organization or in the external
environment), Job Autonomy (the degree to which the job gives the employee
substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work and in
determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out) and Job Feedback (the degree
to which carrying out the work activities required by the job results in the individual
obtaining direct and clear information on the results of his performance)

Job satisfaction is affected by environmental, individual and psychological factors.

Factors that relate to the environment are: communication, employee recognition and so
on Krayer& Westbrook (1986) & Weiss &Cropanzano (1996), while those that relate to
the individual are emotions, genetics and personality Cote & Morgan (2002). Those that
are psychological in nature include one’s life, family, and community Wright
&Cropanzano, (2000).

There is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism. High job
satisfaction leads to low absenteeism and low job satisfaction leads to high
absenteeism. Voluntary absenteeism is very common in the organizations these days.
Employees who are less satisfied are more likely to take more leaves as against
unavoidable absenteeism e.g. sick leaves. Research also shows that satisfied
employees have lower absenteeism. The fact is, high job satisfaction 42Ford, L. 2005,
Transform your workplace: 52 proven strategies to motivate, energize, and kick
productivity up to the next level, McGraw Hill, New York, U.S. 43Harrell, T.W.,
“Industrial Psychology”, Oxford Book Co., Calcutta, 1964. 41 may not result in low
absenteeism (because of unavoidable absenteeism), but low level of job satisfaction will
surely lead to high absenteeism.
The attitude of job satisfaction is a field of major interest to the researchers of
organizational behavior and the practice of human resource management (Luthans,
2005:211). Job satisfaction is the degree to which individuals feel positively or
negatively about their jobs. It is an attitude or emotional response to one‟s tasks as well
as to the physical and social conditions of the workplace, for example, from the
perspective of Herzberg‟s two-factor theory the contents of the job (i.e. achievement,
responsibility, recognition etc) are the motivators, which lead to positive employment
relationships and high level of job-satisfaction (Tirmizi et al., 2008).
Job satisfaction is defined and measured with reference to various factors of the job.
Regardless of the theoretical approach used to study job satisfaction, most studies have
identified at least two general categories of antecedent variables. Environmental factors
– personal characteristics both focuses on job satisfaction and individual attributes and
characteristics (Ellickson& Logsdon, 2001). This is a general attitude, which is the result
of many specific attitude in three areas such as job factors, individual or personal
characteristics and other social and groups‟ relationship outside the job
(Shajahan&Shajahan, 2004:116). Another researcher notes that the literature on
employee motivation, commitment, and job satisfaction proposes that organizational
attitudes are driven by both personal as well as work context (Moynihan & Pandey,
Therefore, those who are high in positive affectivity are more prone to be satisfied in
their lives and jobs they do. Alienation and locus of control are two personality factors
that are most related to job satisfaction. Employees who have an internal locus of
control and feel less alienated are more likely to experience job satisfaction, job
involvement and job commitment. A meta-analysis of 135 studies for example of job
satisfaction found that there is a positive relationship between internal locus of control
and job satisfaction (Schultz, Schultz & Duane, 2010).
The theory has been admired as the most useful model to study job satisfaction (Kim,
2004), for example, the theory has been found supported in educational settings
(Karimi, 2007) and it has been used as a theoretical framework for scientifically
assessing police officers‟ job satisfaction (Getahun et al., 2007) however, a review of
literature revealed criticisms of the motivator-hygiene theory (Karimi, 2007). For
example, researchers have not been able to empirically prove the model. Likewise, the
theory ignores the individual differences and assumes that all employees react in a
similar manner to the changes in Gomal University Journal of Research, 26(2), 45-62.
49 GUJR-Gomal University DIK KP Pakistan motivators and hygiene factors.

