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Time to Relax Website Created with WIX.

com that will Provide Resources for Tk-2nd

Grade Teachers to use in the Classroom to help Themselves and Students De-Stress

Gurleen Chahal and Jade Munoz

California State University, Fresno

Inspiration Phase

Schools in California are faced with many issues such as budget cuts, lack of resources,

overcrowded classrooms, lack of parental involvement, and teachers not having enough support

in their classrooms (Raschke, Dedrick, Strathe, & Hawkes, 1985). These issues impact students,

teachers, administrators, school districts, and the community. A prevailing issue is that many

students are being faced with social and emotional challenges. These challenges may be causing

students to experience more stress and anxiety while they are at school. Additionally, teachers

themselves are stressed because of the amount of work they have to do and managing their

classrooms can be very difficult. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a project that will focus

on reducing the stress levels of Tk-2rd grade teachers and their students in classrooms.

According to a study conducted by University of Northern Iowa, a “teacher’s stress level

within a classroom is not a temporary problem that will disappear quickly, but rather a profound

problem that must be attended to if productivity is to be substantially improved” (Raschke et al.,

1985, p. 563). Teachers feel stressed because of multiple reasons ranging from a negative climate

at school to not having enough time to get through taks. Many teachers who become stressed and

frustrated with their jobs end up leaving their jobs. Students who are stressed might be

contributing to the stress levels of the teachers by not engaging in the material. Overall, a

negative class environment can quickly arise and the stress levels of teachers and students need

to be managed. This is why it is highly important that we create resources for teachers to lower

not only their stress levels but also their students stress levels.

The ultimate impact of this project would be to lower stress levels in classrooms which

would create a more positive environment in classrooms. A solution for this problem is to create

a website entitled Time to Relax for teachers to use. It will be created through, and
will incorporate three categories: music, yoga, and meditation. These categories were picked

because they have many benefits, and having a variety of options to pick from can help give the

teachers a choice on what they would like to use on certain days.

Music has many positive benefits. Listening to calming music can “reduce aggressive

behavior and regulate moods, particularly feelings of anxiety and stress within students”

(“Voices from,” 2019, para. 2). Additionally, music improves concentration and on-task

behavior, and enhances the way children can process language and speech (“Voices from,”


Yoga has also been found to have many benefits in the classroom. In New York City, a

yoga intervention program was implemented in New York public and charter schools (Hagins &

Wang, 2015). There were six focus groups and the students in these focus groups participated in

a year-long yoga program (Hagins & Wang, 2015). The results of the study showed that students

thought yoga helped them become better at self-regulating, improved their mindfulness and self-

esteem, increased their physical conditioning and academic performance, and helped reduce their

stress levels (Hagins & Wang, 2015).

Meditation has positive benefits for students as well. According to the EOC Institute,

meditation in the classroom is helpful because it helps people relax, become more focused, and

promotes self-awareness (“Benefits of,” 2019). In a study conducted in Indiana, teachers started

feeling less emotionally exhausted and tired after meditating for five weeks (“Benefits of,”

2019). After nine weeks, they were “more tolerant of children’s behavior, less worried, more

confident, more organized, and better able to deal with problems calmly” (“Benefits of,” 2019,

para. 3). According to a study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology, the

anxiety levels of first-third grader decreased and their academic performance increased after they
did mindful awareness exercises (“Benefits of,” 2019). Additionally, teachers who include

meditation in their lesson plans report that their classrooms are more peaceful, the students are

more compassionate and caring towards one another, and the students demonstrate better

attention skills and a reduction of test anxiety (“Benefits of,” 2019). Incorporating music, yoga,

and meditation in classrooms would help lower stress levels and create a more positive


The audience of the project will be teachers who teach Tk-2rd grade. This project will be

focused on these grade levels because students have short attention spans, they may be

hyperactive, they may get aggravated quickly because they may not know how to express

themselves, and teachers have to constantly oversee the students. The subject area of the project

is health and physical education. Health and physical education is the focus of the project

because stress is a health issue that impacts quality of life.

The technological tool that will be utilized within this project is The resources

on the website will include YouTube and YouTube Kids as a tool. The solution of creating a

website with access to music, yoga, and meditation resources can solve the problem of stress in

classrooms because of the benefits of music, yoga, and meditation, which were discussed above.

Teachers could utilize the tool every day if they wanted to, and really incorporate it into their

daily schedules.

This project is important because as stated before, stress has a negative impact on

teachers, students, and the classroom environment. According to Raschke et al.’s (1985)

“Teacher Stress: The Elementary Teacher’s Perspective,” a survey was given to 230 K-6 public

school teachers. Many teachers expressed concerns about how stressful their jobs were (due to

various reasons such as misbehaving and disinterested students, and a lack of admin support),
and how their stress levels made them consider leaving their jobs (Raschke et al., 1985).

