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The Disad

The disad is a reason why the judge should not vote aff. The aff says “do this plan and
good stuff will happen”. The neg would say “sure this good stuff would happen but
something else that’s bad would also happen”.
Parts of a Disad
Take Wall DA as an example
1. Uniqueness – Dems winning now – they need this plan
2. Link – Trump not having enough money for wall will do horse trading
3. I/L – Horse Trading will cause decreased coast guard spending
4. ! – Maritime terrorism causes econ decline and WMD extinction.
1. Uniqueness – Trump already won’t get his wall – no one in support of it
2. Link – Horse trading won’t happen – Dems get momentum with plan and refuse
3. I/L – Maritime terrorism won’t happen – K on terrorism – dehumanization
causes large scale conflicts (that’s Kappeler 95) – more large scale conflict since
people get mad by us framing immigrants as violent
4. ! – No nuke war – low probability, terrorists can’t get WMDs
Extend UQ arguments – claim, warrant
Answer opponent arguments
Extend Link debate – claim, warrant
Answer opponent arguments
Extend I/L debate – claim, warrant
Answer opponent arguments
Extend ! debate – claim, warrant
Answer opponent arguments.

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