Despite it’s vide usage in scientific research, as well as in everyday life, there is still no
general agreement regarding what job satisfaction is. In fact there is no final definition
on what job represents. Therefore before a definition on job satisfaction can be given,
the nature and importance of work as a universal human activity must be considered.
Different authors have different approaches towards defining job satisfaction. Some of
the most commonly cited definitions on job satisfaction are analyzed in the text that
follows. Hoppock defined job satisfaction as any combination of psychological,
physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I
am satisfied with my job (Hoppock, 1935).
According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the influence of many
external factors, it remains something internal that has to do with the way how the
employee feels. That is job satisfaction presents a set of factors that cause a feeling of
satisfaction. Vroom in his definition on job satisfaction focuses on the role of the
employee in the workplace. Thus he defines job satisfaction as affective orientations on
the part of individuals toward work roles which they are presently occupying (Vroom,
1964). One of the most often cited definitions on job satisfaction is the one given by
Spector according to whom job satisfaction has to do with the way how people feel
about their job and its various aspects.

The extent to which people like or dislike their job. That why job satisfaction and job
dissatisfaction can appear in any given work situation. Job satisfaction represents a
combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work.
Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with it the
needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he has
dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match
the real awards. Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individual's behavior in the work
place (Davis et al., 1985).
Job satisfaction is a worker’s sense of achievement and success on the job. It is
generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal well-being.
Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being rewarded for
one’s efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one’s
work. Job satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to recognition, income, promotion,
and the achievement of other goals that lead to a feeling of fulfillment (Kaliski,2007).
Job satisfaction can be defined also as the extent to which a worker is content with the
rewards he or she gets out of his or her job, particularly in terms of intrinsic motivation
(Statt, 2004). The term job satisfactions refers to the attitude and feelings people have
about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job
satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job
dissatisfaction (Armstrong, 2006).

Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their
current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme
satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudes about their jobs as
a whole. People also can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the
kind of work they do, their coworkers, supervisors or subordinates and their pay
(George et al., 2008). Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept which can
mean different things to different people.
Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not
clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction is more of an attitude,
an internal state. It could, forexample, be associated with a personal feeling of
achievement, either quantitative or qualitative (Mullins, 2005). We consider that job
satisfaction represents a feeling that appears as a result of the perception that the job
enables the material and psychological needs (Aziri, 2008). Job satisfaction can be
considered as one of the main factors when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness of
business organizations. In fact the new managerial paradigm which insists that
employees should be treated and considered primarily as human beans that have their
own wants,needs,personal desires is a very good.

As earlier stated, job satisfaction at its most general conceptualization, is simply how
content an individual is with his job. Simply stated, job satisfaction refers to the
attributes and feelings people have about their work. Positive and favourable attitudes
towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the
job indicate job dissatisfaction Armstrong (2003).

The most widely accepted theory of job satisfaction was proposed by Locke (1976),
who defined job satisfaction as “a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from
the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Locke, 1975, p.1304). Job satisfaction
has emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components (Bernstein & Nash, 2008). The
emotional component refers to job-related feelings such as boredom, anxiety,
acknowledgement and excitement. The cognitive component of job satisfaction pertains
to beliefs regarding one's job whether it is respectable, mentally demanding /
challenging and rewarding. Finally, the behavioral component includes people's actions
in relation to their work such as tardiness, working late, faking illness in order to avoid
work (Bernstein & Nash, 2008).

Job satisfaction refers to the positive attitudes or emotional dispositions people may
gain from work or through aspects of work. Employees’ job satisfaction becomes a
central attention in the researches and discussions in work and organizational
psychology because it is believed to have relationship with the job performance. There
are essentially two types of job satisfaction based on the level of employees' feelings
regarding their jobs. The first, and most analysed, is global job satisfaction, which refers
to employees' overall feelings about their jobs (e.g., "Overall, I love my job.") (Mueller &
Kim, 2008). The second is job facet satisfaction, which refers to feelings regarding
specific job aspects, such as salary, benefits, work hierarchy (reporting structure),
growth opportunities, work environment and the quality of relationships with one's co-
workers (e.g., "Overall, I love my job, but my schedule is difficult to manage.") (Mueller
& Kim, 2008). According to Kerber and Campbell (1987), measurements of job facet
satisfaction helps identify specific aspects of a job that require improvement. The
findings may aid organizations in improving overall job satisfaction or in understanding
organizational issues such as high turnover (Kerber & Campbell, 1987).