Although this study was conducted in 1985, the same issues are present in classrooms today. In

fact, the stress levels may be even higher. Stressed students have a tougher time engaging in

class or demonstrate behavior issues, and stressed teachers have a tougher time enjoying their

occupation. Many new teachers do not know where to turn to for resources, especially if they are

at a school site where they do not have the support of administrators. Being a new teacher is

stressful, and having an outlet to relieve stress would be very beneficial. This project would help

teachers, experienced and inexperienced, de-stress within their classroom environment. The

project will also help students de-stress and experience the benefits of music, yoga, and

meditation in classrooms.

This project is unique because the content is focused on not only the students but also the

teachers. We want to encourage the teachers to participate in the meditation and yoga content

with their students. It is also unique because the website is one source containing other resources

in it that focus on music, yoga, and meditation. Teachers will not have to worry about finding

music, yoga, and meditation resources while they are in their classrooms. Teachers will not have

to worry about accidentally finding inappropriate resources if they were to search up content

during class time. This solution prevents the scenario of a teacher struggling to find content from

arising. Jade and I have seen teachers struggle to find content and this stresses out the teachers,

causes the students to lose focus, and behavior issues occur in students. Even if teachers can try

finding content outside of class time, this is extra work for teachers, and teachers already have a

heavy workload. This is a free tool that teachers can easily use in their classrooms.

While we have a good idea on the purpose of the project, we also have some questions

and concerns. Should we focus on different age groups or on one specific age group? How would
we provide many teachers with the website link? The concerns we have involve the time

duration of the activities. How long should teachers and students listen to calming music, do

yoga, or meditate to receive the benefits of the tasks? Additionally, what would be a good way to

measure if the stress levels of teachers and students decrease after utilizing the website and


The reason why we chose to do this project is because we both work in classrooms and

witness the high stress levels in students and teachers. We see firsthand how stress impacts the

classroom environment and want to help solve this problem. We are aspiring teachers and wish

to see more positive classroom environments with lower stress levels. Here is more information

on both of our backgrounds:

Jade Munoz: For years, I have served as a paraprofessional within an elementary

classroom. Being around several classroom environments I have seen the impacts stress can

create. A stressed educator may not be able to focus as well as he/she could and students who are

stressed can create distractions to everyone in the class, or not perform as well as they can.

Reducing stress levels can have a direct positive impact on students’ academic success. I have

noticed repeatedly, educators have to stop what they are doing to find videos for their class.

Seeing this made me contemplate the question "why is there not a website that provides go-to

stress reduction resources?” I decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I founded the

idea of Time To Relax with a mission to contribute a part in reducing stress levels in the

classroom and thus enhance the harmony and collaboration among teachers and students.

Gurleen Chahal: I grew up in a household that values education and my family

encouraged me to work hard in school. I remember stepping into my Kindergarten classroom for

the first time and being confused, because I spoke Punjabi and did not know English. Being in a
situation like this felt odd to me and I know I must have been stressed out in the classroom if I

had no idea what my peers or teacher was saying. It took time for me to learn English, and I used

to get in trouble for trying to do the right thing, like telling my teacher that a classmate littered on

the classroom floor. This made me very confused and embarrassed because I was only trying to

do the right thing. I started acting out and having behavior problems like writing with marker on

cupboards in the classroom. I think if the teacher had taken more time to understand me, my

culture, and my family dynamic, I might not have had those behavior problems. More

importantly, having stress reducing activities would have been beneficial because the activities

could have calmed me down and kept my stress levels low. I am currently a substitute teacher

and I have been in many K-12th grade classrooms. I witness how some students act out when

they become stressed, and teachers don’t really leave me any activities to do when the classroom

environment starts becoming stressful. For example, I was once in a 2nd grade classroom and a

few students were off-task and yelling at each other. The teacher did not have anything in place

for that situation. If I had created Time to Relax with Jade back then, perhaps I could have used

it and done a yoga activity to help the students de-stress a little. I have also felt stressed while

being in a classroom when the students are not on task. Having an activity that both I and the

students could participate in would be very beneficial.

The project will be operated in Tk-2rd grade classrooms. Since this is a free tool, any

teacher could obtain access to it, as long as the teacher has access to a laptop and projector. For

the purpose of this project and seeing if it is useful, we can test it out at a local elementary

school. The website has been created, but it is in the process of being completed. The link to the

website is:


Benefits of meditation. (2019). EOC Institute. Retreived from


Hagins, M., & Wang, D. (2015). Perceived benefits of yoga among urban school students: A

qualitative analysis. Hindawi Limited. Received from

Raschke, D., Dedrick, C., Strathe, M., & Hawkes, R. (1985). Teacher stress: The elementary

teacher's perspective. The Elementary School Journal, 85(4), 559-564. Retrieved from

Voices from the field. (2019). National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments.

