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Big Data Virtualization

Definition - What does Big Data Virtualization mean?

Big data virtualization is a process that focuses on creating virtual

structures for big data systems. Enterprises and other parties can
benefit from big data virtualization because it enables them to use all
the data assets they collect to achieve various goals and objectives.
Within the IT industry, there's a call for big data virtualization tools to
help handle big data analytics. Within the IT industry, there's a call for
big data virtualization tools to help handle big data analytics.

Explaining big data virtualization requires understanding the general

principles of virtualization as a whole. The essential idea with
virtualization is that heterogeneous or distributed systems are
represented as complex systems through specific interfaces that replace
physical hardware or data storage designations with virtual
components. For example, in hardware virtualization, software makes a
system of physical computers into a system of "logical," or virtual,
computers. This virtualization system can present parts of two or more
different storage drives on two or more computers as a single "Drive A"
that users access as a unified whole. In network virtualization, systems
may represent a set of physical nodes and resources as a different set of
virtual components.

Social media mining

Social media mining is the process of obtaining big data from user-generated content on social media
sites and mobile apps in order to extract patterns, form conclusions about users, and act upon the
information, often for the purpose of advertising to users or conducting research. The term is an analogy
to the resource extraction process of mining for rare minerals. Resource extraction mining requires
mining companies to sift through vast quantities of raw ore to find the precious minerals; likewise, social
media mining requires human data analysts and automated software programs to sift through massive
amounts of raw social media data in order to discern patterns and trends relating to social media usage,
online behaviours, sharing of content, connections between individuals, online buying behaviour, and
more. These patterns and trends are of interest to companies, governments and not-for-profit
organizations, as these organizations can use these patterns and trends to design their strategies or
introduce new programs, new products, processes or services.

Social media mining uses a range of basic concepts from computer science, data mining, machine
learning and statistics. Social media miners develop algorithms suitable for investigating massive files of
social media data. Social media mining is based on theories and methodologies from social network
analysis, network science, sociology, ethnography, optimization and mathematics. It encompasses the
tools to formally represent, measure and model meaningful patterns from large-scale social media data.
[1] In the 2010s, major corporations, governments and not-for-profit organizations engaged in social
media mining to obtain data about customers, clients and citizens.


Social media mining is used across several industries including business development, social science
research, health services, and educational purposes.[3][4] Once the data received goes through social
media analytics, it can then be applied to these various fields. Often, companies use the patterns of
connectivity that pervade social networks, such as assortativity—the social similarity between users that
are induced by influence, homophily, and reciprocity and transitivity.[5] These forces are then measured
via statistical analysis of the nodes and connections between these nodes.[3] Social analytics also uses
sentiment analysis, because social media users often relay positive or negative sentiment in their posts.
[6] This provides important social information about users' emotions on specific topics.

Text Mining
The purpose of Text Mining is to process unstructured (textual) information, extract meaningful numeric
indices from the text, and, thus, make the information contained in the text accessible to the various
data mining (statistical and machine learning) algorithms. Information can be extracted to derive
summaries for the words contained in the documents or to compute summaries for the documents
based on the words contained in them. Hence, you can analyze words, clusters of words used in
documents, etc., or you could analyze documents and determine similarities between them or how they
are related to other variables of interest in the data mining project. In the most general terms, text
mining will "turn text into numbers" (meaningful indices), which can then be incorporated in other
analyses such as predictive data mining projects, the application of unsupervised learning methods
(clustering), etc. These methods are described and discussed in great detail in the comprehensive
overview work by Manning and Schütze (2002), and for an in-depth treatment of these and related
topics as well as the history of this approach to text mining, we highly recommend that source.


 Analyzing open-ended survey responses.

 Automatic processing of messages, emails, etc.

 Analyzing warranty or insurance claims, diagnostic interviews, etc.

 Investigating competitors by crawling their web sites.

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