There are several myths regarding job satisfaction. One such myth is that a happy
employee is a productive employee (Syptak et al., 1999). Research has offered little to
support that a happy employee is productive, on the contrary, some research has
suggested that casualness may creep in, shifting from productivity to satisfaction
(Bassett, 1994). Hence, if there is a correlation, it is a weak one. Knowing that research
does not support the idea that happiness and employee satisfaction creates higher
production, why do I/O psychologists and organizations still attempt to keep employees
happy? Many have pointed out that I/O psychologists research perspective moves
beyond increasing the bottom line of an organization. Happy employees do not
negatively affect productivity and can have a positive effect at workplace and on society
at large. It also positively impacts the organization's brand image. Therefore, it still
benefits all parties to have happy and satisfied employees. Another fallacy is that the
pay is the most important factor in job satisfaction. In reality, employees are more
satisfied when they enjoy the environment in which they work (Berry, 1997). An
individual can have a high paying job and not be satisfied because it is boring and lacks
sufficient stimulation. In fact, a low-paying job can be seen as satisfying if it is
adequately challenging or stimulating. There are numerous factors that must be taken
into consideration when determining how satisfied an employee is with his or her job,
and it is not always easy to determine which factors are most important to each
employee. Job satisfaction is very subjective for each employee and each situation
being assessed.

A common theory within the research has been that, to an extent, the emotional state
of an individual is affected by interactions with their work environment. People identify
themselves by their profession, such as a doctor, lawyer, or teacher. Hence, an
individual's personal well-being at work is a significant aspect of research (Judge &
Klinger, 2007).

Lewig K. A. and Dollard M. F. in their article titled “Emotional dissonance, emotional

exhaustion and job satisfaction in call centre workers” (European Journal of Work And
Organizational Psychology, 2003, 12 (4), Pgs. 366–392) have researched on Emotional
Labour (emotional demands) of call centre work and their relationship to the job
satisfaction and emotional exhaustion in a sample of South Australian call centre
workers. Qualitatively the research confirmed the central role of emotional labour
variables in the experience of emotional exhaustion and satisfaction at work. Emotional
dissonance was found to exacerbate the level of emotional exhaustion at high levels of
psychosocial demands, indicating jobs combining high levels of both kinds of demands
are much riskier. 35 The research points out that the potential ways to alleviate
emotional exhaustion due to emotional dissonance is to reduce other psychosocial
demands, increase rewards, support and control as conceptualized in the Job
Characteristics model.

Christer Strandberg and Olof Wahlberg (The Journal of E-working, Pgs 116-136, Vol
1, December 2007) published a research paper titled “All Call Centres are not electronic
sweatshops”, conducted a study focused on the psychosocial work conditions in
Swedish in-house call centres compared with the same conditions in Nordic (Swedish,
Norwegian, Danish and Finnish) organizations in general. It was found that Swedish in-
house call centre employees perceive work to be more controlled than employees in
Nordic organizations in general do. In addition, work is not perceived to be as central in
life by call 36 centre employees as it is perceived by employees in Nordic organizations
in general.

Job Satisfaction has been one of the interesting and most widely studied topics
among the researchers. The several definitions of the job satisfaction conclude all the
definitions of the Job satisfaction deal with the emotions that the employees have
towards their jobs. This shows the attitude towards the ‘job in general’ or towards
‘specific facets of the job’. Moreover the job satisfaction includes how far the outcomes
of the work meet or exceed employee expectations. Some of the studies on Job
Satisfaction are Waskiewicz, S. P. (1999) [31], Parent-Thirion, A. (2007) [22] (Lu, H.,
While, A. E., & Barriball, K. L. (2007) [13]