Retreived from

Ideation Phase

To obtain various types of feedback on our project, we interviewed a teacher and an after-school
teacher. We also had a very simple survey for students to take before and after using Time to
Relax. Overall, we received positive feedback and promising survey results.

Interview Questions:
Interview One:
1. Location/setting of interview:
○ The setting was a Transitional Kindergarten classroom at John J. Pershing
Elementary school which is located in Madera, California.

2. What is your name and what grade level do you teach?

○ “My name is Patricia Sandoval and I now teach Transitional Kindergarten.”

3. How long have you been teaching for?

○ “This is my first year teaching Transitional-Kindergarten. I taught at a preschool
for eight years and have taught kindergarten for 4 years.”

4. Do you ever feel frustrated?

○ “Yes, of course. Behavior issues are a recurring issue within classrooms.
Throughout my teaching years, I have never been given resources that can help
me relieve not only my stress but my students stress too.”

5. On average, how stressed are you daily in the classroom? The green face is a 5 and the
red face is a 1.

○ “I will say I am at a 3, so neutral”

6. On average, how stressed do you think your students are in the classroom?

○ “I will say three as well.”

7. How would you describe the classroom environment?

○ “I would say that the classroom environment is a stressful, knowledgeable, happy
and loving place.”

8. Do you use any tools to de-stress in the classroom?

○ “Yes, I usually have to search up videos to show my kids or play calming music.”
9. Would you consider using a new tool to help yourself and students de-stress?
○ “Of course. I need one.”

10. We have created a tool and would like your opinion on it. It is still in progress. (Showed

11. After using Time to Relax with your students, do you think it helped them relax more?
○ “Most defineitley.”

12. Do you think it is easy to access Time to Relax?

○ “Yes. The website is very easy to access. I just saved it to my bookmarks.”

13. Would you rather go find your own resources or use this source?
○ “Oh goodness no. As an educator I do not have a lot of time to look for sources by
myself. I would use your source.”

14. Overall, do you think that you would be likely to use this source again?
○ “Most definitely. I would use this source again.”

The Good The Bad

What did you (interviewee) value the What failed?

most? ● Nothing failed .
● The interviewee valued that our Were there suggestions for improvement?
website looked “so clean, ● Add more videos.
detailed and, relaxing” The What needs further investigation?
interviewee also mentioned ● I did not conclude from this interview that
that our website is easy to use we need a to further our investigation on our
and that there are different source.
resources available on it.
What got the interviewee excited?
● The interviewee is “excited
over the idea that we created a
website to do this”.
What convinced the interviewee about
the idea?
● The interviewee knows how
important it is to provide stress
relief resources.
The Unexpected What’s Next?

Was there anything Based on what you learned, how would you change
unexpected/surprised you? your idea?
I was surprised how knowledgeable I would incorporate that the students home
the interviewee was about the environments can also create tension and
relevance of providing educators and stress in their lives. By this we could
research the effects that can come from
students with stress relief resources.
experiencing or seeing violence and abuse.

Interview Two:
1. Location/setting of interview:
○ Virtual Setting through Email

2. What is your name and what grade level do you teach?

○ “My name is Alejandra Dino and I teach 2nd grade.”

3. How long have you been teaching for?

○ “I have been in the educational field for 4 years.”

4. Do you ever feel frustrated?

○ “I do experience some frustration.”

5. On average, how stressed are you daily in the classroom on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being
very stressed and 5 being not stressed.
○ “I would say I am about a 3.5-4, but it depends on the behavior of my students.”

6. On average, how stressed do you think your students are in the classroom?
○ “I would say my students are about a 3- 3.5.”

7. How would you describe the classroom environment?

○ “I try to keep my classroom fun and positive. I also feel that there should be a
level of structure and discipline.”

8. Do you use any tools to de-stress in the classroom?

○ “I do use tools to de-stress in the classroom. The school where I work at uses a
curriculum that is called “mind up.” It is used as a source to create mindfulness
and practice de-stressing techniques like yoga.”

9. Would you consider using a new tool to help yourself and students de-stress?
○ “Yes, especially for rain day schedules when majority of my students seem

10. My partner and I created a tool and would like your opinion on it. It is still in progress.

15. After going through the website and looking at it, do you think you and your students
would enjoy using this resource?
○ “This looks like an amazing tool. It is well organized and easy to use.”

16. Do you think it is easy to access Time to Relax?

○ “Yes! It is really easy and I really enjoy that some of the videos I’ve used in my
classroom are here already.”

17. Would you rather go find your own resources or use this source?
○ “I think is a great resource. You might also want to include a link to gonoodle.
They have some awesome de-stress videos that I also use in my classroom.”