Various studies have emphasized the relevance of studying the Job satisfaction. It is
one of the most important motivational factor leading to the organizational commitment,
and other positive work place behaviors. The Job satisfaction is related to several work
place behaviors like attendance at the work, turnover decisions, decisions to retire,
psychological withdrawal behavior, pro social and organizational citizenship behavior,
job performance, work place incivility etc. Judge, T.A., & Klinger, R. (2008) [10]

The study conducted in a IT industry in Bangalore lays down the most important
motivational factors for the IT employees and re-establishes the jobs satisfaction
organization commitment relationship. Sonia, J. (2010) [27]. NAEM, M. (2011) [20]
argues that the Job satisfaction is dependent upon the compensation policies of the
organization. The employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to stay
with their organization. Rao, P. G., & Mallaiah, T. Y. (2012) [24]

A study by Sarin, S., & Saini, V. P. (2011) [26] emphasizes the need for assessing the
Job Satisfaction of the BPO employees so as to combat the future challenges of the
BPO industry in the NCR region. According to Echchakoui, Said; Naji, Abdelhadi Job
satisfaction is important due to three reasons: one of the important determinant of
employee’s quality in service delivery, rate of employee turnover, and an impact on
employee performance. The Job Satisfaction of the women employees in the BPO
industry, the job satisfaction variables and the level of job satisfaction among the
women employees of top 3 BPO organizations in South India are assessed by Mary, C.
S. A. (2014) [15]

Employee satisfaction is a measure of workers' contentedness with their job, whether

or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or
supervision.[1] Job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or
emotional), and behavioral components.[2] Researchers have also noted that job
satisfaction measures vary in the extent to which they measure feelings about the job
(affective job satisfaction).[3] or cognitions about the job (cognitive job satisfaction).[4]
Hulin, C. L., & Judge, T. A. (2003). Job attitUdes. In W. C. Borman, D. R. ligen, & R. J.
Klimoski (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Industrial and organizational psychology (pp.
255-276). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Hackman & Oldham proposed the job characteristics model, which is widely used as a
framework to study how particular job characteristics impact job outcomes, including job
satisfaction. The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating
potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to
affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors. Not everyone is equally affected by the
MPS of a job. People who are high in growth need strength (the desire for autonomy,
challenge and development of new skills on the job) are particularly affected by job
characteristics.[29] A meta-analysis of studies that assess the framework of the model
provides some support for the validity of the JCM Fried, Y.; Ferris, G. R. (1987). "The
validity of the Job Characteristics Model: A review and meta-analysis". Personnel
Psychology. 40 (2): 287–322. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.1987.tb00605.

This chapter discusses the sample size and types of design was used, the participants
of the study, the data gathering instrument, the statistical tools for the data gathered and
analyzing data.

Case Study Design

/the research design will be the bases for obtaining answers to the following questions
being asked, and for handling some of difficulties that may be encountered during the
research process.
In this study, the use of descriptive design was most appropriate. It is convenient and
concerned with condition of relationship exists.. it ascertains prevailing conditions is a
group or class under the study (Ardales, 2008).
Descriptive design is only concerned on the general consensus or the participants and
trends yjay are developing. There will be no form of intervention that will be conducted,
as the variable where not under the researcher’s control.

Sample Size

In this study researcher gathered 56 employees to be sample size for IQor BPO in
Bacolod City. The Slovin’s formula which is usually used to determine the size was not
utilized, as convenience sampling was the most appropriate for this kind of study.

Sampling Design and Method

Convenience sampling was used in the study. It is also called incidental sampling
according to Research International (2010). All prospective participants have greater
chances to be included in the study. In this research, samples of the study will be
selected by convenience.
Convenience sampling selected the samples of the tudy based on convenience. The
researchers may take any person whom he meets at any time possible means are done
to reach out sample efficiently.
For this research Slovin’s formula to determine the sample size wil not be used.
Respondent of the Study

The participants of the study will be the employees of IQor BPO in Bacolod City. The
researcher gathered 56 respondents to comprise the sample. By way of convenience
sampling researchers distributed the questionnaires to the employees who willing to

Research Instrument

The researchers would want to find out from the participants feelings, emotion and
judgments of the subject matter. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather data.
The item was formulated which was taken from the books, magazine, journals, and
internet surfing.

Method of Data Collection

Using the survey instrument, researchers gathered and collected all information and
data from the participants. After which, result was tallied and computed. The formula
was used gave result to the much needed data.

Data Gathering Method

To be able to determine the level of employee job satisfaction of IQor BPO Company in
Bacolod City the following was done.

The participant was conveniently selected. They were asked of their consent to
participate in the study. There were no compensation offered to participants, as their
participation was surely voluntary.

Upon approval of their consent, participants were asked to accomplish the survey
questionnaire with a request for them to be honest of their opinion and feelings.
After all items were answered, researcher gathered immediately the survey
questionnaire for safe keeping.

Method of Data Analysis

To determine the profile of the respondent, percentage was used.

To determine the level of employee job satisfaction of IQor Company in Bacolod City
the formula for mean was used:

𝑋 = ∑ 𝑓𝑥 / 𝑛

X = Weighted arithmetic mean
fx = Sum of all products of f and x. Where f is the frequency of each weight and x is the
weight of each option.
N = Sum of all respondents.
The scale that was used was the Hypothetical Mean Range:
Scale Verbal Interpretation
4.50 and above Very High
3.50 – 4.49 High
2.50 – 3.49 Moderate
1.50 – 2.49 Low
Below 1.50 Very Low
Results and Discussions
This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data.
Table 1. Respondent Profile.
Position Level Frequency Percentage
Rank and File 54 96.42%
Supervisory 1 1.79%
Managerial 1 1.79%
Total 56 100.00%

Table 1 showed the result of respondent profile as to position level who participated in
the study. The respondent of the study were majority participated by rank and file
employees, which was 96.42% or 54 of the total respondents. While, the supervisory
and managerial level employee are tied with 1.79% or 1 respondent out of the 56

Table 2. Level of Employee Job Satisfaction of IQor BPO Company in Bacolod City.
A. Salary & Benefits Mean Interpretation
1. I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do. 4.57 Very High
2. I am satisfied with the benefits I receive. 4.93 Very High
3. The benefits we receive are as good as most other organization offer. 4.93 Very High
4. I feel appreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me. 4.45 High
5. The benefit package we have is equitable. 4.02 High
Average Mean 4.58 Very High

B. Promotion and Career Development

1. There really is a greater chance for promotion on my job. 4.96 Very High
2. My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job. 4.95 Very High
3. Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted. 4.98 Very High
4. I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases. 4.86 Very High
5. I feel a sense of pride in doing my job. 1.89 Low
6. I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. 4.77 Very High
7. I feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be. 4.86 Very High
Average Mean 4.47 High

C. Work Environment and Policies

1. When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive. 4.96 Very High
2. Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job difficult. 3.71 High
3. I like the people I work with. 3.96 High
4. I sometimes feel my job is meaningless. 2.05 Low
5. My supervisor is fair to me. 4.16 High
6. I do feel that the work I do is appreciated. 4.54 Very High
7. The goals of this organozation are clear to me. 4.21 High
8. My supervisor shows interest in the feelings of subordinates. 4.41 High
9. I enjoy my coworkers. 4.14 High
10. I often feel that I do not know what is going on with the organization. 1.84 Low
Average Mean 3.80 High