18. Overall, do you think that you would be likely to use this source in your classroom?
○ “Yes!”

The Good The Bad

What did you (interviewee) value the What failed?

most? ● Nothing
● “I really enjoyed the layout of Were there suggestions for improvement?
the website” ● “Adding more videos or links to GoNoodle
What got the interviewee excited? or even Chair exercises could be useful.”
● “I was excited with the What needs further investigation?
accessibility of the website.” ● Adding more links
What convinced the interviewee about
the idea?
● “Again, the accessibility and
the organization of the website
was amazing. It is simple, yet

The Unexpected What’s Next?

Was there anything Based on what you learned, how would you change
unexpected/surprised you? your idea?
● “Not really. I felt like I knew Based on what I learned, I would not change my
what the purpose was and the idea, but instead add more videos to it.
message was clear.”

Action Plan:
Based on our interviews, the website looks good. Both interviewees suggested adding more
videos to our website to have more options available for users, so we will add more videos and
created citations for all of the videos that we used. We also thought about how to add a section to
the website that focused on displaying sample lesson plans that teachers can use. No further
research needed to be done because our research in the Inspiration Phase was thorough enough.
We mainly have to add a few things to the website, and that is about it.

Students Survey Responses:

13 students participated in actually using Time to Relax and engaging in an activity for
approximately 18 minutes. Overall, 12 students felt better and one student stayed the same, at a
4. This data suggests that participating in the activity helped improve the mood of the students
Here is a simplified graph of how students felt before and after participating in the activity. The
actual surveys that the students received are under this graph.

Scale: 5 to 1
Student #1 Student# 2 Student #3
How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now?
=2 =3 =1

How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to
Relax? Relax? Relax?
=4 =5 =5

Student #4 Student #5 Student #6

How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now?
=1 =3 =2
How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to
Relax? Relax? Relax?
=4 =5 =5

Student #7 Student #8 Student #9

How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now?
=2 =1 =4

How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to
Relax? Relax? Relax?
=5 =5 =5

Student #10 Student #11 Student #12

How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now? How do you feel right now?
=2 =4 =2

How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to How do you feel after Time to
Relax? Relax? Relax?
=4 =4 =5

Student #13
How do you feel right now?

How do you feel after Time to


User Experience Map Link:

Implementation Phase

Time to Relax Overview: These five lesson plans serve as a guide for Tk-2nd grade teachers to
follow (even though they list 2nd grade as the grade level). The resources in Time to Relax are
intended for teachers to incorporate in their classrooms to help themselves and their students de-
stress. The teachers could choose to incorporate any portion of the videos and/or sample lesson
plans on music, yoga, and meditation within and among lesson periods to calm the classroom
down and help the students focus. Time to Relax is also meant to benefit experienced and novice
teachers by helping them de-stress within their classroom environment because the teachers can
also participate in listening to calm music, participating in yoga, and meditating alongside the
students. Overall, the goal of these lesson plans is to help teachers incorporate music, yoga, and
meditation in classrooms to help lower stress levels and create a more positive environment.

Content/materials: The lesson plans will include the following materials: Speakers (can be the
laptop’s speakers or supplemental speakers connected to laptop), computer or laptop with access
to Internet, small pillows, a carpet area, and a “How I Feel” Journal (for each student & teacher).

Topics: Music, Yoga, and Meditation

Schedule: These lesson plans were tailored to be used after the students have lunch, but they can
be used whenever teachers would like to use them. The teachers should be consistent and use
them around the same time every day. Most lessons range from 25 to 35 minutes long.

Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes will be measured for both the students and the
teachers. Students will write in their “How I Feel” journals daily, and complete a Friday
reflection. Teachers should also write in their own “How I Feel” journal so they can review it
and monitor how they have been doing themselves. Teachers can use a weekly grading rubric to
check if the students filled out their journals and to monitor how students have been feeling.
Measurement of outcomes for teachers includes a questionnaire to self assess how they have
been feeling. The questionnaire includes questions on whether Time To Relax helped them feel
more calm, whether they have noticed any differences in their classroom environment overall,
and it asks teachers to reflect on their journals and think of improvements they can make to
handle stress better. The learning outcomes are based on self-reports from students and teachers.

Possible Issues:
1. What are the potential issues/barriers for teachers? Describe the barriers and how to solve
○ A potential barrier for teacher is that they might struggle with participating in the
Time to Relax activities themselves. For example, some teachers might feel like
they have to constantly oversee the classroom and keep an eye on what every
student is doing.
■ To solve this and feel more comfortable with the idea of participating in
the activities, teachers should spend time going over expectations and
procedures with their students. Teachers could also walk around the
classroom and monitor students for the first few days when they start
using Time to Relax, and then eventually start partaking in the activities
○ Another potential issue is that teachers might not have enough available space
needed to do the activities in their classrooms.
■ To solve this issue, teachers might have to rearrange their classroom. They
could also get into a routine with their students of moving around desks to
make room. They could also create an actual area in their classroom
dedicated to using Time to Relax and engaging in the activities.