Overall Average Mean 4.28 High

Table 2 showed result of the level of employee job satisfaction of IQor Company in
Bacolod City as to:
A. Salary and Benefits
The average mean of level of employee job satisfaction of IQor Company in
Bacolod City as to salary and benefits was 4.58 and interpreted as Very High. It
showed that the company provide a better remuneration and benefits to their
employees. Out of five categories, two of them was interpreted as High and the
rest three categories were Very High level of employee job satisfaction. As an
overall results the employee were very high motivated and satisfied with their job.
B. Promotion and Career Development
The average mean of level of employee job satisfaction of IQor Company in
Bacolod City as to promotion and career development was 4.47 and interpreted
as High. It showed that the company provide a career development and a chance
of promotion to their employees. Out of ten categories, two of them was
interpreted as Very High, two of them was interpreted as High and one category
was Low level of employee job satisfaction. As an overall results the employee
were highly motivated and satisfied with their job for promotion and career

C. Work Environment and Policies

The average mean of level of employee job satisfaction of IQor Company in
Bacolod City as to work environment and policies was 4.28 and interpreted as
High. It showed that the company provide a good working environment and
policies in the company. Out of seven categories, four of them was interpreted as
Very High, six of them was interpreted as High and two categories was Low level
of employee job satisfaction. As an overall results the employee were high
motivated to do their job cause of a good working environment and policies and
feel the presence of that they are part on the company. .


This case study titled “Level of Employee Job Satisfaction of iQor BPO Company,
Bacolod City” is prepared by Johanna Marie M. Blanca, Juvy Jane P. Lepania, and
Mailen G. Calida in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management, has been
examined and recommended for acceptance and approval Oral Examination.


Case Study Adviser


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ____% on May 2019
Panel Chairperson


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management.


OIC Dean School Director


This chapter presents the methodology of the study, which includes case study design,
sample size, sampling techniques, respondents of the study, research instruments,
validity and reliability of the instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical
analysis. This was a guide to come up with the necessary results that will fit and answer
the problem stated.

Research Design

This study uses the entire 56 employees in iQor BPO Company in Bacolod City.
Questionnaires were handed out to gather data. Interviews were done in order to
determine the awareness of the consequences of employee job satisfaction, Marlyn
Shuttleworth (2008) describes descriptive research design as a scientific method which
involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any

The results from a descriptive research can it no way be used as a definitive answer or
to disprove a hypothesis but, if the limitations are understood, they can still be the useful
tool in many areas of scientific research. The subject is being observed in a completely
natural and unchanged natural environment.

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of the study were the 56 employee of iQor BPO Company, Bacolod
City randomly selected during May 2019.

Results and Discussion

This chapter was distressed with the presentation, survey and interpretation of data
which were gathered in accordance with fore cited specific problem and proposition of
the investigation.

The first major concern of t6his research work was to determine the Level Employee
Job Satisfaction BPO Company, Bacolod City.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter deals with the presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data. The first
statement of the problem was to determine the debtors' profile in terms of the salary,
environment, leave credits.
Based on the research instrument given and gathered, there were 56 total
respondents who were participated in the survey.

Title Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i

Approval Sheet-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
Table of Contents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v
List of Tables----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi
List of Figure-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii

Background of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Gap of the Study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Statement of the Problem----------------------------------------------------------------------------4
Theoretical Framework--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Diagram of the Study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
The Significance of the Study -----------------------------------------------------------------------7
Scope of the Limitation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Definition of Terms--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8




A Case study

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Business Administration

ABE International Business College-Bacolod

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree
Of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management


Johanna Marie M. Blanca
Mailen Calida
Juvy Jane P. Lepania

May 2019


The purpose of the research was to find out if the iQor Bacolod BPO Company
produce in the company has any effect on employee’s satisfaction and for that matter,
employee’s loyalty. It also specify the service rendered and the company itself .This
study was manage to find out more ways to maintain the employees satisfaction of the
operation obtain by the managers and its employees of the iQor BPO Company,
Bacolod City. Changeable like Salary, Environment and Leave Credit level were also
examine and interactions among the ways being regulate.

This research regulates the level of the employee’s satisfaction of iQor Bacolod BPO
Company. This study was expressive research which made of a self-made
questionnaires conduct to 56 call center agents of iQor Bacolod BPO Company. The
mean was used to regulate the level of employee’s satisfaction of the call center agent.

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