2. Do the teachers have access to the technological devices needed to utilize Time to Relax?
○ Teachers should have access to a computer or laptops at their schools. If they do
not have a computer or laptop, they should be able to borrow one from their
school’s library if that is an option. Teachers could also use an iPad to access
Time to Relax.
○ Teachers also need a projector and projection board (or a blank white area in
classroom) so that the yoga and meditation videos can be displayed for the
students. If teachers do not have a projector or projection board, they could use a
television if they have access to one in their classroom. They could use SMART
boards or other technological devices such as Promethean ActivBoards.

3. What about the students’ skill levels? Is there a big diversity among the learners’ skill
levels? How to place the instruction to address all their needs?
○ The activities in Time to Relax are listening to music, doing yoga, and meditating.
The lesson plans focus on 2nd graders, but they can be used for other grade levels
as well. Most students should be able to partake in Time to Relax because the
activities are tailored towards young children. However, there may be a big
diversity in learners’ skill levels, such as students having learning disabilities,
physical disabilities, or having a hard time staying focused. To address their
needs, instruction could be given at a slower pace and modifications can be made,
which are discussed below.
○ Yoga may require students to have certain gross motor skills such as having good
balance and coordination, strength, and body awareness. If students have weaker
gross motor skills, they may have a hard time doing the poses and may fall. To
address this matter, the teacher can help motivate students to do as much as they
can and modify the poses. Teachers can also modify poses for students who have
physical disabilities and if the students have IEPs, they can also work with the
IEP team to figure out how to accommodate the students in the best way.
○ Meditation requires students to be able to regulate and control their attention and
focus on the present moment. Students might struggle with mindfulness and it
may take them a while to learn how to focus on the moment. Students who are
unable to focus on meditating and become distracted may need accomodations,
such as being given sensory tools. Possible sensory tools that teachers can use are
manipulatives or fidget toys that students can hold onto while meditating.
Example of a fidget toy:

4. What might teachers need to teach their students before utilizing Time to Relax?
○ Teachers might have to go over expectations with their students before using
Time to Relax. Students need to know that they should be focused, quiet, and
calm during Time to Relax, instead of being off-task, which can be a distraction
for everyone. The activities in Time to Relax will only benefit the students if they
actively participate in them, so it will be important for students to know how they
should behave during Time to Relax.
○ Teachers might also have to practice the procedures for using Time to Relax, such
as practicing finding a spot to sit at when the teachers says “find a spot.” By
making their students aware of the expectations and practicing the procedures, the
students will be able to use Time to Relax effectively. Teachers may have to
review the expectations and procedures as needed, depending on how their
students perform.

5. What might teachers need to do before utilizing Time to Relax for the first time?
○ Teachers should familiarize themselves with the Time to Relax website so that
they know how to navigate the website. They can also bookmark the website to
make it easier to access it quickly in class. They should also know how to connect
their laptop to a projector and know how to turn their laptop’s sound on.

Lesson Plan 1

Goal Students should feel more calm and relaxed after participating
in this activity.

Grade Level 2nd

Class Size 22 students

Time Frame 25-30 minutes

Subject Music & Physical Education (Stretching)

Technological Source

Materials Needed Speakers (Can be the laptop’s speakers or supplemental

speakers connected to laptop)
Laptop with access to Internet
Small Pillows
Carpet Area
“How I Feel” Journal (for each student & teacher)


Notes: Some students may have a hard time getting settled into doing
the activity. If students are having a hard time focusing, ask
them if they would like to move closer to the board or move to
a different place in the room.


Sequence of Events: Step by Step Activity:

(After Lunch- Optional)
Step 1: Ask students to get out their “How I Feel” Journals,
turn to today’s date, and mark how they currently feel. The
students can write notes in the “Notes” section if they want to.
Ask students to leave their journals on their desks.

Step 2: Ask students to find a seat and get comfortable.

(Students will have options of sitting at their desks, sitting on
the carpet, or laying down on the carpet.)

Step 3: While the students are finding their spots, turn on the
projector, turn on the laptop, open an internet browser, and go
(Integration of
to the Time to Relax website:
Technological Tool:)
Step 4: On the homepage of Time To Relax there will be four
categories to choose from: Music, Yoga, Meditation and,
Lesson Plans. Please select Music.

Yoga: Will have yoga videos.

Meditation: Will have meditation videos.
Music: Will have calming instrumental video.
Lesson Plans: Will include this lesson plan as well as
other lesson plans. These lesson plans will incorporate the
use of the website (Time to Relax).

Step 5: Click on the Music tab and find the “Deep Relax
Music for Children” video. Make sure the speakers & sound
are on.

Step 6: Slowly start counting down from 10 to 1, which is a

cue to the students that they need to quietly find a spot if they
have not already. Dim the lights in the classroom and tell the
students to close their eyes and rest their heads on their desks,
in their hands, or on the pillows on the ground.
Step 7: Start the video by pressing the Play button.

Step 8: Soothingly tell the students to focus on their breathing,

the music, and let their minds and bodies relax. Take a seat and
observe the students, but also focus on your own breathing, the
music, and letting your body relax.
Step 9: At the 18 minute mark of the video, pause the video.
Then tell the students to slowly open their eyes and stretch a
little bit. You can lead the students on some simple stretching
such as stretching arms across chest and stretching arms above
head or let the students stretch by themselves. The stretching
can last 2-3 minutes. Some sample stretches are:

Self-Assessment Step 10: Ask students to open their “How I Feel” Journals and
turn to today’s date. The students will fill out how they feel
now and write additional notes if they would like to.
Step 11: While the students are filling this out, assess how you
are feeling on your own “How I Feel” journal.
Step 12: After 3-5 minutes, ask students to put away their
*On Fridays, ask students to write a small reflection on how
they think they did during the week with controlling their
emotions and staying calm, what they like best about Time to
Relax, and how they can improve at staying calm & focused.*

Closure Step 13: Thank the students for being wonderful and for
participating in the activity. Remind students to be kind to one

Lesson Plan 2

Goal Students should feel more calm and relaxed after participating
in this activity. Additionally, students should become more
familiar with some yoga exercises they can engage in to de-

Grade Level 2nd

Class Size 22 students

Time Frame 25-30 minutes

Subject Yoga

Technological Source

Materials Needed Speakers (Can be the laptop’s speakers or supplemental

speakers connected to laptop)
Laptop with access to Internet
Projector & Projection Board
“How I Feel” Journal (for each student & teacher)


Notes: Some students may have a hard time getting settled into doing
the activity. If students are having a hard time focusing, ask
them if they would like to move closer to the board or move to
a different place in the room.


Sequence of Events: Step by Step Activity:

(After Lunch- Optional)
Step 1: Ask students to get out their “How I Feel” Journals,
turn to today’s date, and mark how they currently feel. The
students can write notes in the “Notes” section if they want to.
Ask students to leave their journals on their desks.

Step 2: Ask students to find a spot to stand in front of the

projection board. Have them spread out and be at least an
arms length away from one another.

Step 3: While students are writing in their journals and

finding their spots, make sure the projection board is on, that
your computer has a internet connection, sound is on, and
computer has a sufficient amount of battery.

Step 4: Open a internet browser such as Safari, Firefox, or

Google Chrome.
(Integration of
Technological Tool:) Step 5: Go to the Time to Relax website by entering the
website address in the top browser bar:

Step 6: On the homepage of Time To Relax there will be four

categories to choose from Music, Yoga, Meditation and,
Lesson Plans. Please select Yoga.

Yoga: Will have yoga videos.

Meditation: Will have meditation videos.
Music: Will have calming instrumental video.
Lesson Plans: Will include this lesson plan as well as
other lesson plans. These lesson plans will incorporate the
use of the website (Time to Relax).

Step 7: Select the video titled “Frank the Frog, A cosmic

yoga adventure!”

Step 8: Slowly start counting down from 10 to 1, which is a

cue to the students that they need to quietly find a spot if they
have not already.
Step 9: Press play. The video will then begin to play.

Step 10: Encourage the students to follow along with the

woman in the video. Sit in a place where you can observe the
students, and also engage in the yoga along with the students.
Step 11: At the end of the video (at 17:59), exit out of the

Self-Assessment Step 12: Ask students to open their “How I Feel” Journals
and turn to today’s date. The students will fill out how they
feel now and write additional notes if they would like to.

Step 13: While the students are filling this out, assess how
you are feeling on your own “How I Feel” journal.

Step 14: After 3-5 minutes, ask students to put away their
*On Fridays, ask students to write a small reflection on how
they think they did during the week with controlling their
emotions and staying calm, what they like best about Time to
Relax, and how they can improve at staying calm & focused.*

Closure Step 15: Thank the students for being wonderful and for
participating in the activity. Remind students to be kind to
one another. Encourage students to try to do some yoga on
their own when they feel bad and want to feel better.

Lesson Plan 3

Goal Students should feel more calm and relaxed after participating
in this activity. Additionally, students should become more
familiar with meditating and how to use it to relax.

Grade Level 2nd

Class Size 22 students

Time Frame 30-35 minutes

Subject Meditation

Technological Source

Materials Needed Speakers (Can be the laptop’s speakers or supplemental

speakers connected to laptop)
Laptop with access to Internet
Projector & Projection Board
“How I Feel” Journals (for each student)


Notes: Some students may have a hard time getting settled into doing
the activity. If students are having a hard time focusing, ask
them if they would like to move closer to the board or move to
a different place in the room.


Sequence of Events: Step by Step Activity:

(After Lunch- Optional)
Step 1: Ask students to get out their “How I Feel” Journals,
turn to today’s date, and mark how they currently feel. The
students can write notes in the “Notes” section if they want to.
Ask students to leave their journals on their desks.

Step 2: Ask students to find a spot to stand in front of the

projection board. Have them spread out and be at least an arms
length away from one another.

Step 3: While the students are finding their spots, turn on the
projector, turn on the laptop, make sure the sound is on, open
(Integration of
an internet browser, and go to the Time to Relax website:
Technological Tool:)

Step 4: On the homepage of Time To Relax there will be four

categories to choose from Music, Yoga, Meditation and,
Lesson Plans. Please select Meditation.
Yoga: Will have yoga videos.
Meditation: Will have meditation videos.
Music: Will have calming instrumental video.
Lesson Plans: Will include this lesson plan as well as
other lesson plans. These lesson plans will incorporate the
use of the website (Time to Relax).

Step 5: Select the video titled “Guided Meditation for Children:


Step 6: Slowly start counting down from 10 to 1, which is a cue

to the students that they need to quietly find a spot if they have
not already.

Step 7: Start the video by pressing the Play button.

Step 8: Encourage the students to follow along with the voice

in the video. Sit in a place where you can observe the students,
and also engage in the meditation along with the students.

Step 9: At the end of the video (at 24:54), exit out of the

Self-Assessment Step 10: Ask students to open their “How I Feel” Journals and
turn to today’s date. The students will fill out how they feel
now and write additional notes if they would like to.

Step 11: While the students are filling this out, assess how you
are feeling on your own “How I Feel” journal.

Step 12: After 3-5 minutes, ask students to put away their

*On Fridays, ask students to write a small reflection on how

they think they did during the week with controlling their
emotions and staying calm, what they like best about Time to
Relax, and how they can improve at staying calm & focused.*

Closure Step 13: Thank the students for being wonderful and for
participating in the activity. Remind students to be kind to one
another. Encourage students to try to meditate on their own
when they feel bad and want to feel better.
Lesson Plan 4

Goal Students should feel more calm and relaxed after participating
in this activity. Additionally, students should become more
familiar with meditating and how to use it to relax.

Grade Level 2nd

Class Size 22 students

Time Frame 25-30 minutes

Subject Meditation

Technological Source

Materials Needed Speakers (Can be the laptop’s speakers or supplemental

speakers connected to laptop)
Laptop with access to Internet
Projector & Projection Board
“How I Feel” Journals


Notes: Some students may have a hard time getting settled into doing
the activity. If students are having a hard time focusing, ask
them if they would like to move closer to the board or move to
a different place in the room.


Sequence of Events: Step by Step Activity:

(After Lunch- Optional)
Step 1: Ask students to get out their “How I Feel” Journals,
turn to today’s date, and mark how they currently feel. The
students can write notes in the “Notes” section if they want to.
Ask students to leave their journals on their desks.

Step 2: Ask students to find a spot to stand in front of the

projection board. Have them spread out and be at least an arms
length away from one another.
(Integration of Step 3: While the students are finding their spots, turn on the
Technological Tool:) projector, turn on the laptop, make sure the sound is on, open
an internet browser, and go to the Time to Relax website:

Step 4: On the homepage of Time To Relax there will be four

categories to choose from Music, Yoga, Meditation and,
Lesson Plans. Please select Meditation.

Yoga: Will have yoga videos.

Meditation: Will have meditation videos.
Music: Will have calming instrumental video.
Lesson Plans: Will include this lesson plan as well as
other lesson plans. These lesson plans will incorporate the
use of the website (Time to Relax).

Step 5: Select the video titled “Guided Meditation for Children:


Step 6: Slowly start counting down from 10 to 1, which is a cue

to the students that they need to quietly find a spot if they have
not already.

Step 7: Start the video by pressing the Play button.

Step 8: Encourage the students to follow along with the voice in

the video. Sit in a place where you can observe the students, and
also engage in the meditation along with the students.

Step 9: At the end of the video (at 21:35), exit out of the

Self-Assessment Step 10: Ask students to open their “How I Feel” Journals and
turn to today’s date. The students will fill out how they feel
now and write additional notes if they would like to.
Step 11: While the students are filling this out, assess how you
are feeling on your own “How I Feel” journal.

Step 12: After 3-5 minutes, ask students to put away their
*On Fridays, ask students to write a small reflection on how
they think they did during the week with controlling their
emotions and staying calm, what they like best about Time to
Relax, and how they can improve at staying calm & focused.*

Closure Step 13: Thank the students for being wonderful and for
participating in the activity. Remind students to be kind to one
another. Encourage students to try to meditate on their own
when they feel bad and want to feel better.

Lesson Plan 5

Goal Students should feel more calm and relaxed after participating
in this activity.

Grade Level 2nd

Class Size 22 students

Time Frame 25-30 minutes

Subject Music & Physical Education (Stretching)

Technological Source

Materials Needed Speakers (Can be the laptop’s speakers or supplemental

speakers connected to laptop)
Laptop with access to Internet
Small Pillows
Carpet Area
“How I Feel” Journals (for each student)


Notes: Some students may have a hard time getting settled into doing
the activity. If students are having a hard time focusing, ask
them if they would like to move closer to the board or move to
a different place in the room.


Sequence of Events: Step by Step Activity:

(After Lunch- Optional)
Step 1: Ask students to get out their “How I Feel” Journals,
turn to today’s date, and mark how they currently feel. The
students can write notes in the “Notes” section if they want to.
Ask students to leave their journals on their desks.

Step 2: Ask students to find a seat and get comfortable.

(Students will have options of sitting at their desks, sitting on
the carpet, or laying down on the carpet.)

Step 3: While the students are finding their spots, turn on the
(Integration of
projector, turn on the laptop, make sure the sound is on, open
Technological Tool:)
an internet browser, and go to the Time to Relax website:

Step 4: On the homepage of Time To Relax there will be four

categories to choose from: Music, Yoga, Meditation and,
Lesson Plans. Please select Music.

Yoga: Will have yoga videos.

Meditation: Will have meditation videos.
Music: Will have calming instrumental video.
Lesson Plans: Will include this lesson plan as well as
other lesson plans. These lesson plans will incorporate the
use of the website (Time to Relax).
Step 5: Click on the Music tab and find the “ “Morning
Relaxing Music- Happy Background Music for Children”

Step 6: Slowly start counting down from 10 to 1, which is a

cue to the students that they need to quietly find a spot if they
have not already. Dim the lights in the classroom and tell the
students to close their eyes and rest their heads on their desks,
in their hands, or on the pillows on the ground.
Step 7: Start the video by pressing the Play button.

Step 8: Soothingly tell the students to focus on their breathing,

the music, and let their minds and bodies relax. Take a seat and
observe the students, but also focus on your own breathing, the
music, and letting your body relax.
Step 9: At the 18 minute mark of the video, pause the video.
Then tell the students to slowly open their eyes and stretch a
little bit. You can lead the students on some simple stretching
such as stretching arms across chest and stretching arms above
head or let the students stretch by themselves. The stretching
can last 2-3 minutes. Some sample stretches are:

Self-Assessment Step 10: Ask students to open their “How I Feel” Journals and
turn to today’s date. The students will fill out how they feel
now and write additional notes if they would like to.

Step 11: While the students are filling this out, assess how you
are feeling on your own “How I Feel” journal.

Step 12: After 3-5 minutes, ask students to put away their

*On Fridays, ask students to write a small reflection on how

they think they did during the week with controlling their
emotions and staying calm, what they like best about Time to
Relax, and how they can improve at staying calm & focused.*

Closure Step 13: Thank the students for being wonderful and for
participating in the activity. Remind students to be kind to one


Notebook Picture Source:

Measuring Learning Outcomes



For students to receive these For students to receive these For students to receive these
points they need to: points they need to: points they need to:
● Fill in all sections for ● Fill in all sections for ● Fill in all sections for
5-4 days in journal 3-2 days in journal 1-0 days in journal
● Complete all sections ● Complete some ● Complete no sections
of the Friday sections of the Friday of the Friday
Reflection Reflection Reflection

*After reviewing the student’s journals, teachers can take note of how their students have been
doing. For example, have the students been feeling more happy immediately after participating
in Time to Relax. Over a longer time span, such as a month, have students been feeling happier
overall and have they been reporting that they are staying calm more often.*

1. How many days out of the week were you able to fill out the “How I Feel” Journal? Do
you notice any patterns in how you have been feeling? If so, what is the pattern?

2. Were you able to actively engage in Time to Relax? If not, why?


3. Does participating in Time to Relax help you feel less stressed and more calm?

4. Have you noticed any differences in how you are in your classroom? (e.g. emotionally)

5. What improvements in self-regulating and handling stress would you like to make?

6. When observing your students, have you noticed any changes in behavior?

7. Have you noticed any difference in the classroom environment over time after utilizing
Time to Relax? If so, are the changes positive or negative?

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